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Fragile Miracles: Innocent Phantasm of Madness (NasuverseSI) I'm so, SO screwed!

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(Hello, Mysterious Curse of a Beloved Lunar World)
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Very sour Grinch
Mar 2, 2013
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(Hello, Mysterious Curse of a Beloved Lunar World)
In Thread Index Link (for a comprehensive collection of in thread Chapters and Character Sheets.)

AN: After Silver W. King had to suffer through the Nasuverse. I wandered, why not? (And since I'm having this posted here for part back up, part re-commentary without Necroing SB, and part to get used to ze coding hell here... But at least it's a slightly friendlier format, I hope?)

More honestly, I believe that there's so much that is yet to be explored plot wise in the Nasuverse, especially given well... My life in general... Now to check how screwed I am for all of this...

Now it's only a matter of time before the fireworks come out and ruin my supposed 'new' life that I think was a simple ROB deal... *Evil Grin* shame for having no Evil Smileys in hand... (And before you ask, even with the Devil Smiley here >:D It's just not the same as this. *Evil Grin*)
  • First Chapter: Second Start, Baby Blues
    • Verse I: From Alternaive Time, Another Life (minus heart attack)
What if? What would happen if? If only... or simply that simple two letter word called if... Have you ever thought of that line at some point of your life?

Well, I did.

In fact, I used to wander about that a lot since before I can remember... Out of boredom, curiosity and a shallow consideration of a wish...

What if things went differently, what if Magic or Fantasy Battles was real, if there was such thing as Robotic AI Girl Spaceship Robots, or if I suddenly was in Touhou, SBURB or stuck with a real live COMP of a Devil Summoning Program, with Code HAX. What if this or that happened...

Or what if I didn't made the same mistakes in my past life, such as getting kicked out of High School, or wasn't stuck in a personally shitty 'Special Needs' unit, or even what if you where just a kid again? So you can try to actually learn harder, do better next time, or try to make a better life in general?

But all that is, is just that; pointless speculation. In reality, all you can do is play with the deck you have in life, as Miracles don't happen in reality, especially the impossible Miracles like 'a Wizard did it', or having frickin' Spaceships and Laser Swords in hand.

And the fools who are lucky for the plausible Miracles, tend to be cursed with suffering from their delusional fortune shortly after winning the lottery. And that's before we get to the poor unfortunate souls who SOMEHOW stumble upon the impossible... and suffer for it.

Though it's not all THAT bad...

For instance, I may have at one point wished for Magic to exist, to be a Hero, be cool with a Sword that I wasn't even allowed to have in childhood, or be as fast as Sonic from the SEGA MegaDrive or be a Beat 'Em Up Fighter from Streets of Rage.

But I was also raised by Star Trek and Star Gate (though Star Wars crept in only via merchandice and horrible candy,) so I can appreciate both worlds of Fantasy and Science.

And even if we can't have frickin' Lightsabers or reality breaking Wizards like Gandalf or Merlin, at least I know that Man has landed on the Moon, created inventions such as the Internet (that have their own Techno Wizards), and created complex stories and entertaining videogames.

I especially can't forget the sweet delicious videogames and future tech.

Most of all, we still have our own Heroes. Even if it's now just full of superstars such as Elvis, Michael Jackson, John Connor and Arnold Swatsnigger or something, and even past heroes who stood against the tide, before our apathy slowly eroded what they died to protect, gain or strive for.

Oh, and Batman, but who would even want to dress up in spandex in reality, or deal with the bane of going vigilante in the real world. Kickass comes to mind, same with delusional fools.

But hey, everyone and everything has their own flaws. Just that everyone could be flawed in Mind, flawed in Body, flawed in Soul or flawed in Life.

However... That's just me reminiscing. Because unfortunately for me, I'm currently stuck in... Interesting Times. As I'm sadly been 'gifted' by a very impossible miracle.

You see, I can still recall dying in the most impossible manner, and equally being 'blessed' by an equal impossible encounter by ROB ex Machina. I don't believe in being blessed by THAT event however, because they're all just omnipotent bitches, is all...

But other than the Miracle Round saying that I may have to deal with hell for this. Which is true for now... Right now, I'm just glad to still be alive again, with a second chance. Problem is, there's always a string attached for a ROB's amusement...

