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Dark General OOC

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Well worn.
May 4, 2013
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Welcome to Dark General RP! You've recently been reincarnated, and your Dark Queen has decreed that, once again, she shall rule the world and plunge it into an age of evil! Balance the demands of your whims, your ruler's whims, and your fellow Generals' whims. . . or not. It's all up to you, but remember that at the end of the day you're only human, generally speaking.

Your Queen will largely sit back and give you free reign, provided you accomplish whatever base objective you volunteer to deal with, or at least make progress on it. Beyond that, she doesn't care what you do as long as it's evil. Seeing as you're a Dark General, empowered by vast and terrible things, using magic for evil is free too, which is great!

This RP will be moved to NSFW if it has to be, but that's posts and posts from now, right?

Current Players
Silversun17: Hubnerite
Happerry: Monzonite
Kinglugia: Azurite
RobotNinja: Ruby
Nekraa: Aurichalcite

Waiting List
Redon: Carnelian
Winged One: ???


The darkness is ever waiting outside.

No matter how far the Light reaches, no matter which champions empower themselves for its defense, the world will always fall to darkness, depravity, evil for the sake of evil. It only takes time.

But sometimes. . .

Sometimes evil doesn't quite work out in the short term.

You stumble together, back to back in a rough circle, your Queen a burning cold presence at your backs, your hands raised high to contribute what you can to the collaborative shield spell. Curses are snarled out, and weapons are readied as the building of the grand hall you'd sought refuge in is evaporated in a spray of white light.

The shield opaques to spare your eyes, and when it resumes transparency you're surrounded.

There were supposed to be nine of them, but you counted more than that.

Magic swords were raised, and spells were muttered under ragged breaths as a group of them dropped your shield, but before you could move, before you could even move an inch, a ring of magic flared around you.

"Death take us all!" Your Queen screamed, and you knew no more.


There are five main skills. Close combat is used for anything within arms reach. Energy draining involves taking someone else's power to recharge your magic pool. Magic uses supernatural energies in non-'damaging' spells. Energy attacks are blasts of various types of power. Weaponry governs the use of tools to deal damage or effects.

Doing something that falls under more than one skill applies the full value of the highest skill, and half the value of the other one. When you use, for instance, an energy blast in close combat, you take the highest of energy attacks or close combat, then add half of the other one for your effective skill rating for the action.

Here is what your character submission needs to have. Either post them here, or find me on the irc, and I'll get back to you with either approval or a suggested revision as soon as I can.

Name: (mineral themed only!)
History: Temperament, what were you before getting called by your Dark Queen, etc.


All Dark Generals have a certain skill set in common, but of those skills you're better than most in the following areas. Pick two, or double up on one.

[] close combat
[] weaponry
[] energy attacks
[] energy draining
[] magic


You know a few basic spells from your brainwashing induction. Pick between one and four magical effects that do not, by themselves, deal physical damage. These can cover hypnosis, levitation, body enhancement, poison mists, minion creation, or anything like that.

More powerful effects take up more slots.

If you chose Magic as one of your expert skills, then once you've submitted a character sheet I'll work with you to turn some of your spells into more powerful versions.


You're a looker. It's kind of a requirement, to be honest. Describe your personality, and more importantly what you look like. A picture would be preferred.

Here's an example of a character sheet.

Name: Agate
Gender: Female
History: pretend I wrote something here.


[X] Weaponry
[X] magic

-Shield Spell : Protects you from harm with a selective physical barrier. Can be strengthened against one attack type at the cost of weakness to two others.
-Spell Cancel: A brute force method of stopping spells.
-Detection Wards: Sets off an alarm when scryed on.

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dibs on a slot.

Name: Hubnerite
Gender (coin flip says): Female
History: An assassin during the Earth Kingdom's reign. Hubernite was calm, patient and would never give up on a goal once set.

During a short shadow war between the Moon Kingdom and Earth Kingdom her family was killed as collateral damage in a bombing. Though local terrorists were officially blamed she witnessed an individual of moon kingdom ancestry leave a bag at the spot the blast emanated from. she held the Moon Kingdom responsible and became a devout Earth Kingdom Patriot. she joined their counter intelligence services and became one of their best agents for eliminating spies from the Moon Kingdom. She worked her way up and was assigned to the security of the Prince. Though she strongly dislike Beryl at the time she was one of the most vocal opponates of the Earth Prince and Moon princess's relationship. Beryl used this to lure her to a secluded area and used her power to subvert Hubnerite.

