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Cyberpunk: Demon of Night City (Cyberpunk 2077 SI/OC)

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At the abrupt sound of gunfire, Lee's reflexes kicked in, propelling him off the bed where he...
Chapter 1


Getting out there.
Feb 14, 2021
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At the abrupt sound of gunfire, Lee's reflexes kicked in, propelling him off the bed where he had been peacefully dozing. In an instant, he assessed his unfamiliar surroundings, realizing with a jolt that he was no longer in the comfort of his hotel room.

Having recently returned from a grueling deployment, Lee had been looking forward to his homecoming and eagerly anticipated one final flight that would bring him back to his base. His thoughts were focused on the imminent prospect of in-processing with his squadron and embarking on a well-deserved extended leave.

His attention swiftly drawn to a figure approaching the sole window in the room, Lee instinctively lowered himself to a crouched position and silently maneuvered towards the wall, diligently avoiding any line of sight. Uncertain of the unfolding situation, his primary concern was avoiding a potentially fatal encounter. The last thing he wanted was to be caught in the crossfire once again.

However, before Lee's fears of discovery could materialize, the figure at the window was struck by a powerful blast from a shotgun, causing the body to hurtle through the shattered glass and land between the bed and the window. The resounding echo of the gunshot reverberated through the room, resonating with more force than Lee had anticipated from a standard shotgun blast.

Observing that no immediate threat seemed to be approaching, Lee cautiously extended his arm, making a conscious effort to avoid the treacherous shards of glass. As he dragged the lifeless body closer, a startling revelation struck him.

Perhaps influenced by his recent viewing of "Cyberpunk: Edgerunners," Lee couldn't help but notice that the cadaver before him appeared to be adorned with intricate cybernetic enhancements from head to toe. His initial thought was that it might be some form of elaborate cosplay or a simulated battle scenario. However, upon running his hands over the cybernetic eye and arm, Lee realized that this was no mere façade.

An uncanny intuition informed him that the arms were outdated models from Militech's combat arsenal, while the eyes were first-generation Kiroshi implants. This newfound knowledge momentarily gave Lee pause, but the urgency of the situation quickly banished any inclination to dwell on every peculiar detail. This was real, not a dream, and there was no time for unnecessary apprehension.

Drawing upon his experience and resourcefulness, Lee resolved to leverage every advantage at his disposal, seizing whatever he needed to survive the imminent night of uncertainty. He knew the drill; it wasn't his first rodeo, and it certainly wouldn't be his last. Disregarding the shredded tactical vest that had been rendered useless by the forceful projectile that pierced through the intruder's chest, Lee methodically began to strip the body of its pants and boots, gearing himself up for the challenges that lay ahead.

Grateful for the pants' accompanying belt, Lee secured it around his waist, ensuring a more secure fit. Although the shoes were slightly oversized, he was relieved to have them, providing protection for his feet. Feeling a renewed sense of reassurance, Lee carefully rolled the lifeless body over, his search intensifying as he sought a weapon of some kind.

To his satisfaction, he discovered a holster nestled under the armpit, containing a Constitutional Arms Unity pistol. Without hesitation, Lee swiftly performed a function check, ensuring the firearm was operational. Confirming that the magazine held 11 rounds, with an additional round already chambered, he mentally noted the firepower at his disposal.

Outside, the cacophony of gunfire persisted, briefly interrupted by the roaring sound of a jet soaring overhead before abruptly ceasing. A synthesized voice blared through the chaos, issuing a directive: "Landing, stand clear! Initiating security protocol. Follow all instructions."

Amidst the chaos, a defiant voice emerged, shouting obscenities at the vehicle flying overhead. "Fuck you Trauma Team! The Corpo Suit is ours!" The proclamation was followed by a renewed hail of gunfire, accompanied by the distinct clattering of bullets colliding with metallic surfaces.

Lee could faintly discern the menacing whir of a mini gun and caught fleeting glimpses of tracer rounds slicing through the air. The sickening thuds of bodies hitting the ground reverberated, evidence of the devastating impact of the bullets.

Pressing his back against the opposite wall, Lee fervently hoped to avoid becoming a target amidst the relentless firefight. Cutting through the air, an ominous sound heralded the detonation of two explosions. With a surge of dread, Lee deduced that the AV had been shot down, although he couldn't recall how he possessed the knowledge of what exactly had been shot down. The absence of witnessing its descent was compensated by the resounding tremor that shook the ground when a larger explosion erupted.

Following the chaos, maniacal laughter echoed through the air, intermingled with a shout: "That'll teach 'em! Now let's get out of here before the scavengers muster some courage and Trauma Team sends reinforcements. Pedro! Secure the suit. Faraday won't be pleased if we fail."

The mention of the name Faraday stirred a flicker of recognition in Lee's mind. It would be peculiar not to recognize the name after having watched multiple episodes featuring the character. The revelation added to the mounting list of mysteries that Lee would have to unravel once he escaped this perilous situation.

As the symphony of gunfire gradually faded into silence, Lee opted to remain concealed a little while longer, cautiously inching closer to the shattered window. He maintained a vigilant watch over the aftermath, scanning for any signs of feigned deaths among the fallen.

After an extended period with no movement and the distant hum of another AV passing overhead, Lee finally decided to venture beyond his cover. He meticulously readied his pistol, ensuring a firm grip, and gingerly opened the door to the room where he unexpectedly found himself.

Moving swiftly and methodically, Lee cleared both sides of the room as he cautiously advanced towards the first lifeless body. His grip tightened on the pistol as he pressed the barrel against the base of the skull, unwilling to trust the absence of any movement. Maintaining his focus on the body, he used his free hand to search for any valuables concealed on or around it.

Sensing the presence of a knife, Lee withdrew it from its sheath and drove it into the cadaver's head, ensuring its demise. Finally convinced of its lifelessness, Lee surveyed his surroundings once more before proceeding to drag the body back to his makeshift base in the room.

Following the same practiced routine, Lee swiftly moved from one body to the next, selectively collecting those that were relatively intact and held items of interest. He deposited them in the room for later examination and retrieval. After amassing a significant haul, including two Trauma Team members, Lee set about categorizing and packing anything he deemed valuable into an emptied duffle bag.

Due to the merciless barrage from the minigun, the remains were fragmented and scattered, making salvageable pieces scarce. Lee had selectively chosen bodies that still retained a semblance of wholeness or possessed items he desired.

Among the Trauma Team corpses, the first one suffered a crushed head, leaving their jumpsuit and equipment intact from the neck down. Conversely, the second body yielded only a relatively intact helmet. Recognizing the superior quality of the Trauma Team gear compared to the attire worn by the assumed Scav and Maelstrom bodies, Lee decided to don the salvageable components. Initially hesitant about adopting the distinct Trauma Team aesthetic, he couldn't help but appreciate the style and the potential deterrent effect it might have on street encounters.

