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Guardian of the Dark Night Begins(A:TLOK Quest)

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Date: Jan 1, 158 A.S.C

It's been sixteen years since your parents were killed by rogue bender...


Getting sticky.
Feb 19, 2013
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Date: Jan 1, 158 A.S.C

It's been sixteen years since your parents were killed by rogue bender hungry for cash, six years in fact since Avatar Aang died, only one day since your last living relative, your grandfather, died. And yet to you, your former home hasn't really changed at all. There it is, Republic City, that shining beacon of unity and tolerance, of understanding and advancement. A haven for the people of all the four nations. Or least that was the intention.

Like so many good intentions, Republic City become distorted. By time, crime and corruption. The streets are ruled by the roaming gangs and bender triads. So many of the politicians and police are are bought by crime, that they may as well all be. Not even the Elite Metal Bender taskforce are completely pure, though the spirits know Chief Bei Fong tries. No, Republic City is no longer the pure and bright, not anymore.

Even back when Avatar Aang was still alive, the city was falling apart. No matter how powerful he was, no matter how hard he tried, he wasn't capable of putting an end to the rot. How could he? He was only one man, one man who had to look after two worlds, who had to bridge the gap between the spirits and humanity, while still retaining the balance between the four. Is it any wonder Republic City lost it's way? Is it any wonder your parents died? Is it any wonder that the golden city fell?

But none of that really matters does it? Not to you anyway, not now, not after those sixteen years of hell you put yourself through. Training, studying, preparing, all for this. You've bleed, sweat, cried, and sacrificed too much for this moment. When you [Pick a first name] Gān-Lán would return to the city of your birth, bringing justice for the wronged, and wrath for the wicked. For the sake of The Mission, created when you swore that oath in that blood soaked alley:

[]Justice will be done, lest the world burn.

[]Justice must be done, though the world may burn.

With the swearing of the oath, the creation of you Mission, you took off at the tender age of five, traveling to the four corners of the world. Seeking to learn under the greatest and the best, to turn yourself into an instrument of justice. To that end, you have:

(Pick Four)
[ ] Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find. Those whose styles have honed themselves though countless millenia and millions of battles great and small. Not the numerous watered down versions that have sprung up since the end of The Great War. But the true Hand to Hand combat arts that can hone body into the ultimate weapon, capable of going against anyone, even benders in any combat situation.

[ ] Have learnt under the tutelage of the Masters of Wood, Steel, and Iron. Weapons in all shapes and forms. Bladed, Blunt, Coiled, and Projectile, you not only know the, you have mastered them all. There is no weapon that you can't use. Hell, there's quite bit of things that you can turn into a weapon that most people could think of. Do you want to turn a teacup into a weapon? You can do that.

[ ] Dim Mark, Qigong, Varma Kalai, Acupuncture, you know it all. The precise points of the body, were just one small tap, can render someone completely useless. Combining healing and destruction in one neat package, mastery over these arts has granted you the ability to temporarily block the body's vital points, thereby removing the body's ability to move chi there. And with it, you take away both movement, and the ability to bend.

[ ] Spirituality, the Path of the Hermit, Chi in all it's glory. You have sought it, and you have found it. Though you may lack the ability to bend the elements, you have the ability to bend the energy of the body, Chi. Air, Water, Earth, and Fire may be denied to you, but you have the power of life itself. With it, you have surpassed the realm of humanity, and can push your body past it's physical limits. Though you still haven't opened up all your chakras, you have cleared Muladhara, and with it, it's only a matter of time before you clear the others, and become even more powerful.

[ ] Though you may lack the age of your brethren, you have mastered the arts of the Sage. You may not be the Avatar, and lack his divine authority in the realm of spirits. But you are still capable of summoning, communicating, and binding lesser spirits, and have formed quite a few bonds with some of the greater ones. Be warned though, in the end, all spirits are inhuman, tread lightly when dealing with them.

[ ] The Art of Being Unseen. Some people maybe stealthy, others maybe silent, quite a few can go unnoticed in an empty room. But you, you can-Hey Wait! Where the Fuck are you?!?

