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Commander Quest

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Right. So my last couple of ideas basically went no where due to the fact that I was tired when...


An ordinary cat?
Mar 27, 2013
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Right. So my last couple of ideas basically went no where due to the fact that I was tired when I wrote them and had no idea where I was going to go with them.

Looking on projects I did that had more than two posts of writing, I realize that a lot more effort and planning went into those, so I became more invested and less likely to drop it because I was didn't really feel like writing.

That said, I have planned this one out a little bit more. Let's hope it actually goes somewhere.


You are a Major within Her Royal Majesty's Army, and the commander of the Ninth Royal Mechanized Infantry Company.

And you are about to give the Duke of Schallmarch a very bad day.

Since your grandfather's time, there's been saber-rattling over the border. Mostly it's harmless. Shuffling troops up and down the Glacis river, posting artillery battalions in meaningful places, ambassador's smiles sharpened into knives. The Queen honestly doesn't care much. Well, she cares about protecting her people, and enforcing the trade embargo placed on Schallmarch when he demanded at the Council of Nations that the Ilosians hand over the plans to their Archon Cannon, along with the 'stolen' territory in the Quol sea that hadn't actually belonged to them for over a century. And he would also be taking half the continent, too.

You suppose the final nail in the coffin was when he threatened to unleash the forces of Hell if his demands weren't meant, and take everything by force.

That was about two years ago, and the Duke hadn't been allowed back to the Council since.

Yesterday morning, he announced via radio broadcast (And what was up with that? Schallmarch's always been a bit behind the curve, but you're fairly sure that they were supposed to have television at least.) that he was fed up with the 'interference' of the Council stopping his rise to his 'true' position as ruler of the world. As such, he would now be invading everyone with his 'Army of the Infernal Hells' bolstered by his 'Dark Powers'.

Your job is to disabuse him of this silly notion.

And while the Joint Task Force won't be prepared to bring the full might of it's hammer down until tomorrow, the Archon Cannon will start delivering payloads of fun at one o'clock this afternoon.

Until then, you are to defend Gallow's Way, a little town that happens to sit on a road that comes from Schallmarch and leads to Bles, the capital. Well, after winding through the Waldreich mountains for few hundred miles and passing by a fort or two. Most of the action is supposed to happen around the Glacis, but the Black Coats at Intelligence say that there's supposed to be Schallmarch troops being shuffled this way.

So, here's where you are.

Now, how should you prepare...

[ ] Dig in and fortify your position. Defense is the best offense.
[ ] Mount up. You're a Mechanized unit. Make use of that mobility.
[ ] Write in.
Personal Stats

Bravery: 18
Charisma: 34
Aim: 100
Skill: 98
Endurance: 99
???: 99

Your Current Command:
Ninth Royal Mechanized Infantry Company

Morale: Low.



7x 'Charlie' IFVs.

83x Royal Infantry (12 per IFV)

Hero Units

Commander's Charlie (IFV)

As a Command Unit, this IFV is particularily well maintained and equipped with tougher armor. It also comes with a crack squad of Infantry who's presence on the front line bolster morale. However, you are in this IFV. If it's destroyed while you are inside, you die.
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[X] Mount up. You're a Mechanized unit. Make use of that mobility.

Let's go say hello.

Hopefully, when we find out he actually has summoned hell, we'll be able to run away.
[X] Will Offensive is the best defense obviously, You aren't stupid in the least. Leaving behind a third of your forces to fortify while you go on the offense as a backup plan is good.

Ribbing from one of Shaderic's old players however.

When are you going to update the game :p. It's no fun to be a player for a little bit then get the rug pulled out under ya.

[X] Mount up. You're a Mechanized unit. Make use of that mobility.
[X] Turtle up, get most of the Charlies hull-down and the infantry preparing fighting positions.
[X] Organize some patrols well before Artillery Fun Times, so you've got a bit of warning if they decide to respond here. Oh, and talk to any vaguely local fire support elements, see about zeroing some big guns on likely approaches.

Let the crazy come to you, don't use IFVs in the open where proper tanks can eat them alive, and most importantly don't move away from the place with plumbing and roofs and proper food until you have to.
[X] Will Offensive is the best defense obviously, You aren't stupid in the least. Leaving behind a third of your forces to fortify while you go on the offense as a backup plan is good.
[X] Will Offensive is the best defense obviously, You aren't stupid in the least. Leaving behind a third of your forces to fortify while you go on the offense as a backup plan is good.
[X] Dig in and fortify your position. Defense is the best offense.

Do I see a spellcross inspired quest here? I so wish I had that idea first..
[X] "Hmmmm, Let's get ready for Hell, boys!"
[X] Dig in and fortify your position. Defense is the best offense.
[x]Well, a good offense is the best defense obviously, You aren't stupid in the least. Leaving behind a third of your forces to fortify while you go on the offense as a backup plan is good.


"Right, Charlie Two and Three, you're with Charlie One! You'll set up a defensive fight position in the square!" Your eyes tavel over the rest of the company. They all look fairly excited to be going to war. This far away from the Glacis, you expect they'll be bored to tears by tea time. "Charlie Four and Five will be Patrol Team Zulu. Six and Seven, you'll be Yankee. Eight, Nine, and Ten? You're going to be X-ray."

"Zulu team will be patroling around the forests north of the road, while Yankee takes the south. X-ray will be patrolling the road itself."

"ROE for the day is that we are not supposed to fire, until we are first fired upon." The men look aghast for a second. "Which to say, after the first bugger shoots at you, everyone else is clear to fire on all targets wearing a Schallmarch uniform. Once you gett shot at, that's going to be our declaration of war." This bit of news calms them down, and there's even a few nervous jokes about who'll be the unlucky bastard to recieve the 'declaration'.

