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Search results for query: *

  1. Anon-Echo98

    Blood of the Covenant: One Demon Plan, Two Men Laughs (DMC V - Double SI)

    Well, this was an enjoyable binge-read, hoping to see more in the future. Also, can't help but have a mental image of the Geryon fusion resulting in hooves for our umbrella-wielding chap
  2. Anon-Echo98

    Fanfic Search Thread

    Looking for two kinds of fics. Preferably ones with a lot more meat on their bones, and of at least decent quality. 1. Self-Insert fics into Seed or Wing. 2. OC-Inserts from the Build series into a Gundam show. I've already read Eyes in Seed, Plavsky Effect, and Celestial Seed. Don't bother...
  3. Anon-Echo98

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Mmm, I kinda do get a Steel-type vibe, from the thick armor it's rocking. Honestly, a Basilisk-based evo would be cool from a thematic-sense, becoming the King of Snakes, as it were. Unfortunately, Ksilisab doesn't roll off the tongue quite so well.
  4. Anon-Echo98

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Chances are, Gio's not dumb enough to just limit it to Team Rocket, but also have some "unaffiliated" people "discovering" the evolution as well, before TR starts there.
  5. Anon-Echo98

    Ice Pie [SpyxFamily][Si]

    ...Oh yeah, I think I saw those as a kid.
  6. Anon-Echo98

    Ice Pie [SpyxFamily][Si]

    Beyblade, beyblade, let it riiiiiip~! Inb4 actual supernatural magic starts getting attached to those spinning tops, forcing Anya and friends to go on a globe-trotting tournament to stomp out a cabal. :V Though... my brain ain't quite connecting the dots on the Fairy Flier...
  7. Anon-Echo98

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Welp, someone ping me once this despair hour plot has been solved.
  8. Anon-Echo98

    Ice Pie [SpyxFamily][Si]

    inb4 this turns into a Beyblade crossover, with ancient spirits going on to possess the spinning tops :V
  9. Anon-Echo98

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Oh, so you didn't want them to see the truth? :v But Mmmm, yeees baby, time for some sweet, sweet come-uppance on the witch!
  10. Anon-Echo98

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    That ain't the only reason to feel bad her hoer, honey! Mmmmm, time for regicide... Frankly, I would prefer we make it a team-building exercise. We getting persona up in here~? Wait til we get the staff, then you can blast him with all your Love, all your Hatred and all of your Sorrow in a...
  11. Anon-Echo98

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Mmmm, dunno how good of an idea it is to give Khaji an independent body... ....You missing a bit here?
  12. Anon-Echo98

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Brave words for someone in Nuke range... ...Get the hose, it's time to wash her down the drain.
  13. Anon-Echo98

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Mmm, wonder what seasonings the Devil is using... definitely gonna need a lot for how old and stringy that meat is...
  14. Anon-Echo98

    Fanfic Search Thread

    ...Anything specific? Fandom? Gamer-powers or not? SFW or NSFW? Kinda need details so you don't get random stuff thrown your way.
  15. Anon-Echo98

    Fanfic Search Thread

    Personally looking for SI fics, just... generally good, long-running ones, from one of the following fandoms, but I know that some of the things I enjoy are more so on the niche side... also don't mind lewd ones. -D&D -Fire Emblem -Fairy Tail -Shield Hero
  16. Anon-Echo98


  17. Anon-Echo98

    .....Yes it is though, I can still see it. DarkLord98: XY to XX into XXX (Original TG Semi-SI...

    .....Yes it is though, I can still see it. DarkLord98: XY to XX into XXX (Original TG Semi-SI Isekai) I just recently changed my author name.
  18. Anon-Echo98

    Hey Nai, would you mind deleting my XY to XX into XXX from your non-NSFW Self-Insert archive? I...

    Hey Nai, would you mind deleting my XY to XX into XXX from your non-NSFW Self-Insert archive? I know it's removed from public view, but I want to make sure.
  19. Anon-Echo98

    Ah sorry, didn't notice that the thread was dead until I had posted my comment. I'll try my...

    Ah sorry, didn't notice that the thread was dead until I had posted my comment. I'll try my best not to do it again.