[ ] Poisons, acids, bases, actions and reactions. You know it, you love it, you live it. To call you a master of chemistry is an insult. You are more akin to a god when it comes to chemistry. Whether it's figuring out where the hell the mud from this foot print came from. To creating a light weight polymer that can be used as bodyarmor. Or even inventing this really neat stuff you call plastic. Course, there was that one time when the lab exploded, okay maybe more then one time. Still, you learned a lot of ways to make things go boom. You have to admit though. Chemistry is your bitch.

[ ] The Mechanist? Oh please, sure he may have invented a few neat things. And maybe the Fire Nation advanced the bar of mechanical engineering a bit. But you, you sir, are the real deal. The Grand Kahuna, the Leonardo Da Vinci of Mechanics. It's not just your education, it's your sheer brilliance that catapults you into the number one Inventor spot, period. Heavier then air flight craft? You cracked it when you were ten. A brand spanking new engine design that makes cars go really fast, did it when you were seven. A set vehicle designs that look badass as fuck, and tricked out the wazoo? Hell yeah! A grapple hook-shot that you can fire into a building's side, then swing on it like a monkey-spider? Metal benders can't touch your shit. A gauntlet that lets you tazer your enemies every time you punch them. Be careful when shaking hands. If you can dream it, you can built it. More or less. You still have yet to figure out a way to build that robot dragon you always wanted. But one day baby. One day.

[ ] Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will. Hell it could even be clairvoyance if you want. Not that you believe in that kind of stuff, outside of spirit touched individuals, and that one time you went to-You know what, let's not go there. Anyway, regardless of what you call it, you were born with the remarkable foresight, and over the years, you've honed it to a razor's edge. From the most whitest lies, to the most unremarkable deviation in a room. You spot that one thing that changes everything. From the boardroom, to the crime scene. Your sixth sense can allow you to predict, analyze, and deduce things from the barest shreds of evidence.

With these precious skills, you plan on taking Republic City back. Back from the gangs, back from the corruption, back from the abyss. Still you know the way will be hard. Your resources consist of your skills, the inheritance from your parents, the corporation entrusted to you by your grandfather, as his heir, and perhaps, the most important to you anyway, the advice and care from the only person you have left in this world. Your former guardian and caretaker, Shíyījiànyì Yuankachi. Or Shiji as you call him. He's all you got left after all.

And yet, you feel as if there was something lacking, something more was needed, but what? You had a mask, and outfit, a base of operations. What more did you need? Pondering this late at night, in the home of your childhood, you looked outside and the full moon, and there you saw it. The one thing you had lacked to complete your mission. The one thing you needed more then anything. A symbol to strike fear into the hearts of criminals! For they were a cowardly, superstitious lot. And this, this would strike fear into thier very souls.

You are Vengeance!

You are the Night!

You are MAN-BAT!

(I am not entirely sure if I'm capable of doing this the justice it deserves. Especially as this my first quest. So, try not to roast me too badly.)
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Name: Ran Gān-Lán
Age: 21 Years Old

(There are five levels to State. Perfect means just that. Excellent means you either slightly winded, or suffering from slight stress. Good is average, and means you're hovering around the 60-70% area. Poor is either you suffering from injuries, a mal-spirit taking a bite out of you, major stress, or you being exhausted. Wrecked, well you really don't want to reach wrecked. Let's leave it at that.)

Physical State: Excellent
Mental State: Excellent
Spiritual State: Excellent
Chi State: Excellent

(Neurosis is a measure of how well you believe that you've followed your oath. Have you let the bad guy get away to save an innocent? Did you nail the Big Bad, but let little Timmy's dog die? How does this effect you? Well that depends on the oath you swore.)

Oath: Justice will be done, lest the world burn. (Hero that Saves route locked.)
Neurosis Level: Secure


Body: Some people say that the body is a temple. If that's true your body is the Shwedagon Pagoda. Strength, Speed, Agility, Stamina, Endurance, Reaction Time. You've got it all. Your body is capable of hitting harder, running faster, swimming longer, then any Olympic athlete. And all at the same time too! Seriously, that shouldn't be possible. But for you? It is. You are a master of your body.

Mind: Sharp as razor's edge, you're capable of putting together clues in the blink of an eye. Analysis takes less then a second. Comprehension? As soon as you read something. Sure, you may only know as much as the average joe, but your capability to learn and put things together, makes it so you can quickly surpass them.