Aware that the gear likely contained tracking or recording devices that would activate upon donning the combat jumpsuit, Lee dedicated some time to scouring the field of bodies in search of a cyberdeck. As a former member of a Combat Communications Unit, he possessed familiarity with the concepts utilized by netrunners in this world. While there were still nuances to grasp, Lee was confident that acquiring the necessary skills would be a swift process.

Eventually, after a thorough search, Lee came across a handheld device that he recognized as an older model of a cyberdeck manufactured by SGI Technologies. His newfound knowledge informed him that this particular model was considered outdated by over 50 years, but for Lee, it represented cutting-edge technology.

"I wish I had something like this during my deployment," Lee mused, impressed by the capabilities of the cyberdeck. He proceeded to connect it to the Trauma Team suit and, to his surprise, effortlessly gained access to the internal systems. With his newfound control, he disabled the wireless capabilities that were currently transmitting information back to Trauma Team's central servers.

Satisfied with his modifications, Lee completed the process of donning the suit, including the respirator and helmet combination. As he powered up the systems, he felt the cooling mechanisms activate. "No sweatin' in this baby," Lee chuckled, appreciating the comfort the suit provided.

Although he had plans to make personal modifications in the future, Lee realized that sorting out the turmoil in his mind would have to take precedence once he left the immediate danger zone. The weight of his emotions couldn't be contained indefinitely before something gave way.

Strapping a Kang Tao smart SMG onto his new plate carrier, Lee assessed his appearance and determined that he resembled a seasoned professional, especially with the bag brimming with guns and ammunition slung over his shoulder. Convinced that he blended in sufficiently, he prepared to exfiltrate from his current location.

Maintaining a vigilant and methodical approach, Lee swept and cleared every angle as he moved forward. Utilizing the Trauma Team helmet's heads-up display, he scanned for potential threats or hidden objects that his naked eyes might have missed. Gradually, Lee skillfully navigated through the labyrinthine streets, passing numerous fallen gang members along the way.

After covering a considerable distance of approximately ten city blocks, Lee decided to take a momentary respite near a warehouse located near the docks. Despite being accustomed to wearing heavy gear and enduring sweltering heat, the temperature-regulated suit did little to ease the strain of carrying the weighty vest and pouches filled to the brim with essential medical supplies. Not to mention the duffle bag filled with an assortment of firearms.

Taking a well-deserved breather, Lee found solace in the relative calm shadow of the warehouse. He used the opportunity to assess his surroundings and plan his next move. The night was still young, and there were many challenges ahead, but Lee's determination and resourcefulness kept him focused on survival in this unforgiving urban battleground.

Lee surveyed the surrounding warehouses and observed that most, if not all of them, were equipped with some form of security system. He presumed that they likely had a network of cameras, as well as various security measures such as BMSes, IR sensors, and tampers. As he contemplated how to infiltrate one of the warehouses, a realization struck him—he possessed a powerful cyberdeck and his advanced helmet boasted more features than the renowned Kiroshi Optics Mk.3.

Eager to make use of his technological advantage, Lee once again connected his cyberdeck to the suit, this time linking it to the helmet's scanner. He initiated the process of breaching the warehouse's network, tapping into his networking skills. Surprisingly, it took him no more than two minutes to gain access, loop the cameras, and deactivate the remaining alarms. In contrast, it had taken him nearly five minutes to hack his combat suit earlier.

Puzzled by the ease with which he infiltrated the warehouse's security compared to his own attire, Lee chose not to dwell on the matter further. Time was of the essence, and he needed to make progress. Unlocking the nearest back door, Lee cautiously stepped into the dimly lit interior. Once inside, he swiftly secured the door behind him and activated a small rotating camera feed in the top right corner of his HUD.

With all perimeter tampers, BMSes, and IR sensors reactivated, Lee felt a sense of security that allowed him to proceed with his exploration. Moving silently, he placed his duffle bag on the ground and retrieved the dagger he had acquired earlier. Approaching a wooden crate, he carefully severed the straps, meticulously examining the box for any signs of hidden alarms. After confirming its absence, he pried the crate open, revealing its contents. To his disappointment, it contained nothing more than streetwear.

Lee continued his examination of several more crates, quickly realizing that the warehouse primarily held clothes, textiles, and art supplies. It became apparent why the security measures were relatively lax. Feeling a mixture of relief and frustration, Lee released a sigh and settled down, leaning his back against the crate he had most recently opened. He contemplated his next move, knowing that there was still much to uncover and navigate in this vast labyrinth of warehouses.

Unable to find solace in the currently peaceful surroundings, Lee recognized that it was an opportune moment to confront the whirlwind of events that had unfolded in the past few hours. It had been a mere eight hours since he had tasted freedom before being abruptly thrust back into what felt like another war zone.

Memories of his last deployment brought tears to his eyes, and Lee took deep, deliberate breaths to regain control of his emotions. Unbeknownst to him, his grip tightened to the point where his gloved hands could have drawn blood if not for the protective layer.

Once he had regained his composure, Lee attempted to shift his perspective towards the positive aspects. First and foremost, he was still alive—a fact he acknowledged as the most significant and precious outcome. Not everyone emerged from combat unscathed, and he vowed to honor the memory of his fallen comrades by continuing to survive.

Secondly, he found himself in Night City, or at least he was fairly certain that was where he was. While many would argue that being in this city was far from a positive, considering it was renowned for being worse than a war zone, Lee couldn't help but feel a certain level of excitement. Perhaps he was still caught up in the sense of wonder that watching Edgerunners had instilled in him.

Lee was captivated by the intricacies of this world—the people, the stories—and he yearned to witness a happy ending unfold for his favorite characters. Although he hadn't reached the final episode, he had rooted for David, the protagonist. Uncertain of the year he found himself in, Lee was determined to locate and assist David, should the opportunity arise.

Before he could embark on such a mission, however, he needed to ensure his own survival and establish a stable footing in this unfamiliar environment. At present, he was lacking several essential elements, such as a place to stay and a valid identification.

Collecting himself from the ground, Lee released a weary sigh. "Looks like it's time to keep moving," he muttered to himself.

Exiting the warehouse with the same caution he had exercised upon entering, Lee stepped back onto the desolate street and began his trek toward the city center. His goal was to find transportation or encounter someone willing to purchase some of his firearms for immediate cash. He knew that acquiring a fake ID wouldn't come cheap, but it was a necessary investment for his survival in this unforgiving urban landscape.


