Amelia, Ch 130- Lisa
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Amelia, Ch 130- Lisa
I arrived promptly five minutes before my scheduled meeting. Same secretary as before, I noted. Smarter than average. College educated. Ambitious. Driven. No desire to seek out a more prestigious career. Six figure salary. I was actually surprised. Knowing that Accord knew how to take care of his people was valuable for the future.
I gazed out the window at the skyline. Excellent view, I noted. Accord has same view in office. Recent renovations of certain buildings. Symmetrical pattern. I blinked. Accord purchased several city blocks in order to sculpt this view of his. Why hadn't I noticed these details before?
I turned my power inward. Focused on Accord, jealousy toward other, more successful thinker. Distracted from other useful details by focusing power on finding methods to safely goad Accord without risk. Inferiority complex-
I cut the feed and suppressed the desire to sigh. Fucking Rapture. After learning she could do such a thing, I had to try it for myself. I didn't need my power to tell me why yet again. It was the competition. She'd gone somewhere I'd never before dared, and I just couldn't live with that thought.
All those zen monks could go fuck themselves: self awareness sucks and murders the very concept of fun. The one saving grace is how much stronger it made my power, if indirectly. Not wasting my efforts on infantile contests of will freed up a truly depressing amount of power to direct at other, more valuable, concerns. Still not enough to save Taylor from that what that empathic bond is going to do.
"Accord is ready for you," the secretary informed me.
"Thank you," I replied as I walked in. The office was an impeccable as before. In fact, I was fairly certain that everything in it, including Accord himself, was in exactly the same place as before, down to the centimeter. My power noted the symmetry in the patterns. It was, in its own way, flawless. I hated it instinctively. There is no mystery here, no imagination or possibility.
"A pleasure to see you again, Accord," I said as he stood.
"You as well, Minerva," he acknowledged. "I admit I'm once again somewhat surprised by your request for an audience. As well as your apparent promotion."
Promotion? Oh, right, I acted like nothing more than an errand girl last time. "My bosses seem to like my work," I almost shrugged. Habit from last time to be unnecessarily annoying, quit it. "I'm now head of their thinker department."
He nodded, just barely enough for my thinker perceptions to note. "They certainly have proven an ability to harness their employees talents to the fullest," he stated.
"Yes," I agreed. Approves of efficiency. Approves of order. Amoral, does not view 'good' and 'evil' as things. Replaced by concept of 'order' and 'chaos'. Views chaos as morally repugnant. "As much as I'm sure they love knowing you appreciate their efforts, we should get to business. Pantheon is currently, and I do apologize for the pun, branching out."
"As in Chicago?" he asked. Has spies, knows our plans, not internal, through the PRT, knows I'll realize this.
I nodded. "Yes," I agreed. I suppressed the desire to claim I knew the whole time. It's something I would have done, before. Fucking Rapture. "I admit... I am a little caught off guard that you knew. We weren't planning to act until tomorrow."
"Do you blame me for spying upon you?" he asked. Testing resolve and pragmatism. Is willing to make amends if it upsets me, or Pantheon.
"Not at all," I responded. "If anything, it's flattering. And it says good things of your intelligence and the strength of your information network." All true, except perhaps for being flattered by it.
He nodded. Considers test to be passed successfully.
"It actually makes me feel a lot better about my task here. I've come here to propose a... merger, of sorts, between our organizations," I informed him.
"I see," he nodded. Surprised by idea. Had desired an official alliance, had not expected such an aggressive offer. "I will make no promises, but I am interested in hearing your ideas. What you believe our respective functions would be in this arrangement."
I nodded, and carefully formulated how to present the pitch. It would be best, for a man like Accord, to start by explaining why we entertaining such a seemingly rash maneuver. "First," I started. "We have been watching you as well, as I'm sure you're aware. As I said in our last meeting, we are all very impressed with your work in Boston. You have never participated in the drug markets, or any of the other... messy... crimes. Your goals are the same as our goals."
