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Global Assault Recon Tactical Force

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D-Donations plz?
Feb 19, 2013
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In short, think X-com: UNFUNDED. Only not.

Going to throw a fluff post up and then reserve a few more posts after that, so wait just a few moments.

Player List:
1. Useless101
2. MrGazzer
3. Megaolix
4. Happery
5. Latewave
6. Enthalpy
7. Marked_One
8. Vindictus

Backup recruits waiting in the wings.
1. Biigoh
In tactical response to various issues: Alien abductions, strange dimensional disturbances, localized and brief undead epidemics, and a small but statistically significant increase in accuracy of tabloid articles, the world pulled together and formed the Global Assault Recon Tactical Force, following an extensive argument between founding nations on what the name of the group should be, and how to make it into an amusing acronym, which eventually got on everyone's nerves and failed to produce any significant puns.

The immediate next concern was who was going to pay for all of this.

Several weeks of argument later, the organization recieved minimal funding, enough to get started in various locations, hearty pats on the back, and sincere well wishes, as well as the understanding that there would never be any more money coming after this, so the people in charge had better make it count.

For a while, GARTF managed to fund itself and expand sufficiently by researching and producing incredibly advanced scientific weaponry.

This was put to a stop when the world council of united nations got ahold of partial schematics and what went into making these fancy guns, declared them 'patently unsafe' the moment any mention of nuclear material or byproducts were made, and all individual nations either placed a legal ban on the weapons being sold at all, or in many cases, to any other nation but themselves.

This had the same effect in either case, as the organization could now not afford to upset nations by selling, or selling to others, and finding their activities within the nations' boundaries restricted or banned.

Still, there were already quite a lot of guns out there, and even after this the organization managed to somehow support itself on a minimal level.

This is where you are now. There is one centralized GARTF HQ in an undisclosed location, which handles the bulk of research, production, and linking up communications, sattelite, and radar grids. Throughout most of the world, by contrast, there are bases in name only, playing host to small cells of GARTF operatives, usually composed of a single bunker, a radar and telecommunications room, and one small storage section, all of which can be concealed within the walls of your average 'abandoned' warehouse. If you are fortunate, you also have a hangar, and if you are fortunate indeed this hanger will include a fighter jet to shoot down bogeys, or a transport to get your squad to where they need to be. Lacking one, you must rely on other bases with jets to scramble, and lacking the other your units must rely on personal or public transportation to make their way to the mission area.

HQ's funding only stretches so far, and there are many bases with no hangar at all. Those which have one are not entirely fortunate as well: all maintenance and equipment must be funded by local bases.

The headquarters' funds stretch far enough to supply every new recruit with a regulation ID card and badge, one standard side-arm, loaded with one clip of bullets, and one pair of discount bargain-bin sunglasses. They can also provide some advanced tech-weaponry at cost, though even without a profit margin, the weaponry is prohibitively expensive.

In addition, there is a very small monthly allotment of discretionary funding. Beyond this, you're on your own. Good luck.
Building a character, as far as that goes.

Base Human HP: 10
Roll 1d20 modifier. [1-5]=-2, [6-9]=-1 [10-13]=0, [14-17]=+1, [18-20]=+2
Final HP = base + modifier.
Base accuracy: 2.
Roll 1d20 modifier. [1-5]=-2, [6-9]=-1 [10-13]=0, [14-17]=+1, [18-20]=+2
Final accuracy = base + modifier.
Base Move: Up to 10 tiles.
Base visibility: 20 tiles, half at night, cut by visibility blockers.
Base Equipment slots: 3. Loaded weapon takes 1 slot, an unloaded weapon and a clip for it takes up two slots, a loaded weapon and a spare clip takes two slots.

One talent.