After spending hours scouring the city, Lee finally stumbled upon a gun store willing to accept his acquired firearms in exchange for a credchip—a form of prepaid debit card. Although the initial amount of 850 eurodollars didn't seem like a significant sum for all he had sold, the longer Lee stood in the pawn shop, the more he realized the true value of his belongings. The clerk offered him just over half of the weapons' worth, a sum that he suspected was inflated due to the presence of his Trauma Team combat suit. While he appreciated the suit's appearance and functionality, he understood that wearing it constantly wouldn't be practical.

Therefore, after an extensive shopping spree, Lee managed to assemble an outfit that made him feel more at ease, as he wasn't particularly fond of the commonplace streetwear worn by the city's inhabitants. Donning black combat boots, dark blue jeans, a simple synthetic cotton long-sleeve button-down shirt, and a rugged dark brown synthetic leather jacket, he felt a sense of familiarity. The only missing piece was a cowboy hat, a rarity in Night City, especially considering his preference for a Texan-style hat.

Upon receiving recommendations, Lee decided to venture to south Heywood, where a sizable Spanish-speaking community resided. Although his Spanish was a bit rusty, his primary concern was depleting his funds before finding the hat. Equipped with his heavy duffle bag slung over his shoulder, Lee hailed a short taxi ride and soon found himself navigating the streets in search of the elusive headgear.

Fortunately, he didn't have to venture far before his eyes caught sight of an old, dilapidated store adorned with a neon sign featuring a cowboy hat and boot. A mischievous grin formed on Lee's face as he stepped inside, causing a bell to chime overhead. The sight that greeted him was nothing short of delightful—shelves lined with various styles of boots, each accompanied by a hat stand beneath.

Whistling appreciatively, Lee made a beeline for a perfect black hat that bore a striking resemblance to the one he had back home. It possessed a rougher aesthetic compared to the others, but it was the single star accent on the hat band that sealed the deal for him.

"That one was made in the Republic of Texas," an elderly woman remarked in Spanish from across the store. Lee couldn't help but smile. "I could tell. It reminds me of home," he replied, lifting the hat and deftly spinning it until it sat perfectly atop his head.

Lee turned and made his way to the counter, addressing the woman with a polite smile. "How much, Ma'am?" he inquired, returning to English, his eyes fixed on the hat he had just chosen.

Returning his smile, she responded, "Usually, I would sell it for 100, but it seems to fit you perfectly. For you, 60."

Lee reached into his pocket and retrieved his credchip, completing the transaction. He tipped his hat in gratitude. "Much obliged, Ma'am. Ah, one last thing. You wouldn't happen to know a place where I could stay for a few days? Nothing too expensive."

The woman's warm smile remained as she replied, "Just call me tía María, dear. And right across the street, Miguel owns a little place. Tell him I sent you. And if you're looking for a bite to eat, El Coyote Cojo is two blocks down." She reached under the counter and pulled out a folded map, carefully unfolding it to show Lee the exact locations of both establishments.

Expressing his heartfelt appreciation once more, Lee bid María farewell and stepped out of the store, the cowboy hat perched proudly on his head. He made his way across the street, the anticipation of finding temporary lodging building within him. As he entered Miguel's establishment, he recalled tía María's instructions and introduced himself as her referral, hoping for a warm welcome and a comfortable room.


Lee encountered some minor difficulties in securing a room at Miguel's establishment. Since he lacked any cyberware or accounts, Lee was issued a physical keycard instead. Despite the discount he received, the room still cost him 100 eddies per night, reminding him of the urgency to find work in order to sustain himself.

After settling his gear in the room, Lee's growling stomach reminded him of his hunger. It had been a long day without a proper meal, and he knew he couldn't accomplish much on an empty stomach. With that in mind, he made his way to El Coyote Cojo. The bar was within walking distance, and as he approached, Lee's eyes widened in approval.

A broad smile appeared on his face as he noticed the massive sign and the imposing bull skull hanging proudly above the entrance. Stepping through the door, he took a quick survey of the interior and nodded in satisfaction. The place was impeccably clean, and the warm atmosphere instantly made him feel at home.

Lee proceeded to the bar and took a seat, catching the bartender's attention with a friendly wave. "Whiskey neat, please," he requested.

The bartender, a burly Hispanic man, acknowledged his order with a nod. He reached for a bottle from the middle shelf and poured Lee a generous finger of whiskey, sliding it over to him. "You new to town?" he inquired.

Lee nodded appreciatively, savoring the aroma of the whiskey before taking a sip. While it may not have been the finest he had ever tasted, it was smooth enough to enjoy throughout the night. "I'm pleasantly surprised by your choice. Ah, where are my manners? Name's Lee, from Texas."

"Pepe," the bartender introduced himself. "Let me know if you need anything else."

"Give me the best item on your menu, if you would. I'm famished," Lee requested, eager to satiate his hunger.

Pepe nodded and headed off to place the order. As Lee took another sip of his drink, a captivating woman took a seat next to him. He turned to face her, intrigued by her bold presence, and she wasted no time in initiating a conversation. "You supposed to be a cowboy or something, mister?" she quipped.

A mischievous grin formed on Lee's lips as he responded, his Texas accent carrying his words. "Texas, born and raised. About as cowboy as it gets, ma'am." His gaze swept over her, taking in the vibrant purple glow of her eyes and the intricate tech lines adorning her face.

She exuded strength and danger, evident from her combat pants and plate carrier that showcased her arms—one of which was cybernetic, contrasting with the other organic limb covered in tattoos. Lee could sense her experience in the art of combat, either through his own intuition or his newfound abilities.

"Pepe, get me what the cowboy is drinking," she instructed without breaking eye contact with Lee.

"Might I have the pleasure of knowing your name? Name's Lee, but you can keep calling me whatever you like," Lee smoothly replied, intrigued by the mysterious woman who had captured his attention.

"Isabella, and I think I'll keep calling you Cowboy. I like the sound of it," she replied with a coy smile. Pepe promptly slid her a glass, and Lee raised his own, suggesting a toast.

"Here's to good company, open skies, and strong spirits. Cheers!" Lee proclaimed as their glasses clinked together, reveling in the camaraderie of the moment. However, their pleasant interaction was abruptly interrupted as a passerby carelessly flicked Lee's hat, causing the back to rise.

"Excuse me, ma'am," Lee politely excused himself, standing up and swiftly readjusting his hat. He downed the remainder of his whiskey in one go and made his way toward the thug who had shown disrespect to his prized headgear.