Spirit: Your spirit is strong, like a diamond. And just like a diamond, if hit the right way it will shatter into thousand pieces. You lack defences against the supernatural, but really who needs that in the big city? It's not as if the founders of the city pissed off any major spirits, who would try to take revenge by destroying everything they've built up. Right?

Chi: It does not glow, it does not shine. IT BURNS! Okay, technically it doesn't burn, if it did, you would be a fire bender. Still your Chi is thing of beauty. With reserves greater then masters twice your age, and control that those triple it would be hard to match. You are able of enhancing everything your body is naturally capable of doing. Wanna punch through steel? You can do that. Wanna outrun a car? You can do that. Feel like staying up for a month straight? Make sure you eat to keep your Chi up and your golden. You may still lack the ability to project it outside your body. But with every Chakra you unlock, your Chi will grow.

Chakra: Muladhara, the nexus of Earth, has been unlocked.


-Master of the Fist and Foot. You know practically every style under the sun. And while you may not have mastered them all. You know how to fight them. More importantly, you know the movements needed to bend, and with that knowledge you can predict most benders' bending. Barring those occasional freaks of nature that can bend with just a twitch. They do seem to spring up a lot, don' t they?

-Master of Chi. Unlike so many other non benders, you are not only capable of, but are trained in using your Chi. Sure you can't turn it into elemental power like benders. But you can use it to enhance yourself into performing physical feats that most benders can't match.

-Master of Stealth. The Tigerilla in the forest, the Chamelion in the grassland, neither of them can match your ability to blend into the surroundings. If you wanted to, you could ghost your way into a Wan Shi Tong's Library without him noticing. Well, if was above ground, and he hadn't placed numerous detection spells all over. Still, nothing with mundane senses is capable of detecting you.

-Master Detective. Whether it's a lie, a single strand of misplaced hair, a crease in a shirt that shouldn't be there, or even the most cleverly hidden imbalance in a ledger. You can tell. And you can put it together. There is nothing that can hide from you, nothing you can't figure out with time. Unless of course, you don't know about it. Can't exactly put together that Old Man Henderson was scaring off tourists to get the hidden treasure, if you have no idea there was hidden treasure in the first place. So what does that mean? It means you need to act like a detective and investigate!


-Your Childhood Home, well actually it's more like a mansion, situated on the outskirts of Republic City, it's basement is connected to the numerous tunnels that pervade the city's underground. Highly useful that.

-Cabbage Corp. A extensive company founded by your grandfather with funds from your great-grandfather, it runs the gamut of production from household goods, to luxury items like cars, to the humble cabbage.
With the death of your Grandfather, you are now the sole owner and CEO. Will the company that took three generations of your family to create prosper underneath you? Or will it be another sacrifice upon the altar of your vengeance?

-One slightly modified Cabbage Corp brand car. Painted to blend into the dark, with slight modifications to the chasis to make the front end look like a bat.

-Crime fighting costume. Composed mostly of reinforced leather and silk, there's a distinct lack of metal or ceramic in the costume, for obvious reasons. The cape has been lined with wool to make it more resistant to flame. All of which has been colored to make it eaiser to blend into the darkness.


-Shíyījiànyì Yuankachi: Butler, servant, chauffeur, cook, doctor, actor, sparring partner, father figure. Is there anything this guy can't do? The one who has supported your every decision and has done his best to help you fulfill your oath. He's the closest thing to a family you have left, so heaven help anyone who threatens him, cause you sure as hell won't.


You really don't have any, yet.
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Are we male or female or is the name choice also the gender selection? The Man-Bat part is making me think that we're male by default, though verification would be good.

[X]Justice must be done, though the world may burn.

[X] Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find.
[X] Dim Mark, Qigong, Varma Kalai, Acupuncture, you know it all.
[X] The Mechanist? Oh please, sure he may have invented a few neat things.
[X] Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.
I think I will love this quest.

I will wait before choosing a name.

[X] Justice must be done, though the world may burn.

[X] Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find.
[X] Dim Mark, Qigong, Varma Kalai, Acupuncture, you know it all.
[X] The Art of Being Unseen.
[X] Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.
[X]Justice will be done, lest the world burn.

[X] The Art of Being Unseen.
[X] Spirituality, the Path of the Hermit, Chi in all it's glory.
[X] Dim Mark, Qigong, Varma Kalai, Acupuncture, you know it all.
[X] Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.
[X] Justice must be done, though the world may burn.