Example talents:

[Track Star] +2 movement.
[Eagle Eye] +4 base vision.
[Weapon specialty: 'X'] +2 familiarity bonus to accuracy with specific weapons.
[City Slick] +1 competence bonus to all rolls in urban regions.
[Farm Boy] +1 competence bonus in rural agricultural regions.
[Smooth Talker] +2 to negotiation, bartering, soft questioning, and other similar rolls.
[Mule] +1 carry slot for equipment.

If you want some kind of specific background talent, bring it up and I'll see what I can do for a fair talent. Character gen is your ONE freebie. Further talents have to be earned, by doing things, and surviving. Some things, like City Slicker or Farmer background talents are part of your character's history, and cannot be earned after character gen at all.
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Here's a basic shopping list, with some cost updates. Note: you probably don't want to try to kung-fu your way through things.

Further note: beyond your initial equipment of one regulation sidearm loaded with clip, the base will only start with 1000 monetary units.


Bare Hands.
Damage: 1.
Effective Range: up to 1 tile.
Critical: x4 damage.

Standard Sidearm (Handgun)
Damage: 1d4
Clip Size: 12.
Effective range: Up to 6 tiles.
Critical: x3 damage.
Cost: 200, 50/clip.

Automatic Assault Rifle
Damage: 1d6
Clip Size: 24
Effective Range: Up to 10 tiles.
Critical: x3 damage.
Cost: 500, 150/clip

Single-Shot rifle
Damage: 1d8
Clip Size: 8
Effective range: between 6 and 24 tiles away.
Critical: x3 damage.
No Burst Fire.
Cost: 450, 100/clip

Heavy Auto-gun (545-HA model.)
Damage: 1d12
Clip Size: 24
Effective range: 6-16 tiles.
Critical: x3
Cost 800, 300/clip

Rocket Launcher
Damage: 2d20
Clip Size: 1
Effective range 5-20 tiles.
4 tile blast radius.
Cost 1000, 300/rocket

Frag Grenade
Damage: 4d4 within one tile of grenade. 2d4 to next tile outwards.
Clip Size: 1
Effective range: Up to 10 tiles.
Cost 150

Smoke grenade
Damage: 0
Clip Size: 1
Effective range: Up to 10 tiles.
Does not deal damage. Instead deploys temporary partial cover in a 4 tile radius.
Cost 100

Kevlar Vest
+5 false HP
Cost 300

Super Expensive Beam Pistol
Damage: 4d4
Clip Size: 100
Effective range: Up to 12 tiles.
Critical: x2
Cost 8000, 800/clip.
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Basic rules.

Basically everything is handled with d20 rolls.

In combat situations, you have two Action Points per turn. You can use these in any combination of moving and shooting. One move action lets you move your FULL movement range, and one combat action lets you shoot a single, more accurate shot, a burst of three shots at reduced accuracy, for guns that can handle burst fire, throw a grenade, or anything that really falls under 'combat action'.

If you have ten total movement, and move four tiles forward then shoot, you still have six tile movements available. You don't have to stop just because you shot.

In addition, there's opportunity shots. If something passes through your range of vision, shoots at you, or comes within three tiles behind you and outside of your field of vision, you get an opposed roll of d20's to see if you can take an opportunity pot-shot against it. Roll the higher number, and you can fire away. Roll lower, and 'WHAT IS THAT? IT MUST HAVE BEEN THE WIND, NEVER MIND'.

If the opposition has a gun, they get these same opportunities, so you should keep this in mind.

Accuracy works by rolling a d20 every time you shoot. Your accuracy is added to this number, all modifiers coming in for a final result.

Standard number to hit for a human-sized enemy is 10. So on a roll that ends with a number ten or higher, the target is hit. Less, and the attack goes wide. Cover effects this greatly.

Slight cover, such as a small sapling or low hedge in the way increases the target number by +2.
Partial cover, such as leaning around a corner or having a tall fence in the way increases the target number by +4.
Significant cover, such as looking out through a small window set in a brick wall increases the target number by +6, making this a difficult but not impossible shot.

Naturally, things larger than humans are easier to hit, and things smaller, with less area to target, are more difficult.

