Interstellar Expeditions Part 2
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Part 2
Even if there had been HPGs he wouldn't have used them, and really who would he have called from Skyfog. That being said he was really hoping to get through this without getting stabbed in the back, or less catastrophically face enemy air power. The latter was deemed unlikely because there weren't expected to be any pirates out this way.... discounting the Azami who he admitted had been forced into it, but even so that went back to the first point.Part 2
Or the Kuritans could show up. ... Yeah that would be fun to deal with. Interstellar was up to something... and ... and there wasn't anything he could do about it. It wasn't technically double dealing. He wasn't employed by the Canopians right now, IE was paying the bills... and and it still left him uncomfortable. Whatever was the deal was apparently good enough on the table to overlook some piracy, since he assumed that that hadn't been some kind of false flag or ... whatever. He wasn't getting paid for that, and Abner seemed to busy digging to care.
They were six jumps out now.... deep deep into the Rimward Periphery chasing treasure. They'd touched down on the planet's surface after some cursory surveys showed some overgrown and damaged structures that didn't match the stone age locals. They had apparently been abandonned for two hundred plus years and been wracked by flood damage as time had gone on, and some of them were buried into the mud from landslides years earlier.
He glanced up at the orange stained sky through his cockpit. Today was slow going. The dig site people giddily were insisting they had found something, but they had been saying that all fucking week... which he supposed from an archaeological standpoint they probably had found stuff. The planet definitely met criteria for having been explored and abandoned sometime probably twenty sixth through twenty eighth century. There were signs of inhabitation, and 'neo Paleolithic' societies in an equatorial band of grassland herding cattle but little to no sign of significant technology.
Bahar's voice came over the comm line, "Major Shepherd our credentials are being recognized," The female mechwarrior a few years his senior remarked matter of factly, smug even, but that diminished a few minutes later, "It seems the facility has deemed them insufficient. Doctor Abner wishes to try something."
'Try something' sounded dangerous, and he sat up a little straighter and tensioned against his harness. "Could you clarify?" He'd been about to continue, when:
"Bahar, I am reading fusion signatures powering." Hassan's voice cut off over her open channel, but it didn't matter his Star League Dalban was already flagging friendly SLDF Drone Units coming to life and the computer was broadcasting his IFF as friendly.
He had dismissed the archaeologists 'we found stuff' because no one had said what it was they had found, and they'd been digging in the damn dirt. This was just great. He pushed the mech up to cruise speed and watched as something streaked skyward. Fuck. That wasn't a missile. He keyed the JumpShip in orbit, "You have at least one ASF inbound." One might be enough. He got a response, and then a screech of static as the line went dead... but he hadn't registered weapons fire. There was no explosion ... and there was no way that an ASF could have broken orbit in a handful of minutes and then fired on a JumpShip regardless of how close the system's jump point was.
He sent a terse interrogative to Bahar on her status, but got no response. He wasn't reading weapons fire, just SLDF drones powering up. It did sort of imply that the Minnesota tribe had never gotten here. He pivoted the mech hard around the dried up river bank and right into the path of some kind of opening into the earth.
Reflexively Gene triggered his seisomographics only to get overloaded with information as his computer unpacked a navigation package beacon from the SLDF cache. "Ow, fuck." He brought his mech to a slow crawl getting out of the way of the opening.
"... ah major, yes... Major Shepherd the facility's automatic turrets and computer system... is not very happy with us breaking protocol. I swear this doesn't normally happen. I have very good experience with this particular bypass maneuver most of the time." Abner chuckled weakly, "It believes you are the ranking officer present... "Miss Bahar is apparently risking Court Martial for inappropriate access of SLDF secure facilities... yes."
"I've got a nav beacon. I will be there in a minute, is anyone hurt?"
"No, no we're fine." Abner replied absentmindedly presumably the danger, or immediate threat there of must have passed enough he'd switched back to academic mode.
He hoped the JumpShip was fine... otherwise they were even in more trouble. With no one hurt though he reached over to the sealed thermos and took a swig of the iced tea as he tried to parse the map his Mind Machine Interface had unpacked directly into his brain.
Even though he wasn't going to say it by the time he got to the dig site, and the uncovered access tunnel he'd digested enough of the map to recognize the similarities. This was a Castle Outpost not completely identical to his but similar enough that he was pretty sure he could find his way around. Aquagea though made sense to have one. The Periphery states on the southern border had been subject to the reunification war, and what not. This was different. They were out in the middle of nowhere, and there had been no satellite returns that they'd observed when they'd jumped in system... unless they had missed them.