You do a once over of the POW rules after that, and follow it up with a LOAC review. Not that you have any doubts about whether or not your men might try something like that, but nothing wrong with making sure everything's fresh in the minds.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d12 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]
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The first signs of trouble pop up just as you've finished digging into the square.

"Charlie Six to Charlie One. Be advised we're losing visibility out here due to fog."

"Charlie Four here, same thing's happened to us."

"This is Patrol Team X-Ray, and we can't see jack out here."

Your lips draw tight. It's eleven AM on a bright and sunny day. Any fog or mist should be burned up by now. You stick your head out the hatch of your Command Charlie just in time to see a literal wave of fog roll over your position.

A two hundred foot tall wall of white that makes it so you can't see more than a few feet ahead of you.

Somehow, it doesn't strike you as natural in the least.

[ ]Your Command?
[X] Move into a tighter formation.
-[X] Try to allow squads/units to be within visual contact of at least two other squads/units.
[X] Fix bayonets.

Not sure on the tech level for weapons, nor what the standard load-out for close combat is.
[X] Pull the patrols back into the town for mutual support. Maintain radio contact.
[X] Get dismounts into cover, block the road, make sure all the support weapons are set up and manned.
[X] Radio in the anomalous conditions.
[X] Pull the patrols back into the town for mutual support. Maintain radio contact.
[X] Get dismounts into cover, block the road, make sure all the support weapons are set up and manned.
[X] Radio in the anomalous conditions.
[X] Pull the patrols back into the town for mutual support. Maintain radio contact.
[X] Get dismounts into cover, block the road, make sure all the support weapons are set up and manned.
[X] Radio in the anomalous conditions.

Yep, this is looking more and more like a Spellcross Quest. Beware incoming orcs!
Hey, I need six 1d100 rolls for stats quick.

Because you may or may not realize it, but shits about to get real.

Also, Orcs? You expect me to use something so crude, so inelegant, so ugly as Orcs?
shaderic said:
Hey, I need six 1d100 rolls for stats quick.

Because you may or may not realize it, but shits about to get real.

Also, Orcs? You expect me to use something so crude, so inelegant, so ugly as Orcs?
Hey, it's what the first mission in spellcross had..

So, what, upgrading us to acid spitting giant spiders then?
Biigoh said:
[X] Pull the patrols back into the town for mutual support. Maintain radio contact.
[X] Get dismounts into cover, block the road, make sure all the support weapons are set up and manned.
[X] Radio in the anomalous conditions.

1d100=18, 1d100=34, 1d100=100, 1d100=98, 1d100=99, 1d100=99

... What the fuck man.


It's like you min/maxed your character somehow. That low bravery score is going to bite you in the ass, but given everything else...

It's ludicrous bull shit.

This is going to be hilarious.
shaderic said:
... What the fuck man.


It's like you min/maxed your character somehow. That low bravery score is going to bite you in the ass, but given everything else...

It's ludicrous bull shit.

This is going to be hilarious.

4 out 6 good rolls isn't that bad? :3
shaderic said:
Personal Stats

Bravery: 18
Charisma: 34
Aim: 100
Skill: 98
Endurance: 99
???: 99
So not very brave or all that charismatic but a nightmarishly good combatant. With 99 in something unknown.
I can live with this.
Biigoh said:
I suspect ludicrous like Ciaphas Cain or Black Adder. :3

Not familiar with Black Adder, but you're definitely not charming enough to be Cain.

Your direct combat stats are kinda crazy. I'll just leave it at that.

Your Charisma isn't all that good, but that can be compensated for. High charisma is primarily good for improving general morale, or getting interactions to swing your way. This just means you'll need to think abit about what actually want to say to people.

Now, the real issue here is the low Bravery score. It means that your personal ability to stare EVIL in the face and not falter isn't all that good. It's pretty bad, actually. It's not quite bad enough where you won't go into combat at all, but you're very easy to spook.
[X] Pull the patrols back into the town for mutual support. Maintain radio contact.
[X] Get dismounts into cover, block the road, make sure all the support weapons are set up and manned.
[X] Radio in the anomalous conditions.

You issue your orders quickly, while trying to pass word up the chain.

HQ doesn't respond, and you try again. No response. That does not bode well. There's nothing from Fort Merino either, which is the closest place you could expect support from.

X-ray team checks in first, and shortly begins to set up shop in the square with you. Yankee follows suit.

Zulu isn't answering. Or rather, they checked in briefly before a series of clangs carried over the radio, followed by silence. Each man was supposed to be carrying a radio, and there were twenty six of them between the two Charlies. While it's certainly possible that they aren't responeding due to the same reason HQ and Fort Merino aren't, you didn't have any trouble with Yankee and X-ray.

Soon enough, there's nothing to do but wait and hope. The men were starting to get tense, and the fog certainly wasn't helping. Although, it did thin enough to were you could at least see across the street, you couldn't help but feel like you were on the set of a horror movie. And that you were about to play the part of the officer killed in action to demonstrate how terrifying the threat really was.

That's when you started to hear it. A quiet thudding sound. It had a regular beat to it, but the sound was somewhat metallic. The quiet rasp of metal on metal started to fill the air.

When the first one emerges from the fog, you aren't quite sure what to think.

It's a knight.

In full plate, polised to bright silver. In one hand, it's carrying a kite shield. In the other, a claymore.

Each step it takes seem to echo in the mist, and everyone in your company has become silent to stare at it. It raises the sword and then-

It comes down, splitting a soldier you absently recall was named Kilgore. The spell broken, some one screams, gun fire crashes into the knight and goes straight through it. Which is when you realize that the knight wasn't the only one. Five more have stepped into visible range.

[ ] Your Actions?

[ ] Your Orders?
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