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Search results for query: *

  • Users: syneb
  • Order by date
  1. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Oh, so you're one of those kinds of authors. Can't take criticism even when it's not given in a combative or offensive way, or even when it's not so much a criticism, but a "review". Well, that makes things much easier for me I guess.
  2. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    I don't know about other people, but this chapter was extremely annoying to read for me. The constant changing of POVs during the fight, when all I wanted was to see the duel, just kept getting more and more enraging. The fact that I've felt a growing frustration for a while now with Cam's lack...
  3. I checked out those Interactive CYOAs you made and they look very interesting, especially the...

    I checked out those Interactive CYOAs you made and they look very interesting, especially the Movie Survival CYOA and the MHA CYOA. I hope someone uses them to make some fun stories.
  4. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    I really hope that whatever limitations, be they from the system or from his own stupidity (meaning he could be relying so much on the gamer system that he fell in that cliche trap of not realizing the only problem he has is that he's forgetting life isn't a game), the MC has on his lightsaber...
  5. Are you going to post "Breaking Fate: When the Gods Walked The Earth" in here?

    Are you going to post "Breaking Fate: When the Gods Walked The Earth" in here?
  6. Well damn... Please keep posting stuff here then, I liked your stories.

    Well damn... Please keep posting stuff here then, I liked your stories.
  7. Did you get banned from SB?? Just went to check if you updated any of your stories and I can't...

    Did you get banned from SB?? Just went to check if you updated any of your stories and I can't access them, nor your member profile.