"You see that, Chino? Fool thinks he can get with Bell," the tattooed man jeered, pointing at Lee over his shoulder and laughing along with his friends. Unbeknownst to them, Lee silently closed the distance, placing a firm hand on the offender's shoulder.

"Now, I ain't gonna make a comment on your upbringing, son. But you never disrespect a man's hat," Lee asserted calmly, his voice carrying a hint of steel. The atmosphere around them grew tense, and the surrounding patrons began to take notice, curious to see how the situation would unfold. Lee's eyes locked onto the thug's, unwavering in his resolve.

"Now, you have two choices. You can apologize for your actions, showing some respect, or we can take this outside and handle it like men," Lee proposed, his words laced with an undeniable air of authority. It was clear that he was not one to be trifled with, his military training and combat experience shining through his confident demeanor.
Kek. Sounds like a creepy prostitute turned cyberpsycho or serial killer if you just pop up and say you want to give them a happy ending.

Can't wait to read more! Fun character choice, but a hat,boots and house don't make a cowboy. All a cowboy needs is a fine steed!

Don't forget the big iron on his hip.
If he doesn't get a Big Iron on his hip I'm going to be disappointed
Now all we need is Blackhat and Blackhand in the same firefight
Chapter 2
The three thugs stood before Lee, their faces displaying a range of emotions from disbelief to dismissiveness. The chief offender gawked in stunned silence, while his friends brushed off Lee's presence, considering him no more than a minor nuisance. Their taunts filled the air, revealing their misguided confidence. "Show him what's up, Danny!" one of them jeered. "Yeah! This gonk looks weak! You can take him easily!"

Lee shook his head, a mix of amusement and pity in his eyes. These poor fools believed that equipment alone determined the outcome of a confrontation. True, fancy technology had its advantages, but in the end, a well-placed bullet could trump any gadgetry. Danny, with his friends' encouragement, seemed to puff up with false bravado. His voice strained but determined, he challenged Lee, "Yeah! Sure, we'll settle this like men! I can take you on any day of the week, Chino!"

Lee's lips curled into a sly smile, revealing his confidence in his own abilities. He casually responded, "Well then, let's head on back. I don't reckon the proprietor of this fine establishment would appreciate any bloodshed." With a subtle nod toward Pepe, who emitted a tired sigh, Lee gestured for them to follow him to the rear of the bar.

As they made their way through the crowd, people curiously filtered outside, drawn by the anticipation of the impending confrontation. Lee's sharp eyes caught a glimpse of Isabella amidst the onlookers, and he couldn't resist winking at her, a silent message of assurance.

In the spacious alley behind the bar, Lee positioned himself in the center, taking in the surroundings. It was an ideal space for a showdown, its length providing ample room for a proper duel. With a calm and collected demeanor, Lee settled into position, knowing he was about to teach Danny a valuable lesson.

Danny, sensing that Lee's attention was momentarily diverted, barked out, demanding his rival's focus. "Hey, poser! You ready to settle this?"

Leisurely turning his head, Lee regarded the thug with an assessing gaze. The opponent stood taller than him, boasting a height of approximately 5'10" compared to Lee's own 5'6". Apart from their height advantage and the shimmering chrome arms, they appeared to be outmatched by Lee.

"Easy now, partner," Lee drawled, his voice carrying a hint of a Southern accent. "We'll get to it in due time. Just need to set a few things straight first." Nonchalantly, he hooked his thumbs into his belt, adopting a relaxed stance.

Confusion creased the thug's forehead as he responded, "I thought we were gonna settle this like men."

Lee sighed, realizing he needed to clarify matters for his opponent's benefit. "What I meant was a good old-fashioned duel, mano a mano. Back-to-back, we take 20 paces, turn, and shoot. Simple as that." Lee extended his left hand, pointing to the designated starting spot. "Right there, partner. We'll see who's got the quicker draw."

"Go for it, choom! He doesn't even look like he's got any chrome!" One of Danny's friends mocked, his words filled with overconfidence. Lee couldn't help but roll his eyes at the clichéd remark. It was all too predictable.

"Bring it on, Chino. Say your prayers before you meet your maker," Danny taunted, assuming his position. Lee positioned himself with his back mere inches away from his opponent, their proximity palpable.

The crowd grew restless, anticipation hanging in the air. "Begin!" someone shouted, and both men initiated their calculated steps, gradually distancing themselves from one another. Lee focused intently, drowning out the noise of the onlookers, training his ears to detect the subtle movements of Danny.

Unconsciously, Lee synchronized his movements flawlessly with Danny's. It was as if he could anticipate Danny's every action. Just as he felt the thug pivot and take aim at his exposed back, Lee smoothly shifted to the right. In one fluid motion, he spun around as Danny fired his shot, drawing his Unity from its holster. Responding swiftly, Lee took his own shot, causing Danny to flinch in surprise as his pistol was forcefully ripped from his grip by a well-placed round to his weapon.

Danny's shot missed its mark, tearing through the space where Lee had stood moments before, ricocheting off a metal fence, and embedding itself in a nearby brick wall.

Lee made a theatrical display, blowing on the barrel of his Unity and deftly spinning the gun, the weapon going parallel for a moment before a flick dropped it in the holster. "The matter is settled now, kid. Any further hostilities will be met with equal force," Lee declared, his voice carrying a tinge of authority. Ignoring the stunned thugs and the murmurs of the crowd, he confidently made his way back to the bar.

"Holy shit! Did you see that, Jackie? I swear he dodged that bullet with a goddamn slide! Think he's got some speedware implants?" A spectator's astonished voice rang out, prompting hushed whispers and discussions about the astonishing feat they had just witnessed.

Pepe, visibly relieved by Lee's safe return, couldn't resist making a comment as Lee settled back down at the bar. "If I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open. Danny and his buddies won't take kindly to the humiliation. They'll behave around here because they don't want to cross Mama Welles, but be cautious on your way back home."

"Appreciate the warning, my friend," Lee replied with a nod, a calm confidence in his demeanor. While he acknowledged the potential consequences, he wasn't overly concerned. Lee knew that to make his mark in Night City, he had to be bold and make his presence known, even if it meant stirring up trouble along the way.

Pepe shrugged casually and placed a plate adorned with a tantalizing smothered burrito in front of Lee. "It's called the Cowboy Burrito. Enjoy," he said with a hint of amusement.

Lee chuckled as he glanced at the dish. "I wonder what made you choose this for me," he mused rhetorically, already knowing the answer.

Pepe chuckled in response. "No particular reason," he quipped playfully, keeping the banter alive.

"Ah, fair enough. I'll also take another glass, if you don't mind," Lee requested, sliding his empty glass over to Pepe. The bartender nodded and expertly poured him another finger of whiskey.

