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"Echoes of Eternity"

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You Decended into hell as ayou woke up into a dream like state. A thick, oppressive grey fog...
Chapter 1


Sequence 8 : mele scholer
Jun 28, 2022
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You Decended into hell as ayou woke up into a dream like state. A thick, oppressive grey fog enveloped you, obscuring your vision and making it impossible to discern your surroundings. The air was heavy with a sickly, metallic scent that made you feel nauseous. You tried to speak, but the words caught in your throat, coming out as nothing more than a hoarse, strangled whisper.

As Conisusness returned to you, it came with an excruciating pain that surged through your head, It was as though a relentless fire raged within your skull, each flickering flame stoking the agony to an unbearable intensity.

Your body felt as if it had been seweed back together with crude rusted needles. Every movement sent spikes of pain radiating through your form. Your mind swirled in a haze of disorientation and suffering as he tried to piece together what had happened. The last thing you remembered was the golden-haired man piercing your body.

The pain in your head was relentless that felt as someone was hitting it with a hammer with without pause. Your hand went up to touch it only to find your hands unresponsive and trembling. Your fingers felt alien as if it was someone else's.

You had no sense of time in this infernal place. It could have been minutes, hours, or an eternity that you endured the torment. The golden-haired man's cruel smile haunted your thoughts, a malevolent presence that seemed to be watching you, relishing in your suffering.

As you slowly regained consciousness, you found yourself lying on an old, creaking bed in a small, dimly lit room. The walls were mostly wooden, their surfaces weathered and aged. The air carried a faint scent of aged wood and something more, a peculiar mix that was hard to identify.

Blinking through the remnants of your torment, you noticed a wooden chair nearby, and on it sat a young boy of about ten. His form was still, and he gazed at you with a mix of curiosity and innocence.

The young boy's face lit up with excitement, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Are you awake? Are you okay?" he blurted out, unable to contain his eagerness. His voice was filled with youthful enthusiasm, and you could sense a genuine concern beneath his childlike exuberance.

Your head throbbed with pain, but you managed to nod weakly in response, unable to muster the energy to speak. As you struggled to piece together your fractured memories, you couldn't help but wonder who this young boy was and how he had come to be here with you in this peculiar room.

The boy's eyes widened with curiosity, and he leaned closer, his voice filled with childlike innocence as he asked, "What's your name?" His excitement was palpable, as if he had been waiting for this moment, eager to learn more about you in this mysterious place. You opened your mouth to respond but hesitated, finding yourself unable to recall your own name in this disorienting and surreal environment.

[ ] Shinji Matou
[ ] Current Body's name
[ ] Both


With a sense of urgency, the young boy jumped up from his wooden chair and darted out of the room, his footsteps echoing in the narrow wooden hallway. He called out for his mother or anyone who might be able to help.

As you watched him go, a mixture of relief and unease washed over you. You decided to explore your surroundings further. Pushing yourself up from the old bed, you swayed for a moment, steadying yourself as you adjusted to your unsteady legs.

Looking down at your own attire, you were taken aback to find yourself dressed in a military uniform, its fabric crisp and unfamiliar. Confusion clouded your mind as you tried to remember if you were part of a military organization or how you had come to be wearing such attire.

You took a few tentative steps towards the mirror hanging on the wall.

[ ] What do you look like

Inside the room, the wooden walls seemed to close in around you. The ache in your head had subsided somewhat, allowing you to think more clearly. As you stood there, clad in the unfamiliar military uniform, a series of questions swirled through your mind.

"Where am I from?" you murmured to yourself, the words emerging from your parched throat. The question hung in the air, unanswered, as if the room itself held the secrets to your origin.

[ ] Which Country are you From
Leon kingdom
Sourthan Continent

With each uncertain step, you questioned, "What am I doing over here?" The reason for your presence in this bewildering place remained as elusive as your own identity.

As you began to search for answers, your fingers brushed against something cool and metallic, nestled against your chest. Your gaze lowered to find a necklace, its pendant a unique symbol that seemed to whisper a faint familiarity. You couldn't recall where you had acquired it or what it signified, but it held an undeniable significance in this puzzling world.

What does the Necklace look like
[ ] Brass Book
[ ] Tin waves
[ ] Gold Sun
[ ] Silver Moon
[ ] Iron Sword
[ ] Bronze triangle was filled with symbols such as steam, gears, and levers
[ ] Brown Round ball

As you ventured further into the mysterious surroundings, a lingering frustration gnawed at the edges of your thoughts. There was a word, a word of utmost importance. You furrowed your brow, desperately attempting to summon that word, to summon the very essence of what it had meant. It was a maddening puzzle piece, a fragment of knowledge lost in the labyrinth of your fractured recollections. The word remained a tantalizing enigma, a vital piece of the puzzle that taunted you with its absence.

