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Search results for query: *

  1. Gnawing Worm
    Threadmarks: 1.4

    1.4 "Fuck, fuck, fuck, Fuck!" I screamed as I ran together with the bug-cape. I had a plan and everything, all I had to do was get to the boat graveyard test out my powers and make it back home. I just had to avoid the gangs and especially avoid the capes but yet here I am running away from...
  2. Gnawing Worm
    Threadmarks: 1.3

    1.3 Slowly and calmly. The encouraging words of Kate echoed through my mind as I carefully poured the water down the filter not forgetting to circle. I stepped back letting waiting a few minutes for the water to drain into the pot before pouring myself a cup of coffee. My face scrunched up in...
  3. Gnawing Worm
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    February 12th, 1999 The soon-to-be-former couple stood facing each other. It had been a long time coming, it wasn't as though they hated each other, or one of them had an affair, no nothing like that, in fact, their love for one another still burned just as bright now as it had before. The...
  4. Gnawing Worm
    Threadmarks: 1.2

    AN: Here's the 2nd Chapter thanks for all the support so far. Keep the comments flowing and if you have any questions i'll try my best to answer them. Still looking for a beta so if your intrested PM me, If your intrested you can also find Gnawing Worm on SB and SV Without any further ado...
  5. Gnawing Worm
    Threadmarks: 1.1

    AN: So I'm really doing this huh? Welcome to my first fanfic, Gnawing Worm is a plot bunny that's been cumulating over the last couple of weeks and I've only recently gained the confidence to put it an online, huge shout out Pangolin for being the first to do a worm Tokyo ghoul story it was a...