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[Freeform] ‘My Words ARE my weapons’

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A one off plot bunny that I wanted to post, about a guy with the ability for his words...


*of Ash, smoke and Neon*
May 25, 2022
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A one off plot bunny that I wanted to post, about a guy with the ability for his words, emotional, spiritual and psychological state of mind to affect himself and his surroundings, with the potential to grow into a proper wizard with the fact that his powers are magical and supernatural in nature. *can ask to personally expand upon*
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Ch 1: 20 minutes after waking up in Marvel
After waking up in the middle of buttfuck nowhere 'NHU' [Not Home Universe] (after dying cause some R.O.B. fucked up and got me killed) And while trying to ignore my current other-universal jaunt into another goddamn reality I continue walking forward in no particular direction, for no particular reason, other than to take my mind off the fact I'm in another. BLOODY. UNIVERSE.

repeating the same mantra i had for the past twenty minutes in my mind since I'd arrived in a DIFFERENT REALITY, I tried and subsequently failed to be okay with this fact 'I'm fine with this, I'm fine with this, I'm fine with…'

I stop in my tracks unable to hold it back any longer and scream at the heavens my very simple issue with my current situation. that being, very simply, that.. "THIS ISN'T FAIR!!!!" My words coming out as a snarl.

"WHY DID TOU HAVE TO TAKE ME!" I bash my fists against my chest in a primal urge to inflict pain on something, ANYTHING.
"I HAD PEOPLE WHO LOVED ME BACK HOME…" my words start strong but near the end get so hard to say it's almost like there's something blocking my throat, I swallow in a futile attempt to make the words easier

"who I loved and cared for… family" I breakdown on the last word and collapse forward, the world suddenly blurry and struggling to breathe with the whimpers racking my frame, almost like the words summoned the thoughts my mind was filled with all the people I'd never see again and the things I never had a chance to do.

Like my brother who I wanted to patch things up with, but never had the time or know how to bulldoze years of a mixture of toxic and healthy interactions into a more healthy and stable relationship, caring parents who'd done their best. who'd I'd never see again, never get to show who I finally became… 'I'm never gonna see my parents again'.

The thought hit me with an almost physical weight, like I'd been punched in the gut, my whimpers became sobbing as I curled up on the ground and wailed for anyone, anything, to hear "I..I WA..WAnNa GO HOoomEee"

I couldn't hold back the tears streaming down my face as I suddenly realised that I couldn't even make out so much as the ground infront of me with my vision as impeded as it was, as I was hit with an almost overpowering feeling of hate that crushed my sadness like a vengeful god trampling a particularly annoying mortal underfoot.

barely aware of anything but the pure unadulterated WRATH now flowing through my veins I pushed myself to my feet, stumbling as I attempted to stand but unwilling to falter in my objective, I leaned back and, almost sounding reminiscent of a wild animal, practically growling the words, at the empty expanse of stars and darkness I could barely make out above "I HAD A CHANCE TO FIX THINGS BACK HOME!, THERE WAS A CHANCE FOR ME AND MY BROTHER TO GET ALONG, A CHANCE TO MAKE MY PARENTS PROUD!"

I find the next words putting up a fight but crush the feeble resistance with my rage, which calms enough for me to stop screaming when there's no one to hear it, or atleast no one who matters, the next part laced with now simmering fury that I had seized with an iron fist because 'I RULED IT, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND'

"I had a chance to make something of myself," the words coming out as a whisper, the fury in my voice giving the words an almost.. 'scratch that' literal bite, noting coolly the chunks of the tree before me that had splintered and crumpled under the weight of my words, Scorch marks now scarring the trees' new pockmarks

My words gained strength and volume again as I continued, my blood pounding in my ears "and now the only me left in my world that my parents and brother and friends, few they may have been, have to remember is the layabout who never got off his ass and did that. because he was so scarred by what other people had inflicted upon him that he'd been molded into a mostly functioning panic stricken mess terrified of the real world"

'and who could only function well in friendly social settings and was reactively defensive to any hostility in how I couldn't take a rough tone without, when not calm or centered, instinctively wanting to match it' I finished in the privacy of my mind as all my powerful rage became bitter and murky, now contaminated with a healthy dose of self-blame.

my eyes found the moonlight ground in front of me as I distantly acknowledged that it was now covered in visibly smoking wood chunks and flicked my eyes to the savaged and heat blistered tree infront of me that I realised quite frankly, truly taking in the damage I'd caused, now looked like it'd went 10 rounds with an enraged Hellhound, 'it's a miracle it's not on fire', wondering how much of it was because I wanted my words to wound and not burn

I lifted my eyes back to the heavens and breathed deep, filling my lungs with fresh air and bringing awareness to the cloying black sludge that now sat like a weight in my chest, that which was once my rage, and the fact that it had become something tainted with hate at not just my circumstances, but now also with myself and my complete and utter helplessness to do anything about my situation.

I breathed out, emptying my lungs and trying and succeeding to clear the sludge from my chest with a flash of imagined fire in my chest, noting that my chest actually heated afterwards.

