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  • Hey, man, so how's things looking with Sour Lemons? Really love that fic, and hoping you return to it again.
    I don't plan to at the moment. I really want to get Bitter Pill to the end I have planned for it so it exists as a complete fic. Sour lemons runs into the problem I had with my early fics in that I failed to plan the end before starting and this stalled out when I got lost.
    The goal was to give him a chance to render a fair judgement(it's never about what he will do). I do not understand this attitude of caving into authority, or popular opinion on matters of truth and justice. I really don't...

    PS. He did give a satisfactory explanation of what he meant, and I accepted my bonk.
    I get that you want to deflect, but when a mod comes into a thread with color text to say stop, you stop. You don't argue or explain. It's not an infraction you should or need to debate. The point is to return the thread to the correct topic with minimal fuss.
    I didn't deflect, I contested/questioned the claim. And when he explained what he actually meant, I aquiesced. So I don't put anyone on such a piedestal, I don't think that's healthy in any sense. On the face of it, I did not deserve the blame he seemingly put on me. But what he explained, I did deserve a bonk for.
    In short, I questioned, and asked for a clarification. And I got it. And I'd encourage anyone being judged to do the same, if the accusations seem inaccurate(as his indeed was, since he meant something else). Never let baseless accusations stand uncontested.
    A book for Godson is very enjoyable, but wow, what a mess.

    Particularly though, i like how your butterflies matter. Like a derailing train, but without the confusion non-cannon addins and bad tropes of most authors with the balls to go off script.
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    57 pff, Ino was totally ready to beat Dosu. Without his team, she could easily beat him. Possess, break gauntlet, hold knife to throat, tell proctor he surrenders.
    Why go with "you can't push or pull water chakra"? Because it's what everybody else does?
    So uh. Hiatus again? :)
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    Obliviated fan
    I can't speak for other readers, but personally, I'd rather an author just keep writing until they can post in order than put up placeholders between content and come back to replace them later. I'd prefer to do it as an author as well, to be honest.

    However, it's up to you what you do. Good luck with work and stuff!
    The problem I am realizing is that I have realized that my natural tendency is to add a LOT of plot points I really don't need to add for the central story. One of the things that I plan to do once I finish is go back through and edit to streamline the plot and cut it down to the core so I can focus in on the plot points that really matter.
    Obliviated fan
    That might not be necessary - they might add to the worldbuilding instead, which is usually a good thing. Depends on how you put them in, I guess.
    Any chance of your quest here being continued on a longer-term basis?
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    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    Game mechanics are difficult to create and balance and all that, yeah. You could always go for a purely narrative quest style, though. Ie, no mechanics, people simply vote for character actions and you decide on the outcome and write.
    If you don't want to continue the quest, though... well, I'm gonna admit that I'd be disappointed, but I'll respect your decision. As I already said - and my continued asking about it probably indicates - I found it very promising and enjoyable. =)
    Good luck with your new story; might take a look at it later!
    If I do continue it it will likely be in the format of creative writing with user inputs. No votes, but an author who reads the posts and has the story react.

    I'ma do this naruto thing first. I am more than halfway done with it and I want to reach a solid stopping point rather than devide my attention and lose focus.
    Merry Christmas!
    Hope you and your daughter are doing well and are enjoying the holidays. =)
    Ugg. All of us are sick. Me, my wife, AND the baby.

    I am not sure when I will be able to write. Honestly I am finding it hard to write smut with a baby on my lap. I will post if I find a time and mood, but for now I just don't have it.
    Damn. Really sorry to hear that. I hope it's nothing too seriously, at least?
    And yeah, I can imagine writing smut with a baby on the lap or nearby to be a bit awkward, to say the least.
    Maybe focus on the story first and going "fade to black" for the smut scenes, filling those in later as you find the time?

    Though, obviously, your first priority should be to get better, and your family as well. So, get well, soon! =)
    Saw your new quest. Does it mean you'll also go back to writing the Dragon King Quest?
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    Ah. Yeah, that sounds like bureaucratic nonsense of the first order.
    Hope you went and turned those two weeks into a vacation of a sort, then. No need to let some office sitters ruin such an occasion. =)
    So, how's things? Adoption went through okay?
    How ya doing? Chance of the quest being continued? Perhaps next year after all the Christmas and New Year's hubbub is over?
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