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"What the actual fuck…" I muttered in confusion. "Where the hell am I?"

In one moment, I was...


Getting sticky.
Sep 19, 2021
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"What the actual fuck…" I muttered in confusion. "Where the hell am I?"

In one moment, I was relaxing on my sofa while grinding in the summer event of FGO and enjoying the cooling breeze from the air conditioner. Then I suddenly found myself standing on a rooftop of a mansion with nothing but my phone in my hand.

"The view is nice, isn't it, Adam Lionheart?" I was startled when I heard someone calling my name. I turned my head in the direction of the voice and saw a man dressed in a business suit and was wearing sunglasses.

"Who are you?" I asked cautiously, this guy looked very similar to the agents in the 'The Matrix' movie.

"Thanks for the compliment and yes, I can read minds, but I will refrain from doing it in the meantime." He said with a business man's smile, which I didn't have a good feeling about. "You may call me Agent Smith if you wish."

I immediately realized that I was dealing with things beyond my comprehension and not some TV program. "So…Agent Smith, what business do you have with me?"

"Good, direct to the point, I like straight forward people." Smith said while nodding, totally not thinking about anything horrendous. Then he clapped his hands and a suitcase appeared above him and fell on his hands. "I am here to make a deal with you."

Smith opened the suitcase and it revealed 5 cards there with different colors. Black, red, blue, yellow and white.
"What are these?" I said while glancing over it.

"Those are what people call 'golden fingers' or 'cheats' that will help you in this new world." Smith explained. "The Black Card represents the system, in other words, if you pick this one, you will get a system. The Red Card represents Phantasmal Species, which means you will have the blood of a Phantasmal Species flowing through your veins. The Blue Card represents Magic or Magecraft, in other words, you may get the knowledge of a branch of magecraft or even Magic if you're lucky. The Yellow Card represents the Heroic Spirits and if you pick this one, you get a skill and a noble phantasm from a Servant. And the last one, the White Card basically means that you have infinite potential."

'I knew it…I am not in my world anymore…' His statement confirmed my rather obvious hypothesis and I noticed that all the options were oddly related to Nasiverse. "How many cards can I pick?"

"3." He said with a smirk and rubbed his hands like a greedy merchant. "Also note that all the options are randomized, so choose wisely."

Even if all options seemed eye candy, I already have my choices in mind, but first….

"What's the catch?" I asked. There was no way this man would offer me without nothing in return.

Smith smiled. "Just make your journey interesting."

"...What?" His answer surprised me greatly. I expected him to say that I will become his servant or do some tasks for him.

"It is like what I just said. 'We' will watch your journey and don't worry, we will only spy when there is something interesting going on, so rest assured that your privacy is guaranteed."

"..." I thought about this for a moment, but I guess I can live with this. "Ok, I agree with your deal."

He seemed satisfied with my answer.

"Then I will pick the Blue, Yellow and White cards."

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded in confirmation. "Very well."

The cards that I picked flew out of the suitcase and entered me before I noticed.


I fell on my knees before several lines appeared on my body. After that, I felt my body starting to heat up to abnormal temperatures that I felt that I was being cooked alive or even exploding into pieces.

At the same time, a bunch of foreign information was hammered inside my head with no mercy which caused an intense headache that I felt like dying at each moment.

"Fascinating! Marvelous!" I heard him even in this state. "Gigantic absorption of Od, connection to the Vortex of Radix confirmed and the Heroic Spirit is his own ancestral. Adam Lionheart, you are indeed an interesting individual like she said!"

'What the hell is he talking about?' I could only think properly after my situation turned better. I am even surprised that I am still alive.

My skin was crimson red as if I had a fever and all my clothes were drenched in sweat.

"Congratulations on becoming Magician of 1st Magic." Smith said as he started clapping. I could feel his gaze at my figure laying on the floor.

I was too fatigued to give a proper response, so I only looked at him in the corner of my eye.

"But sadly, even if I wanted to leave a gift for you, I still have duties to fulfill." He said and started dissipating into golden particles. "Ah! Before I forget, this whole mansion and everything inside is yours!"

