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This is something that you've probably seen before
A story set before a story where the final...

Master of Squirrel-fu

The Original
Feb 14, 2013
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This is something that you've probably seen before
A story set before a story where the final destination is already known
But just because you know the ending doesn't mean you know the story
This isn't about endings, or even beginnings, and no not middles either
This is the story of the journey between these points
This is the life of a boy named Urashima Keitaro.

If someone had ever asked him "Do you think life is fair?" he would most likely laugh in their face. If they were to tell him that they were serious he'd simply laugh harder. It need not be said, Urashima Keitaro found that thought unlikely.

The world can be, and usually is, a very harsh place. You can work yourself to the bone until you body destroys itself and still have nothing to show for it while another is simply handed everything on a silver platter. It usually doesn't tend to such extremes though but Keitaro had learned from a young age that there are not guarantees in life, and not everyone is equal.

To Keitaro this was not a bad thing, in fact in his eyes this made the world all the more beautiful. There is always that risk, that things won't go the way you want them but that just made all the hard work all the more satisfying. And while it's possible to give it all and gain nothing there is always the chance for your effort to be rewarded far more richly than you had dreamed.

"Ara, Kei-kun you really are a pervert~"

Like right now. Someone like him should not be having such a thing happen to him.

So do you wanna see?"

「 Wh-what? 」

His luck wasn't that good.

"The real thing. Do you wanna see it Kei-kun?"

Such an event should have happened to someone else, anyone other than a loser like him. Someone who had never had a real girlfriend. Who lost to 12 year old girls in smarts, who could bench press a whooping 5 kilos before exhausting himself, who had actually been voted as "[Ultimate] Uke" by the Manga Club.

「 Re-real thing? 」

"My body, if it's Kei-kun I don't mind being seen like that."

She couldn't be! Could she really be? This couldn't be real!

「 But, but it's... 」

"I know, so tell me Kei-kun do you want to see me naked?"

This was more than he could have hoped to happen to him, such an eroge like development. Yet it was. Could he accept it though?

"Tell me Kei-kun."

He just has to say it. Say it dammit!

「 I... 」
Haha! Eat that Himura! I said I would do and I did! Who's laughing now?! Not me because I stayed up all night and feel like shit!

But yeah I got around to this. Got quite a timeline planned ahead and plan for it to take up the two years of their time together, Keitaro and Kitsune. I've made some artistic choices in the background of them both as it was rather barren, especially Keitaro since I felt he was a bit too much of a blank slate in the manga. And since this precludes Love Hina there will be quite a few new characters, the most important of which would be Murakita Keitaro's sempai in the art club and Kitsune's initial love interest.

And for the sake of convenience, despite the fact it's 1995 they'll have modern tech and pop culture.

On to Keitaro.

As you will see in the included character art I'll be including in this post, he looks a just slightly different from normal, namely a bit girly and very short. That was on purpose.

Urashima Keitaro: Age 17 and 2nd year of senior high. He is self conscious about his appearance since has not grown since an early growth spurt in primary school (155 cm) and looks like a middle schooler. He has a inferiority complex because most of his family are ridiculous over achievers (Kanako: Martial arts prodigy/genius/Idol, Mom: Todai graduate/Famous Author, Dad: Martial Arts God/retired Todai professor). He is nigh indestructible, he believes it's from the constant 'skinship' (read 'violent physical affection') of his younger sister and aunt though they say he's always had it since he wouldn't have survived infancy with his extremely clumsy mother otherwise.

I've also filled in Kitsune's past, though I'll keep that one to myself because spoilers.

On another note, I'm trying to keep a 'Japanese light novel' feel, as as such have taken quite a bit study material on the culture (Read: Downloaded a bunch of notes from TvTropes/Haruhi wiki) and for future reference if something is in brackets [blahblahblah] and given a different font it's English or some other foreign language.

Also I'd also like someone to proof read my stuff, I'd ask Himura but she has a bit on her plate right now.

Anyway here's you artworks:


Yes, he will end up in that outfit at some point. Also i realized I kinda suck at drawing glasses, so let's just say they're second hand or something.


Yeah I gave her long hair, just cuz.
Like This One said already Squirrelly, you won't see your precious whiskey again until This One sees chapter one.
Saw the images first and thought it was going to be a genderbent Keitaro.