[X] weaponry
[X] Magic


Invisibility: Turns the caster invisible
Blink: short ranged, but rapid teleporation
Capture seal: A trap etched into the ground upon casting will go off when an enemy steps upon it.

personality: Comes off as aloof and always seems to be distracted during social situations. In the field however her focus renders those that work with her or fight her nervous.

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Name: Monzonite
Gender: Male
History: Monzonite was once a quiet, unassuming mage of no particular fame or great linage. Mainly, he was known for loosing himself in libraries for weeks on end.. But eventually he found the wrong book. And then he made the mistake of reading the bloody thing.

After that, well, he had changed. Crueler and darker, and conducting his foul experiments on anyone unable to get away to feed his lust for power and knowledge.. it is said that the only thing besides the books he read he felt any sort of fondness for was his elder sister Cassiterite, but that was not enough to halt his fall into the darkness. His skill with weapons comes from this time, as he found that people strangely objected to having foul experiments done upon them, and the necessity of self defense was impressed upon him by their energetic refusals, rejections, and complaints.

Now, after his death and rebirth, he finds himself weakened, his vast libraries gone, his minions no longer walking the earth.

This will change, he has sworn.


[X] Weaponry
[X] Magic

-Hateful Animation : Summons a spirit of darkness to possess some object or person, turning them into an evil minion.
-Black Winds of Desire : Allows Monzonite to summon winds of evil desire to fly upon, or otherwise serve as a transport.
-Forge of Malice : Allows the infusion of energy to make magical items. Preferably evil ones.
--Monzonite is a very skilled forger. He can craft all sorts of dark and hateful items. (Spent Bonus on powering Forge of Malice up)
-Will of the Master: Allows the caster to hypnotize the target.

Name: Azurite
Gender: Male
History: Once a powerful researcher of magic, specializing in dolls and life, Azurite changed when the love of his life was killed in a shadow war against the spies of the Moon Kingdom. He shut off himself from human contacts as he delved into the forbidden aspects of his arcane arts, his research twisting him into an abomination of himself, doing experiments on his former friends and family and twisting them into mockery of themselves, though they still looked human.

His subsequent death and rebirth had weakened him, while his minions had long gone, and his vast research labs destroyed.

[XX] Magic

Fleshcrafting - Azurite is capable of warping the flesh of his test subjects with but a touch, growing and mutating the body, given time and biomass.

Seeding the Evil - Azurite is capable of birthing various minions through sowing his seeds into the wombs of the female kind, though they will take time to develop and mature.

Dollmaker - Azurite is capable of instantly creating automaton dolls from available materials, as well as infusing them with different powers based on his desire.

Puppeting the Human - Azurite can magically control a person's body from afar as long as he has eye contact with them, allowing him to make them do whatever he wishes them to do.

Work in progress
Name: Some mineral or other, most likely a red one
Gender: male
History: A small person from a part of Earth with a very might-makes-right society, turned to dark magic and treacherous tactics to secure a decent place there. Mostly just hit things in the Queen's army, led some youma on missions to hit things as well.


[X]Energy Blasts

Summon Minion
Body enhancement

Description: Tiny and adorable, comes off as trying too hard to look tough to people whose ass he hasn't kicked, one of the more direct dark generals (subtlety is important, but in his opinion the others don't seem to understand that sometimes you just have to light motherfuckers on fire), surprisingly cunning, gets a lot more focused in a fight
Ruby has crimson hair and bright blue eyes. Before falling to darkness, he was a researcher in bounded fields. His ambition for more knowledge and power led him to look in places best left undisturbed. It was in one such mystic Nexus that he was changed. Touched by an otherworldly darkness, his lust for knowledge was perverted into something darker. He recovers from death to discover that his stuff is gone.
[X]Energy Draining

Claim territory: Spends vast amounts of energy to corrupt and claim territory as his own. Then allows him to passively drain energy from it, as well as store energy inside for later usage. (Costs two spells)
Create Minion- Creates a minion of some kind. These minions often have synergy with territory, getting minor bonuses within them.
Seed of Darkness- Creates a seed of darkness that slowly corrupts the morals of the target into becoming Ruby's slave. Allows Ruby to gather energy the more morals are decayed by.
Winged One said:
Work in progress
Name: Some mineral or other
Gender: female
History: A small person from a part of Earth with a very might-makes-right society, turned to dark magic and treacherous tactics to secure a decent place there. Mostly just hit things in the Queen's army, led some youma on missions to hit things as well.