Just as Lee was settling into his meal, he felt a hand rest on his right shoulder, gliding across his back to his left shoulder. A familiar figure took a seat on his left. It was Isabella. "You move pretty quickly for someone who looks 'ganic," she remarked, her fingers gently tracing his arm.

Lee grinned, flexing his muscles subtly. "Looks can be deceivin'," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of mischief. Without further explanation, he turned his attention to his smothered burrito, cutting into it with gusto.

"Ooo, mysterious, aren't we?" Isabella teased, taking a sip of her drink.

Lee raised an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Now, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?" he asked, lifting his glass in a toast, his attention away from his food despite his hunger. Isabella tapped her glass against his, the sound ringing out with a sense of camaraderie.

"Getting to know each other, I hope," Isabella replied, her voice filled with a playful lilt.

"I'd be more than amenable to that," Lee responded, his tone warm and genuine.

Almost as if on cue, Isabella's eyes briefly shimmered with a vibrant blue hue, catching Lee's attention. She almost snarled before she gave a strained smile. "Excuse me for a moment," she said, her voice tinged with a touch of apology.

"No rush. Take your time," Lee replied, his tone even as he shifted his focus back to his meal. He cut into the burrito, savoring the flavorful combination of ingredients. Although the beef tasted slightly off, possibly from a cloned cow, his hunger drove him to devour the food eagerly. Lee raised his glass in a silent salute to Pepe for the excellent choice and skillfully drained his whiskey, relishing its smooth warmth.

Isabella returned with a slight frown on her face, and Lee couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. "Sorry, Handsome," she began, her voice tinged with regret. "Looks like I need to go. Hopefully I'll be seeing you around?" Her eyes briefly shimmered with a vibrant blue before unexpectedly flashing red. Isabella's frown deepened as she realized something was amiss. "I guess I'll have to get your contact another time. It doesn't seem to be working."

"I'll be waiting," Lee replied, his voice filled with a touch of realization. Lee didn't have a phone. He tipped his hat to her with a charming smile, resolving to correct the issue tomorrow. "Have a good night."

In a sudden impulsive move, Isabella leaned in and left a soft kiss on Lee's cheek. Her voice was barely a whisper as she spoke into his ear, "Till next time, Cowboy." With a playful wink, she turned and gracefully made her way toward the exit.

Lee found himself momentarily captivated, his grin widening as he watched her leave. Eventually, he tore his gaze away and refocused his attention on Pepe. "Pepe! Let me clear my tab before I head on out."

The bartender waved his hand dismissively, a warm smile on his face. "Don't worry about it, mi amigo. It's on the house."

Lee expressed his gratitude with a nod and a heartfelt "Thank you" before rising from his seat. He made his way to the door, stepping out into the dimly lit street. As he strolled along the quiet thoroughfare, his mind wandered, replaying the evening's encounters and conversations. Lee couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what lay ahead.

The streetlights cast a faint glow, casting long shadows on the pavement as Lee continued his leisurely walk back to his modest room. Thoughts of Isabella and their brief encounter swirled in his mind, igniting a spark of curiosity and desire for future meetings. With each step, Lee felt the city's pulsating energy surround him, fueling his determination to carve out his place in this urban jungle.

Feeling an unshakeable sense of danger during his walk home, Lee abruptly halted, his every instinct urging him to exercise caution. With a quickened pace, he swept his eyes across the dimly lit surroundings, his focus darting from one ominous shadow to another. The menacing presence lurking nearby compelled him to veer off the bustling main street, instinctively seeking solace within the obscure confines of a narrow alleyway. It offered the promise of temporary sanctuary from potential pursuers who might be hot on his trail.

Like a predator honing in on its prey, Lee's gaze landed on a fire escape ladder situated nearby. Time ceased to be of any consequence as he swiftly sprang into action. With a well-honed agility, he propelled himself upwards, each movement executed with meticulous precision. As he ascended the ladder, he discovered a vantage point that not only shrouded him from prying eyes but also afforded him an advantageous view of the surroundings. Concealed and undetectable, he regulated his breathing, allowing a serene calmness to permeate through him while he lay in wait for the impending danger to dissipate.

Minutes stretched out like an eternity, their elongated existence marked by a faint symphony of muffled voices wafting towards Lee's attentive ears. A familiar trio of thugs engaged in a conversation brimming with palpable frustration and seething anger. Their tones reverberated through the alley, carrying with them an unmistakable aura of danger. It dawned upon Lee that they were actively hunting him down, their voices growing louder as they ventured closer, hunting for their elusive prey.

"Diego claims he didn't cross paths with him," one of them grumbled with a tinge of annoyance, his words laden with exasperation.

A metallic clang pierced the silence, resonating through the labyrinthine alley, followed by an outburst, "Damn it, Chino! Where the hell is he?!" Their mounting frustration amplified by their fruitless search sent a chill coursing down Lee's spine, intensifying his resolve to remain concealed until the tempest had subsided.

Lee exhaled a silent sigh of relief, affirming the wisdom of his decision to remain hidden as he discerned the thugs storming off into the velvety embrace of the night. With unwavering patience, his senses attuned to the faintest shifts in the atmosphere, he awaited the moment when their presence would dwindle, replaced by a void of silence that signaled the dawn of safety.

It was only when Lee felt the absence of their looming threat that he deemed it safe to abandon his covert perch. Descending with measured steps, each one executed with caution, he main road, navigating his way back to the sanctity of his room. The surge of adrenaline still coursing through his veins served as a lingering reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

Once inside the confines of his sanctuary, he shed his civilian facade, trading it for the formidable armor of his Trauma Team gear. Methodically, he ensured that every tool and provision was in place, leaving no room for doubt or vulnerability.

Securing the final piece of equipment, a tinge of self-reflection colored Lee's voice as he muttered to himself, his words infused with a potent blend of frustration and resolute determination. "I should've taken them out from the start, no need to play nice with scum."

Utilizing his cyberdeck's capabilities, Lee deftly infiltrated the motel's surveillance system, gaining access to the network of cameras that enveloped the premises. With a trained eye, he scrutinized the live feeds, meticulously assessing each angle to ensure the absence of any lingering threats.

Satisfied that the coast was clear, Lee made his way towards the fire escape, its metallic steps providing a covert means of descent. The cool night air embraced him as he stealthily maneuvered through the shadows, driven by an unwavering determination to confront the thugs who had disrupted his peace.

Navigating the labyrinthine streets with an almost preternatural sense of direction, Lee soon stumbled upon the trio, their presence an affront to the tranquility of the night. Like specters cloaked in darkness, they hovered around a burn barrel, their acts of vandalism sullying a mural that had been painstakingly crafted by someone's artistic hand.

