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  • In your sig, that roll for sleep, what quest was that?
    Used to have the QQ IRC chat open during evenings, so I would use its diceroller to roll for sleep quality before going to bed.
    Was it accurate?
    Y u no liek my Quest? :( Did I, sadly, manage to lose your interest?
    (Well, I've noticed you were a lot more active in MGS before, and I wondered if I did something to drive you away)
    • Like
    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    DIdn't lose interest, was just a bit busy recently, so for the most part I've only been reading up on quests in between other stuff.
    I'm somewhat reluctant to throw votes around when I can't really get involved in the process.
    Bre Karn
    Bre Karn
    Didn't see you reply until today. Alerts, uh. Well, I hope today's update involves you again ;)
    Anything much going on lately?
    • Like
    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    Ah nice.
    Went back to my roots and thus it's not a faction+ intended quest. Been slightly delaying vote closures due to how spread out people's timeframes are. That and I am also trying to encourage more activity on thread.
    More or less condensed char gen down to 2~3 parts (if counting OP), so the current vote is last part of char gen.
    Well, hopefully that will go well.
    Not sure if I'll manage to drop in before chargen ends though. Getting kind of late over here, will probably be sleeping to midday tomorrow and the rest of the day is somewhat committed to driving my grandmother to visit her sister.
    Yesterday go well? *had updated, char gen over as well.
    o/ how's it been?
    Aside from a bit intimidation at that combat rules section, no issues.
    The setting seems pretty interesting at the very least and it was a refreshing surprise for people to go for the religious faction.
    Sorry about that, the intimidation was unintentional.

    The rules is a revised and modified system/rules from elsewhere that I've adapted then expanded slightly for my purposes.

    I did partake in the quest that made use of the original system, so I can say it's not as bad as its size would indicate.

    I found the Knight vote's count and the lack of /any/ fiancee vote to be interesting.
    ... Now I just need to figure out how to nt image link break....
    How's it going/you've been?
    • Like
    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    And just to confirm, no final/last minute changes? *is going to finally close vote & get update started*
    No changes anymore.
    Still uncertain about the event choice, but I haven't come up with any better ideas either.
    Slowly progressing. Also considering rebooting it to properly switch to scenes instead. Though with using existing votes as basis/core so it's relevant. Or something.
    Sometimes one wonders if all the people posting in NSFW Quests are over 18... either they're young and inexperienced, or sheltered and socially inept. Or both at the same time.
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