In this life; I'm called Miki Wasa-something, or was it Wasa-something Miki? Can't fully recall, other than my first name. And right now, I'm stuck in a really young body, definately a girl this time to say the least, and most likely stuck in Japan.

Why this time?

Well in the past, I used to be under the net handle of [Master Basher] in Spacebattles, before I died. With another name, and used to live in the UK. In fact, right now, I sometimes still keep on remembering that night...


It was yet another afternoon and I was back in my bedroom, or you can equally say living room. Where I was wasting my life away on Spacebattles on a vintage PC Screen, on an equally old PC, a slow as hell browser and the above SB not responding at all at times thanks to an overworked server. I still have to read all those unread newspapers that's a mountain...

And also to write a quest update I've got a faint idea on, and to look at some code at some point... Overall, I'm either too busy studying last minute, or too lazy browsing, or rarely playing games, or even more rarely reading my above mountain of unread newspapers thats... Months old by now.

But hey, at least this semester/term of College is just about to be done and dusted. Though I really need a new bookcase to store all my games and books for starters, and a better Computer Chair than I currently have in ha-

"AAAAAAGH!" my chest suddenly hurts, and I'm having problem breathing?... I feel weak, like my head feels light...

... WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! Am I... Dying from a FUCKING KIRA ATTACK!?? OF ALL THINGS?!?!? I tried to sit up again so I can pick up the phone for ER, but suddenly collapsing afterwards and poking your eye out of the edge of a computer table... Kinda fucks up your vision sideways.

So now I'm possibly with one eye... eye hurting like fuck... a heart attack?... and am shortly about to... Die?

I... Can't die... I... just don't want to... die... I must not...

My vision is already beganning to grey out... and I'm almost out of breath.

Out of despairation, I did one last attempt to pick up the phone above in vain, but I can't even move my arm now...

And as my ailing body closed my eyes, my life has come to an impossible end... Shame I didn't prepared a will for this... I thought I may... seen a shadow before my sight... Kicked it... It's too late... anyway...










"Hey~, would you like to live?" was the first words I suddenly hear after I ...

Wait... I somehow still exist?... I didn't knew how long I was like this until I heard those words...

I didn't knew that you could still hear words when you're dead...

"Well, then you're most likely NOT dead, it's easy!" I heard again...

I tried to open my eyes, but there's nothing to see. I tried to move myself, but I don't even have a body to move with...

Who are you? I would have spoke, if I still even had a tongue to speak with. So it looks like I'm a lost soul that isn't even blessed with telepathy?

"Eh, I'm just a kid, and 'tis a shame you're just a Soul in hand. So~, would you like to live mutey?" I heard from 'her' again, before what I could have 'seen' was suddenly hit by a bright [light.]

You know how sometimes, when you are just about to die, that life flashes before your eyes? Well, somehow 'I' was suddenly bombarded with the [image] of the face of a smiling kid girl with green anime hair instead...

Who is more likely to be some Random Omnipotent Being the more this continues...

"Teeheehee~" Was the laughter I heard in response to that thought. Suspision most likely confirmed, she's a ROB. "Well, sadly, I'm not a 'ROB' as you call it, though it's close enough."

Now that I think about it, I can't even feel, see, or even have a body, so why am I hearing and seeing her still?... And did she caused this?

"Do you even want to live, or are you content being in your own fragile little world full of questions?" She replied lazily, not only ignoring my question, but was about to give up on a response I can't even speak! "And confusing narrative."

For fucks sake! I have a will to live! You killed me didn't you? So give me my life back!

"Nope. I didn't killed you, it was all~ natural. Teeheehee~." She spoke with an annoyingly childish glee, as if all of this was nothing but a fucking comedy to her. Oh wait, it is, because she's a ROB~...

"If you say~ so~..." sang her words, with her eyes looking sleepy?

Personally, why would she even cause all this to just a normal person such as I? Ok, I'm not THAT normal, but close enough...

"Because I'm booored." yawned kiddie ROB, as usual "Well, I'm not 'usual', especially since 'you' just met 'me' here."

Good point... Personally, I am still deeply upset over sudden heart attacks, thank you very much.

"Teeheehee, making Kira jokes already~" she said in a higher pitch again.

Thing is, I highly doubt Light or Raito is the ROB who caused all this, or would even have a reason to kill me, when I've done nothing wrong other than being an arcane hermit in life.

"So, would you like to live? Or are you content just being a boring Soul full of Questions?"