I saw his figure disappearing before I sighed in relief and before I noticed, I fell asleep on the roof.

~~~~Next day, Morning~~~~

I woke up again and the first thing I noticed was that I smelled like shit. So I went on a search for a bathroom in the mansion, which was easy to spot .

I took a set of clothes from a wardrobe and went to take a bath, which I felt was the most satisfying bath I ever had. After that, I went to explore the mansion. Unsurprisingly, it was fully-furnitured and already had everything prepared for me.

Tons of money, clothes, week's worth of food, daily necessities, etc.

Beside that, there was a large basement that was also connected to the garage and I smirked at the thought of doing many experiments there.

So after breakfast, I went directly to the basement, which had various magecraft related objects, such as books, utensils, etc. I feel my excitement increasing with each passing second.

But first, I needed to find a trigger to activate my magic circuits even if they were already 'opened'. The first time it activated was rather forceful, so it didn't count.

The process wasn't difficult, only time-consuming and only after an hour that I discovered mine.

I discovered that I had 50 main circuits with A quality, so I guess it's very good for a Magician like me!

Then I took out my phone and I widened my eyes when I found out that it has access to the database of both my old world and the current world! So I quickly opened Google and searched for it.

"Let's try this."

I read the description in the wiki and I started using Denial of Nothingness for the first time. My magic circuits activated and soon a demonic japanese sword appeared in front of me.

"So this is the real Yamato…" My inner DMC fanboy cried in excitement as I gripped the handle and I immediately felt a link forming between the demonic sword and me. Of course, I made a few minor adjustments like this when I created it, such as soul bound weapon, indestructible, etc.

Then I slashed the air in a cross pattern with Yamato and tore the space, making a portal to the roof.
I passed through it and I couldn't help but smile in satisfaction and proudness. After I used it more a few times, I went back to the basement and started venturing in all the books there.

I even created magic glasses from Fairy Tail that would increase the reading speed of the reader!

~~~~A few days later~~~~

I finished reading all the books and documents in the basement, and I must say, they were all informative but what I focused on was alchemy.

And during the time I hadn't touched grass and stayed in the basement, I set up a bounded field around the whole mansion and spread familiars around the mansion.

I also learned that I was in Scotland at the end of 20 century, which luckily wasn't really far away from my time.
"Master, lunch is ready."

I looked at the homunculus maid and nodded.

I created a bunch of them with the purpose of them being battle maids and also assistants during my experiments.
I was inspired by the Pleiades from Overlord when I was creating homunculus. And that's why some of the maids looked alike from characters from Overlord.

But then suddenly, I felt a burning sensation on my right hand and saw 3 red marks that formed an image of a crown at the back of my hand.
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~~~~Some days later, London~~~~

I exited the portal with a homunculus maid behind me, holding a suitcase with both of her hands. We found ourselves alone in an alley and considering the time, there shouldn't be any people roaming in the streets.

"Let's go." I said and walked out of the alley.

I quickly walked out and nostalgia hit me when I saw familiar architecture, a mix of modern and Victorian, typical of London.

'Somethings never change no matter where you go.'

A smile formed on my face and my mood improved greatly. I wasn't in a hurry so I just walked slowly and enjoyed the scenery. There were some shops that I recognized by the name and some not, but I guess it was because I was a few years earlier.

And soon I arrived at my destination.

"According to the map, it should be here." I said and looked at the shabby building.

It was an old shop that was hidden from both moonlight and mundane people by its location and bounded fields there. I approached the door and knocked on it.

The door opened automatically and we entered. There were several jails with exotic animals imprisoned inside it, dummies with armors and weapons displayed decoratively and multicolored jewels. And in the center of it, there was a man sitting at the counter with two homunculus standing behind him.

He had a tall figure and white hair, with his eyelids painted in black and blue eyes and smiled upon seeing us and stood up.

'Doesn't this guy look like the one who had the reality stone?' I thought while I inspecioned him from head to foot.

"Welcome to the Collector's Collection." The man greeted us and bowed with his right hand in front of his heart, "You may refer to me as the Collector. Now, what are you looking for, my dear customers?"

'They even share the same name! And he seems to be a gentleman, but a weird one.' That was my first reaction seeing him, but I had a feeling that there will be more weird people in the future.

"I am looking for relics that once belonged to a hero in the past." I said without intent to hide anything.

"Hoo?" I saw his smile increase as he looked at my right hand which I had a glove on. "You are in the right place! I have collected some in the past!"

'Of course, he knows about it.' I concluded, but I would care less if he would leak the information, since I am completely unknown to the moonlight world. At the best, he could give clues about the identity of my servant to other participants.

Then snapped his fingers and homunculus walked out and returned a few seconds after while holding two boxes and placed them on the counter. The Collector gently opened them, one by one.

"This one came from right here in England, a golden rudder which is believed to be from the famous pirate Francis Drake." He said with very enthusiasm. "The second one came from Greece and it is believed to be one of the marble statues from the legendary Argo."

"And this last one is a shard of a wand that must belong to a Scottish hero from Celtic mythology, but unfortunately we failed to pinpoint its previous owner."

I quickly casted [Structural Analysis] and confirmed that they were authentic ones.

'So my choices are Francis Drake, someone from Argonaut and someone from Celtic…'

Francis Drake wouldn't fit in this Holy Grail War, since I doubt we will fight on water where she has more advantage.

A hero from Argonaut was very tempting, however the probability of me summoning Jason was very high and I doubt that he will be of use in this war, which leaves the Celtic heroes, which I only know Cu and probably Scathach who uses wands.

