Rova 4711
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Rova 4711
They had withdrawn, evacuated, whatever one wanted to call it, Ekundayo's village via Candlemere, and traversed from the lake to Shrikewall. Or at least they had evacuated those who were willing to be evacuated from the village. It would have been a lie to say that everyone had seen sense. Jaethal had commented that the idiots may well be doing them a favor in effectively volunteering to be bait... but there were other things to do.
The capital continued to bustle and grow, filled with the clack and rhythmic bangs of hammers. Stas, one of corax's journeymen, had gained his own party of jacks to lead in knocking together more houses for the swelling population that wasn't even counting the village displacement.
The bearded man already had a lot of work to do, and if more villagers were going to have to be evacuated they were just going to be added to it. Once he was gone Eire turned to Valerie. The road problem was rearing its head again. With roads they could have theoretically spread more of the displaced, Oleg's, Loy, the Temple of Erastil, Kressel and Akiros's respective holdings.
Knocking together log cabins in the valley was the most practical solution to housing that they had while still maintaining some semblance of his ideals of centralized layout, and planning for the settlement... but with greater settlement in the valley that meant more security concerns. The greater possibility of something attracted to the dale as would prove to be the case.
Old Beldame's village simply wasn't fit for human inhabitation... there was too much that needed to be done and that would have to wait until after the spring thaw. "Kesten," And Eire had to resist the urge to default to referring to him by his surname give his ... familial troubles, "are there any other matters that need to be seen to?" besides the list that had been there before.
"The rabble rouser, continues, your grace."
The foreign bard had been stirring up trouble for a couple of weeks now. There simply hadn't been time to deal with it... or rather there hadn't been a priority to divert resources to do so up until Grigori the bard wasn't simply orating but using magic to stir up trouble.
If it had just been speeches Eire would have continued to ignore the man, but the magic had been a trip... a hint to look closer... in addition to being a criminal offense under the package of laws he had promulgated last year. Grigori was from Pitaxian spy, he had apparently graduated from the Pitaxian academy of arts before their own bard's expulsion from the institution.
... and in a sense that was where Grigori had mistepped as well. He had probably started stirring trouble up in smaller villages, of riverfolk. Regongar had recognized him as one of the leading hecklers, and the half orc had had to have been prevented from resolving the problem directly. Grigori had labored under the perhaps notion that the majority of those here would be of similar mind... but they weren't.
Shrikewall was not predominantly populated by northern taldanes of Brevoy or the river kingdoms already most of the city's population had migrated from southern Avistan drawn by the promise of better... whatever better was supposed to be....
... and whether from Absalom or Cheliax or other parts Shrikewall's residents the denizens of the baronial seat had little in common with Pitax culturally, compared to one another. They were much closer to the old Taldan empire's core than the frontier regions. Shrikewall's primary religious site was the cathedral to Iomedae not a temple to Erastil, or even Abadar... who at least would have been represented within the southern taldans major deities...
... there were other factors, but really it was religion, and culture.
You couldn't accuse a member of Iomedae's church of things like 'gallivanting around', talk of fools errands, or such without real proof. Such things were par for the course for expected of hereditary nobles apart of the sword faith. Then as if to compound Girgori's initial faux pas and lack of knowledge of Absalom, and Chelish and other inner sea views on their feudal overlords he had brought up the matter of money.
... maybe those missteps had been why the bard had resorted to using magic.
If not for Kesten investigating and assistance from the Iomedaen church carried out while he'd been away Grigori might have been assumed to just be some galtian malcontent... and Galt's revolution was condemned by the Church. It didn't matter. Grigori had entered the land on orders of a foreign power to undermine and cause the nation to fail.
... and the answer to that was as Jubilost had described it in a word 'Cheliaxian'.
The gnome didn't seem to frown on the pronouncement. Eire looked at the partial gathering. "I will go your grace." The hell knight declared.
A couple of junior clerics, all Chelish, of Iomedae also volunteered as well. Their presence reminding him that the local church ... like Brevoy's church of the inheritor to the north lacked a dedicated inquisition. ...staffed by full time inquisitors rather than part timers for the church.
That hadn't been something he'd expected to be a priority. Since hadn't requested the larger church apparatus hadn't seen the need to dispatch them. A public charge of the felonius violation of arcane acts, and misuse of mind magics would suffice. The reality of a trial though seemed forgone given he was likely to face a Chelish jury presiding over a full list of charges that would include espionage and conspiracy to insight rebellion. It would not have been considered a fair trial under modern earth standards... but frankly there was a part of eire who had every interest in making it so lawyers were a very uncommon profession indeed.
Kressel had come to visit, and while she wouldn't be taking anyone with here back to Nettle's crossing she would at least have some idea and thus be able to plan for resettling some of the smallfolk in the new year when hopefully dead dave was free to build. The turning of the seasons meant that the lizard folk were preparing for winter, and their less active sluggish part of the year. They would be vulnerable to to trollish attack. Celadon wasn't likely to be awash with activity during the cold months either. Still it had been a good opportunity for Kaessi to introduce the sweet teeth to the rattler, and Kressel all to consider protecting the long tail's village in the short days.