He supposed it was possible even as he guided his mech to the bay door that was sized for them. The drones were ignoring his BattleMech, which ordinarily he would have ascribed to being invisible to hostile sensors... but here it was because of his Mech's broadcast frequency.
The good news was that the ASF drone thing that had launched had only flown up and broadcast SLDF shutdown codes at their JumpShip. It wasn't damaged, and there was no hurry to get back.
"This is similar but not identical to the facility on Richmond." Hassan remarked as they looked around, "It certainly looks like a refitting and resupply station," But Richmond had been a Rasalhague world if Gene remembered right, and even if it hadn't it had been apart of the Combine all the same.
"Did Richmond have drones like this?" He asked. Aquagea's had had similar ones but the layout was different... this was more spartan in a sense, but had more stuff just sitting in storage.
"Some, yes. Not many," Hassan replied. "The Minnesota tribe we think stripped all that they could fit... one our engineers thinks that the self destruct system on the facility failed to activate, and that was why there was anything left at all."
Given the Outpost Castle on Aquagea's self destruct system was triggering a multi megaton nuclear detonation... yeah... there wouldn't have been much left usable if it had gone off, which reminded him. He tapped some keys. "Well there are some LB-Xs in the stores. Ammo."
"In addition to the BattleMechs we had seen in the bay."
"Yeah, but thats nothing special none of those are Royals." He replied scrolling, "They are SLDF mechs but the latest ones in there were built in the late twenty seventh century according to the files. I expect this wasn't a high priority post." He kept scrolling, "I'd guess that this is one of the units whose parent formations disappeared at the start of the sucession wars. They look like they were assigned to,"
Abner scrunched him aside, and his voice went an octave closer to squeaky apoplectic "No this doesn't look right at all. We're too far rimward for a unit assigned to the 18th Army of the SLDF."
He was right, "This is dated before the New Vandenburg uprising though," And this was entirely too far out to have been hit by the rebels even assuming Amaris had known about this facility, which he doubted. Again that ran into the problem of there was no indication of orbital infrastructure in the system. No recharge stations, never mind anything bigger or more complex.
"Well I admit this is a little disappointing." Abner complained, as if it wasn't an intact SLDF outpost. "I mean certainly it is a discovery, but the Star League built many caches like this I'm sure."
"This planet is habitable."
Hassan nodded, "It is," But it wasn't necessarily suitable for resettling the Azami on, and there were other worlds rimward according to the charts. The charts were probably the biggest find really... and probably what Abner and Hassan had really been hoping to find.
Gene leaned against one of the terminals, and waited. The star map was about what he had expected. The Star League's Department of Mega-Engineering had built a network of facilities for the SLDF as the Star League's version of the Explorer Corps had traipsed through the periphery up until around 2765.
Ford got back with some of the techs even as Abner continued to play with the Star Map. "According to access it looks like most everyone here last were called up to move to answer the New Vandenburg revolt breaking out," He paused, and looked at the map.
"I believe, if I'm reading this correctly. That the Star League, or at least a portion of it was looking into the prospect that someone was shipping material into the far rim. It doesn't look like they ever found any proof, but it seems the 18th army had received a report via a Bug Eye surveillance asset of what looked like a colonization fleet heading rimward."
Those ships were apparently from the Rim World Republic, and apparently further investigation had been quashed from on high and then forgotten about with the outbreak of New Vandenburg... and the Amaris Coup and everything else going to hell. No one had come to this lonely outpost after its detachment had been pulled to the front to replace combat losses and while they probably had intended to return they hadn't. No one had come back apparently until they had arrived, which was why there were supplies here, but there were no great answers. Besides a handful of SLDF regular mechs the motor pool looked as if it had spares of the equipment that would have been attached to HQ and Service for the unit. There were engineering vehicles, a mobile HQ, a gaggle of transport trucks plus others, in addition about a dozen APCs of different models waiting on the racks for mechanics that had never gotten around to it.
Just more questions, and maybe the princess was in another castle. None of this was what they were looking for. Abner was going to stick a pin in the star map and leave everything here after he took pictures, and made copies of any documents.
Commentary: First thing is first I'll answer questions in a following post most likely.
Update schedule for the weekend: Saturday AoE, easy to do, Sunday probably this. Monday will probably be HPGENFANFIC so I'll be caught up to where I'm supposed to be. Ish.