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  • *much bleated requested poke re: NWP*
    (For reference: for Christmas 2021, I got a call from my aunt saying that my father had passed away in his sleep. This was a sharp, but generally manageable and brief, emotional shock, and a very, *very* long financial and bureaucratic shock. Which I'm *almost* done dealing with. But it did my writing no good at all.)
    It's still this thing that I pull up on my computer every so often and ask myself, "Where does this go now?" That I was mostly writing this in 2020 doesn't really quite compute.
    Erm, yes. Belated. My condolences about your father. Hope you're back to writing soon.
    I take it NWP is dead?
    • Like
    Reactions: macdjord
    It's pinin' for the fjords. [/python]

    Seriously, it's still on my list of things to write, but I've had two or three things slip in in front and my writing time has been taken up with finishing the semester (done) and being really really sick (hopefully also done!)
    I'm going to try to get a better schedule of things done over the summer. If you see new posts on my Lewd Dungeon Master snippets in the CYOA thread, or possibly the R34 Kuroinu story that's been nibbling at my brain in a new thread, you'll know I'm actually writing stuff rather than just procrastinating.

    ...still, I think the earliest there can be more New Worm Plus is mid-June or so.
    For the record: not procrastinating (much). Dealing with RL issues and semi-continuous Internet outages.
    Hello! Please avoid freezing to death :(
    You'll be glad to know that I have successfully avoided doing that!

    ...you'll be less glad to know that it's interrupted my writing schedule again, since I was without power for about 60+ hours and I now need to catch up on schoolwork while being eaten by Stellaris. But oh well.

    (Some day *soon* I will have solved my RL problems to a significant degree and start evicting plotbunnies from my head again!)
    NW+ update soon plz?

    Keep poking me! It's on my to-do list and its way up there, but I'm trying to get this other update out first!

    More seriously, I need to get out of the post-Thanksgiving doldrums. So keep poking and all.
    Hiya...enjoying New Worm Plus so far. Please, sir, may I have some more?
    • Like
    Reactions: macdjord
    ....this may very well happen. Apparently people really like it. :p Who knew?

    Anyway, I wouldn't expect anything for a week or so. As mentioned below, I've got part of a chapter written and I know roughly where I'm going, but I'm trying to pound out a chapter for a different story I've got on here first. So.

    (On the plus side, my Terraria-playing is down... :D )
    Binged New Worm Plus, was pretty good.
    • Like
    Reactions: macdjord
    Thanks. I've got another 1/3 of a chapter or so written - I might actually get around to writing enough to post.

    Or I might go play Terraria again. The vidya, it beckons...
    *Ceiling Drop Spidery Cuddles.* Still doing good there Nemo?
    • Like
    Reactions: Twei and hillo315
    Reasonably. Been a little busy, though, and my latest attempt at college enrollment fell through due to coronavirus shenanigans. (Admittedly, partly because I'd *assumed* shenanigans and waited until the last minute to know what they were actually doing, whereas they were well-prepared with only half the normal class size, but...)
    *Surprise Spidery Snuggles.* How is Nemo this week?
    Have been doing some writing this week, but I also went up to see my brother. And ended up spending a surprising amount of my time there putting bookshelves together and/or napping.
    "Aegis Taylor with all the wrong attributes"
    I can't help but think of Roy from Order of the Stick, tbh. (If you don't know who that is: D&D Fighter but he's the only person in the party who's got half a brain, everyone else is some manner of dumb)
    This is a surprisingly apt description of Roy. (haven't been keeping up with the latest but I love the strip)
    • Like
    Reactions: Twei
    *Surprise Ceiling Drop Spidery Glomping.*
    Hello, Ms. Ceiling Spider!

    Please do not bring me any plotbunnies, I have too many right now.

    I take it you once more have computer?
    No I do not yet have a new comp. Been trying to save up still. Roomie just finally get to back to work so I should have some disposable income for one soon.
    *Surprise Spidery Snuggles.* Been doing OK with everything over in your end of the world?
    NWP update soon?
    Possibly. I'm fairly busy at the moment and videogames are still eating up my spare time, but I haven't forgotten about it.
    How's the next New Worm Plus update coming?
    Was stuck on a specific spot for a bit. (Also playing too many videogames.) Should be done in a day or two.
    Nope it was Blood and Magic. That said the games came in a set of 4 disks.
    I think we got different sets there. Oh well. The Blood and Magic game was pretty good after you got through all of the story quests. Also *Gives Spidery Snuggles.*
    Ooh, more spider-snuggles!
    Of course. Everyone needs more Snuggles. Of course the fact that it also forces a two-way emotional bond is only an upside right?
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