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  • The starsector community is an utter shitshow right now.
    Guardian Box
    drama bout a certain mod fork, and the discovery of malicious code that can brick your save if you use that certain mod.
    now all the mods a certain person are considered suspect, with the threads on the official forum closed for the moment.
    Hey, I've been looking at that R63 catalog fic I posted three chapters of and never went back becasue my muse went wild with a fic that's now 20+ chapters.
    I'm just worried about my engagement after almost a year long gap.
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    Reactions: ryuan
    It's still better than mine. I need to find my stride again, and get some stuff done.
    Maybe I could transfer it to my general story/snippets thread since I lack the time?
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    Reactions: ryuan
    Just realized that a wondrous item of Fabricate is the equivalent of a Domain Nanoforge for dungeons and dragons.
    While doing research for my starsector/crossover story, realized the most common source of death was industrial accident while salvaging.
    Next on the list would be "Shipping Disruption: Crew". When you (or a pirate) blows up a convoy carrying crew, they're not recoverable as slaves; they just die. And the "economic unit" of crew is 500, so a convoy that shows up in intel as carrying "4 crew" is 2,000 people. Marines are only 200/economic unit, but they're shipped around more, and likewise die upon the convoy being defeated.
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    Reactions: ryuan
    Oh yeah, also apparently the outskirts of the Sector weren't all lost from the Collapse proper; the First AI War was what knocked the Persean Sector down to just the Core Worlds. One presumes that the Integrated Space Defence System simply slaughtered everyone that fell into its hands.

    (The Persean League's worst black mark is that it took Tri-Tach's side.)
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    Reactions: ryuan
    Ah, my mistake: the unit of crew is also 200, not 500. I misremembered.
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    Reactions: ryuan
    You...did an Return from Isekai Star Sector fic...I am thankful for the inspiration you gave me with the concept of 'Return from Isekai', fellow BR.
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    Reactions: ryuan
    Do you know if UAF got a version that works for the current Star Sector?
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    Reactions: ryuan
    The current uaf mod released should run on the current 0.95.1a-RC6 build.
    Had to kill the links in your signature. They seemed to go somewhere else, or at least an old version as they asked for a login again.
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    Reactions: ryuan
    Thank you, I will check them out. Can I PM you to see if the problem is on your side too?
    Would you recommend Immortal Mortal?
    It's a good story, up until the very end when I want to strangle the author to death, but by that point I'm already too deep.
    It's not bad because it plays the archetypical xianxia cultivation story straight, but it's actually well written until the end. It doesn't feel like fanfiction.
    The flaws in the story are things that are present even in good books, so if you have some time to kill you should read it. Just think about a better ending by yourself when the time comes.
    Where your avatar from?
    It's the image for the "Rescue Rabbit" Yugioh card. You can google it and find several sources and sizes.
    Will you ever continue your supposedly active fanfics ? You know like TDG one. If not please take it to your 'sleeping dragons' tab.
    It would be nice if you someday continued your TDG quest,but I know you can't force a muse and maybe you lost passion for it. It'd nice to see you write something else though.
    Found a neat side skill/cultivation method in Martial Arts Reigns.

    It's called Dragon Blood Arts.

    Just thinking about the Dragon Blood we snagged and Ning'er's Winged Dragon Soul.

    Winged Dragon Soul supposedly gives you x2 cultivation speed to any art, on top of x2 the effect....so yeah, Ning'er can get pretty broken if she gets her hands on the right stuff.
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    Reactions: ryuan
    Dragon Blood Arts first stage out of 13 gives you around 60 to 80 Tons of strength and each stage is x2.

    Yeah, it's considered top tier in the world it comes from.

    Not sure if it'll just boost her to Black Gold Rank 2, because it depends on 'x2 any effect' which could mean Black Gold Rank 1 strength + Black Gold Rank 1 strength, or 'go to Black Gold Rank 2'
    • Like
    Reactions: ryuan
    Let me put this way:

    Black Gold Rank 1 is Str 21 (Gold Rank is 20, normally) and Black Gold Rank 2 is Str 22.

    Technically, Str 42 is double the effect but that basically means she ends up with Fate Star Level Str with just one stage.
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    Reactions: ryuan
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