What is the word?
[ ] Apprentice
[ ] Seer
[ ] Marauder
[ ] Secret Suppliant
[ ] Sailor
[ ] Spector
[ ] Bard
[ ] Reader
[ ] Hunter
[ ] Assassin
[ ] Mystery pyrer
[ ] Savant
[ ] planter
[ ] Doctor
[ ] Prisoner
[ ] Criminal
[ ] lawyer
[ ] Arbiter
[ ] Sleepless
[ ] Warrior
[ ] Corpse Collector
[ ] Monster
Chapter 2
As soon as the name "Shinji Matou" resurfaced in your fractured memory, a deluge of memories began to flood your consciousness. They were vivid and unsettling, like pieces of a shattered puzzle falling into place.

You were a young man with a complicated past, marked by a legacy that had been thrust upon you. Memories of your life began to surge through your mind, and with each recollection, the sense of torment and dread intensified.

You remembered your family, the Matous, a lineage deeply entwined with dark and mysterious forces. The weight of expectation and the burden of your bloodline's secrets had always been a heavy presence in your life. The legacy of the Matous was one of magic, dark rituals, and sacrifices.

Images of a shadowy figure, a mentor of sorts, flickered through your mind. He had guided you, or perhaps manipulated you, down a path of sorcery and cruelty. You were no stranger to the twisted world of Magecraft, where power and ambition reigned supreme, and morality was often discarded.

Recollections of a young woman, Sakura, flooded your thoughts. She was your stepsister, caught in the tangled web of your family's legacy. The anguish in her eyes haunted you. You remembered the torment you had inflicted upon her, both willingly and unwillingly, as the dark rituals of the Matous exacted a terrible toll.

But the most haunting memory of all was your own death. The image of the golden-haired man, the very same figure who had pierced your chest, seared into your mind. It was a moment of betrayal and violence, an act of malevolence that had ended your life in agony.

Your memories left you trembling, overwhelmed by the weight of your actions and the knowledge of what you had become. You were part of a world steeped in darkness, and your existence had been defined by cruelty, ambition, and a tragic legacy that had ultimately led to your own demise.

As the memories of Percival Uther, your second life, began to resurface, they clashed with the grim recollections of Shinji Matou. It was as if you were living two vastly different lives in one fractured consciousness.

Percival Uther, a man raised in the city of Leon as an orphan in the church of the God of steam and machinery, had a story of hardship and dreams. His life was filled with the sound of clanking gears, and his heart's desire was to become an adventurer, to explore the world beyond the confines of the church.

You recalled the first time you heard the stories of knights and heroes, tales that ignited the fire of adventure within your soul. But dreams alone couldn't fill your stomach, and in a desperate attempt to secure a job and a future, you made a decision that would change the course of your life

You joined the military, but it was a path filled with deceit. You had lied about your qualifications and skills, hoping for a better life than the one you'd known in the church. The days of training and marching, the camaraderie of fellow soldiers, and the fear that accompanied you into battle were all part of your newfound existence.

As Percival Uther's memories came flooding back, a different sense of turmoil washed over you. This life was marked by aspirations, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of a dream that seemed to slip further away with each step taken in the military. The stark contrast between the two lives, Shinji Matou and Percival Uther, left you grappling with a profound sense of duality and an even deeper search for understanding in this fractured existence.

The door to the small, dimly lit room creaked open once more, and the young boy, who had left earlier in search of help, re-entered. He was accompanied by a middle-aged woman who exuded an air of authority and care. She was dressed in simple but well-worn attire, and her eyes held a mixture of concern and relief.

The boy gestured to you with an air of urgency and said, "Mother, he's awake now. His name is Shinji." The woman's gaze settled on you, and she approached with a warm but cautious smile. Her presence was reassuring, and you sensed that she was someone who had seen her share of life's trials.

The was dressed in a set of Village Victorian clothing that exuded an air of modesty and simplicity. He wore a pair of charcoal-gray knickerbockers that fell just below his knees, and brown leather boots that had seen their fair share of wear. His shirt was a crisp, white cotton, buttoned up to his neck, and a dark green waistcoat adorned his small frame. His attire, though simple, was impeccably maintained, a testament to the care of his mother.

