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The Uninspired

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  • The new FFXIV Expansion has honestly been a letdown as far as the story was concerned. Dungeon bosses and Actual bosses have been way better though.
    I find a quiet awe in the rate that people around here are able to write stories and push them out. I've tried a few times but writing is surprisingly hard. Is it the active discussion that gets y'all motivated or is it something else?
    How the hell do war games even work in Danmachi? I've seen more than a few stories reference keeping the super OC donut steal MC's from being stolen by other gods but it's like... Can't the MC just... Leave if the lose? Like what's actually keeping then there in the new employ? I get that other families could apply pressure but it always just reads as this false thing?
    The Uninspired
    The Uninspired
    Either way, don't mind me. It's 12:30 and I'm doing a big tired rant. I hope anyone reading has a swell day! <3
    I am once again back from having my ankle rolled in very unfortunate ways.

    That having been said. my word. CYOA's are pretty interesting huh. Kinda kicking myself a little bit for not exploring them earlier. Celestial Grimoire recently got updated and I've got an itch to use it. Send help.
    Have you taken a look at infaera's index? A lot of my stories come form ideas generated from CYOAs posted and organized there. Links below if you want to check it out. Word of warning, a lot of them are NSFW and they aren't sorted yet.

    The Uninspired
    The Uninspired
    Can't say I have but now I'm definitely going to, that's for sure! Thanks for sending this my way; in return something that might appeal to you that I found recently too that might appeal! Haha. Love the stories mate, thanks for writing them. Oh its even on the list too. 👀 I blame you for my lack of free time going forward.
    Haven't spent any time practicing how to type since my last message, I need to remedy that. I have however picked up another passing interest in game development.

    Efforts in writing my quest has continued and I think I'll be starting soon.
    Efforts in teaching myself to touch type continue apace; unlearning a decade of habit is proving to be more miserable than I would've thought.

    To anyone who reads this: What do you find more fun? A map, or simple landmark descriptions with no map? I sometimes find a map with points on it makes me less inclined to explore.
    That's my experience with open world games. All I need is landmarks that look interesting and I'll go explore them myself.
    The Uninspired
    The Uninspired
    Yeah I find that pretty amusing about running my ttrpg campaign! My players are way more excited to go explore a random ass mountain I described with a hole through it than any of the places I put on a map. I guess the followup if you'd be willing answer:

    Do you think the same applies to quests written on forums?

    Hope you're having a good day today tho! ^_^
    I like drawing little landmarks on a basic map, so I can think about how all these little places interact.
    A thread that I made has had over fifteen hundred clicks... That's more people that I've ever met face to face in my life I think... whaw
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