Without hesitation, Lee drew his Unity, his aim honed with lethal precision. In a swift and calculated motion, he eliminated Danny's two companions, their lives extinguished in a single breath. His voice, distorted by the modulator integrated into his suit, sliced through the night, tinged with a blend of menace and mocking amusement. "Now, that's no way to treat art."

"Who the fu-" Caught off guard by Lee's sudden appearance and swift actions, the remaining thug's voice caught in his throat, silenced by a bullet that found its mark with ruthless efficiency.

"None of that now, ya hear? I guess you can't now." Lee's demeanor remained resolute as he quelled any chance of retaliation, ensuring the permanent silence of those who dared to oppose him. With methodical precision, he dispatched additional shots to their heads and chests, a grim assurance that their existence had been unequivocally snuffed out.

Lee's eyes shifted to the fallen thugs, a glint of opportunistic intent glistening within them. Swiftly, he rummaged through their possessions, seizing their pistols and the spray paint they had misused. Thinking of leaving a calling card of sorts, Lee used the can of white paint to spray "404" on the chests of each corpse.

As his fingers curled around the cold metal and his grip tightened, memories of his squadron, the enigmatic 404th Combat Communications Squadron, flooded his mind. Their symbol, an ethereal ghost, flashed in Lee's mind. Lee mused silently, aware that he carried on their clandestine heritage, the whispers of their moto "Never found" echoing through the depths of his being.

After triumphantly returning to the seclusion of his room via the fire escape, Lee gradually shed his battle rattle, the weight of his gear melting away with each deliberate motion. A sense of accomplishment washed over him, knowing that he had eradicated three more vile miscreants from the world. As the surge of adrenaline subsided, Lee began to hum and sing.

"Please allow me to introduce myself"

As was his customary ritual after engaging in combat, Lee embarked upon the meticulous task of tending to his battle-worn equipment. Each piece was meticulously inspected and serviced, ensuring that it would be ready for the next encounter.

"I'm a man of wealth and taste"

Connecting his cyberdeck to the Trauma Team suit, he delved into its digital infrastructure, seeking any potential configurations or optimizations that could enhance his performance.

"I've been around for a long, long years"

Amidst the sea of settings, Lee's sharp eyes detected something intriguing. It appeared that the suit's Smart Cloth functionality had been disabled.

"Stole million man's soul an faith"

Piqued by curiosity, he activated the feature, revealing a function akin to Lucy's manipulation of David's jacket in Edgerunners.

"And I was 'round when Jesus Christ"

With deft precision, he tailored the appearance of his suit to reflect his unit's signature uniform. The flight suit transformed into a deep, all-encompassing black, to help blend into the shadows.

"Had his moment of doubt and pain"

The once prominent armored plates assumed a shade of dark grey, he cast away the insignia and texts associated with the Trauma Team.

"Made damn sure that Pilate"

The once vibrant red accents on his fingers and boot soles took on a darker hue, resembling the color of blood freshly spilled.

"Washed his hands and sealed his fate"

In an act of homage to his clandestine squadron, he emblazoned the number "404" in the same crimson shade upon his chest and shoulders, a symbol of unyielding resilience and their legacy of remaining hidden, forever elusive.

"Pleased to meet you"

With the alterations complete, Lee's weariness began to weigh upon him.

"Hope you guess my name"

As his eyes fluttered closed, Lee continued to softly hum as he drifted off to sleep wondering how many old heads would know the true meaning of 404.
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Chapter 3
By eight in the morning, Lee had already completed a series of tasks. He managed to purchase two new phones, indulged in some slightly off tasting street tacos, and successfully sold all three of the guns he had recently acquired. While the influx of cash from the encounter with the thugs he had dispatched the previous night was certainly welcome, it wouldn't be sufficient to sustain him for an extended period. Lee found himself in urgent need of a job, and time was of the essence.

Becoming a mercenary appeared to be the most lucrative option for Lee, promising a swift influx of cash. However, he couldn't ignore the inherent dangers associated with such a profession, not to mention his lack of connections with reliable fixers. Alternatively, he pondered the possibility of leveraging his communication skills as a means to generate income. Although his expertise was outdated for the year 2077, his newfound ability to rapidly acquire knowledge could certainly serve as a valuable asset.

Yet, the question remained: how was he acquiring this knowledge? As Lee strolled through the bustling streets, a hunch slowly began to take shape within him, suggesting that the information he absorbed was somehow connected to those around him. He noticed that the closer he approached a street performer, the clearer their music became to him. Astonishingly, even without any prior experience, he felt confident that he could replicate their melodies flawlessly. Upon retracing his steps, Lee discovered that he retained this knowledge, although the extent to which he absorbed it from the street performer and the precise distance required to acquire such knowledge remained enigmatic.

Inspired by a stroke of brilliance, Lee promptly returned to his room, quickly slipping into his combat suit. With stealth and agility, he made his way down the fire escape once again. His destination? The El Coyote Cojo—an establishment he had run into a nice on the eyes mercenary.

As he entered Lee could hear a few hushed conversations, with a select few being about him.

"Trauma Team?" a voice whispered.

"404?" another voice questioned.

Unfazed by the curious gazes he attracted from the few early patrons, Lee confidently approached the counter. Pepe, the bartender, seemed bewildered by the sight of someone adorned in an outfit reminiscent of the Trauma Team.

"What can I get you?" Pepe asked, his confusion evident as he paused in his cleaning.

"Looking for work." Lee's voice, altered by his suit, emerged digitized and deeper, akin to the iconic Darth Vader.

"Barking up the wrong tree, amigo. I ain't a fixer," Pepe replied dismissively, returning to his cleaning. "Just a bartender."

"Pepe, send the good man upstairs," a male voice from above and behind Lee commanded, resonating with haughtiness.

Turning around, Lee's attention was drawn to a man leaning against the top rail, his slicked-back hair and aviators adding an air of cockiness to his questionable jumpsuit. Wisps of smoke curled from the cigarette clutched between his fingers as he flashed a smile at Lee. Intrigued, Lee shifted his gaze back to Pepe, who discreetly gestured towards the stairs.

Leaning in, Pepe's voice dropped to a hushed tone. "I'd watch out for Kirk if I were you. The man has ties with the cartels."

Lee acknowledged the warning with a nod, appreciating the heads-up, before ascending the stairs. As he made his way around the up and around, Lee's eyes landed on Kirk Sawyer seated comfortably in a booth, accompanied by a large figure standing by his side.