He nodded. He was more at ease, now, knowing we had given this real consideration. The praise didn't hurt, either. "The truth is, Accord, you have strengths that we do not. We can provide resources and play politics with the best of them. However, we are facing new challenges now. After New Delhi. I would be lying if I claimed we were fully prepared for the aftermath of that."
"No one can truly prepare for the chaos that the Endbringers represent," Accord offered. Trying to offer condolences, is sincere. Huh, I thought. Did not expect that.
I nodded. "Of course," I agreed. "The Protectorate has been broken, and with it the order and stability they represent." I could imagine him frowning beneath his stern mask. He had no doubt already considered what the loss of so many heroes meant.
"Pantheon is moving to... hold things together. By replacing the Protectorate entirely if we must. Or, far more preferably, acting more as the Guild. Moving into destabilized areas and enforcing order," I explained. "We will be recruiting in large numbers, or forcing recruits to the Protectorate simply by making crime difficult and unprofitable. Those remaining criminal organizations will be unable to present themselves as a significant threat."
"And that would include my own less than legal operations?"
"Well, in your case, I believe we can offer legal choices that are far more profitable," I smiled. "As I am sure you are already aware, Pantheon and its allies currently own well over thirty percent of the city of Brockton Bay. Several billion dollars in net worth, and increasing rapidly in value as order is restored." I left out 'plus whatever a planet costs' in my calculations, of course. It was a question we might have to pose to Marketing, some day.
"Yes," he agreed. "I have been made aware. I admit to purchasing a reasonable amount of property, myself, after meeting with you last time."
I nodded. Also a known fact. "We could do the same in Chicago and other cities as well. To say nothing of the profits we can make in other areas, plus leveraging the sheer political influence we have thanks to our relationship with the PRT and police forces."
"You're saying you're willing to share that power with me?" he asked.
"Quite a bit more than that," I responded. "I'm saying we're putting you in charge of it. You are a force for order in the world, but you have trouble with people and are better working from behind the scenes. Pantheon also desires order, and I believe we have achieved that in our own way, but we are better at working with people and confronting the less civilized threats in a more direct fashion."
"A succinct way of putting it," Accord agreed.
"What we propose is an obvious division of responsibilities. Pantheon will continue operating the way it currently does," I continued. "We'll expand our presence into Boston, complete with our Yggdrasil and a minor base of operations if possible, where we can supply you and yours with our equipment. We will drive out all threats, break the drug and prostitution markets as we have in Brockton Bay. You will also continue as always, managing... our joint economic resources, including the significant wealth we have control over from Coil's organization. How to best distribute aid to areas that need it for maximum results. Allowing us to be both effective and profitable."
No surprise, level of disappointment. Knew Coil. Working relationship. Saw him as a friend. Fuck. Why didn't we think to ask Coil about Accord? "We will, of course, put you in contact with the man we have controlling those resources. Another of our silent partners, recruited much like you're being recruited. You and he will likely be working together regularly. I believe you know him already, although he goes by another name now."
Got the hint, is relieved despite not knowing why he was upset. I didn't let my smile show. Accord isn't one of the thinkers who looks inward.
He was probably doing the calculations in his head. Simply clearing Boston of the Teeth alone would be worth potentially hundreds of millions to him in the long run. The 'insider trading' arrangement we offered for future real estate and other development projects would be hard to calculate, though with his power he likely already had. More than all of that: an opportunity to use his power to its fullest extent. He'd be managing the economies of several cities, while we handled the politics so he didn't have to.
"And all this costs me is the criminal side of my organization?" Accord asked.
"For the most part," I informed him. Won't like next part, needs a way to view it as beneficial enough to be worth the trouble. Best to divorce him from the problem entirely so he knows he'll never have to concern himself with it.
