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Search results for query: *

  1. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 20: Contagion

    Isaac stood in terror at the two Phage-infested marines lingering next to the inquisitor. Her otherwise well-kept hair beneath her black and white officer's cap now dangling and frazzled across her frenzied face, breathing heavily behind clenched teeth. Above, the sound of metal bending echoed...
  2. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves

    I will add some exposition to the chapter when he's preparing to go into the reactor to explain what Isaac knows about Type III reactors. So you don't have to go back and track it down if you don't want, here's a very short summary of what he knows: Type III reactor cores are a type of...
  3. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves

    Heya, thank you for reading so far. What questions do you have that are lingering?
  4. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 19: Bell Tolls

    Isaac walked with the group, unable to take his eyes off the inquisitor as Jakob and multiple marines escorted her to the bridge. "Ma'am, please understand that we've been on high alert since—" Jakob stopped, a pondering gaze washed over his face. "…since starting our journey from the...
  5. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 18: Hurried Defenses

    Isaac jogged through the narrow catwalk thoroughfare which linked the reactor bay to the dock. With Erik and Helvig in tow, their footsteps caused the unmanned defensive barriers set up on the pathway to clatter as they stomped their spacesuit boots in a rush to get into the dock before it was...
  6. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 17: Daybreak

    Estimated Total Trip Time Remaining: Two Weeks, Three Days Current Trip Destination: Argo — Unknown Contact Estimated Time of Arrival to Waypoint 1 of 4: Arrival Imminent Primary Reactor Core State: Anomaly Detected In the past days, Isaac wasted no time heeding the Ordinal's words, which...
  7. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 16: The Long Farewell

    Isaac navigated the four-wheeler through the narrow pathway that linked the reactor bay to the docking area. As they emerged, the echo of the tires against concrete dissipated and the claustrophobic close quarters expanded into a space which hollowed a significant portion of the lifeboat. Back...
  8. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 15: Itinerary

    Estimated Time of Arrival to Waypoint 1 of 4: One Week, Three Days Estimated Total Trip Time Remaining: Three Weeks, Six Days Current Trip Destination: Argo — Unknown Contact Primary Reactor Core State: Stable Isaac sat and stared at the console in the management office of the reactor...
  9. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 14: Legacy Reborn

    Isaac groaned as the immense pressure from the now human-like floral beast's foot threatened to cave his head in. The creature hummed with delight. "So, tell me why you're here." She squinted with suspicion. "I absolutely must know." "I'm here to stop you." Isaac strained to speak. "Oh!"...
  10. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 13: Enticement

    By the time Isaac reached the top of the airlock leading into the new reactor core, an inexplicable rage consumed, propelled him forward. For reasons he couldn't explain, a deep hatred permeated every cell in his body, radiating from the depths of his bones. As he bolted beyond the first airlock...
  11. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 12: Destination Unknown

    Isaac ascended the lift to the bridge. As the doors parted, a conversation between commanding officer Sola and the navigator Heron could be heard. Sola wore a white officer's uniform with a flat-top cap. His well-kept, long black beard stretched the length of his neck. The voyage took its toll...
  12. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 11: Heartrend

    Isaac drove the reactor bay four-wheeler to the power substation at the far end of the bank. He abandoned his tools and dumped the protective gear in the airlock, needing to figure something else out after realizing the new-found reactor was already maintained and well-groomed. Which meant that...
  13. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 10: Temptation

    Isaac pushed through the agony radiating from his chest to finally reach the reactor bay. The entrance led to a double-wide catwalk spanning the length of the area and overlooked the core bank. Out of breath, with beads of sweat pouring down his face, he descended the winding staircase to the...
  14. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 9: Unwarranted Invitations

    Isaac opened his eyes and found the crimson glow around him gone. Laying in bed within the isolation cell in the ICU, his monitor let off a steady tone with each heartbeat. His head ached and ears rang still from the booming interaction with the giant. It took a while for his sight to adjust to...
  15. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 8: Photophobia

    Isaac felt the world around him disappear as he faded from consciousness. The synthetic sheets upon the bed he laid stopped sapping the heat from his body. What lumps in the cloth used in place of a pillow under his head ceased to drill into his neck. The ringing in his ears from the...
  16. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 7: Regrettable Return

    Isaac stared at the group of residents standing in a semicircle at the bottom of the ramp leading down from the MEU airlock. He braced for backlash from the crowd. Jakob and Isaac descended the ramp hauling Erik, hobbling with each step. Hushed over the radio, Jakob called out. "I'll take care...
  17. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 33: A Hint Bared

    Adrian's anxiety grew as she drove along the highway. Beside her, Dalmytrias sat and stared ahead at the road, unmoving. The tension he exuded filled the car. Though he was hidden behind a mask, she knew there was a scowl etched into his face. The unyielding silence frightened her, it was like...
  18. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves
    Threadmarks: Chapter 6: Disconnected

    Isaac stared at the monitor in horror with mouth agape as the Alucar drone tore through the outer airlock door. Cutting the hardened metal away with its wrist blades, it pried hardened steel with an exacting grip. The pilots finished latching the reactor core to the front of the ship. The...
  19. machinedhearts

    The Outer Rim Braves

    Yes, this is an original setting and is part of a larger plot related to another other story I post here, Machined Hearts, that we'll see come together soon. Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it.
  20. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 32: Hostile Negotiations

    Adrian stood next to Dalmytrias, his wings splayed and ready for a fight, in front of the hotel. Ahead of them, in the courtyard, spread out across the lawn was the entirety of the Order's military branch. Dozens upon dozens of armored soldiers impeded their path. "Please go back inside."...