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Search results for query: *

  • Users: ATP
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  1. Of Space Whales and Battleships

    Thanks for Chapters! Georgia was saved by kiss from Dragon,killed Simurg,and indirectly S9,too.And now,would fight Scion,which is another league. Prepare popcorn !
  2. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    No loans from USA - it could be better for your China,the less you would be involved with them,the less 1929 crysis hit you. About anti bullet amulets - i read mempries of polish patriot Rafał Gan-Ganowicz who must run from commie occupied Poland after 1945,and later fought commies in Congo...
  3. A Song of Blood and Sunlight (ASOIAF / Warhammer Fantasy / Soulsborne)

    Good,but how they survive in Land of always Winter? our Lich friend do not even need to engage them,only freeze to death and blind with snow. P.S Why Aerys do not go ballistic yet over some foreigners makinbg deals with HIS Lords ?
  4. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Of course ! Poland,for example,get cheap gunboats after WW1,so your China could get them,too.What about ex-russian Navy? there should be some ships who lost country and could be buyed cheaply. You are right about Washington,it is chance to cheap built battleships for harbour defenses,becouse...
  5. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    If i remember correctly,China in OTL had in 1937 few old cruisers,2 small light cruisers/Ning Hao an Ping Hao,i think/ and all were sunk on rivers by japaneese planes. So,there is no point in having anytching bigger then gunboat here. Although cheap battleships buyed after washington Conferency...
  6. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    If USA and others abadonned some projects,then your China could pay for finishing those new warships,right? They need Navy,after all.
  7. Old Glory Once Again! (Modern US in Fallout)

    After they discovered,that he killed becouse he thought they are USA army.: This dimension is even more fucked that we thought. But,it was logical decision,i would kill myself if i thought that Enclave could take me alive,too. Interesting,who would survive? out of 30, 3 including Marcel and...
  8. The Warg Lord (ASOIAF)(SI)

    Poor Sam.But,after that,he would face his father with smile and say "bring it on,i arleady go through hell" Jokes aside,why Jon want to kill Tywin? he is not his,or North ,enemy. P.S Poor Pirate King.He could become best in the world,but decide to attack Jon.And Jon could always find him for...
  9. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    UF less bad - good. And ,it is good that your MC do not try to change China into USA,many tried it in South America and ALWAYS failed.Culture is important,too,and you could not simply copy institution and expect them to work the same in different country. So,it is good that they modernize...
  10. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Mao topped Czang in OTL and destroyed tradition - but China are empire again with Xi as new emperor. Could you really change anythching in China,or they are destinied to become new dynasty,too? And Guatemala - did United Fruit arleady robbed indians there,or it would happen in Future?
  11. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Biodesel is not sometching new - but,they still need time for making it. And,for future,making ammo.It would be not funny if somebody decide to bury them under bodies.Good thing is,only states which used such tactic was moscovites and Turkey,and both need to defeat other states to get there.
  12. The Warg Lord (ASOIAF)(SI)

    Well,Obara and Oberyn are in good hands now,and Braavoos discovered why sending less warships is bad idea. More money for Jon.
  13. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    Hmmm...what about " well raised christian children could save you when you are old,when fanfictions certainly not?"
  14. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    So,would Japan get here Manchuria as puppet state,but with better leader? If so,maybe they manage to find oil there? in OTL they almost did so. And that could change history - no reasons for attacking Dutch India. Also,China-Japan war here - in OTL it happened becouse of soviet provocation and...
  15. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    Take your time,as dude over 50 i could sy,that you could wait few years.World should not end till then.
  16. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    First - RL is always more important,and real children would save when you are old,not fanfiction. Second - you did good job Third - if you think,that you must abadonn it,wrote how you planned to finish story.
  17. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    True,Czang really fucked things in OTL.I hope,that you manage somehow kill him here.Or,at least go full commie - till at least 1940 soviets supported Czang with T.26 ligh tanks/good for japanesses so called medium tanks/ and I.16 fighters which was good till Japan introduced Zero. You could made...
  18. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Yes,soviet agitation would be no problem as long as they treat workers good.
  19. A Song of Blood and Sunlight (ASOIAF / Warhammer Fantasy / Soulsborne)

    Waste of time.No matter how small was Stark harbours on other shore,they still could take small delegation.They should be arleady in Winterfall. P.S Astrid would be future Elector - so,she could not marry any northern.Or could she? And Brandon here would certainly not be wasted on Tully...
  20. The Warg Lord (ASOIAF)(SI)

    And that is how you should use your power,if you are warg.Not taking over wild animals and attacking enemy soldiers,like children did in Westeros against Andals. If they used this tactic,they would still hold Westeros. P.S Interesting,what Jon would do when he meet Oberyn.He do not really need...