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Search results for query: *

  1. Seven Colours (Naruto)

    Hiruzen is a very old man in a profession where almost everyone dies young. He's been Hokage for two Great Shinobi Wars. Most of the minor villages haven't been around for his entire life. Their leaders might as well be children to him.
  2. Seven Colours (Naruto)

    4 on it's own can also be read as "death", and 44 is death twice over. Any number with four in it is often avoided in Asian countries. Naming the super lethal training ground "double death" sounds like a shinobi kind of joke.
  3. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Some people can't understand any language except their own. Besides, government inherently derives from a monopoly of power. If there isn't something standing behind a law's words to enforce them, it might as well not be a law at all. If that enforcement happens to be a wizard so powerful he...
  4. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Merlin's Pants. That's longer than every Harry Potter book except Order of the Phoenix.
  5. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Yes, that's true. But considering the fact that Harry might well end up slaughtering the Kill Team, that sort of thing would forever ruin any diplomatic relations, and wiping out the kill team would be cold comfort if one of his friends had been caught in the crossfire. Better to go through...
  6. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    If I recall correctly, Mandarin is only used to describe spoken Chinese. Cantonese and Mandarin both use the same written script, which is either traditional (complex, artful characters, takes a lifetime to master) which I assume is what she's using, and simplified (fewer strokes, less...