[X]Energy Blasts

Summon Minion
Body enhancement

Description: Tiny and adorable, seems to look for excuses to get angry, one of the more direct dark generals, brash demeanor, surprisingly cunning
Tiny, adorable? trecherous?
Silversun17 said:
Tiny, adorable? trecherous?
...tempting to go with that, but no. Much as I love Nui by her definitions.

Also, edited. The backstory seemed a bit sexist on a female character in retrospect.
Name: Aurichalcite
Gender: Female
History: Formerly a minor Moon Kingdom noble, Aurichalcite let her covetousness about her love get the better of her. She killed her love and the other men and women involved. The Dark Queen might have seen something in her, (or, is merely finding amusement in how easy she is to rile up) and recruited Aurichalcite from the prison before she was executed. She has a horrific temper and little to none restraint, which she (when possible) hides behind a pleasant façade. When she finds an object/person of fascination she will go to great lengths to acquire it. She has a schoolgirl crush on the Dark Queen, following her orders with gleeful zeal. Her height and childish appearance is a point of irritation. Her offensive magic is a thing of terror and even her normal blasts can penetrate armor that should hold against her with blasts with an extra charge.

[XX] Energy attacks
-Starlight Romance: A giant beam of pure white light. It obliterates all in its path.

Levitation: Gives Aurichalcite limited flight.
Scry: She can scry on people and objects that she has seen before. She usually uses a polished copper mirror. It can punch through wards and anti-scrying spells at an extra cost.
Servant of Earth: She can conjure up servants made out of minerals.

Description: A short, waif-ish looking woman with silver hair and yellow-green eyes. Calm, Angry.


Nekraa gives it a try.
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Name: Carnelian
Gender: Female

History: When it comes to magic, Carnelian is so completely inept at it causing explosions the moment she casts outside her body, the same goes can be said about weapons she's more likely to cut herself then her opponent, but when it comes to close quarter combat she is an absolute terror.

Not a planner by nature she rose through the ranks of the royal guard on sheer merit of force of arms, causing the weak at magic to look up to her, and the strong to think of her as an upstart. It was this talent that caused Queen Beryl to notice her and bring her into the fold.

But even brainwashed her need to protect those weaker then herself shines through causing the weaker Youma flock to her while the strong look to depose the upstart in their ranks.

[X] close combat
[X] close combat

Body Enhancement: It's like all your magical ability focused in one spot. Your fast enough to be considered teleporting, strong enough to make large craters in solid stone with just your fist, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, you know the standard stick.

Berserker: Body Enhancement to the max causing her body to break down from the strain, inability to stop till the thing that annoyed her is dead or retreating, with the downside of having the inability to even think of plans beyond punching the thing that annoys her or retreating herself unless snapped out of it. Caused by reaching her emotional breaking point.
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Silversun17 said:

Happerry said:

kinglugia said:

Robotninja said:

Nekraa said:

emeralis00 said:
Needs a complete sheet before I can accept. (description and history)

Winged One said:
Name: Some mineral or other, most likely a red one
Needs a complete sheet before I can accept. At least I assume you don't want your name to be "Some mineral or other, most likely a red one", and your title as The Work in Progress General, which would just be sad. Sad and amusing.

And that's the first five slots. There's nobody in the wait list right now, so Winged One, emeralis, if you finish up then you'll be at the front of the cue. Players that manage to lose interest (or get themselves ganked) will be able to re-submit and join the wait list with a new Dark General.

I'll get back to everyone who picked Magic as one of their chosen fields later in the day.
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Work in progress
Name: Diamond
Gender: male
History: The noble guy that try to flirt with the noble women in Moon kingdom without any success.Join the Beryl group because Beryl is his childhood friend and only female noble that he is not flirt with.Only think that he more good looking if he wear more black.


[X]Hand to Hand combat
Energy drain

Description: The muscular man and a lot of ego that make him know no fear,no remorse, and basically everything.
He is kind of egogistic idiot.
Silversun17 said:
Name: Hubnerite

[X] weaponry
[X] Magic


- Invisibility: Turns the caster invisible
- Blink: short ranged but rapid teleportation
- Capture seal: A trap etched into the ground upon casting will go off when an enemy steps upon it.
- Hypnosis

personality: Comes off as aloof and always seems to be distracted during social situations. In the field however her focus renders those that work with her or fight her nervous.
Going through submissions one at a time.

First, you chose magic and weaponry. Pick a type of weapon for you to start with, ex. sword, ax, rifle, exploding gloves.

