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  • [Re: necros and recommendation in the Rule 7 thread]
    In case you were unaware, we do have a general-purpose recommendations thread. I would recommend batching up requests if you have a lot of them, such as "I liked this and this and this, suggestions for anything similar?"
    We also have some topical threads if those end up appropriate.
    Seriously, you just forgot the last time that a mod swooped in and warned against speculation, and said how it would be punished harshly, even though we had even a profile discussion about it the last time too?
    • Like
    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    ...On second thought, it's so cold out that I'm probably not even going to make it *to* the relevant window. I didn't think of that until I've already written the previous comment.

    I apologize for my apparent inability to even hypothetically get rid of my apparently malevolent life. I hope that some day I'll manage to figure it out more properly.
    Elitist Oars
    Elitist Oars
    Look, that you annoyed me slightly on a forum thread, or that I felt you and Aoinfinity acted in a somewhat bad-mannered way, hardly justifies such an extreme reaction as you suggest.

    Take care, man, and don't take my opinion that seriously. People upset people on the internet, this is inevitable.
    If that helps, I typically get over my outbursts quickly enough that it almost never blows out into much in reality. I think I'm already almost back to normal happy.

    (That said, those chapters *did* remind me of Sheckley, and with Sheckley supposed to be dead, I *am* at least 99% confident that he didn't actually write them.)
    Can you just delete the paragraph of continued discussion of the theory from your post instead of liking my own response? The whole point is to remove/reduce speculation, as the author doesn't want speculation, not to draw attention to it.
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    I was planning to delete it if I saw Indophenol and/or Groon delete their part (and/or got a comment from one of them to that effect), and tried my best to keep it maximally generic otherwise.

    In retrospect, I should have realized that both of them are likely to be sleeping right now (and thus no responses should be expected for the next several hours). Not sure what I should do in view of that.
    I ended up being AFK for long enough to have a mod snip the relevant part of my message anyway.
    Rule 5 Breach: Play stupid games, win stupider prizes.
    You made a good argument on the Fallout 4 story thread. Sorry that the moderator was such a dick. I called him out for it on his profile, and will probably get banned for it, but I really don't care. This site hasn't impressed me much since I joined, and he's a big part of the failure.
    I've discussed this extensively with the same moderator in PMs; TL/DR is that the feature in question apparently costs money, and the one person who could have installed it is too busy and/or too broke for that.

    In particular, said moderator confirmed that they would have done it themselves if they were able to (which, as mentioned, they are not).
    I've been reading porn since the late 2000s, and yet, somehow, until today, I've been at least 90% sure that "poon" meant "penis".
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