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  • Cat vanished in the middle of the night about a week ago, by which I mean, went to sleep at 1am with him asleep on the couch in the living room, woke up at 6am to feed the beasts to a feeling of dread as he wasn't in my ear purring loudly, just managed to convince myself today I'd likely never see him again.
    only to get information on his location an hour ago, he's currently, a little thinner, dirty and purring his heart out on my lap, life isn't also cancer <3
    Has a Sad, Cat got hit by a car... why does this feel familiar >.<
    • Like
    Reactions: Guardian Box
    Guardian Box
    Guardian Box
    You were hit by a car in you previous life and got isekai'ed into your current fantastic life as a result. That's why it feels familiar
    Guardian Box
    Guardian Box
    Seriously though, my condolences for your loss. Cats are great and I love the little critters, best of wishes to you and I hope you can get over it my friend.
    ...who struck an iron wall until it shattered her hand.
    She did not stop, though cracks spread throughout her bones.
    She did not stop, though blood sprayed her eyes.
    She did not stop until she shattered the wall.
    "Survival is fury," she said.
    (Gorol had a very creative mind.)

    Just noticed your profile post, and I can't help but to add a Sutra. And what's more badass than one made for carnage and slaughter.

    (I read many of your posts. On Waifu Catalogue Thread. And I gotta say, I kinda like many of it.)
    Amusingly that is exactly the Sutra I was thinking of when I picked that little blurb for my profile quote, way back when Alexander was running is DxD Exalted Quest
    Where are the quotes in your sig from?

    (Minus the first since the source for that one is still visible a bit lower.)
    The second is from another fic on the forum that the first came from I believe, the last, fucked if I know I think I found it in someone else's, I've used these for I think almost a decade now? something like that

    looking it up it seems it's a quote from Rudyard Kipling, so that's something new to learn
    Thought for the day, it doesn't matter how fun or interesting a game is, if the player base is filled with assholes it's not worth playing
    Age of Wushu taught me this lesson again when I reinstalled it out of nostalgia a few days ago...
    Amen to that. So many games get ruined by the players...
    "You wanted final words, Gilligan. Here you go," with a burst of mana, the wound closed entirely. "I am the lock. I am the key. The Gates are closed. Don't fuck with me!" ~LANCER/Griever

    Curious now, what is this from?
    So, it's probably unlikely for me to get any feedback without either starting conversations 1 person at a time, or making an attractive forum thread that's as enticicing as can be?
    Is my status an important factor when it comes to this?
    • Like
    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    I have no idea, I do know it shows up in other people's Information Tab rather than your own *can't really talk to yourself and all that.*

    the only other place I know where it shows itself is clicking on someone else's name, and the popup should have Start Conversation right beside the link to that person's profile page
    Do you know how I can invite other people to chat here?
    • Like
    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    click on their username, there should be a 'start conversation' header, click on that, I believe you can add people to it as well using their username

    Edit: Also, go to the members site, like here, go to the information tab, and at the bottom should be a 'start conversation' header as well
    Super Minor Question...why do you use * * instead ( ) for asides? IE, in my quest, you said *as close as Bretonnia ever gets anyways* instead of (as close as Bretonnia ever gets anyways). Just curious, first time I'd seen it done that way. (Also, the -actual- closest thing Bretonnia gets to Light Cavalry are Mounted Yeomen (Who are lightly armored cavalry with spears, shields, and bows).
    Habit more then anything, I think it comes from an old MUD I used to play which had ** act as a short cut for think/emote. sorry for the delay, missed the alert for this and kinda sorta only just checked back on my profile /laugh
    Be willing to do me a favor and report that guy for his blatant offensive trolling? It's insulting, especially after the work I did that got us this blessing, and his complete lack of contribution to the quest.
    I already did, but I'm hoping two might get the mods' attention faster.
    You know, I just realized that I have the exact same picture sitting somewhere on my computer. I think I even used it as an avatar on some site. lol...
    Heh God I don't know where I found this picture, but it was I think at least 10 years and 4 computers ago though, but yeah it's always been a favorite, much as Saturn-chan has ^^;
    I always thought your picture was some kind of skull-death thing until I looked at it closely today. lol
    Huh, I guess if you just glance at her she does kinda look that way /laugh ^^;
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