I'm saddened that it isn't, don't think I've seen any good ones of that style, but hey, this should be interesting anyways.
Chapter 1 part 1


It's 6:25 am April 1st in an ordinary suburb of the greater Kanto area, where nothing interesting ever happens there is a small unremarkable seeming bakery on a corner or the commercial district. It sits across from a small family diner and next to a specialty shop. Above this bakery lies a flat just large enough to house a family of four. Occupying the only bathroom for the last 30 minutes the prodigal son prepares for his day.

"Why didn't it work!" The boy glares at his reflection with all his might, trying to force it to show what he wanted. Sadly it only seems to have the opposite effect, "And this was expensive too!"

He shifts his ire to various products spread half haphazardly across the counter, he narrows his eyes at the creams and gels, as if they had done him some great personal wrong. They did not seem particularly repentant. Urashima Keitaro was less than pleased with his latest venture he'd burned the last of his savings on.

He's not usually one for vanity, in fact his problem was a bit of a cruel subversion. His looks weren't really all that bad, far from unattractive. In fact he could be considered to be quite the catch... if he were a girl. Not for the first time he cursed his genetics, having inherited his looks more from mother. Pale unblemished skin, soft rosy cheeks, glossy hair, big bright eyes, slim shoulders and waist, it had reached a point were he'd had to deal with questions against his gender. But the part that irked him the most was his height. 155 cm 3 years counting, he couldn't even be mistaken for a girl his age, no he just had to look like middle schooler too. Possibly forever given his age. Some one up there must be laughing at him...

"...Maybe I should just give up," He sighs, really he it was just wishful thinking that he could change himself completely. He had already accepted his physical shortcomings. So why spend so much money on something he already knew was a failure. Well the answer lies in the date. April 1st.

I really wanted to make a good first impression He had failed last year, to impress his classmates at the start of a new school year. He had planned so many ways, to perhaps make some outrageous self introduction like asking aliens and esper to join him, or performing some awe inspiring feat, even just acting 'cool' to hopefully trick them into thinking he was. Predictably he lost his nerve and not a single plan succeed most being aborted before they even began. This was the beginning of his second year though, and while not as big as become a first year, it was still a class filled with new people. People who didn't know him.

"It's probably too much to hope for to begin with." He sags inward in despair.

"If it makes you feel better Kanako prefers Onii-chan like this," A pair of arms encircle him from behind, "You're much more huggable!"

"K-kanako?" Keitaro stutters out, looking behind him to confirm what he'd already seen in the mirror. The smiling face of his younger sister greets him. The poor boy can't stop himself from blushing, a fact that make her smile grow, "Why, when, How did you get in!?"

"You were taking quite a while Onii-chan, others have to use the restroom too you know," She pouts and tightens her arms around you painfully, "And I came through the door, your were just too busy to notice your little sister walking in."

"Wh-what if I had been changing?" He barely manage to gasp out the complaint, she really needs to learn her own strength! Even someone like him could die from suffocation!

Her face falls into disappointment, "That only happens when Onii-chan does it." Well it's not like I want it too, it just happens. Thankfully her grip loosens a bit, and the boy quickly uses the slack to shrug himself free. The younger girl sighs but doesn't make a move to resist her prisoner escaping. Instead she take the opportunity to ask a question, "Why is Onii-chan getting all made up for, shouldn't he be happy the way he is like Kanako?"

That's easy for you to say He straightens his cloths then shakes his head to clear away the darker thoughts. No, he's just frustrated and it wouldn't do to dwell on his insecurities regarding his sister. He puts on a smile, "I just wanted to make an effort this year."

"All Onii-chan needs is some confidence" She hums, rocking on the balls of her feet she smiles at him, "Maybe if Kanako..."

"No." He had learned early on not to listen to her hair brained schemes if he could help it. Sure a few ended up working but for the most part they just ended failing painfully and embarrassing him in the process. Actually, even the ones that succeeded ended up humiliating him in some way. he had precious little dignity left anymore to sell it away for self confidence. And to protect that rare commodity he makes a quick retreat out the door before his little sister could refuse his refusal.


Urashima Keitaro, 17 years old and sophomore in senior high. Grades: slightly above average, Looks: Cute, and not in a good way, Skills: Drawing, making sweets. Son of Urashima Keiko: author of best selling novel Broken Blades, and Urashima Sakaki: retired Todai professor and world class martial artist. Older brother of Urashima Kanako, up and coming prodigy of the martial arts world, genius child who had been offered and turned down a scholarship to the magnet school Mahora, child model.

