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All The Light In The Sky [Hindu Deity Mecha Space War Quest]

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Prologue : The Kalpa Of Beginning.

This wasn't a normal world in the slightest this is the...
Astra are large highly technical robots that are wielded by the deities it allows for supernatural feats to be realized through large scale application of science this extremely powerful weapons could shatter kingdoms and destroy even planet sized rakshasa if enough Atman is synchronized with the Mecha, the connection between the Astradhari and Astra is very important as Atman(true self) is a prototype to the soul it is the aspect of life that evolves and represent the union of two beings to achieve enlightenment.
Krishna's - Slaves Of Light.
Krishna's are the names of the superhuman mutated deities in the era of void they are those who directly host within them the attributes of supremacy or domination they own special divine powers that can be channeled into there Astra.

Krishna's are known for being able to cause constant reactive evolutions in there Astra until there Astra gain control over Aspects which are the prototype to concepts in this Era.

They are simply Abnormality and one of a kind Primevals who are destined for great change and creation

A/N : The main character of the quest is already a Krishna just an unawakened one.