"You will have to accept some... inefficiencies... when it comes to dealing with troublemakers. In essence: you won't. Pantheon will handle disruptions and determine punishment itself, possibly in ways you would find less than satisfactory. Our leaders believe in offering second chances to almost everyone. This does, sadly, mean that some people will disappoint us by taking advantage of their generosity," I stated. He of course agreed with that assessment. Now to show him the upside of the endeavor. "However, I really cannot complain. After all, without that policy I would not have this incredible opportunity, and there would still be three Endbringers."
"You bring up an excellent point," Accord sighed. "As messy as it may be, I admit I cannot dispute the results. That is acceptable, as is your offer of a merger."
I set my briefcase on the desk. "These are a list of our assets and arrangements. As well as various estimates of our organization's production capacity. If necessary, we can leverage influence with the PRT, the Guild, Alexandria, and almost any police or political force within the cities we approach. We also have the support of Dinah Alcott, but we are using her for... other projects, also detailed in the notes presented here."
He nodded. "Understood. When do you believe you'll be ready to implement my projects?"
"Our operations for the next two days will be tied up in the planning and execution of our project in Chicago. After that, Houston is our next target."
"Why Houston?"
"The Fallen have managed to earn the... personal... attention of our leadership," I responded. Worried, sees this as a vendetta of revenge instead of pragmatism. "In addition, this cements a stronger relationship with Haven and cripples or eliminates one of the more destructive forces still remaining in the country. Given their... attitude toward the Endbringers and our past history, the conflict is inevitable. If we don't go after them, then they'll eventually take the fight to us. It's better to strike now, while we have the opportunity and before they have prepared themselves.."
He nodded again, relieved by my logical reasons. "It will be a week, then, before you're ready?"
"Likely only four days," I answered. "Let us say a week, however. Time enough to recover any resources spent on our objectives. I will, of course, be available to discuss our plans and needs at any time."
"I will familiarize myself within two days and make contact," Accord stated.
"I look forward to a long and stable relationship," I smiled. "Thank you. I shall see myself out, if that is all."
"It is," he agreed.
A/N- And they didn't even have to brainslug him.
I arrived promptly five minutes before my scheduled meeting. Same secretary as before, I noted. Smarter than average. College educated. Ambitious. Driven. No desire to seek out a more prestigious career. Six figure salary. I was actually surprised. Knowing that Accord knew how to take care of his people was valuable for the future.
I gazed out the window at the skyline. Excellent view, I noted. Accord has same view in office. Recent renovations of certain buildings. Symmetrical pattern. I blinked. Accord purchased several city blocks in order to sculpt this view of his. Why hadn't I noticed these details before?
I turned my power inward. Focused on Accord, jealousy toward other, more successful thinker. Distracted from other useful details by focusing power on finding methods to safely goad Accord without risk. Inferiority complex-
I cut the feed and suppressed the desire to sigh. Fucking Rapture. After learning she could do such a thing, I had to try it for myself. I didn't need my power to tell me why yet again. It was the competition. She'd gone somewhere I'd never before dared, and I just couldn't live with that thought.
All those zen monks could go fuck themselves: self awareness sucks and murders the very concept of fun. The one saving grace is how much stronger it made my power, if indirectly. Not wasting my efforts on infantile contests of will freed up a truly depressing amount of power to direct at other, more valuable, concerns. Still not enough to save Taylor from that what that empathic bond is going to do.
"Accord is ready for you," the secretary informed me.
"Thank you," I replied as I walked in. The office was an impeccable as before. In fact, I was fairly certain that everything in it, including Accord himself, was in exactly the same place as before, down to the centimeter. My power noted the symmetry in the patterns. It was, in its own way, flawless. I hated it instinctively. There is no mystery here, no imagination or possibility.
"A pleasure to see you again, Accord," I said as he stood.
"You as well, Minerva," he acknowledged. "I admit I'm once again somewhat surprised by your request for an audience. As well as your apparent promotion."