The middle-aged woman, was similarly attired in Village Victorian clothing. She wore a long, earth-toned skirt that flowed gracefully to her ankles, complemented by a pale blue blouse with intricate lace detailing.

"Shinji, you say?" she inquired, her voice calm and soothing. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Mary, and this is my son, Duke. We found you here and couldn't leave you alone in this strange place. Can you tell us how you ended up here?"

an overwhelming sensation swept through your mind. It was as though a memory, or perhaps a forgotten dream, surged like waves and heavy thunder within your head. The intense sensations were akin to standing at the shoreline of a turbulent sea, where the crashing waves threatened to engulf your thoughts.

You clutched your head in a futile attempt to grasp the elusive memories that had threatened to surface. The sensation was agonizing, like trying to catch a fleeting mirage on the horizon. "I... I can't remember. It's all so... fragmented. Waves of memories, like thunder, crashing through my mind, but I can't hold on to them. My name is Shinji Percival Uther. I know that much, but everything else... it's like trying to grasp at shadows." You answerd.

Mary looked at you with a mixture of sympathy and concern, her eyes reflecting understanding as you struggled to regain your memory. "Don't worry, Shinji," she reassured with a kind smile, "rest and recover. The memories will return in due time, I'm sure."

As she spoke, her tone was gentle, soothing, but her expression turned more serious as she continued. "There was one thing you had with you when we found you," Mary said, reaching into a nearby wooden chest. She withdrew a strange, metallic contraption, cradling it in her hands. It was a rifle, unlike any you had seen before, with an intricate design and a powerful presence. It was steam-powered, a formidable weapon of technology.

When you reached out to touch the rifle, an instinct surged within you, a primal knowledge of how to wield it. It was as if your very being resonated with the weapon's potential. You knew the mechanics of the rifle, how to load it, aim, and fire, with a precision that was uncanny.

[ ] Ask for Food
[ ] Ask for more information
[ ] Write in
Shinji matou Character Sheet

Name : Shinji Percival Uther Matou
Age : 17
Gender : Male
Spiceces : Human

Pathway : Apothecary
Sequence : 9

New Abilities

Spirit Vision shows Apothecaries other's "Health" and "Well Being".

Medicine Concoction: They excel at creating and mixing potions and herbs, to treat illnesses and injuries.
They do not have actual ways to treat terminal illnesses. For those in the late stage of a terminal illness, they can only try to alleviate symptoms or slow down the progression.

They can tame and manipulate plants and parts of animals in their potions.

They don't gain much physical improvements, but are relatively resistant to poisonous elements
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What Each Necklace abilities are
What each Necklace power be :

The Brass Book
Spell Creation: Beyonders of this sequence have mastered many unique and rare secret techniques and magic. They could even invent and create their own weird but potent magic/spells that only belong to themselves
it exacts a toll on their memory and mental faculties. As they invent and cast spells, a portion of their own memories becomes fragmented and fades away over time. This memory erosion is directly proportional to the complexity and power of the spells created. Although the memories will return depending on the Complexity of the Spell.

The tin waves
Lightning Strikes: When worn, the amulet grants the user the formidable power of calling forth Lightning Strikes at will. With a focused thought, the user can summon lightning bolts from the sky to strike down their foes
The more the user calls upon the amulet's power, the greater the temptation to become a tyrant. The surges of electricity coursing through the user's body can gradually corrupt their mindset, making them more ruthless, power-hungry, and willing to dominate others. The user may find themselves using their newfound abilities to control, intimidate, or even harm those around them.

The Golden Sun
Ocean of Light: "They" can flood the surroundings in a sea of blazing light bringing about endless purification and ablation.
The user becomes more and more devoted to praying and praising the Sun until that is all they know.

The Silver moon
Concealment: When worn, the amulet bestows upon the user the power of Concealment. This ability allows the user to remain hidden from all sorts of spells, magical detection, and even divine or godly attempts to locate them. It acts as a shield of invisibility, making the user virtually untraceable.
Isolation: The more the user relies on the amulet for concealment, the more isolated they become. Over time, the inability to be located or interact with others can lead to loneliness and a sense of detachment from the world. The user may struggle to form or maintain relationships.

The Sword
Eye of Demon Hunting: When the user invokes the Eye of Demon Hunting, complex dark green symbols manifest in their eyes, granting them the power to identify targets' characteristics, weaknesses, and current status. They can detect traces of Evil, Degeneration, Corruption, and even possession by malevolent entities. This ability also sharpens their senses and grants them spiritual intuition, making them adept at discerning the situation.
Using the Eye of Demon Hunting takes a toll on the user's own spiritual energy and vitality. Each time they activate the eye, it drains a portion of their life force and diminishes their own inner strength. This can lead to physical weakness, mental exhaustion, and an overall deterioration of health.