By the process of elimination, my decision was certain…

"I will take the third one." I said and I signalated my maid to bring the suitcase. She put the suitcase on the counter and opened it, revealing tons of money inside. "Is this enough?"

"More than enough." The Collector smiled, took the suitcase and extended his hand, "Deal?"

"Deal." I shook his hand.

Then I took the box and put it inside the subspace before walking away.

"I will wait for your next visit!" The Collector said before I closed the door.

We went to a deserted alley and I brought Yamato out and slashed the air, creating a portal to my mansion, but before I stepped in, a memory flashed in my head.

I halted my steps and stretched my arm. Then suddenly a metal hawk appeared standing on my limb.

"Search for the Blackmore Cemetery in Wales, where the Holy Lance should be located." I commanded and my familiar let out a cry before flying away.

"Let's return." I said before finally entering the portal.

~~~~Adam's Mansion, Scotland~~~~

I reappeared in my yard and was greeted by a few maids stationated there. It was currently snowing, but a barrier prevented the snow from falling on the perimeter.

"Prepare the gems and bring them here, I will perform the summoning ritual." I ordered them.

"Yes, my master." They bowed gracefully and left without letting any sound.

I exhaled, letting water vapor and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

'What nice weather for summoning.' I looked at the sky and I felt nothing would go wrong.

Soon I heard footsteps coming in my direction. My maids carried a wooden box in her hands and opened it when she was near me. There were gems with different colors and all of them had the size of an eyeball.

They were ultimately created using Denial of Nothingness and they contained Ether inside! All of the gems were extremely high quality and could make any magus thirst for them, especially a certain tsundere.

I grabbed them carefully fully knowing that they wouldn't break even if they were hammered down. Grasping with only one hand, they started melting and drops of multicolored liquids fell on the floor.

As if they were alive, the liquid on the floor started moving on its own and formed a circle with a very detailed inscription in the interior. After a few minutes, gems were fully turned into liquid and there was a modified magic circle formed on the ground.

I took out the box from the subspace inventory and opened it. Grabbing the shard, I put it on the floor, next to the magic circle.

Taking a few steps back, I raised my right hand which had the command seals engraved on them.

"Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let red be the color I pay tribute to."

As I chanted, I felt my command seals reacting to the summoning ritual as they glowed in red. The magic circle started shining brightly and the wind became more agitated.

I felt it wasn't enough, so I poured even more Prana in the magic circle. The floor beneath me started trembling and my blond hair was being tangled by the wind, but I carried on with the ritual.

"Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall."

"Let the four cardinal gates close."

"Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

"I shall declare here. Your body shall serve under me. My fate shall be with your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. If you will submit to this will and this reason…… then answer!"

"An oath shall be sworn here! I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven."

"I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell! – From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, Protector of the Balance!"

When I finished the chant, a giant pillar of light was shot from the magic circle to the sky before someone appeared in the middle of the magic circle.

Then the servant stepped out of the magic circle and my eyes widened upon recognizing her. My lips curled up and I clenched my fists in excitement.

Long purple hair, sharp crimson eyes, she wore a purple dress with stockings of the same color, letting her thighs were plainly in view..

"Oh my, so this is the little one who called for me, who reigns over death, ice and snow." A feminine voice sounded over the dispersing dust in the air, "I am the divine spirit Scathach-Skadi and caster in this Holy Grail War."

Then her sharp eyes landed upon me, making me feel that she was staring directly at my soul.

…I hit the jackpot and in Tokiomi's words, "We've won the war. The victory is mine!"
Interesting… I wonder how this war will go. I'm admittedly not too familiar with Scathach-Skadi beyond knowing that she's an alternate version from the Scandinavian lostbelt, but I'll hold out for hope that she's just as good as the real Scathach.

Another thing though, I don't know if I've missed it, but who exactly is the famous ancestor that Adam's supposed to be descended from?
A hero from Argonaut was very tempting, however the probability of me summoning Jason was very high and I doubt that he will be of use in this war,

Yeah, the Argo is a random grab-bag. You could get really lucky and pull Archer Heracles, or you could pull the Yorokobe prize of Saber Jason.

Another thing though, I don't know if I've missed it, but who exactly is the famous ancestor that Adam's supposed to be descended from?

… You seriously didn't notice his last name? Adam Lionheart.
Yeah, the Argo is a random grab-bag. You could get really lucky and pull Archer Heracles, or you could pull the Yorokobe prize of Saber Jason.

… You seriously didn't notice his last name? Adam Lionheart.
Wait.... let me guess... Richard the Lionheart? Or.... who else would it be? Pretty sure that guy didn't have any heirs which is why his incompetent brother John Lackland became King.
Wait.... let me guess... Richard the Lionheart? Or.... who else would it be? Pretty sure that guy didn't have any heirs which is why his incompetent brother John Lackland became King.
He did have a son with his mistress, but that son couldn't inherit due to being a bastard.
Warning Rule 7: Thread necromancy
So excalibur!

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