Seeing his approach, Kirk motioned towards the vacant seat across from him. "Sit down. Make yourself comfortable. Kirk Sawyer, fixer."

Contemplating what moniker to use, Lee's instincts kicked in, and he uttered his old call sign without a second thought. "Rango."

The Texan had acquired this nickname during his time in the military, as his entire unit suspected him of masquerading as a cowboy to tease them. Although he didn't fully comprehend the allusion, the moniker stuck, perpetuated through posters and memes that circulated among his comrades. Eventually, he reluctantly watched the movie that inspired the nickname and begrudgingly accepted it.

After a brief silence, Kirk broke the ice. "Okay then... So, you're in search of a job, and I happen to be in need of a skilled gun."

Relaxing into his seat, Kirk took a leisurely drag from his cigarette, and his glasses lit up as information scrolled across them. "I had a trade lined up for a set of limited edition Kiroshi optics. Unbeknownst to the owner, those optics contained a rare pair of faulty eyes—one of only 500 ever made. They're faulty but worth a pretty enny to collectors. Regrettably, some Scavs picked him up before I could make the trade. That's where you come in. I want you to retrieve the eyes. Anything else you find in the process is yours, along with a generous paycheck. Does that sound like a deal?"

Lee wasted little time considering the offer, recognizing it as a golden opportunity to put his newfound abilities to the test. "Deal."

"Perfect!" Kirk beamed, his eyes glowing with a vibrant blue hue. However, his expression soon soured. "Do you have some kind of firewall in place? I'm having trouble sending you the details."

Realizing that Kirk had mistaken his lack of cyberware for security measures, Lee reached for one of his phones, powering it up before placing it on the table. "Send it to this."

Kirk chuckled, amused by Lee's cautious approach. "Someone's hiding from some 'saka ninjas or something? No matter, check the details."

Glancing at his phone, Lee discovered a new file open, containing crucial information about the mission. It provided the location of the Scavs and a specific line of code he was supposed to use with his optics to scan for the coveted eyes. Although he lacked the necessary cybernetic enhancements, Lee pondered the possibility of utilizing his new phone's capabilities to accomplish the task.

"Time is of the essence! We don't know when those Scavs will dispose of the stolen cyberware, but I suspect it'll be soon," Kirk emphasized, leaning forward.

"Just an FYI, I only accept credchips," Lee stated firmly as he rose from his seat.

Waving his hands dismissively, Kirk replied, "No problem. Nice and discreet."

With measured steps, Lee made his way towards the bar's exit, employing the map feature on his phone to examine the location of the Scavs. Realizing it was on the opposite side of town, he sighed, then hailed a taxi.


The Scavs had taken refuge in an abandoned house located in the southern part of Santo Domingo. As Lee approached the area, he immediately noticed that the surrounding buildings had been vacated, leaving the cul-de-sac eerily deserted.

Remaining vigilant, Lee scanned the vicinity for any surveillance cameras or sensors that the Scavs might have deployed. Identifying one such camera, he utilized his phone to scan and hack into it with the aid of his cyberdeck.

To his disappointment, the security measures proved to be child's play, hardly posing a challenge for Lee. How was he supposed to truly test his abilities against such rudimentary obstacles? With access to the camera feed, he meticulously surveyed the area, meticulously counting the Scavs present.

Through the camera's lens, he observed a van in the garage, its hood propped open, as a Scav worked beneath it. Not far away, another Scav sat with a braindance wreath encircling their head. Switching to the next camera, Lee caught sight of a Scav engrossed in manipulating a lifeless body amidst what remained of a kitchen. Nearby, two guards engaged in a game of cards at a dining table.

Continuing to cycle through the cameras, Lee discerned two sleeping figures sprawled on the living room couch and an unknown number of Scavs occupying rooms upstairs.

"Seven confirmed targets. This calls for a stealthy approach," Lee muttered to himself. He looped the camera feed for others accessing it and disabled all the alarms to ensure they wouldn't sound off. Drawing closer to the building, he carefully moved in the blind spots of the windows.

Finally, Lee arrived at the garage door, leaning against it while foreign knowledge began seeping into his mind. Among the acquired information was a fusion of medical expertise and various random details, granting him insights into cyberware implantation and removal. However, he sensed that the techniques flooding his thoughts were not the most optimal practices.

Allowing the assimilation of knowledge to run its course, Lee shifted his attention to a slightly cracked window. Vibrant music emanated from within, bringing a smile to his face. Peering into the house, he observed the Scavs still engrossed in their activities. Seizing the opportunity, he cautiously widened the window just enough for him to slip through.

Once inside, Lee maneuvered past the working individual and approached the Scav absorbed in the braindance. Drawing his knife, he circled his unsuspecting target, searching for a vulnerable spot amidst the man's cybernetic enhancements.

Eventually, he identified a fleshy area at the back of the Scav's head and decided to strike. With precision, he covered the Scav's mouth with his hands, simultaneously thrusting the blade deep into the target's neck and upward trying his best to avoid bone. The Scav had no chance to resist as Lee gradually guided their lifeless body to the ground.

With nimble footsteps, Lee returned to the Scav who had been engrossed in fixing the car. Crouching down to assess the situation, he swiftly deduced that the man lacked any excessive cyberware enhancements. Without hesitation, he pulled the Scav out by his legs and swiftly thrust his blade into the man's chin.

"Five targets remaining," Lee whispered, grateful for the blaring music that masked his actions. Utilizing his cyberdeck, he confirmed the locations of the remaining Scavs. One of them was approaching the garage, prompting Lee to move from the front of the car to its side. Observing their movements through the cyberdeck's surveillance, he watched as they entered a room and gradually approached their fallen comrade.

Before they could fully comprehend the scene, Lee silently closed in on them, driving his dagger deep into the base of their skull, catching the Scav as they went limp.

"Three down, four to go," Lee mused, contemplating whether to continue the mission stealthily. However, he realized the immense difficulty it would entail and opted against pushing his luck further.

Redirecting the camera feed to his HUD, Lee kept a vigilant eye on the living room, which provided a view of the stairs. Equipping his Kang Tao G-58 Dian, graciously acquired from the deceased Trauma Team member, Lee readied himself. He had initially disregarded the firearm due to its lack of sights, but during the ride to the location, he discovered its integration with his suit via his gloves—a smart link feature implemented by Trauma Team.

Ensuring his magazine was fully loaded, Lee swiftly moved into the kitchen and aimed his weapon at the Scav sitting at the dinner table. With two precise shots, he pulled the trigger, eliminating the target. Turning his attention to the Scav working on the lifeless body nearby, he replicated the action, dispatching them in the same swift manner.