Promotion? Oh, right, I acted like nothing more than an errand girl last time. "My bosses seem to like my work," I almost shrugged. Habit from last time to be unnecessarily annoying, quit it. "I'm now head of their thinker department."
He nodded, just barely enough for my thinker perceptions to note. "They certainly have proven an ability to harness their employees talents to the fullest," he stated.
"Yes," I agreed. Approves of efficiency. Approves of order. Amoral, does not view 'good' and 'evil' as things. Replaced by concept of 'order' and 'chaos'. Views chaos as morally repugnant. "As much as I'm sure they love knowing you appreciate their efforts, we should get to business. Pantheon is currently, and I do apologize for the pun, branching out."
"As in Chicago?" he asked. Has spies, knows our plans, not internal, through the PRT, knows I'll realize this.
I nodded. "Yes," I agreed. I suppressed the desire to claim I knew the whole time. It's something I would have done, before. Fucking Rapture. "I admit... I am a little caught off guard that you knew. We weren't planning to act until tomorrow."
"Do you blame me for spying upon you?" he asked. Testing resolve and pragmatism. Is willing to make amends if it upsets me, or Pantheon.
"Not at all," I responded. "If anything, it's flattering. And it says good things of your intelligence and the strength of your information network." All true, except perhaps for being flattered by it.
He nodded. Considers test to be passed successfully.
"It actually makes me feel a lot better about my task here. I've come here to propose a... merger, of sorts, between our organizations," I informed him.
"I see," he nodded. Surprised by idea. Had desired an official alliance, had not expected such an aggressive offer. "I will make no promises, but I am interested in hearing your ideas. What you believe our respective functions would be in this arrangement."
I nodded, and carefully formulated how to present the pitch. It would be best, for a man like Accord, to start by explaining why we entertaining such a seemingly rash maneuver. "First," I started. "We have been watching you as well, as I'm sure you're aware. As I said in our last meeting, we are all very impressed with your work in Boston. You have never participated in the drug markets, or any of the other... messy... crimes. Your goals are the same as our goals."
He nodded. He was more at ease, now, knowing we had given this real consideration. The praise didn't hurt, either. "The truth is, Accord, you have strengths that we do not. We can provide resources and play politics with the best of them. However, we are facing new challenges now. After New Delhi. I would be lying if I claimed we were fully prepared for the aftermath of that."
"No one can truly prepare for the chaos that the Endbringers represent," Accord offered. Trying to offer condolences, is sincere. Huh, I thought. Did not expect that.
I nodded. "Of course," I agreed. "The Protectorate has been broken, and with it the order and stability they represent." I could imagine him frowning beneath his stern mask. He had no doubt already considered what the loss of so many heroes meant.
"Pantheon is moving to... hold things together. By replacing the Protectorate entirely if we must. Or, far more preferably, acting more as the Guild. Moving into destabilized areas and enforcing order," I explained. "We will be recruiting in large numbers, or forcing recruits to the Protectorate simply by making crime difficult and unprofitable. Those remaining criminal organizations will be unable to present themselves as a significant threat."
"And that would include my own less than legal operations?"
"Well, in your case, I believe we can offer legal choices that are far more profitable," I smiled. "As I am sure you are already aware, Pantheon and its allies currently own well over thirty percent of the city of Brockton Bay. Several billion dollars in net worth, and increasing rapidly in value as order is restored." I left out 'plus whatever a planet costs' in my calculations, of course. It was a question we might have to pose to Marketing, some day.
"Yes," he agreed. "I have been made aware. I admit to purchasing a reasonable amount of property, myself, after meeting with you last time."
I nodded. Also a known fact. "We could do the same in Chicago and other cities as well. To say nothing of the profits we can make in other areas, plus leveraging the sheer political influence we have thanks to our relationship with the PRT and police forces."
"You're saying you're willing to share that power with me?" he asked.