Every weapon has an 'effective range'. You will want to keep this in mind, as firing at a target outside of your weapons' range incurs a penalty to accuracy of -2. If you are aiming at a target particularly far outside of your effective range, this can increase to a more significant penalty of -4 to accuracy.

In weapons that can fire three shot bursts, damage and accuracy is rolled independently for every bullet, with a -1 to accuracy rolls. The slightly lowered accuracy is mostly made up for with number of bullets, but at the same time it uses ammo more swiftly.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]
Accuracy bonus
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 18, total 18[/blockquote]

Going to take the Eagle Eye talent.

Probably point man. You know, the first one to die.
All my guys shall be named Ed R Shirtz.

Now to roll.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 19, total 19[/blockquote]

Accuracy Bonus:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 8, total 8[/blockquote]
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9

This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d20 : 12, total 12

Nimble: +1 to dc to be hit.

Edit: Disregard warnings please....
Darn it, forgot to put in the talent.
Ed the first seems a meaty beefcake so...
Meat Shield: +2 to HP -1 to accuracy bonus seem fair?
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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 18, total 18[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 16, total 16[/blockquote]

Let's see what I get before I start thinking :p
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 19, total 19[/blockquote]

[Eagle Eye]
Eh, throw me up there.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]
.... Ah, damnit. Fuuuuuuu-

Y'know what? Screw it.

Weapon Proficiency- Katana.

Because fuck, this guy is dead anyway...
And vinnie takes slot number eight as private Weeaboo.

Congrats, this all now takes place in GLORIOUS NIPPON.

Edit: These guys are probably all going to die in a horrible fiery death on the first demonling incursion or UFO flyby gone wrong, so go ahead and keep joining up if you want.

GARTF can has reserves.
His name is Akashatsu Shinu.

He doesn't like to talk about it.
random rollz despite not being in game, cuz that's how the tanuki rolls~

not health [blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]
not accuracy [blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]
Jonah Dead.

Talent Wrench Monkey

Acc 3
Health 12
So lets post the first of many Sheets for mah Guys.

Ed R Shirtz
HP: 14
Accuracy Bonus: 0
Talent: Meat Shield (-1 AB +2 HP)
Background: Ed is just a normal Beefcake of a guy from a family with men that all act and look quite a bit like each other. Why, they even have the same name! On a unrelated note Ed's mothers name is Joy, and she is a nurse.
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Charsheet the first-

Akashatsu Shinu
Hp- 10
Accuracy- 0
Talent- Weapon Proficiency [Katana]
From the ancient, once-samurai house of Akashatsu [Translation- Red-Shirt], Shinu was raised from birth learning the way of the sword. Unfortunately, despite his noble heritage he was a very plain and unnoticable sort- Even clumsy, except in his highly drilled swordwork.
Does not like to talk about his name.
Wang Badan
HP - 8
Accuracy - 2
[Smooth Talker] +2 to negotiation, bartering, soft questioning, and other similar rolls.
Keith 'Invicible Titanic' Red

HP: 9
Acc: 4

Eagle Eye
Wile E. Coyote

hp 8
acc: 4

Eagle eye

background: Ordinary person that signed to kill stuff legaly. It was that or prison for life.
enthalpy said:
Wang Badan
HP - 4
Accuracy - 10
[Smooth Talker] +2 to negotiation, bartering, soft questioning, and other similar rolls.

Your HP is 8 and your accuracy is 2, but confirming name and talent.
Bill Darwin
HP: 9
Accuracy: 2

Joined because it was the only job he could get in. Sounded legit and fine when he was talking tot eh PR guys about it.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 14, total 14[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]

How gonzo do you allow us to go with talents and all that?
Talent: I really should stop winning Zener card games
Chibi-Reaper said:
Your HP is 8 and your accuracy is 2, but confirming name and talent.

Whoops. That's what I get for not reading things carefully.
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