He couldn't recall when he had first noticed the huge gap in ability between himself and his family. In fact he might not have ever been ignorant of it. He didn't blame them, his family just couldn't help being remarkable, it seemed to almost run in the blood. Except it didn't, at least not in his. The only thing he could really consider his inheritance would be his looks, and even that seemed geared to only make it worse. As if he had wronged some vindictive kami in the past who saw fit to curse him so that even his blessings tasted like ash.

"What's got you down so early in the morning Kei-kun?" calls the voice of a young woman.

Snapping out of his own self deprecation Keitaro realizes that he'd absentmindedly walked into the small Kitchenette/sitting room of his families flat. His father is sitting at the table reading the paper and his mother is preparing breakfast, back turned to him. How?

"Mothers intuition," She answers back still to him, "Life's to short to waste time on pity parties."

He knows she's right, but just can't help himself. Today started out low and was just going to be getting far more stressful very soon. Still, he makes an honest effort to banish the depressing thoughts once again. The boy could almost feel he'd succeeded as he joined his father at the table.

"Father," He nods.

The man lowered his paper to glance at his son. Urashima Sakaki was man of few words. Strangers would go out of their way to avoid him, his ever present glaring eyes and shallow features intimidating anyone who so much as glanced in his direction. Keitaro had once even seen him make a grown man burst into tears just by staring at him too long. By god the man had a face that could break stone!

"Keitaro," He pauses, his glare intensifies causing his son no small amount of discomfort. "You hair..."

"Ah uhm," Crap what to say to that... A bit of hope springs into his chest, Maybe it worked after all. He lowers his gaze, "I tries something different..."

The man stares in silence for a moment, "I like it," He states, lips quirking upwards. Keitaro smiled back feeling a bit of pride welling up. The vindication was short lived however as the man continues, color entering his shallow cheeks, "It's cute. ...Like your mother's." And with that he goes back to his paper, not noticing the look of defeat on his son's face from that crushing statement.

Intimidating he might be, it just served to make Urashima Sakaki a perfect example of not judging a book by it's cover. Despite his appearance and stoicism the man practically embodied the Japanese love of all things cute and cuddly. The man dubbed 'Professor Murderfists' by his own students was even a staunch pacifist, hating to see others hurt or even unhappy. The dissonance between appearance and reality was like heaven and earth. Keitaro actually doubted the man even realized the effect he had on people.

"Ara ara, does Kei-kun want to look even more like mama?" Asked the woman, having come to validate the accuracy of her husbands assessment. Her hand take hold of this head and she runs her fingers through his hair to inspect it. Before the boy could protest his handling she lets him go 'hmm'ing to herself, "It's a start, if Kei-kun want's mama could style it for him..."

"...And just how would you style it." Keitatro questions, suspicion obvious in his voice.

"Like Mama of course," There isn't the least bit of shame in her voice.

It figured, she'd been tricking him into such things for as long as he could remember. Why couldn't his mother just settle for one daughter. Still Keitaro wasn't going to let that woman near him with anything sharp and pointy honest intentions or not. He were allergic to stab wounds after all. Not that she would ever intentionally hurt her son.

Urashima Keiko was much like an inversion of her husband. Where he put off an intimidating aura her's was bright and friendly, the very picture of a perfect housewife. A feel of warmth and sunshine practically radiated off the woman, who looked almost in her early twenties. Yamato Nadesico. She also couldn't go two steps without causing some kind of catastrophe.

As if to prove his point the pan she had been cooking breakfast in bursts into flames, having been unattended too long. Upon turning her skirt snags on the table, causing it to fall and tangle her legs, sending her crashing into the cabinets. From there is just all goes down hill, in just 30 short seconds the kitchen is turned into a disaster area Keitaro's mother lying dazed in the center.

"I'll get the extinguisher," The older man nods, moving to collect his wife. Luckily it was still early enough to salvage a light breakfast provided he cleaned up quick enough.

Paradoxically it makes him feel much better now. Sure he may have inherited mother's looks but at least he didn't get her sense of balance...
Last edited by a moderator:
Needs some editing. It switches between past- and present-tense and second- and third-person randomly.
macdjord said:
Needs some editing. It switches between past- and present-tense and second- and third-person randomly.

Yeah way to used to questing. I had doubted it at first but this just confirms it. Will get to that. ...eventually.

Okay, I think I got the Second person issue fix'd could use help on the tense thing. Also feel free to give opinions and feed back, could really use them.
Not enough sexy adventures. This One was promised Sexy adventures...


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