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  • Tried searching through the gen qq cyoa and essence threads but didn't find an answer.
    For Essence of the Archmage, how much do you need to "understand" something to learn it? Could I gain a planeswalker spark by playing MTG and reading the books?
    Hi I have questions about some of your essences can you clarify the extent of what you can make your potions do in Mad Doctor. Also Homunculi how strong would they be, what powers they'd have ect.

    For Human Science God how would you create gods and how powerful would they be.
    Triggerhappy Jaberwocky
    Triggerhappy Jaberwocky
    The potions you can make with mad doctor can get pretty powerful, really the biggest limitation is what exactly you wanna make. Homunculi are at minimum better then whatever base template you used to make them maybe even the peak or outright surpassing the natural limitations of the base organism. Gods vary in power but you can make them strong enough to throw down with cosmic scale heavy hitters.
    Hey, quick question for you, what constitutes as "space magic" for your Sci-Fi Meta CYOA?
    I have a question about the Essence Jump chain doc. It's the
    Essence 7 per 100 CP
    Now you may grab any premade Essence for 7 for 100cp. For a single additional 100cp you gain the ability to create the ones you bought at will. Though until your own chain is done or you Spark the ones who drink yours will have to deal with the same limitations.

    Does that mean one purchase is worth 7 essences?
    Triggerhappy Jaberwocky
    Triggerhappy Jaberwocky
    As written it does look like it is 7 per 100cp. But I am not the author of the essence jump, if you want a definite answer I would point you to ask Bluesnowman who made that jump either in the jumpchain thread here on QQ or possibly the Spacebattles jumpchain thread.
    Hi there I'm a New Fan, love the Essesense you made if you are still updating the Essense list can you make an Essence of Disgaea Humans and Demons
    What is the difference between your Essence of Essences and Essence of the Essence by bobtheNORMALguy.
    Triggerhappy Jaberwocky
    Triggerhappy Jaberwocky
    One lets you pass out essences and gives you useful items, the other lets you make whole new essences.
    Hello there, big fan of your work. I had a question about your necromancer CYOA. Does elementism grant one element to use or all? It wasn't really specified in the page.
    Again, huge fan of yours and I hope to see more of your stuff in the future.
    So if I chose Earth, I would get to also control metal, glass, precious stones and metals (even magical ones), minerals, molten rock, and even wood? Do you have any how broken that is? That's the entirety our civilization's achievements and my lich would just control it or even summon it ex nihilo at his discretion. He's basically a one man industrial revolution.
    Triggerhappy Jaberwocky
    Triggerhappy Jaberwocky
    Yep pretty much, just like someone with wind could weave terrifying storms or water could tsunami whole nations if they are a master or their element.
    Yeah, Think I'll stick with Earth. Not only does it let you throw mountains at people and cause continent shattering earthquakes or even terraform planets, But you'd also be given basically limitless utility as you have nigh absolute control the material responsible societal advancement. And that's not even counting other magical powers in your control.

    Thanks again for your time!
    What mech is that, anyways?
    An amusing battletech related thought I've come to regarding to the SF meta cyoa: as long as one restrained themself from buying a tech core or space magic system from a pulpier setting with less restraint in firepower, even sandbox mode would at best tend to make one a more rational cousin to the clanners.
    *Pokes* I saw that stealth update on the Necromancer CYOA, you rascal. I approve.
    Also, might I suggest a branch of flesh sculpting magic? It'd be great for making both hideous abominations /and/ lewdable lackeys.
    I have a question about Essence META CYOA.
    Can you use more than one of the same essence. Example:Essence of Jumpchain gives you 5000 CP to work with. Could you take 2
    Essence of Jumpchain, to get 10000 CP?
    Triggerhappy Jaberwocky
    Triggerhappy Jaberwocky
    Essences don't stack so you'd be stuck with 5000. You are free to use something that changes that like another essence or just get another Meta that lets you manipulate the points like Head Start or Cheaters Chest.
    Hows the rough draft of dxd going?
    Triggerhappy Jaberwocky
    Triggerhappy Jaberwocky
    Been working on and off on it today and so far have gotten to the Grigori (fallen angel faction) origin perks. No descriptions but I have a rough idea how to flesh them out. I might be finished with the draft in a day or two depending on how RL goes.
    cthulhu fartagn
    cthulhu fartagn
    pm me a link when you think youve got the rough draft finished.
    Triggerhappy Jaberwocky
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