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Search results for query: *

  1. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Bah! Thank you for letting me know!

    Bah! Thank you for letting me know!
  2. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the follow!

    Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the follow!
  3. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Hello hello, I just wanted to say thank you all for the support on my stories and such, it...

    Hello hello, I just wanted to say thank you all for the support on my stories and such, it really means quite a lot.
  4. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Hahaha, thank you! And I love yours. How did you come up with it?

    Hahaha, thank you! And I love yours. How did you come up with it?
  5. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Characters, give me your thoughts?

    Thank you for your thoughts. I really do need to come back and update some of these posts as things have changed, but I've just been,well, busy.
  6. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Characters, give me your thoughts?

    Yeah, it's been a looong time since I wrote that and their characters have most certainly changed, I just need to, you know, come and out the changes here now.
  7. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Characters, give me your thoughts?
    Threadmarks: Debate with Nova

    " But why?" " Because! You can't just kill people without a good reason! Even if they are bandits!" " Yes, I can. It's very easy." Synthia lifted up her ax and made a slicing noise while gesturing to the tied up bandit they had against the tree trunk. She then started to count the reasons off...
  8. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Characters, give me your thoughts?
    Threadmarks: Talking at bandits

    Synthia sighed and placed a smile on while she walked through the, admittedly shabby, halls of the castle. For a barbarian she supposed he wasn't too terrible compared to some of the others she had met. He, for one, had a castle with functioning walls, if just barely. 'I'll have to see about...
  9. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    I like your cut G. But honestly? Your picture is smug, and I love it, and so I assume you are...

    I like your cut G. But honestly? Your picture is smug, and I love it, and so I assume you are also smug. Which I like. Hence, a follow. Plus, you know, I just kinda felt like it. So there!
  10. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Going for a Walk (Hellsing Ultimate Abridged/Worm crossover)

    RETURN OF THE HOLY POPE BOX! Coil, was not having a good day. Of course, anyone who was a villain tended to not have a good day in the same city as the Simurgh munching vampire, but today was an odd sort of not good day. It started when he woke up and a man, who claimed to be a priest, had...
  11. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Going for a Walk (Hellsing Ultimate Abridged/Worm crossover)
    Extras: Omake: The Simurgh did not get scared

    The major sighed as he leaned back in his chair, blimp in the air and weapons. He wasn't sure how, but he had ended up in this world alone, fully alive after being shot by Integra. He had found a organization that coincided delightfully with his tastes. That meant they were indeed Nazis. He had...
  12. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Going for a Walk (Hellsing Ultimate Abridged/Worm crossover)
    Extras: Omake: A priest and a Doctor have dinner with the Vampire.

    Omake: A priest and a Doctor have dinner with the Vampire. Taylor grinned like a loon, sitting between her two friends. Emma glared at Amy, bayonet in one hand while a fork was in the other. Amy glared at the girl who held the Judas priest, turning her dinner into a strange sort of smoothie...
  13. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Going for a Walk (Hellsing Ultimate Abridged/Worm crossover)
    Extras: Omake: Madison & Theo

    ...calling themself schrodinger. M: Wait, you dont mean... who are you, really? M: It's Hookwolf. Now, do I have the right damn number or not? M: *Sigh, you do. I'll text you an address. With that unpleasant conversation over, she turned off her phone, turned her head to face Theo, and said...
  14. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Going for a Walk (Hellsing Ultimate Abridged/Worm crossover)
    Extras: Omake: Anderson & Emma

    ...of their gut, blood staining their suit. " Hey, Emma, you know whats good for getting blood stains, along with other kind of stains, out of suits?" The vampire lifted its head enough to reveal- " TAYLOR!? Wait, don't you dare!" " Holy water! Did you miss me!" *Expect more of this too.
  15. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Going for a Walk (Hellsing Ultimate Abridged/Worm crossover)
    Extras: Omake: Cannons and those who love them

    ...went on though, Alucard got more and more insistent about making her do something. The talks became a bit more heated, with threats soon joining. *At one point Taylor got tired of it and " Kidnapped" Amy at one of their lunch meet ups. Why she had brought flowers she had no idea. She tossed...
  16. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Going for a Walk (Hellsing Ultimate Abridged/Worm crossover)
    Extras: Omake: Alucard adopts Taylor

    Wait, I just realized. I can transfer my shit ton of omakes here. Ha. Haha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Edit: The first of many Alucard adopts Taylor Integra found her eye twitching. " Alucard, explain it to me, again." " Alright alright, calm your non existant ti-" " Finish that...
  17. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Characters, give me your thoughts?
    Threadmarks: Synthia grows tired of waiting

    " Are you comfortable? The treats the chefs made for your cats are for your liking I hope." Synthia smiled at the blind girl who was fidgeting in her chair, a cat in her lap. She could not bring herself to keep looking at Synthias unnerving yellow- orange eyes, glancing down to look at the bowl...
  18. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Characters, give me your thoughts?
    Threadmarks: Fey wild major characters

    Fey Queen: Also known as Tiania, she is the twin ruler of the sub dimension called the Fey Wild or the green forest. She enjoys her power and keeps her subjects entertained by attacking the winter court and raiding the middle world. She is a ruler of slavers and murders, who have their own...
  19. Its_a_cauldron_plot!

    Characters, give me your thoughts?
    Threadmarks: Antagonists: Synthias faction

    Synthia: A being called an outsider, Synthia was summoned by a weak warlock and their cult, seeking labor for their camp. She proved to be much more than they were able to contain and quickly devoured them, taking their power and faces for herself. She took to wandering, soon finding Nova and...