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Book Searching


RWBY fan seeks digivice & gunscythe
Nov 24, 2018
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Hello, this is an old book searching thread. If you have a yen for a dead-tree format story you just Can't find, this is the thread to go to!
First two:
The First is a Science Fiction Thriller involving a trip to a pole. The book dealt with The power of Zero, and time was running out. From what I recall, the Sun in that was about to do a Coronal Mass Ejection, similar to what killed the Dinosaurs. I don't remember much more, but it was a great book. Want to find the author too, as I remember several books in that library, enough that the librarians got annoyed at me for bringing out old books to get filed.

The second is a childhood series. It involved a teenage aspiring paleontologist moving from New York to Rural land. There were several mysteries, such as a missing fossil, a contest for major grants, and a lot more. Very interesting. Think Scholastic, but it could have been Christian fiction.
I once found a book that dealt with the MC and his allies having apocalyptic powers and they are slowly going out of control. No idea what the name is. But I remembered I read the preview page.

First two:
The First is a Science Fiction Thriller involving a trip to a pole. The book dealt with The power of Zero, and time was running out. From what I recall, the Sun in that was about to do a Coronal Mass Ejection, similar to what killed the Dinosaurs. I don't remember much more, but it was a great book. Want to find the author too, as I remember several books in that library, enough that the librarians got annoyed at me for bringing out old books to get filed.

The second is a childhood series. It involved a teenage aspiring paleontologist moving from New York to Rural land. There were several mysteries, such as a missing fossil, a contest for major grants, and a lot more. Very interesting. Think Scholastic, but it could have been Christian fiction.
I think I've read the second one in TVtropes. But I forgot the name.

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