"Pitax has always spewed a lot of shit." Svetlana's half sister grunted to their most recent problem.
Apparently even before the current 'king' they had laid claim to a wide stretch north of their actual holdings... which seemed like it might run afoul of Jamandi's plans to settle baronies in the Stolen Lands. Such details were confirmed by Linzi. Internal propaganda, and aggrandizement aside, Pitax had never had the means to clear and explore those stretches of highland no man's land. Certainly not control it given the barbarian communities of Kellid that Kessil Aldori suggested had dwelled there.
"Pitax was founded by bandits fleeing brevoy,"
"And Justice's noose." Kesten added in agreement.
To that extent it was something of a surprise that the kingdom had managed to survive as long as it had... and well Brevoy wasn't that old having only been founded in 4499 a little over two hundred years ago.
Eire shook his head, "Irredentist claims aside, we will have to keep a watch. Our focus must be preparing for the winter, and and contending with the trolls."
"Tartuccio was a pitaxian spy, and there was the attack on Lady Jamandi." Kesten reminded him.
"And we will send word to Jamandi of this latest transgression," He replied, "But we must contend with the most immediate problems. That is the natural turning of the year, and the fact of the trolls, which may verywell be related. We need to bolster our defenses against them and if possible locate them, and neutralize them when we can." He had not forgotten about the purple gnome or his allegiances... but there was only so much they could do, and he needed to deal with the troll problem.
The weight growing into these feudal obligations steadily shifted his priorities. The barony... the kingdom to come was his responsibility. He had originally planned on a stone keep, he had moved to the cathedral, and the assistance of Iomedae's church in recognition of needing the apparatus of statecraft. He didn't need a castle for the barony, the hall would suffice for administration until it wouldn't, but the church provided other uses.
It had ultimately come down to the best way to institute organization, and record keeping. He had needed a work around for the bureaucracy to get crop rotation, and other farming improvements underway, and that meant literacy, and the written word. It was about economic specialization. Even though he had never been he could guess what Fort Drelev was like, at its core was by all accounts an relatively impressive stone keep that had been Hannis's first priority. Whether or not Hannis had had some starting point to build from, ruins or some such was unknown, but regardless at the core of the neighboring domain was the lord's estate.
They had withdrawn, evacuated, whatever one wanted to call it, Ekundayo's village via Candlemere, and traversed from the lake to Shrikewall. Or at least they had evacuated those who were willing to be evacuated from the village. It would have been a lie to say that everyone had seen sense. Jaethal had commented that the idiots may well be doing them a favor in effectively volunteering to be bait... but there were other things to do.
The capital continued to bustle and grow, filled with the clack and rhythmic bangs of hammers. Stas, one of corax's journeymen, had gained his own party of jacks to lead in knocking together more houses for the swelling population that wasn't even counting the village displacement.
The bearded man already had a lot of work to do, and if more villagers were going to have to be evacuated they were just going to be added to it. Once he was gone Eire turned to Valerie. The road problem was rearing its head again. With roads they could have theoretically spread more of the displaced, Oleg's, Loy, the Temple of Erastil, Kressel and Akiros's respective holdings.
Knocking together log cabins in the valley was the most practical solution to housing that they had while still maintaining some semblance of his ideals of centralized layout, and planning for the settlement... but with greater settlement in the valley that meant more security concerns. The greater possibility of something attracted to the dale as would prove to be the case.
Old Beldame's village simply wasn't fit for human inhabitation... there was too much that needed to be done and that would have to wait until after the spring thaw. "Kesten," And Eire had to resist the urge to default to referring to him by his surname give his ... familial troubles, "are there any other matters that need to be seen to?" besides the list that had been there before.
"The rabble rouser, continues, your grace."
The foreign bard had been stirring up trouble for a couple of weeks now. There simply hadn't been time to deal with it... or rather there hadn't been a priority to divert resources to do so up until Grigori the bard wasn't simply orating but using magic to stir up trouble.
If it had just been speeches Eire would have continued to ignore the man, but the magic had been a trip... a hint to look closer... in addition to being a criminal offense under the package of laws he had promulgated last year. Grigori was from Pitaxian spy, he had apparently graduated from the Pitaxian academy of arts before their own bard's expulsion from the institution.
... and in a sense that was where Grigori had mistepped as well. He had probably started stirring trouble up in smaller villages, of riverfolk. Regongar had recognized him as one of the leading hecklers, and the half orc had had to have been prevented from resolving the problem directly. Grigori had labored under the perhaps notion that the majority of those here would be of similar mind... but they weren't.
Shrikewall was not predominantly populated by northern taldanes of Brevoy or the river kingdoms already most of the city's population had migrated from southern Avistan drawn by the promise of better... whatever better was supposed to be....
