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Search results for query: *

  1. Neko Arc

    Fate Jump Order (FGO / Jumpchain)

    You know what, I will never argue against something so awesome. That would be crazy. I'll be honest I chose First Hassan because he is as close to immortal as they will allow a servant to be without actually being immortal. Now I know Sun is a few kinds of immortal but I am not sure that would...
  2. Neko Arc

    Fate Jump Order (FGO / Jumpchain)

    Thank you. I am always happy to hear that someone enjoyed something I wrote. I am very glad for your post. Again, thank you.
  3. Neko Arc

    Fate Jump Order (FGO / Jumpchain)

    That may be true but I originally wrote this for a blue board on 4chan. So I tried to keep my degeneracy in the background for the most part.
  4. Neko Arc

    Fate Jump Order (FGO / Jumpchain)

    Well first thank you for your reply. I was kind of beginning to think I wouldn't get those. As far as the Threadmark, I'll try and figure that out. I am a bit new to posting on this forum. I've never dealt with threadmarks before. Now for the sudden sex change and whatever the hell I was trying...
  5. Neko Arc

    Fate Jump Order (FGO / Jumpchain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 4 “When in Rome”

    Chapter 4 “When in Rome” I was awakened by a soft knock at my door. The first thing I noticed was the squirming on my middle as little Jackie was uncurling herself and Yawning. “Morning Mommy.” she told me with a bright smile. “Morning Dear.” I responded then called to whoever was knocking...
  6. Neko Arc

    Fate Jump Order (FGO / Jumpchain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 3 “Mood Whiplash”

    Chapter 3 “Mood Whiplash” When I exited the Coffin I found people already waiting for me, Dr. Roman was waiting looking slightly angered which was an unusual look for his face it didn’t seem to suit him well. Da Vinci waited with her arms crossed looking more disappointed, sort of like...
  7. Neko Arc

    Fate Jump Order (FGO / Jumpchain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 2 “Hello and Good bye for now.”

    Chapter 2 “Hello and Good bye for now.” Slowly I returned to consciousness, My head was on something soft and there was a soft hand caressing my face. I felt a few hot and wet drops of liquid on my face. My eyes flickered open to find Olga Marie. There were tears in here eyes but she was...
  8. Neko Arc

    Fate Jump Order (FGO / Jumpchain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 “Everything goes to hell just as expected.”

    (So I am a bit new to how this forum works. I posted this story on 4chan but figured I might actually get some feedback if I posted it here. Anyways this is a story based on the massive CYOA Jumpchain. So far it is only using the FGO Jump by SkyrimAnon. If people would care for me to elaborate...