Of course I fucking do! I WANT to fucking live!

"Teeheehee~" was the bloody laughter I hear in kind, and the smile she showed... Eh, distractions aside;

Didn't I sai- no, thought about it towards your nigh omnipresense? OF COURSE I WANT TO FUCKING LIVE! I HAD A LIVE GODDAMNIT! I LIKED my life as it was, until YOU fucked it up!

"Ok~! Insults aside, so you wanna live?" I 'hear' yet again.

Yes. I want to live.

"Even though you're dead?" I heard again.

No thanks to you.

"Meanie!" she replied, as if taken offense... Eh, I'm damned anyway.

What can I say? You're the most likely being to have killed me here.

"But that doesn't mean I'm the least likely person to kill you~. In fact, it could have been Fate, or another entity that killed you like 'Death Note'." She said with a calm certainty, and with air quotes. REALLY annoying me here.

Personally, I hate this bloody talk on Fate bullshit. It's fucking REACTIONS and CONSEQUENCES, not some Destiny shit! Karma! Not Fate!

"But it's True~." she soothed again. So, another Fate Fucker eh?

Mainly because it's those like you who are in God Mode that make Fate a bitch to everyone.

And great, now she's smiling again... "Teeheehee. I knew you would have been interesting~." she laughed... Great.

Now I'm officially doomed. Yay for yet another unlucky SBer.

"Teeheehee. And under that logic, you're the most entertaining 'SBer' I've had for a Year in your terms..."

Yeah, my life will not be normal again. Yay~.

Either way, who dunnit aside, I bet you're here for a reason. One in which I either accept the most random of deals from your twisted imagination full of suffering, or be stuck in a fate worse than death that's not existing. Either way, I still want to fucking live thank you very much.

"Well, I was going to reveal where you're going to be given a second chance," She spoke calmly, ok. Guess I'm going to le- "but since you're so rude... Might as well give you your 'life' back girly, but without any hints~, kekeke..." Finishing with a unique laugh isn't helping here...

Before I could even ask another question, such as "what?" on the Girly part or the catch... I was suddenly dealt with a bombardment of senses, that was called "being born again..."

So, flashback aside, after agreeing to that so called 'deal' from the abomination called ROB anyway (IE: She most likely killed and revived me for 'entertainment' regardless, comma.) here I am, born again as Miki last-name-something-forgotten. And most likely a girl... Yes, I am a girl apparently here.

And now I reside from a living bedroom of a prison that I'm only staying for college, to a minimalist flat where I can expect Aisa School soon, with what's most likely shitty heating and cooling (oh how I hated Winter now, can't even enjoy the snow...)

Which is most likely in a completely different country called Japan, while barely thinking in English. Marvelous...

At least I won't have to worry on learning English, though I guess 'Nihonese' would be a nightmare to speak for awhile... Hope speaking it is easy... Because I'd need it in order to live again, heh.

Though if there's one thing I want t-, no. What I MUST do with this second chance of life I was blessed with, it's to simply try to excel in life, NOT commit the same mistakes of letting my anger loose or make my life even worse off (even if I have to pull of complete apathy to do so), and avoid problems in general.

In fact, I got all the time in the world to think on what else to do other than computer programming... So if I don't screw up, I got a whole life ahead of me...

Problem being is as said before... I'm in a strange land that speaks what I'd guess is most likely Japanese, and I'm having a hell of a time trying to learn the language while still 3 years old by now... Though I'm making progress here at least. So when I'm not trying to get into the feel as an 'outsider', I'm just sleeping with an occasional dream or nightmare.

Oh, and I might as well not worry on not getting subtle, cause I'm most likely screwed in Social Aspects anyway. Indirect I remember from a Guide Book? Well, joy. On the plus side, at least I can pass/ignore the English Language study wise, since I'd ace it with my equally horrible Enrlish skills. In fact, I hope I still retain some sort of Fluency after I can communicate in Wapanese.

One last thing to do before I snooze again, is to not forget my past name, the one I still try to remember. And that name is...

... ██████ [REDACTED]

But hey, at least I think I'm beginning to learn speakable Japanese here, I hope...
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Partly because I was frustraited that I got KILLED by one before I snarked off; and well... Being emotional over the whole loss over a say... 'peaceful', if caged life.

Now, knowing my luck soon... But hey; at least it wasn't Zelretch this time, right?

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