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Death of member Thunderbolt


Nov 13, 2015
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This is Thunder's wife. My husband has passed away.

Thanks to the stress on his body between his condition and the reaction he had to the new drugs, he contracted an illness. And due to the stress on his immune system from the other drugs he was on to try and fix the problem, he couldn't fight it off. He passed away in his sleep a few days ago.

Thank you.
I...didn't know him personally, but I really liked his quest back at anonkun.

While I'm an atheist, I'm also an optimist, and want to hope for a better place we go to when we die.

So wherever he is, thank you for your contribution to this site and others, and may pain and suffering me a long gone memory where you exist.
I barely had any experience with his writing, but what I saw of him, both through it and his communication with his friends on the site, painted a picture of a good man. My condolences for the loss.
I'm...so sorry. Thunder...I got to know him on a project we were doing together. He was a pretty cool guy. He didn't deserve this.

I'm so, so sorry for your loss.

...The absolute worst news to wake up on a Saturday morning to...

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