[x] The Art of Being Unseen.
[x] Spirituality, the Path of the Hermit, Chi in all it's glory.
[X] Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find.
[X] Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.
[X] Ran

[X] Justice must be done, though the world may burn.

[X] Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find.
[X] Have learnt under the tutelage of the Masters of Wood, Steel, and Iron.
[X] The Art of Being Unseen.
[X] Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.
[X]Justice will be done, lest the world burn.

[X] The Art of Being Unseen.
[X] Spirituality, the Path of the Hermit, Chi in all it's glory.
[X] Have learnt under the tutelage of the Masters of Wood, Steel, and Iron.
[X] The Mechanist? Oh please, sure he may have invented a few neat things.
[X] Fei

[X]Justice will be done, lest the world burn.

[X] The Art of Being Unseen.
[X] Spirituality, the Path of the Hermit, Chi in all it's glory
[X] The Mechanist? Oh please, sure he may have invented a few neat things.
[X] Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find.

True Batman expy would probably have instinct rather than chi, but I like this build.
[X] Fei

[X]Justice will be done, lest the world burn.

[X] The Art of Being Unseen.
[X] Spirituality, the Path of the Hermit, Chi in all it's glory
[X] The Mechanist? Oh please, sure he may have invented a few neat things.
[X] Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find.
[X] Ran

[X] Justice must be done, though the world may burn.

[X] Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find.
[X] Have learnt under the tutelage of the Masters of Wood, Steel, and Iron.
[X] The Art of Being Unseen.
[X] Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.
(x) Justice will be done, lest the world burn.

(x) Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find.
(x) Dim Mark, Qigong, Varma Kalai, Acupuncture, you know it all.
(x) The Art of Being Unseen.
(x) Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.

(x) Justice will be done, lest the world burn.

(x)Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find.
(x)The Art of Being Unseen.
(x)The Mechanist? Oh please, sure he may have invented a few neat things.
(x)Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.
Adding a vote for [X] Fei in the name department.

Also, damn it, pansy batman is ahead of damn the consequences batman!
One is the classic batman. The other makes me think of Amon or Ra al Ghol
Vote Tally
6: [X] Ran
4: [X] Fei

8: [X]Justice will be done, lest the world burn.
7: [X] Justice must be done, though the world may burn.

12: [X] The Art of Being Unseen.
12: [X] Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find
12: [X] Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.
9: [X] Spirituality, the Path of the Hermit, Chi in all it's glory
7: [X] The Mechanist? Oh please, sure he may have invented a few neat things.
5: [X] Dim Mark, Qigong, Varma Kalai, Acupuncture, you know it all.
3: [X] Have learnt under the tutelage of the Masters of Wood, Steel, and Iron.

Edit: Updated up to Darik29's post.
Changing my Mechanist vote to a Perception vote to break the tie.
A vote for Fei is a vote for undiluted awesome and force of will. Vote Fei!

Vote still open?

[X] Ran

[X] Justice will be done, lest the world burn.

[X] The Art of Being Unseen.
[X] Spirituality, the Path of the Hermit, Chi in all it's glory.
[X] Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find.
[X] Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.
[x] Spirituality, the Path of the Hermit, Chi in all it's glory.
[X] Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.
[x] Mechanist.

I am not sure how bat(wo)man would work out without super bat-things, but those two are must. Being simply beyond all expectation and more strong, more intimidating that anything anybody saw before.

[X] Justice must be done, though the world may burn.
[x]Justice will be done, lest the world burn.
[x]The art of being unseen
[x]Masters of Fist and foot.
[X]Justice must be done, though the world may burn.

[X] Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find.
[X] Dim Mark, Qigong, Varma Kalai, Acupuncture, you know it all.
[X] The Mechanist? Oh please, sure he may have invented a few neat things.
[X] Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.
Sorry Macro, you're a guy. You can try to be a girly-guy if you want, but you're still going to be a guy.

As for the oath, it's a choice between what you value most. Save the innocent or punish the guilty. It's going to have huge consequences, as its pretty much your main neurosis. And the Foundation of your psyche. Can't be Batman without having a heaping pile of complexes after all. Also it sets the tone, its the choice between Frank Miller Batman versus a more serious Brave and the Bold Batman.