The mechanical Necklace
grants users the gift of Eidetic Recall, a perfect and near-infallible memory. They can remember every detail, fact, or experience with unparalleled clarity, essentially creating a mental library of their entire life. This ability allows them to access and apply knowledge instantly, making them experts in a vast array of subjects and skills.
Eidetic Recall, however, comes at a price. The flood of constant memories can be overwhelming, leading to a heightened risk of mental fatigue, sensory overload, and information anxiety. Users may struggle to filter and focus on the present moment due to the ceaseless stream of recollections. It requires significant mental discipline to harness this extraordinary ability without being consumed by the weight of their own memories.

The Brown Planet

Vine Generation & Manipulation: Wearers of the Terra Verdant Amulet possess the power to generate sturdy, mutant vines that surge forth from the ground. These vines grow rapidly and uncontrollably, entwining and ensnaring surrounding creatures, rendering them immobilized and under the user's command. The vines can be manipulated for various purposes, from subduing adversaries to creating barriers or even as a means of rapid movement

Primal Instinct: The more the user utilizes the Terra Verdant Amulet's abilities, the closer they become to nature and its primal instincts. This connection with the wild can lead to heightened aggression and impulsive behavior. The user may find themselves succumbing to intense, instinctual desires, which can include becoming more and more obsessed with procreation or a heightened desire to mate
Chapter 3
Looking at the what You assumed to be a Mother and Child, Still a bit disorientated by the memories of two Different people decided ot would be best if you could just find more info about where you were as while you had the jist of your life their was still a lot of things you didn't know from both lives.

Like from the memories of Shinji matou while you had an overview of his life even then it made you wonder What led Shinji Matou down the path of dark Magecraft and cruelty? Why hadn't he just run away?

What were the specific events and choices that shaped Percival Uther's journey from an orphan in the church to a soldier in the military?

With so many unanswered questions and a yearning to understand the full scope of these two lives, you felt a deep need to uncover the missing pieces and complete the puzzle that was your shared existence. The memories, though fractured, held the key to unlocking the mysteries of your past, and you were determined to find the answers.

How do they even Feel about their deaths or so. Although considering Percival Uther hadn't yet died. Looking through his memories you know that he was some kind of beyonder.

[ ] Anger (Memories received but Moderate Sanity check)
[ ] Peace (No memories but also no memory check)
[ ] Regret (Less memories received and easy Sanity check)

Beyonders are sentient beings who have consumed Beyonder Characteristics, allowing them to advance to higher Sequences in a Pathway. The most common method of advancement are through consuming potions made of Beyonder Characteristics and other supplementary materials.

Or so you were told by the person who introduced Uther into this sort of the world and he even had given you the Recipe and Ingredients for it. It was Sequence 9 Apoctherpy.

Some part, likely the Shinji Matou part, was estatic that you had actual powers? abilities or even supernatural but mostly you were Skeptical not about the ability working oh no but that this wouldn't cost you in the long term.

The moment this Thought passed through his head and a pain shot through his head like a person has just Shot him with a bullet. A memory fragment become a bit more clear like a bit of fog cleared in his head. With each fragment of memory that resurfaced, Shinji Matou found himself in a state of introspection, pondering the nature of his unique abilities. His powers were a complex tapestry of talents that held both potential for healing and limitations.

The "Spirit Vision" had granted you the ability to peer into the health and well-being of others, a gift that could be both a blessing and a burden. It allowed him to see the underlying truths of physical states,

His prowess as an apothecary, the "Medicine Concoction," It allowed him to mix potions and herbs, offering remedies to alleviate the pains of others. You cannot cure such conditions but can only attempt to alleviate symptoms or slow down the progression of the illness.

Lastly, the resistance to poisonous elements was a form of self-preservation, a safeguard against the dangers you might encounter in your pursuit of aiding others.

As you Observed Mary and Duke you unconsciously activated your "Spirit Vision". It became clear that Mary, despite her age, was remarkably healthy and full of vitality. Her well-being radiated through his Spirit Vision. In stark contrast, Duke appeared visibly sick, his condition wasn't as evident as with the normal eye he looked healthy.

