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Search results for query: *

  1. kingslayer98

    Having faith in the cards (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX-Self Insert)

    i liked the first chapter but the mc's attitude is off putting. I am not sure what kind of personality you were trying to imbue him with but right now he is coming off as weak, I probably am not doing a good job of describing it but the mc isnt likeable right now him being weak (duelwise) is...
  2. kingslayer98

    SHINOBI: The RPG - New Game

    i am glad you decided to rewrite the whole story. i had gone back to reread part 1 after your announcement of a rewrite and it felt disjointed, the writing itself rather than the lowcharisma pov you were trying to portray. the writing for this is much better i am looking forward to more
  3. kingslayer98

    SHINOBI: The RPG - Act 2 (Naruto/Fallout SI)

    have you thought about just ditching this story temporarily and writing something new? I know you have a few ongoing stories on FFN but maybe writing something different and new would help?
  4. kingslayer98

    SHINOBI: The RPG - Act 2 (Naruto/Fallout SI)

    I really enjoyed part 1 and most of part 2 especially when he was trying to "find himself" in the begining but it feels like the story is going off track
  5. kingslayer98

    Having faith in the cards (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX-Self Insert)

    same but i cant remember where
  6. kingslayer98

    you should there really arent enough good YJ si's

    you should there really arent enough good YJ si's
  7. kingslayer98

    need Recommendation for fanfic (see details)

    hello fellow sentient beings can anyone help me find a fanfic preferably a self insert fanfic with mc having hollow powers from bleach? it doesn't have to take place in bleach universe thanks ps also any gamer fics that are good as well pps i would prefer a male mc. its just easier to relate to.