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[RPG] "And Then You Die" 3.x Recruitment Thread


Magnificent Bastard
Nov 27, 2014
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The known world was owned and ruled by dragons. They had enslaved the mortal races and torn their civilisations down to ruins. This state of affairs had persisted for thousands of years; beyond the living memory of any creature save the draconic overlords.

Then, several centuries ago, came the Night of Chains. It had been the work of generations of careful work and planning. Dozens of dragons awoke to find themselves bound; their confidence in their immortality thwarted by the patient efforts of creatures they thought of as less than vermin, when they even thought of them at all.

Many more of the dragons still survived. Yet now they knew fear. Faced with the prospect of rooting their former slaves out of a thousand years of twisting mining tunnels they decided to take a different approach. The survivors gathered together and, as one, spoke an Edict of Truespeech that Cursed the land. Then they left, forever.

From that day on, the dead of the land would rise again and again; seeking to destroy the living.

Decades passed until, at last, a permanent solution was discovered. Many of the old deities of the world had been rediscovered; though equally as many proved useless in the face of the draconic Curse. Until the discover of the Dawnlord, the Shining One, the Sun Father; Pelor. The ministrations of his new priesthood proved capable of granting quiesence to the restless dead.

Now, many centuries later, the Church of Pelor covers the entirety of the accessible world; both apart from and protecting the secular nations of the land. An uneasy peace reigns due to the threat of undeath that is brought by war; with no nation quite willing to go to war when there is still so much land left unclaimed.

The premise of this game is very simple. You, the players, are members of one of many mercenary groups that works alongside the Church of Pelor in containing and cleansing outbreaks of undead. As you may have guessed from the title, at some point in this story you will die and return as intelligent undead. Assuming you don't thwart my initial attempt to do so, of course; at which point I shall just shrug and move on with the story regardless.

I'm looking for three-ish players, preferably in or close to the Pacific Timezone who have regular schedules; or at least ones known well in advance. I'll prioritise anyone I know to be a good player, but also have an eye for interesting applications.

Gameplay will be primarily via Roll20 and text, with an option for voice. Even if you don't want to talk I may do that just so I can talk as a DM faster and more easily.

The character creation and setting doc can be found here. It'll be updated over the next few days, as my time allows. Feel free to ask any questions here, PM me or hop on to IRC. I'm always logged in there even if I'm not always on.
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Oh, I also already have one player running... I believe a Beguiler. Is that right, Winged One?
That's the plan. I mostly just think we need a sneaky type and like playing casters, so if anyone wants to be our contact with CRIMINAL SCUM and resident master of disguise, I might do something else.
Right, you can count me as a Shapeshifter Druid w/ Spontaneous Rejuv.
Name: Onyx Redgrove
Race: half Elf
Class: Shapeshifter Druid
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 8, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 9.

Basic Info: A Half-Elven Child left to fend for themselves in the wild.
I forgot to add in the CC doc that I've been using Background Skills from PF, with some modifications. Added that to the document.

- Eight at first level
- If you spend background skill points on cross-class skills you get a full rank instead of a half rank, but you still cannot pass the limit on cross-class skills

That's all.
If it's not too late, I'd like to play. Thinking of either a wizard or psion.
Name: Anwir Goodman
Race: Human
Class: Beguiler
Str 12 Dex 12 Con 12 Int 17 Wis 13 Cha 15
Basic Info: This guy seems shady, even for a mercenary.
Argotem Laud
M LN Elf Wizard 4, Level 4, Init 3, HP / , Speed 30
AC 13, Touch 13, Flat-footed 10, Fort 1, Ref 5, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus 2
Dagger +2 (1d4, x2)
Short bow +5 (1d6, x3)
(+3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 8, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

I think I have everything.
Alright, looks like we will have:

UrsaTempest - Human Fighter
WingedOne - Human Beguiler
Sophos - Half-Elf Druid
Garahs - Elf Wizard

I will start preparing a schedule, as well as send y'all a link to a Discord server that I will generally use to store information as I am wont to do.

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