Moving on to magic, you've got the maximum number of spells, so none of them are too impressive or hard to resist, for a supernatural enemy. Do you want to make one of them harder to resist, longer ranged, or make one of them affect an area rather than a single target? That kind of thing is what you have available, or you can branch out to adding extra effects onto a spell.

Happerry said:
Name: Monzonite

[X] Weaponry
[X] Magic

-Hateful Animation : Summons a spirit of darkness to possess some object or person, turning them into an evil minion.
-Black Winds of Desire : Allows Monzonite to summon winds of evil desire to fly upon, or otherwise serve as a transport.
-Forge of Malice : Allows the infusion of energy to make magical items. Preferably evil ones.
-Will of the Master: Allows the caster to hypnotize the target.

You get to pick a broad category of weapon, and I'll start you out with one of that general type to use, since you chose a weapon focus.

You also have four out of the possible four spell slots full, so none of them are going be the end-all slap down magic you might want. Do you want to make one of them harder to resist/more powerful, faster to cast, or cover a wider area (house sized)? Something along one of those lines, or something of your own devising. Just run it by me first.

kinglugia said:
Name: Azurite

[XX] Magic

Fleshcrafting - Azurite is capable of warping the flesh of his test subjects with but a touch, growing and mutating the body, given time and biomass.

Seeding the Evil - Azurite is capable of birthing various minions through sowing his seeds into the wombs of the female kind, though they will take time to develop and mature.

Dollmaker - Azurite is capable of creating automaton dolls from available materials, as well as infusing them with different powers based on his desire. They will take some time to be created.

Puppeting the Human - Azurite can magically control a person's body from afar as long as he has eye contact with them, allowing him to make them do whatever he wishes them to do.

Looking at this you've chosen to take double magic. That means you can either do the boring thing and increase the [something] of two of your spells, or you can increase one of your spells by a great deal.

You can either increase two as per the previously outlined options, eliminate a 'downside' from a spell, or supercharge it by increasing both its power and its range over the area of a city block.

Robotninja said:

Claim territory: Spends vast amounts of energy to corrupt and claim territory as his own. Then allows him to passively drain energy from it, as well as store energy inside for later usage. (Costs two spells)
Create Minion- Creates a minion of some kind. These minions often have synergy with territory, getting minor bonuses within them.
Seed of Darkness- Creates a seed of darkness that slowly corrupts the morals of the target into becoming Ruby's slave. Allows Ruby to gather energy the more morals are decayed by.

Okay, so you've got a powerful spell and two regular ones, and you chose energy draining and magic.

Your energy drain is much more efficient than normal ones, and you can target areas, not just people.

And since you chose magic you've got the basic upgrade to one of your spells.

Nekraa said:
[XX] Energy attacks

Levitation: Gives Aurichalcite limited flight.
Scry: She can scry on people and objects that she has seen before. She usually uses a polished copper mirror.
Servant of Earth: She can conjure up servants made out of minerals.

You've only got three spells, so I'm going to rule that that scrying spell is really something, if you soup it up enough. Spending energy (still free for evil purposes) lets you punch through wards and anti-scrying spells.

And double energy attacks! That means your energy blasts automatically punch through a certain amount of shielding depending on how much you pump into them. In addition to that, you're so good at blasting things that you've got your own custom energy blast variant.

You've got to call out the name to use it, but it doesn't take any more time than shooting a normal blast of energy out of your hands, and you can add an effect to it as well. Something along these lines: A giant beam of doom, a scattershot of homing lasers, a blast that turns an unshielded target into a mineral minion, etc. . . Just run an idea by me and I'll vet it.

And everybody, remember to alter your character sheets with the updated information. The IC will go up tonight (aprox 6-10 hours).
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skaro said:
Work in progress
Name: Diamond
Gender: male
History: The noble guy that try to woo the noble women in moon kingdom without any success.Join the beryl group because Beryl is his childhood friend and only female noble that he is not flirt with.Only think that he more good looking if he wear more black.


[X]Hand to Hand combat
Energy drain: can take magic form other people by thouching them.
I am awesome: Ignore other people magic that throw at him.There are some reason that he still survive after many fail attemp to woo noble women of Moon Kingdom.
I cast fist:Solve problem by punch people in the face.
Man,I am pretty: Can regeneration after many damage to his body or mind.

Diamond don't learn magic like other magic user .He just think magic rule always apply to his world view .

Description: The muscular man and a lot of ego that make him know no fear,no remorse, and everything.
Basically he still don't know that he join the rebel.

