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Search results for query: *

  1. Zweibach

    Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    She has a cardboard box to sneak around with in her maid version. Not using that reference is probably illegal for a gamer.
  2. Zweibach

    Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    Yuzu, president of the game development club. Social anxiety so she usually hangs out in the club room locker.
  3. Zweibach

    Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    Young girls on park benches are free. You can take them home with you.
  4. Zweibach

    Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    Kivotos, the only place where housing per person is above 1!
  5. Zweibach

    Absolutely despise Sankaku so didn't even think about looking there, just did my normal reverse...

    Absolutely despise Sankaku so didn't even think about looking there, just did my normal reverse image search through a few services. With the full image I did manage to find the artist and original source though: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=56222535
  6. Zweibach

    Do you have a proper source for it? Best I can find is some inacessible Google+ page and some...

    Do you have a proper source for it? Best I can find is some inacessible Google+ page and some weird instagram tag.
  7. Zweibach

    Except they're utterly shit at providing a source, allows a lot of weird stuff on there, lots...

    Except they're utterly shit at providing a source, allows a lot of weird stuff on there, lots of duplicates, and occasionally crap quality. It's decent for porn though, better than Danbooru on that point since Sankaku have more tags for specific fetishes.
  8. Zweibach

    Thanks, though I greatly prefer Danbooru https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2814587 Gelbooru has...

    Thanks, though I greatly prefer Danbooru https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2814587 Gelbooru has gone full retard with their anti-adblocking nowadays and it was just barely worth using before that.
  9. Zweibach

    "Hello theunderbolt, my old friend I've come to ask source of you again Because a cutie softly...

    "Hello theunderbolt, my old friend I've come to ask source of you again Because a cutie softly gazing Made me seed while I was sleeping And her image that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence" tl;dr Profile pic source pl0x
  10. Zweibach

    Ey, mate, mind giving the source for that profile pic of yours?

    Ey, mate, mind giving the source for that profile pic of yours?
  11. Zweibach

    It's League of Legends champion Ahri. http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1517351

    It's League of Legends champion Ahri. http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1517351
  12. Zweibach


  13. Zweibach

    So, I just read Recoil and holy fucking shit is it amasing! And now onto the reason for this...

    So, I just read Recoil and holy fucking shit is it amasing! And now onto the reason for this message: 4-10 isn't threadmarked and 4-11 is marked as 4-12.
  14. Zweibach


    [X] Focus on finding the shaman -[X] But summon another spirit to help in the fights It's not an opinion thing. She's flat out too old for the word to apply to her. Ephebophilia would be the correct term if we're necessarily gonna apply one.
  15. Zweibach


    Lisa is too old for it to be paedophilia.
  16. Zweibach


    [X] Stick to your group Would be nice if we could get through this meeting without having to kill yet another team of parahumans. Or start a war with E88.