Both bodies collapsed, prompting Lee to draw his Unity pistol and fire two more shots, ensuring both were neutralized. Through the HUD's camera feed, he observed the two remaining Scavs hastily discarding their braindance wreaths. Before they could reach for their firearms, Lee advanced into the living room, swiftly aiming his SMG and eliminating the remaining two targets.

Double-tapping them with his Unity, he maintained his vigilance, straining his ears to detect any signs of further movement. Hearing none, Lee cautiously ascended the stairs, grabbing a pillow along the way from the couch.

Before peeking up and scanning the second floor, Lee cautiously held the pillow overhead, making sure it was clearly visible to anyone who might be upstairs. His heart raced, but relief washed over him as he discovered the pillow remained untouched by bullet holes. With a surge of confidence, he swiftly leaped around the corner, his gun poised to engage any potential threats. Methodically, he cleared each room, one by one, ensuring that no Scavs remained. Satisfied with the outcome, he allowed himself a momentary relaxation, his tense muscles finally easing.

Now that the immediate danger had passed, Lee seized the opportunity to reload his weapons before descending to the ground floor. His movements were deliberate and calculated as he dragged the lifeless bodies to the kitchen, effectively securing the building by meticulously checking for unlocked windows and doors. Once everything was locked, he reactivated the security systems and turned his attention to the search for the coveted optics he had risked his life for.

Utilizing the scanning feature on his phone, Lee quickly located the optics, suspended in a small container within a makeshift refrigerator. To his astonishment, a nearby large crate unveiled a treasure trove of other cyberware, extending the possibility for profit far beyond his expectations.

"Looks like I've solved my financial woes," Lee mused to himself, a wry smile creeping across his face. "Now, the question is how to transport all of this without drawing unwanted attention." He pondered his options, his mind formulating a strategy. Stripping the nearby corpses of their valuable possessions, he employed his newfound knowledge to extract the implants from the deceased, mindful of their potentially compromised condition.

As Lee neared completion with the first cadaver, an ominous sound broke the silence—the distinct rumble of a van approaching the garage. Dropping his tools, his instincts kicked into overdrive as he swiftly made his way towards the source of the noise, slinging his SMG from his back to his front in a fluid motion.

The newcomers had positioned their van at the garage entrance, and as the door slowly creaked open, Lee's trained eyes locked onto two men stepping out of the vehicle. They headed toward the rear and opened the back, unveiling the unconscious bodies of their victims. Seizing the element of surprise, Lee aimed and fired, dispatching both men with lethal precision. Their bodies collapsed to the ground like marionettes with severed strings, and Lee efficiently confirmed the kills before dragging the lifeless bodies inside.

Returning to the van, Lee relied on his basic medical skills to assess the conditions of the two individuals in the back. Confirming their steady breathing, he carefully extricated them from the van and placed them on the living room couch, aware of the potential threat their awakening could pose. "No need to be overly greedy now," Lee whispered to himself, cautious about venturing into unnecessary risks.

Curiosity led Lee to explore the garage further, and he soon stumbled upon the lift the Scavs used to load their vans. Securing the optics that Kirk desired in one of the numerous pouches on his vest, Lee set on the task of moving the crate to the waiting van. Making use of lift he was able to make quick work and managed to load up everything he wanted to keep.

Settling into the driver's seat, anticipation tingled through Lee's veins, but his excitement was short-lived as he realized he lacked the necessary keys to start the vehicle. Undeterred, he meticulously searched through the assortment of data shards he had acquired until he found the correct one. Plugging it into his phone, he remotely powered on the van, eliciting a satisfying hum from the engine.

"Alright, time to turn these eyes into cold, hard cash," Lee declared, a determined grin spreading across his face.


After conducting a thorough search online, Lee managed to find a well-maintained storage facility where he purchased a unit to securely store his newly acquired cyberware. Knowing the precarious nature of the world he lived in, he understood that keeping everything he had earned in the back of his van would only invite trouble. It was essential to find a suitable buyer and safeguard his investment.

Pepe's warning about Kirk had left a lingering seed of mistrust in Lee's mind. He decided it would be wise not to disclose the full extent of his haul to Kirk. However, he made up his mind to keep the weapons he had acquired, ready to sell them if his funds ever dwindled to an uncomfortable level.

As Lee made his way back to El Coyote Cojo, the late hour was evident from the bustling crowd that filled the bar. He discreetly used his phone to send a text message to Kirk, who, unbeknownst to Lee, had previously shared his contact information.

"I'm here with the goods," Lee's message read.

"Perfect! Bring them up," Kirk swiftly replied.

Pushing open the doors, Lee paid little heed to the curious glances directed his way as he ascended the stairs. Underneath his helmet, a satisfied smile played across his lips as he savored the satisfaction of new skills and knowledge funneling into him. Gradually, his gait transformed, imbued with the essence of seasoned mercenaries and battle-hardened veterans found throughout the bar.

When Lee finally reached Kirk and his imposing bodyguard, he exuded an air of newfound confidence. Reaching into the pouch containing the optics, he extended his hand, presenting them to Kirk, who couldn't contain his wide grin.

"My man! I knew you could do it. I've even prepared your creds in advance," Kirk exclaimed, snatching the optics from Lee's outstretched hand and replacing them with a chip.

Not wishing to appear impolite, Lee decided to wait until he returned downstairs to verify the funds. While it was generally taboo to cross Fixers, he was prepared to make his displeasure known if Kirk dared to swindle him.

"I'll be going now," Lee's synthesized voice echoed in its familiar deep tone.

Kirk carefully secured the collector optics in a sturdy case and turned to Lee as he began to walk away. "Good work! I'll keep you in the loop if any more jobs come up," Kirk promised.

Maintaining his enigmatic alter ego, Lee didn't linger long after confirming the contents of the credchip. Satisfied that he had received 1,500 eddies, he hummed to himself contentedly as he made his way back to his new van.

Although hunger gnawed at him, Lee resolved not to indulge until he had returned and changed. Parking the van in someone's reserved spot near his temporary residence, he patiently waited for a suitable opportunity to climb the fire escape and slip into his room unnoticed.

Removing his gear and donning his ordinary attire, Lee felt excited as he prepared to return to the bar. His mood soared, anticipating the presence of Isabella once again, eager to pick up where they had left off.
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If Lee wants to keep marking his kills, he should imvest in a thermal bladed weapon, a very short thermal tanto would do the trick, spraypaint and similar markers, are just too bulky, unless you use a canteen, grenade, or drop pouch.

Though maybe just getting some calling cards done anonymously, would be a bit more effective, maybe polymer film or metal ones, put them in their mouths or eyes?

Liking it, watched, waiting for more, thank you.

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