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  • Loved Little Master, the educator scene was amazing! I wanted to ask -because ao3 really is a mis-tagged hell- do you have any suggestions for watersports stories? Or with slave training, sorry, educating?
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    Reactions: cogi234 and Kraotop
    Sorry for the lateness. Issues with my alerts.

    For recs. ThreadNecromancer in general. Great snippets. His Cauldron story is fun although pretty dark.
    EmeraldCube's Dealmaker too. Humiliation and mindcontrol. Very fun.

    Not much with watersports sorry. If you have recs send them to me. I'm sure I would love them.
    Really enjoying your ongoing quest, but noticed you were the guy that wrote Little Master - another work I really liked. Are there any plans to continue that anytime soon?
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    Reactions: cogi234
    I liked little Master's concept but once I got more into the plot I realised it had in its premise several characteristics that made it hard to work with. To be honest I believe it was beyond my skill as a writer to work past them.

    I think I'll give it another shot once I'm done with this quest. I don't want to have two projects running at the same time.
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