I'm going to institute a rule saying that submissions must be written at a certain level of proficiency in the English language. I'm sorry, but I can't read this.
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gibbousmoons said:
I'm going to institute a rule saying that submissions must be written at a certain level of proficiency in the English language. I'm sorry, but I can't read this.

Thank you. I just throw my write-in.But my skill in english is lower than average.
I will just watch your RP then. :D
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gibbousmoons said:
Going through submissions one at a time.

First, you chose magic and weaponry. Pick a type of weapon for you to start with, ex. sword, ax, rifle, exploding gloves.

Moving on to magic, you've got the maximum number of spells, so none of them are too impressive or hard to resist, for a supernatural enemy. Do you want to make one of them harder to resist, longer ranged, or make one of them affect an area rather than a single target? That kind of thing is what you have available, or you can branch out to adding extra effects onto a spell.

Sword and I would like to make Hypnosis harder to resist.
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Silversun17 said:
Sword and I would like to make Hypnosis harder to resist.

You will start the game with a ridiculously large sword known in some parts of the world as a Zweilander. It weighs four kilograms and is two meters from pommel to tip, and you sure are glad for your enhanced strength as a Dark General, so you can use it effectively!

Your Hypnosis puts people into a very deep trance now! Only the strongest willed heroes and villains can get your devious mind fingers out of their brain.
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How open is the dark Queen to the generals proposing their own objectives rather then picking from the list?
Any chance I could play the Sailor V manga villain Danburite? His Dark Agency knew what it was doing; souls and money (and bitches) all the way down.

It'd be something like,

Name: Danburite (Phantom Ace)
Gender: Male
History: Living a life as Saijyou Ace, college business major, when he was found again by the Dark Queen. The reincarnation of Adonis, Venusian soldier. Dislikes Kunzite (if he exists) for reasons he won't explain. Twisted by love obsession with 'Sailor V', otherwise a competent Dark Kingdom manager. Moonlights as 'Phantom Ace', do-gooder, playing both sides against the middle.

[X] Weaponry (Cards)
[X] Energy Blasts (Venusian beam weaponry?)

Hypnosis, body enhancement, minion creation.

Ash blond prettyboy archetype. In Phantom Ace form, wears a bold orange vest and red pants, and a white domino mask.
I'd like to upgrade Seed of Darkness. Would that be enough to let it corrupt hero/heroines if given enough time and they are not wary/pure enough?
Robotninja said:
I'd like to upgrade Seed of Darkness. Would that be enough to let it corrupt hero/heroines if given enough time and they are not wary/pure enough?
Yeah, that would work pretty well, but using it is going to be pretty obvious, since that's a brute force kind of thing.
That's fine. I can upgrade the subtle part later. Basicly, keep a hero captured, plant a seed in them, drain their energy so they cannot escape and wait till they become corrupted. Flawless plan.
Redon said:
Name: Carnelian

History: When it comes to magic, Carnelian is so completely inept at it causing explosions the moment she casts outside her body, the same goes can be said about weapons she's more likely to cut herself then her opponent, but when it comes to close quarter combat she is an absolute terror.

Not a planner by nature she rose through the ranks of the royal guard on sheer merit of force of arms, causing the weak at magic to look up to her, and the strong to think of her as an upstart. It was this talent that caused Queen Beryl to notice her and bring her into the fold.

But even brainwashed her need to protect those weaker then herself shines through causing the weaker Youma flock to her while the strong look to depose the upstart in their ranks.

[X] close combat
[X] close combat

Body Enhancement: It's like all your magical ability focused in one spot. Your fast enough to be considered teleporting, strong enough to make large craters in solid stone with just your fist, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, you know the standard stick.

Berserker: Body Enhancement to the max causing her body to break down from the strain, inability to stop till the thing that annoyed her is dead or retreating, with the downside of having the inability to even think of plans beyond punching the thing that annoys her or retreating herself unless snapped out of it. Caused by reaching her emotional breaking point.

Accepted, and added to the wait list.

Doubled up on close combat means that you get to pick a weapon type that you start with, and can channel raw dark magic into and through it, dealing a great deal more damage than normal to non-evil targets!

Winged One said:
Name: Some mineral or other, most likely a red one

Still need a name, but I'll add you to the waiting list.
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And there's the IC thread, people!

You have been dropped into the magical land of Detriot, and told to further your Queen's wishes. Remember that there's no such thing as cheating, except god moding.
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