"Quite a bit more than that," I responded. "I'm saying we're putting you in charge of it. You are a force for order in the world, but you have trouble with people and are better working from behind the scenes. Pantheon also desires order, and I believe we have achieved that in our own way, but we are better at working with people and confronting the less civilized threats in a more direct fashion."
"A succinct way of putting it," Accord agreed.
"What we propose is an obvious division of responsibilities. Pantheon will continue operating the way it currently does," I continued. "We'll expand our presence into Boston, complete with our Yggdrasil and a minor base of operations if possible, where we can supply you and yours with our equipment. We will drive out all threats, break the drug and prostitution markets as we have in Brockton Bay. You will also continue as always, managing... our joint economic resources, including the significant wealth we have control over from Coil's organization. How to best distribute aid to areas that need it for maximum results. Allowing us to be both effective and profitable."
No surprise, level of disappointment. Knew Coil. Working relationship. Saw him as a friend. Fuck. Why didn't we think to ask Coil about Accord? "We will, of course, put you in contact with the man we have controlling those resources. Another of our silent partners, recruited much like you're being recruited. You and he will likely be working together regularly. I believe you know him already, although he goes by another name now."
Got the hint, is relieved despite not knowing why he was upset. I didn't let my smile show. Accord isn't one of the thinkers who looks inward.
He was probably doing the calculations in his head. Simply clearing Boston of the Teeth alone would be worth potentially hundreds of millions to him in the long run. The 'insider trading' arrangement we offered for future real estate and other development projects would be hard to calculate, though with his power he likely already had. More than all of that: an opportunity to use his power to its fullest extent. He'd be managing the economies of several cities, while we handled the politics so he didn't have to.
"And all this costs me is the criminal side of my organization?" Accord asked.
"For the most part," I informed him. Won't like next part, needs a way to view it as beneficial enough to be worth the trouble. Best to divorce him from the problem entirely so he knows he'll never have to concern himself with it.
"You will have to accept some... inefficiencies... when it comes to dealing with troublemakers. In essence: you won't. Pantheon will handle disruptions and determine punishment itself, possibly in ways you would find less than satisfactory. Our leaders believe in offering second chances to almost everyone. This does, sadly, mean that some people will disappoint us by taking advantage of their generosity," I stated. He of course agreed with that assessment. Now to show him the upside of the endeavor. "However, I really cannot complain. After all, without that policy I would not have this incredible opportunity, and there would still be three Endbringers."
"You bring up an excellent point," Accord sighed. "As messy as it may be, I admit I cannot dispute the results. That is acceptable, as is your offer of a merger."
I set my briefcase on the desk. "These are a list of our assets and arrangements. As well as various estimates of our organization's production capacity. If necessary, we can leverage influence with the PRT, the Guild, Alexandria, and almost any police or political force within the cities we approach. We also have the support of Dinah Alcott, but we are using her for... other projects, also detailed in the notes presented here."
He nodded. "Understood. When do you believe you'll be ready to implement my projects?"
"Our operations for the next two days will be tied up in the planning and execution of our project in Chicago. After that, Houston is our next target."
"Why Houston?"
"The Fallen have managed to earn the... personal... attention of our leadership," I responded. Worried, sees this as a vendetta of revenge instead of pragmatism. "In addition, this cements a stronger relationship with Haven and cripples or eliminates one of the more destructive forces still remaining in the country. Given their... attitude toward the Endbringers and our past history, the conflict is inevitable. If we don't go after them, then they'll eventually take the fight to us. It's better to strike now, while we have the opportunity and before they have prepared themselves.."
He nodded again, relieved by my logical reasons. "It will be a week, then, before you're ready?"
"Likely only four days," I answered. "Let us say a week, however. Time enough to recover any resources spent on our objectives. I will, of course, be available to discuss our plans and needs at any time."
"I will familiarize myself within two days and make contact," Accord stated.
"I look forward to a long and stable relationship," I smiled. "Thank you. I shall see myself out, if that is all."
"It is," he agreed.
A/N- And they didn't even have to brainslug him.
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