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Hey, this is the first fic that I am posting here. Thought Id try to actually write fanfiction...
1 Waiting in Purgatory


Know what you're doing yet?
Dec 2, 2018
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Hey, this is the first fic that I am posting here. Thought Id try to actually write fanfiction. If you have any suggestions on better management of a fic or formatting or anything you think would be helpful I would appreciate it.

Thinking to check my phone for the time but upon reaching for it in my pocket I find nothing. Strangely I find myself not minding the lack of my phone much. I had been sitting in this waiting room for quite a long time and the longer I wait the more I grow confused with what I was waiting for. The confusion seems to grow infinitely in the same manner as a shepherd tone, constantly increasing yet never achieving anything. Looking over to the receptionist I find the alarmingly bland woman staring back at me with a dismissive gaze.

While I question whether I should approach the counter for the nth time I spy what I immediately assume is someone's pet dog in my peripheral vision. When I pan my eyes my opinion quickly changes as a small bipedal goat monkey thing approaches me.

I grow even more alarmed when it opens its mouth.

"Are you ؜_______?"

Blinking in confusion is the most response I can muster.

The creature stares blankly for a moment before palming its face and saying, "Right I forgot you aren't allowed that here," lowering its hand it continues, "Did you have an imaginary friend that looked like me when you were a kid?"

The silence stretches for a moment before I actually consider the question and take a more noticeable look at the creature. Wait he actually seems familiar now…

"Zethur? Wait what the fuck?"

Smiling widely, with sharp canines, he spreads his arms as he says, "Thank fangs, do you know how many purgatories I had to sift through to find you. I'm a little disappointed you ended up in this one, but your world has an even more disappointing margin of purgatoried individuals so it's pretty minor."

Shaking my head I throw a hand out and shake it even more as I say, "Wait, wait, what's going on, why are you talking so much smarter now? You never used big words like this when I was a kid."

Dropping his arms Zethur raises a brow as he says, "You do realize you were a kid then? Why would I use big words? Also, why is that what you ask about and not the fact that you're in purgatory."

Shrugging my shoulders I say, "I don't know I guess I'm more interested in you than being dead I guess?"

Grabbing my hand Zethur pulls me from my sitting position and starts pulling me out of the waiting room as he says, "Oh good, you came to terms with that startlingly quick, we have a lot to figure out."

The moment we pass the thresh hold of the waiting room we find ourselves in an ephemeral hallway that was a mix of the northern lights and perfect clouds. Gaping for a moment I finally manage to claw back to sensibility for a moment as I begin to ask questions of Zethur.

Yes, I was dead, yes I was in purgatory, I apparently could not remember my name as a side effect of the specific purgatory I was sent to and yes there were more. Apparently, all of them had to do with the slow stripping of nonessential aspects of identity. Done in an environment and mental condition to be the least punishing. I apparently remembered Zethur due to him being a core childhood memory in the face of loneliness, sadly fair.

A beautiful hallway, but a long one I interrupt with, "Wait then how are you here? Are all imaginary friends real?"

Shrugging he says, "Maybe somewhere, but I'm not actually an imaginary friend."

Slowing in my gate I ask, "Then what's happening here, man?"

"Oh, right now I am taking you to my personal domain. I… have some personal shit to figure out relative to morality and personal self-worth and I thought I could do so by seeing what you would do under select circumstances."

"Woah… wait… are you literally ROBing me for self-actualization?"

The ensuing silence makes me laugh and Zethur to roll his goat-like eyes.

"Technically yes, for real though I might need to put you through some hard stuff. I'll be riding along with you for it… kind of, but I plan on figuring things out with you before we start. We can probably start talking about it now as we approach my domain."

Nodding I say, "Sure Zeth, we're best friends, and if I can go on an epic adventure to help you out? Hell yeah."
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While I normally hate meet-the-rob chapters, I found this one to be a novel experience. That the rob was the MC's imaginary friend was cute, even if the reveal at the end dulled some of it.

A pity the SFW side of QQ is practically dead. This deserves more attention.
While I normally hate meet-the-rob chapters, I found this one to be a novel experience. That the rob was the MC's imaginary friend was cute, even if the reveal at the end dulled some of it.

A pity the SFW side of QQ is practically dead. This deserves more attention.
The alternative self thing? I might get rid of that. Just make him the imaginary friend
The alternative self thing? I might get rid of that. Just make him the imaginary friend
You don't need to do that just to accommodate me, if that was the intention.

The rob being the mc from an alternative reality is interesting; it's just that the idea of the rob being the mc's imaginary friend turned psychopomp is interesting and cute.

I mean, the most interested person in rob'ing us would be ourselves, so the rob being alt-reality mc is also realistic.

But if you want to change it because you think it would be more interesting too than go for it.
Well, hoping you won't be glued to Link's body but honestly? I like the premise. Excellent subversion of the ROB trope. Consider this watched and pending recommendation for SV and SB.
I should have waited to post this because I planned on restarting breath of the wild to progress and I'm still playing through tears of the kingdom.

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