I spoke again, now feeling akin to a dull blade having lost my metaphorical edge" You took my chance to change and become something more than what I was, ripped away any chance to grow and come to terms with my failings that I was finally dealing with after having had time to heal"

I felt my chest fill with sludge again, clearer and less tainted, it now felt less like it was weighting me down and more like it was sapping my energy and willpower, as a soft but no less incessant ball of anger lit back up in my chest and made heat rush through my veins and colour my thoughts. Altogether I felt like day old road kill baking in the noon sun, shitty and warm, and not exactly better for the second

" I know that it wasn't on purpose but you still majorly screwed me" I spoke to the uncaring breeze, feeling it gently cool my face and my anger spark and crackle, the sludge in my chest evaporating in the emotional flames

I spoke again to empty night air "…you know you could atleast say sorry right?" I glanced around for a sign and waited, After a couple moments I turned and walked away my resolve renewed like a Phoenix from the ashes, born anew and purified through cleansing flame, 'though my flames are are a touch more metaphorical… no not that, spiritual maybe?' My mind tumbling over my new powers, as I idly wondered how much of the heat in my veins and iron in my will was still metaphor.

Distracted as I was and as dark as that particular moment was, owing to an errant cloud that had drifted infront of the moon, dimming the world for a few scant seconds. barely important in the greater scheme of things, but just long enough for an absentminded new mutiversal traveler to miss a flutttering scrap of other-naturally (super,godly or otherwise) pure white paper which would've otherwise glinted and almost sparkled in the moonlight.
Personally, I think I could've been forgiven for missing it if it wasn't for the fact that a gentle gust of wind appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and blew it smack into my face.

Suddenly disoriented I reached for my face and clawed the paper away and, taking a moment to adjust and centre myself, glanced at it, only to be taken aback at the the delicate calligraphy of its simple message

*I apologise for your undue loss and offer a boon in recompense for my folly*

I felt my mind struggle to comprehend the simple message, a seeming sincere apology for their (whoever the hell they were, rob, bob or otherwise) mistake, offered by a being of probably incompressible power.

I took a moment to contemplate and spoke my wish "I wish for my phone from my home universe with an infinite battery aswell as infinite coverage and wifi, I'd like it if everything that was on the phone was still there and for it be unbreakable, or to be clear I want it to be unable to be destroyed or rendered inoperable or so much as scratched by anything or anyone in or not in existence, I'd like for any coding errors and hardware issues to be fixed and most importantly, I wish for it to be impossible for someone to steal or take or otherwise even borrow from me without my express permissions and for me to be able to summon it to a pocket at any point, in time or space, no matter where it is in relation to me, whether that be another dimension or otherwise, and for no one to be able to read anything off it [not specifying pictures for future over shoulder questions of 'who's that?' While reminiscing for plot sake}" I took a breath for this part "I wish for all photos and apps and other such operations of the phone to still be fully accessible, work and also function as they would normally except with any issues or kinks smoothed out and otherwise improved for them to function in this and any other dimension… but also better" 'better safe than sorry, never know when you might end up in a hell dimension or alternate dimension right?'

I held my breathe and waited for a miracle. After a few seconds, when I almost started panicking that my only possible link to my old life might not be granted, a flash appeared in the air infront of me, gradually coalescing into my old iPhone… 'that's not my phone' the previously diminishing panic now shot to unsafe levels before a new piece of paper smacked me in the face, 'my' phone falling to the ground unnoticed as I ripped the paper from my face while I attempted not to hyper ventilate, I read what could technically be referred to as a godly revalation that had literally smacked me in the face

*there is no need to panic as, because I couldn't grant all functions back for obvious reasons, I have given recompense in a completely aesthetic alteration to your phones appearance so it wouldn't stand out as obviously otherworldly.

Ps. by the way it stands for Friendly Omnipotent Being*

And, owing to the fact that now that I had the ability to breathe proper and provide my brain with all the oxygen it needed to function properly, (while wondering what the Friendly Omnipotent Being thing was about) I could acknowledge that while the specifics of my previously silver phone, such as the colour which was now black with two parallel yellow stripes down the centre going from top to bottom, and the apple logo that had been replaced with a small black circle with [FOB] in the center of it in-between the two lines, 'so that's what he meant', it held the broad strokes of my 'old world' phone.

I hurriedly crouched and carefully picked it up off of the ground where it had fallen and turned it to my face, idly noting that the annoying stripe of not screen at the top of the screen was now gone, where it automatically booted and then turned on, showing me my, vaguely deep, but mostly just personally enjoyed quote by atticus that I used as a screen saver ~I wish to arrive to my death, late, in love, and a little drunk~

Swiping up and going straight past the login phase with its now streamlined facial recognition, it showed me my Home Screen where I held down the power button and tried something that I'd never try in my home universe in a million, 'well maybe in a million', years

"Siri show home background in full screen" I held my breathe and after a moment of anticipation I was granted my wish.

There before my very eyes was a picture of me and my fraternal twin bro and me, arms tossed over each-others shoulders grinning at the camera (well Chris was atleast, I was staring off to the right where I think, if I remember right, his mates were). Me, casually dressed in green jeans, black with whites strips adidas gazelles and a black button-up, with Chris (my bro), in black jeans, black with green tread sneakers and light blue button-up, next to me.

At that moment I said the only thing possible to say to whoever or whatever had just given me a chance to see me family, even if it was in a limited way, and not have to live on wondering if someday I'd forget their faces (and if I got really lucky with voicemails I might not forget their voices either) "thank you" feeling much lighter for having said them.

Although with a sinking feeling I opened my call app and tried my moms number, getting a message saying that the phone I was trying to call didn't exist in my current multiverse 'guess that's the fuctuion he couldn't grant'

Upset that my play to get interversal-calling failed, I was altogether satisfied with what i'd gained.

setting out for civilisation with a lighter step, and a personal hope for things to not go absolutely catastrophically wrong, with the knowledge that my personal R.O.B wasn't a dick [as Leo started his journey towards the nearest… anything with people, unbeknownst to him his feet floated a few millimetres above the actual ground, almost as if he was 'walking on air']
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