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General chat thread

You know, stuff like this makes me wonder when we will get Johnny Silverhand. Probably never.
You know, stuff like this makes me wonder when we will get Johnny Silverhand. Probably never.
Have faith in Jeff

My family is trying to find a therapist for me.

Can you retrace your steps?

Where did you last use the therapist?

Sup qq. Is there a specific thread for gauging interest on apps? I'm thinking of making a fiction.live (akun) alternative

Maybe make a thread to ask what features akun is lacking, what people would pay to add or remove from akun, etc.

You could even ask that on akun itself if you refrain from mentioning that you're going to be a competitor.

I bet you could monetize it by being a Patreon alternative -- let people pay to support the authors and you just skim off the top from that.
Maybe make a thread to ask what features akun is lacking, what people would pay to add or remove from akun, etc.

You could even ask that on akun itself if you refrain from mentioning that you're going to be a competitor.

I bet you could monetize it by being a Patreon alternative -- let people pay to support the authors and you just skim off the top from that.

Done. The Patreon aspect sounds very hard to implement but I imagine it could have proportionate rewards. I'll look into how viable it is after people are actually using the site.
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I think Americans grew strong because they live in a bloody RPG of a country. Their land has scarier beasts than many fantasy settings, and they can't seem to go a week without something bizarrely dangerous happening.
Rule 8
I think Americans grew strong because they live in a bloody RPG of a country. Their land has scarier beasts than many fantasy settings, and they can't seem to go a week without something bizarrely dangerous happening.
Is this a joke? Americans are weak as shit. And of course we are. Our water is drugged, our food is poisoned, the media lies to us, we are encouraged not to go out, our economy has been sabotaged, and all our politicians are in the pockets of the WEF and the WHO.

Edit: Ah, missed who I was replying to. Hello, FBI guy. You on gaslighting duty this week?
So, I was trying to leave a profile message here. But, I couldn't figure out how to do it on an empty one. Not sure why it isn't working.
Do you mean you want to replace that text under your profile picture or something else?
Something else,
I mean I want to leave a message/comment on someone else's. I want to make a comment about a thread that is old. And it seems like the etiquette to leave a profile post in that case. I have done it before, but only on ones that already have comments.

And after thinking a bit more, maybe there is a toggle to allow or disallow them? I guess I could juts use a DM instead?
Something else,
I mean I want to leave a message/comment on someone else's. I want to make a comment about a thread that is old. And it seems like the etiquette to leave a profile post in that case. I have done it before, but only on ones that already have comments.

And after thinking a bit more, maybe there is a toggle to allow or disallow them? I guess I could juts use a DM instead?
They may have their profile setting to less interaction. Though I'm not sure how they have it set if you can view it.
It's literally the most powerful country in history, in both absolute and relative terms. Last time a single realm dominated the world this much, Genghis Khan was in living memory.
But that's never because of individuals. Even the likes of great US Presidents needed massive organizational and public support to accomplish things more than just individual strength.

The USA had an incredibly effective confluence of immigration, openness, and lots of resources that got it boosted to such an international extent (and surely a decent amount of luck and other factors I am not remembering). Individual citizens can be anywhere on the spectrums of "toughness" or "effectiveness", with neither parameter deciding one's full life impact.
I think Americans grew strong because they live in a bloody RPG of a country. Their land has scarier beasts than many fantasy settings, and they can't seem to go a week without something bizarrely dangerous happening.
Also, this sounds more like Australia than the USA.
Is this a joke? Americans are weak as shit. And of course we are. Our water is drugged, our food is poisoned, the media lies to us, we are encouraged not to go out, our economy has been sabotaged, and all our politicians are in the pockets of the WEF and the WHO.
See my point about organizations above. Also, the way you phrase this aligns very well with your current-to-this-message profile image of a cat in a tinfoil hat. It does sound like a crackpot theory.

Some of it could still be true, though. And probably is to varying degrees. I would just have to research and reply later as to which parts that is the case for.
North America has fewer venomous spiders, reptiles, etc and has never lost a war with emus.
I'd take a spider over a bear any day now. I can kill the former by accident just by stepping on it. I'm not even sure if even a handgun can fend off the latter.

Seriously, why haven't you killed the bears off yet? That's what people in England and France did with wolves.
North America has fewer venomous spiders, reptiles, etc and has never lost a war with emus.
Which are all objectively less destructive and disruptive to their environment than large mammals.

Like I like Australia I do, and objectively speaking if you dropped someone in the teton range without them knowing shit, and you dropped someone in southern queensland's outback with again not knowing what they're doing

both of them probably going to do die.

Like but in terms of the enviroment around you? Certain animals are going to fuck you up if you get a car crash with them, and that starts at the common whitetail deer. and a moose will fuck your corolla up

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