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Broken chains and opened eyes (asoiaf, si? and three wish elements)

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Hi. This is my first actual post on here and my first project in quite a while.

I'll be slowly...


Know what you're doing yet?
Mar 16, 2019
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Hi. This is my first actual post on here and my first project in quite a while.

I'll be slowly posting a fanfic set in Westeros.

I'm still debating the starting character but he will probably be an SI of some degree possessing three things:

Knowledge of how to use and create a specific version of the Philosophers Stone,
knowledge of the technology and development of an alternate earth and
Charles zi Britannia's Geass Power.

Yes this will be OP. He'll start of as a nobody and might struggle for a while... until he starts rising and creating enemies etc.
This is mostly an experiment.

You should make a new thread when you finally get around to posting the first chapter. people only get notified if they follow your thread, or if they opted to get notified for new threads. you just wasted your new thread notification on an empty thread that does not really give reason to follow it.

When you post the first chapter, I suggest making it polished and engaging instead of a boring "conversation with rob" chapter riddled with grammatical errors because of lack of time into proofreading. The first chapter is your hook, designed to make people want to read more. It is critically important that the first chapter be as interesting as possible
You should at least make a prolonge chapter for this thread ,but either just make it happened regardless of spelling erros

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