... and whether from Absalom or Cheliax or other parts Shrikewall's residents the denizens of the baronial seat had little in common with Pitax culturally, compared to one another. They were much closer to the old Taldan empire's core than the frontier regions. Shrikewall's primary religious site was the cathedral to Iomedae not a temple to Erastil, or even Abadar... who at least would have been represented within the southern taldans major deities...
... there were other factors, but really it was religion, and culture.
You couldn't accuse a member of Iomedae's church of things like 'gallivanting around', talk of fools errands, or such without real proof. Such things were par for the course for expected of hereditary nobles apart of the sword faith. Then as if to compound Girgori's initial faux pas and lack of knowledge of Absalom, and Chelish and other inner sea views on their feudal overlords he had brought up the matter of money.
... maybe those missteps had been why the bard had resorted to using magic.
If not for Kesten investigating and assistance from the Iomedaen church carried out while he'd been away Grigori might have been assumed to just be some galtian malcontent... and Galt's revolution was condemned by the Church. It didn't matter. Grigori had entered the land on orders of a foreign power to undermine and cause the nation to fail.
... and the answer to that was as Jubilost had described it in a word 'Cheliaxian'.
The gnome didn't seem to frown on the pronouncement. Eire looked at the partial gathering. "I will go your grace." The hell knight declared.
A couple of junior clerics, all Chelish, of Iomedae also volunteered as well. Their presence reminding him that the local church ... like Brevoy's church of the inheritor to the north lacked a dedicated inquisition. ...staffed by full time inquisitors rather than part timers for the church.
That hadn't been something he'd expected to be a priority. Since hadn't requested the larger church apparatus hadn't seen the need to dispatch them. A public charge of the felonius violation of arcane acts, and misuse of mind magics would suffice. The reality of a trial though seemed forgone given he was likely to face a Chelish jury presiding over a full list of charges that would include espionage and conspiracy to insight rebellion. It would not have been considered a fair trial under modern earth standards... but frankly there was a part of eire who had every interest in making it so lawyers were a very uncommon profession indeed.
Kressel had come to visit, and while she wouldn't be taking anyone with here back to Nettle's crossing she would at least have some idea and thus be able to plan for resettling some of the smallfolk in the new year when hopefully dead dave was free to build. The turning of the seasons meant that the lizard folk were preparing for winter, and their less active sluggish part of the year. They would be vulnerable to to trollish attack. Celadon wasn't likely to be awash with activity during the cold months either. Still it had been a good opportunity for Kaessi to introduce the sweet teeth to the rattler, and Kressel all to consider protecting the long tail's village in the short days.
"Pitax has always spewed a lot of shit." Svetlana's half sister grunted to their most recent problem.
Apparently even before the current 'king' they had laid claim to a wide stretch north of their actual holdings... which seemed like it might run afoul of Jamandi's plans to settle baronies in the Stolen Lands. Such details were confirmed by Linzi. Internal propaganda, and aggrandizement aside, Pitax had never had the means to clear and explore those stretches of highland no man's land. Certainly not control it given the barbarian communities of Kellid that Kessil Aldori suggested had dwelled there.
"Pitax was founded by bandits fleeing brevoy,"
"And Justice's noose." Kesten added in agreement.
To that extent it was something of a surprise that the kingdom had managed to survive as long as it had... and well Brevoy wasn't that old having only been founded in 4499 a little over two hundred years ago.
Eire shook his head, "Irredentist claims aside, we will have to keep a watch. Our focus must be preparing for the winter, and and contending with the trolls."
"Tartuccio was a pitaxian spy, and there was the attack on Lady Jamandi." Kesten reminded him.
"And we will send word to Jamandi of this latest transgression," He replied, "But we must contend with the most immediate problems. That is the natural turning of the year, and the fact of the trolls, which may verywell be related. We need to bolster our defenses against them and if possible locate them, and neutralize them when we can." He had not forgotten about the purple gnome or his allegiances... but there was only so much they could do, and he needed to deal with the troll problem.
The weight growing into these feudal obligations steadily shifted his priorities. The barony... the kingdom to come was his responsibility. He had originally planned on a stone keep, he had moved to the cathedral, and the assistance of Iomedae's church in recognition of needing the apparatus of statecraft. He didn't need a castle for the barony, the hall would suffice for administration until it wouldn't, but the church provided other uses.
It had ultimately come down to the best way to institute organization, and record keeping. He had needed a work around for the bureaucracy to get crop rotation, and other farming improvements underway, and that meant literacy, and the written word. It was about economic specialization. Even though he had never been he could guess what Fort Drelev was like, at its core was by all accounts an relatively impressive stone keep that had been Hannis's first priority. Whether or not Hannis had had some starting point to build from, ruins or some such was unknown, but regardless at the core of the neighboring domain was the lord's estate.