31st Century Periphery Conclusion
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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31st Century Periphery
"It is your JumpShip."
"Technically sure." He replied as he moved through low gravity. "But you're Navy, and I'll leave the helming a ship and the other business to you."
Gene was cognizant of the difference in earnings an invader out here could easily pull down 300k, three hundred thousand c bills, in a weekly haul taking three DropShips. In theory they could make more in terms of value if they accepted payment in the local currency, so having the magistracy pay them in something other than the C Bill... and an Invader was smaller than the Liberty class, and was significantly smaller than the Leviathan in terms of cargo. The Colorado and Lebanon with a total dropship capacity of twelve DropShip or equivalent to the capacity of four Invader-class. It wasn't necessarily that clean cut, but Gene was very aware of how much money Lebanon and Colorado made for the company.
The Azami captain didn't disagree with his point. "The sails are safely retracted and the drives are charged."
"And course?"
"We are going deeper into the periphery, we will pass through a few minor canopian worlds," and worlds that should have been on the maps, but weren't for whatever reason... apparently too poor to warrant it. He knew that worlds Frobisher, and McEvedy's Folly were on the list of worlds that IE had earmarked from the DOME star map they had recovered, and that Abner was interested in going to but this outing was going to Pioche. "There are a few tasks to carry along the way."
Abner didn't really need their Jumpships and the entire logistical footprint being what it was meant that they could afford to leave one of their jumpships to ply the routes. They'd be making less of a profit... but frankly the previous two months was enough to cover salaries for everyone in the company and overhead for a while. They could pull the Leviathan just on the off chance they did find something interesting enough to bring back.
"Actually that was something I wanted to talk about," He paused as they came to a corridor junction, "Bahar do you mind showing them," He nodded to Easy Company who had been trailing along behind, "To the facilities," The two ninety meter grav decks might not have been much, but at least it was better space than the cramped quarters of a Union like the company had been assigned to.
The old naval captain moved to one of the ship's offices ... which looked well neo persian if Gene were being honest but Pasha was the captain he could oversee redecorating as he liked. The door sealed. "What is your will?"
He paused avoiding the reflexive use of starting a sentence with an adverb, like 'so', "Pioche, and I've reviewed what we have, may have been a rim worlds republic hidden facility, factory."
"You are of the opinion that Doctor Abner is correct then, that some one ..." the old man paused, "Strapped a fusion drive to a rock as it were,"
"I consider the odds of that being the case to be unfortunately likely." Of course was it booby trap, or had someone just decided to do it? The latter was an unpleasant possible possibility as well, and one he had to consider. " They moved to sit down and he recounted, at least an abridged format how he had ended up getting to Detroit. Specifically the Germanium.
In the Age of War JumpShips had, as they would be really throughout the Star League , and the succession wars, been fair game. After all they could be replaced. Oh The Ares Convention had placed restrictions on the use of nukes, and on targetting civilian infrastructure... at least among signatories per the capellans but the idea was that at least at that time that it was ludicrous to think of a JumpShip as irreplaceable. Even so JumpShips were ships designed to cross the vast gulf between space and as spaceships had been built to last. Maybe not as fighting ships, JumpShips were not warships but a JumpShip was supposed to be robust enough to serve centuries... and as it turned out those service lifespans, that lack of planned obsolescence had meant that JumpShips from the age of war were still plying the lanes.
"I admit of course," Pasha replied, "That our community is likely searching the known covenant space, -" He stopped to allow him to speak.
"No," That wasn't exactly what he had meant, "I've been perusing the database, the library the Taurians brought with them," The copy of it, "Sure by the standards of the League its primitive, but its still containing JumpDrive manufacturing for JumpShips of the period that the Taurians were able to manufacture. The Taurians knew they were running from wider civilization, that were going far enough that trade wasn't plausible," at the time at least, especially given politics. "Its the information, that could provide the information to make the tooling to manufacture drives in the long term."
... and of course there was nothing to say that they might not be able to salvage abandoned machinery and repurpose it in order to do that from the failed colony. The Alexandrians situation looked to have been internal. They had started shooting at each other, and the abandonment or possibly retreat from their worlds very well had been internal strife... certainly given the lack of orbital fires evidence... well all of the nuclear exchanges had been surface launched, which was still unpleasant to think about but there was nothing to indicate it had been more than a very very messy civil war.
Pasha had agreed to relay his realization through to the elders on Alamut... but that would take time. It wasn't that they wouldn't likely have figured out, but the cultural inertia of it all... that some things were just lost might have stymied even as the Azami put the mothballed fleet the Alexandrian Covenant worlds had left behind and forgotten about in order to reestablish trade.
The Azami exodus put them far enough out that they should be able to build that kind of infrastructure without ... as the Capellan raid in 3005 on luxen had shown... one of the great houses coming out to cause trouble...
and frankly as he was standing on the bridge command deck of the JumpShip in conjunction with the others. Yusuf, and the Lebanon would be left to plow the trade routes, and well, they were going to wink out in a flash and start the journey through the rim ward edge of the Canopian borderlands, ferrying a couple of DropShips from Luxen along the way to drop off very valuable supplies, and personnel but otherwise drop those DropShips off and keep moving.
It would take a while to get to Pioche they were talking several hundred light years and that would really that travel time would largely consist of Jumping, spending a week recharging the drive stuck aboard either their DropShips or aboard the Jumpship proper waiting for that charge to be done, before they made the next jump, and repeating the process until they finally got there.
As a precaution of course they would be using the telescopes to confirm things like stellar light emission, radiation emitted from stars and the presence of planets from those measurements confirm that those jump coordinates were correct as they got further out into the rim ward periphery and beyond the modern commonly travelled commercial lanes.
Right now though they were finishing the last of the safety checks and communications lines staying open with the other Jump Ships in order to make sure procedure was followed and that travel was as safe as possible.
There was nothing magical about the K-F drive. You didn't have to make specific chants, wave incense around or conduct prayers to the god in the machine. It was advances physics sure, but it was not magic, and as long as the maintenance was done the machines worked.
Once they had confirmation a start the clock was called, and then shortly there after the venerable Leviathan-class JumpShip blinked out of system.