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Search results for query: *

  1. Procrastination

    Mistakes Were Made isn't dead. I got busy for the holidays (typical, where I don't get...

    Mistakes Were Made isn't dead. I got busy for the holidays (typical, where I don't get Decembers/early January to myself really), and then have some health stuff going on that I've been dealing with for the past month. Just hasn't been conducive to writing much. It'll resume.
  2. Procrastination

    It's not on my immediate agenda for a few reasons I've alluded to near the end of the thread. In...

    It's not on my immediate agenda for a few reasons I've alluded to near the end of the thread. In original drafting, Arc 2 was where the story was set to close, but I drafted up the overarching story for Arc 3, and laid some foundational stuff potentially for Arc 4. So I'm comfortable leaving it...
  3. Procrastination

    It's all here, yep. Terrible, Yes, but Great is one. Immortality, Give or Take a 'T' is my...

    It's all here, yep. Terrible, Yes, but Great is one. Immortality, Give or Take a 'T' is my other, original work. And then obviously the new one you just replied to!
  4. Procrastination

    I put together a discord for people to interact with me easier. Feel free to come say hello...

    I put together a discord for people to interact with me easier. Feel free to come say hello. https://discord.gg/UbXUV6WFfq
  5. Procrastination

    Hah, thanks. The more I began developing things like that, contextualizing inhuman perception or...

    Hah, thanks. The more I began developing things like that, contextualizing inhuman perception or interactions with a sort of 'shared' reality manipulation, the more it sort of refined itself. I had a lot of mental what-ifs occurring to get me there. Then, hours to try to figure out how I could...
  6. Procrastination

    I put one together a while back, but never really got around to including a link anywhere. I...

    I put one together a while back, but never really got around to including a link anywhere. I kind of want to talk a little more with my readers and potentially other writers actually. Maybe I'll put that together now.
  7. Procrastination

    Given that often is every bit as much (if not more writing) than the chapter itself sometimes...

    Given that often is every bit as much (if not more writing) than the chapter itself sometimes, it can get quite tedious!
  8. Procrastination

    I'm just too lazy to continually requote any part. As I'm sure you noticed, I tend to respond to...

    I'm just too lazy to continually requote any part. As I'm sure you noticed, I tend to respond to everyone individually that takes the time to leave me a few words(where I can if I'm not busy with something), so I usually just tell people that I respond to their stuff in order. Works the same...
  9. Procrastination

    I have loose plans to add it to other sites eventually, but I've been busy (yes, college and...

    I have loose plans to add it to other sites eventually, but I've been busy (yes, college and other expenses have me in the hole for now) with life in general. The second arc was planned out ages ago, but that's the way things go sometimes!
  10. Procrastination

    School and life, I'm afraid! Working more on the paying of bills than refining our thrills.

    School and life, I'm afraid! Working more on the paying of bills than refining our thrills.
  11. Procrastination

    Of who?

    Of who?
  12. Procrastination

    I don't, currently. It will depend a lot on my schooling going on. I'm waiting until I see what...

    I don't, currently. It will depend a lot on my schooling going on. I'm waiting until I see what kind of work stack I have.
  13. Procrastination

    Band (Worm/Scion)

    Chosen god? Probably Thor. I don't know how he's treated in Scion, but at least going by the standards of reality, he was one of few Norse gods to ask no human sacrifice and to act in general like a decent person where everyone (but giants) is concerned. Giants make him mega hateful and...
  14. Procrastination

    Band (Worm/Scion)

    Having no knowledge of 1/2 of the source material, I assumed your OCs included everything from the cat, the family, the main character, the toolsmith (who I suspected was a Norse mythology based dwarf), etc. They all seemed fine to me. Some of the dialogue could be a bit odd, and could use...
  15. Procrastination

    Band (Worm/Scion)

    I like everything I've read! I'm not really clued into Scion where you're drawing everything from (I assume), but I'm able to keep up with the story and follow the fantasy crossover nature of it well enough. You seem to be doing well to blend the human-based god-parts, and the all powerful space...