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Search results for query: *

  1. aliceofformerhell

    Have a nice vacation!

    Have a nice vacation!
  2. aliceofformerhell

    A Dictionary of Symbols, Second Edition (Madoka Magica Quest)

    [In the hopes of securing more readers, I have elected to move this quest to https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/a-dictionary-of-symbols-second-edition-madoka-magica-quest.114921/]
  3. aliceofformerhell

    A Dictionary of Symbols, Second Edition (Madoka Magica Quest)
    Threadmarks: part 4

    Well, you feel a little bit indecisive as to what your next course of action ought to be, so you decide to pursue multiple, in whatever order seems more efficient. As such, the first order of business is to check your pockets for identification (or indeed anything of value) and then figure out...
  4. aliceofformerhell

    A Dictionary of Symbols, Second Edition (Madoka Magica Quest)
    Threadmarks: part 3

    You dream of your aunt. What morals could be found here, in a life so mediocre? Your aunt was not the type to hate art. At worst, she hated the artist themselves and was disinterested in the art, but she wasn’t the sort of person to so anthropomorphize a painting as to hate it in and of...
  5. aliceofformerhell

    A Dictionary of Symbols, Second Edition (Madoka Magica Quest)
    Threadmarks: part 2

    With uncharacteristic clarity of purpose and intention, you resolve to head into the tunnels. The descent is nondescript, marked only with a brief stagger partway down the stairs, after which you elect to clutch the rail tightly to avert a fall. There’s a pun in that, somewhere. You aren’t...
  6. aliceofformerhell


  7. aliceofformerhell

    A Dictionary of Symbols, Second Edition (Madoka Magica Quest)
    Threadmarks: part 1

    You blink slowly. That’s a nasty headache, exacerbated but probably not caused by the fact your face is pressed against what appears to be a beaten-up wooden desk. About twenty centimetres from your head lies a book, spread open and spine-up. That’s not a great way to mark your place, you fixate...
  8. aliceofformerhell

    red ribbons for april, yellow for may~

    red ribbons for april, yellow for may~
  9. aliceofformerhell

    yo! thanks for the once again unexpected follow! :)

    yo! thanks for the once again unexpected follow! :)
  10. aliceofformerhell

    may start writing surrealist nonsense again. be afraid.

    may start writing surrealist nonsense again. be afraid.
  11. aliceofformerhell

    Maria Vespucci Quest
    Threadmarks: post 3

    You aren't a maid, and are thus bound by none of a maid's diligence or commitment to duty. As such, you leave your rucksack of grave soil on the front steps of the manor, before darting around the side of the building to see what the ruckus is. You walk quickly, as a compromise between your...
  12. aliceofformerhell

    Maria Vespucci Quest
    Threadmarks: post 2

    You feel indecisive, but opt to gather a mix of soil from both commoner graves and the graves of the patricians, albeit favouring the commoner graves so as to ward off the future wrath of the Groundskeeper. Your Lady did supply you with several pouches, to keep the dirt from each individual...
  13. aliceofformerhell

    Maria Vespucci Quest
    Threadmarks: post 1

    Your name is Maria Vespucci, and the manor in which you work prides itself on never having employed a maid. Certainly, the manor employs numerous female servants in a variety of roles, you yourself being one such servant, but it has never had a maid among its staff. The precise manner in which...
  14. aliceofformerhell

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    maybe this is the wrong place, but would anyone be interested in some sort of quest about grave robbers, badly-named italian servant girls, and semi-surrealist omnibenevolent maids? possibly also a dash of slang i make up as i go along. i've never really done a quest before, so if i do go ahead...
  15. aliceofformerhell

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Hello! I stumbled on here because someone linked a thing to another thing and it demanded I make an account, but this place seems pretty neat and I might stick around. I've read a few quests, but never participated or written one, and maybe that could be fun! It is nice to meet everyone...