As you turned to Mary still a bit disorientated by the flood of memories of Shinji matou and Percival Uther. Shaking your head you showed her a small smile and asked. "Thank you for your help, Mary. I'm still trying to make sense of everything. Can you tell me more about this place? Like where I am and the Current year."

Mary looked at you as if she was caught of guard by such a question. As if you should have known some of what you were asking. Yet there were no such memories of these things. "We are on Zephyr island, the Year is Currently 1319 June. Zephyr Island is a peaceful and isolated community, known for its close connection to nature. We respect the land and live harmoniously with it. Our Island Elder wishes to meet you. He might have more answers for you. Are you feeling okay, though? Would you like me to take you to him?"

You noded atleast this info matched with what you could infer from your own memories. "I'm a bit disoriented, but I'll manage. Please, take me to the Island Elder. I'm eager to learn more about this place."

As you obediently followed her, your mind churned with a whirlwind of confusion. Where were you, and why had you ended up in this unfamiliar place? The memory fragments that had resurfaced painted a dark and disjointed picture of your past, and it left you grappling with questions that had no easy answers

Moreover, you couldn't help but notice that the language you spoke was different from what you knew. Mary had mentioned it as Leon, a tongue foreign to you. It was a startling realization, for you had always been familiar with English, Russian, and Japanese, but this new language was a perplexing addition to your bewildering reality.

The village, nestled on the small island in the Sonia Sea, was a tranquil and picturesque haven. Its rustic charm was accentuated by the simple beauty of its surroundings.

Quaint cottages, their wooden exteriors weathered by the sea breeze, lined the cobblestone streets. Each cottage was adorned with colorful flower boxes, filled with a riot of vibrant blooms, creating a burst of color against the backdrop of earthy tones.

A sense of community was palpable, as villagers greeted each other with smiles and waves, their interactions marked by genuine camaraderie. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted from the local bakery, and the village square was alive with merchants selling fresh produce and handcrafted goods.

The island's natural beauty was equally captivating. To one side, a tranquil harbor stretched out, its calm waters reflecting the changing hues of the sky. To the other, a lush forest beckoned, with its towering trees and vibrant flora, offering a serene escape into nature.

As you strolled along the main street of the picturesque village, your gaze fell upon a two-story building that stood out amongst the rustic cottages. The structure was a blend of quaint charm and practicality, its facade constructed from the same weathered wood that characterized the rest of the village. The building, however, was larger and more structured, with a certain gravitas that set it apart.

A wide front porch, adorned with a plethora of potted plants and a wooden swing, provided an inviting entrance. The building itself had an air of functionality and order, with windows that bore lace curtains and allowed the soft, filtered light to seep through.

You entered the building, following Mary's lead, and found yourself in the living room, a warm and welcoming space. The furniture was a mixture of comfortable, well-loved pieces, arranged in a way that encouraged conversation and togetherness. A soft rug underfoot added to the cozy atmosphere, and framed paintings adorned the walls, depicting scenes of serene landscapes and local life.

Mary informed you that she would be leaving for a moment to speak with the village's elder, who was eager to meet you and ask his questions. Her son, Duke, a boy of about ten, remained with you in the living room. His eyes sparkled with curiosity, and you could sense a mischievous spirit in him.

Duke's eyes brimmed with curiosity as he looked up at you, a mischievous glint in his gaze. "So, you're Shinji, right?" he asked with youthful enthusiasm.

You sighed inwardly, still grappling with your own confusion and frustrations, but you couldn't deny the boy's earnest curiosity. "Yes, that's what they say," you replied, offering a small, forced smile.

Duke's questions came rapid-fire, his excitement getting the better of him. "Where are you from, Shinji? Do you have any cool stories to tell? What kind of work do you do?"

Your responses were curt but not unkind. "I'm not sure where I'm from, Duke. My memory is a bit hazy. As for cool stories, well, that's a work in progress. I'm not sure about the kind of work I do, either. It's all a bit confusing right now."

Duke's relentless curiosity remained undeterred. "Do you know any good games, Shinji? We like to play hide and seek and tag here. Oh, and there's a great treehouse in the woods. You have to check it out!"

You nodded, appreciating the boy's enthusiasm, even if you couldn't quite share in it. "Hide and seek and tag sound fun. I might have to check out that treehouse, too."

Duke's chatter continued, an insistent stream of questions and stories about the village and its residents. Although you couldn't help but be a bit of an ass in your thoughts, there was a part of you that found solace in his childlike innocence and the simplicity of the world he described.

[ ] probe info From Duke
[ ] Sit quietly
[ ] Explore the Room