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Search results for query: *

  1. Die Hard - [Worm/Vampire the Masquerade]

    Thank you and fixed~ 1: No blood hunts yet~ 2: She's a Giovanni Primascine, so, uh, bit older than that, to say the least. 3: Related how? They weren't blood related, no, and Annette is... maybe a ghost. Somewhere. But she was a very old and very powerful ghoul (relatively speaking) so her...
  2. Die Hard - [Worm/Vampire the Masquerade]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 2

    Chapter 2 Feeling distinctly rebellious, Taylor desperately wanted to take up the deacon’s offer and use his phone to try and contact… anyone. The police came to mind, her grandparents were a distant second, the PRT, perhaps, if only to scream at them. But at the same time she honestly had...
  3. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Indeed, the games are heating up as people start making their bids on power. Everything is a game, and everyone has second intentions. Even the Starks, even if Ned isn't playing. Bobby B to the rescue. Though normally he'd be the one needing Hangover cures. Ophelia is surrounded by people...
  4. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Hello folks. Chapter 18 is well underway, and as a thank you gift and preview for it, me and Alvor have decided to write something... spicier. It won't be in the next chapter but serves as a preview for it that those of you who enjoy the more... lemony aspects of the forum can enjoy. It's in...
  5. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Oops! Our bad. So, it's not that big of a deal. Simple stuff like races and weight lifting contests and log throwing contests. Think of it like a mix of the highland games and a normal tourney and a bootleg classical Olympic Games.
  6. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    {tr} {td}Venyr4434{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Wow. Long ass chap, gonna need to reread this whole fic again. Thanks for the update! Hope you're all doing well!{/td} {/tr} We're... moving along. Sometimes that's all you can really ask for. But we are happy to be able to do this. {tr}...
  7. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    She can basically act as a sword of damocles at that point. Heavy is the crown and whatnot. But like, that would be if she wasn't given a reason to chill out and not try to interfere with the world. She was effectively a NEET for the best part of her new life. Living with her new family and...
  8. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 17

    Chapter 17 - Rolandskvadet Jon Snow This was a bad idea, Jon could already tell. Granted, most of Theon’s ideas tended to end with either him or his brothers in dire straits. The man liked to live dangerously, at least for Winterfell, and he liked dragging others along for the ride...
  9. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Hey, this is Alvor. Afraid I need to apologize for this one. I've had multiple family crises, including hospitalizations of family members, had an issue at school that has temporarily cost me my grants, and have been dealing with constant personal issues. it's to the point I almost never post...
  10. Die Hard - [Worm/Vampire the Masquerade]

    Kek. To be fair, you just described like half the factions. Them, the Baali, Capadocious wanted to vore God and/or Death, you've got that death mage in India, two or three sects of Kuei Jin, the Settites, part of the Banu-Haqim, the Sabbat is stupid evil these days, and the Camarilla is...
  11. Die Hard - [Worm/Vampire the Masquerade]

    Thank you, I hope we manage to pull it off! More to come, fingers crossed. Though it all depends on us actually cranking it out. Ye, lol. Though she did murder a couple guys in canon. Not a Vamp, no. But something kinda sorta close to it? Vaguely. Distantly. Different book though...
  12. Die Hard - [Worm/Vampire the Masquerade]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    AN: Greetings ladies and gentlemen across the internet and beyond. Wyvern and the Warhawk, Team Scrimshaw is here once again, bringing to you our latest Commissioned Work. This time a strange and wondrous mix of the parahuman and the paranormal, with everyone’s favorite teenager getting into an...
  13. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 16

    AN: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! Team Scrimshaw here once again with the latest instalment of ‘My Witch Sister Can’t be this Adorable’! Unfortunately, real life gets in the way, as is the case for most, so we couldn’t post this at the start of the month as per usual. However, we are still...
  14. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Hey guys, sorry for the late reply! Anyways, here we go. You're very welcome~ Yeah, there's a reason why she was in the back room and why no one wanted to move her. Maybe, maybe not, gotta see how things play out~ Maybe it's a gun, maybe it goes off, maybe it doesn't. We'll have to...
  15. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 15

    AN: Happy Spook-month everyone, Wyvern and the Warhawk here once again, bringing you the next installment of everyone’s favorite Teenage Witch. Though this time we’re bringing in the drama! As always, we’d like to thank all our loyal readers who keep us going. next up on our lists should be...
  16. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    For those who are aware, me and Alvor alluded to a spicy interlude that was in the works. One which we weren't sure whether we were goint to post or not. Well, I am here to announce that we did indeed write one and did indeed post it separately in the NSFW section for those who are interested...
  17. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Wait till you guys see what we did with Euron.
  18. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    We approve~ We can dig it! We'll be replying properly in PMs, since we don't wanna ping the thread too many times. Thank you very much though! As always, these kinds of reviews help keep us going!
  19. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Lol. We hear yah. Just, uh, do be careful. At least one of us is enough of a pervert to have been not so quietly pulling for a harem ending. They really don't need the fuel XD A very good thing to be! Though I do wonder what kind of touch powers they have. The nature of the gods is...
  20. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    To be honest, I'd be fucking terrified too XD Well, uh, not sure how we can get them together... but we'll try? It's just gonna probably be a sexless marriage what with QA being a giant crystal super computer. But sure. We'll try. The gods are very vague, very poorly defined area. Which...