A final note on skills, the four you pick, are the ones that you've reached Master(or equivalent) level in. And the only ones you can reach Grand Master(or equivalent) in. You can technically reach Master level in the five remaining ones during the course of the quest. But that will involve time and effort, a lot of it. Some of them, you won't be able to reach Grand Master in, due to lack of appropriate trainers in Republic City. Others you can. A lot of the skills interact with each other. Most of which are obvious.

Chi Master and Chi blocking together, allow you to disable a bender's ability to bend with one single strike. If you pick Chi blocking and Hand to Hand Master, then you can paralyze someone with one strike. Or kill if that's your thing. Chi Master and Hand to Hand Master? Well you pretty could take on a fully trained Avatar one on one. Mind, if they go Avatar State you're dead, but till then? You can go toe to toe. Same with Chi Master and Weapon Master. Want to be the Iron Man-Bat? Pick Chemistry and Mechanical, and create your own power armor. Well, eventually at any rate.

All of the skills interact, and some provide starting bonuses that aren't readily apparent.


Does anyone know if there's a better map of Republic City then this?http://boomerangmouth.deviantart.com/art/Republic-City-Map-311932919 I may have a bit of problem if this is it.
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[X] Fei
[X]Justice will be done, lest the world burn.

[X] The Art of Being Unseen.
[X] Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find
[X] Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.
X] Spirituality, the Path of the Hermit, Chi in all it's glory

(x) Justice will be done, lest the world burn.

(x)Apprentice yourself to every true Master of Fist and Foot you could find.
(x)The Art of Being Unseen.
(x)The Mechanist? Oh please, sure he may have invented a few neat things.
(x)Perception, instinct, intuition, discernment, call it what you will.
Liam-don said:
Only other map I could find is the one on the official site. Dunno if I'd call it better.


Right, thought that was it, but thought I might as well check. Well I'm calling the vote. Just let me add up the total, and I'll mod the Stat Post.

While I'm doing that, here's the next bit.

The First Night

This was it, the start of it all. Did you have everything? Costume good? Was your belt in place? You wanted to be sure you had everything before you left the cave.

"Sir? Are you alright?" Walking up behind you, Shi-jii stands holding the last bit of your equipment.

"Of course Shi-jii, I'll be fine. This is what I've been preparing for. This is the culmination of everything I've worked for. This is what I have to do." Reassuring your mentor, you turn to grasp the cape and cowl in his hands. Centering yourself, you don it.


This, this is, the feeling of it. all. For the first time, in a long time. You felt complete. This is who you are. This is what you were meant to do. Striding with renewed confidence to your car, you turn at Shi-jii's call.

"Good luck, and be safe young master."

"I will."

Buckling yourself into place, you slam on the gas, hurtling youself out of the cave's concealed entrance, into the tunnels that wind underneath the city like a labyrinth.

Seeing as this was the start of your crusade, you ponder on where to begin.

Where should you start your patrol?

[ ]The Port district. It's the center of the Monsoon Piranhabees Triad. Much like their namesake, they're completely vicious and attack with no regard to their own well being. Relying on their benders' ability to heal to bring them back up to speed. With the constant access to the ocean the Port provides, the Piranhabees have a strangle hold on the city's underground smuggling and drug production.

[ ]Uptown's Ruby Row. The main headquarters of the Terrabulls Triad lies in this lit up, gilded district. Filled with more casinos, dice dens, and gambling arenas then any other two districts put together, Ruby Row is were the yuans flow fast, and the blood flies even quicker. Especially if you cheat the house. Controlling all of the district's gambling industry, and most of the others as well. The Terrabulls have grown fat and happy on charging the industry for their 'protection'.

[ ]Smoketown. The industrial heart of Republic City, it's also the base of the Burning Glory Triad. A group consisting of the descendants of former Fire Nation Military who still believed in the glorious triumph of the Fire Nation over the world. The little setback Avatar Aaang dealt them, has done nothing to dose their ambition. Using their flames, they've cornered the market on protection rackets. And fully realizing that fire is life, they've taken control over most of Republic City's pimps, becoming the new kings of the flesh trade.

[ ] Dragon Flats borough. It's one of the oldest residential districts in the city. It's also the home of the Agni Kai street gang. Composed of Fire Nation nationales, the Agni Kais are you typical street thug, most knowing only how to brawl, with a small scattering of martial artists, and a few fire benders here and there. They're pretty much small time. Getting by on low level thefts and muggings.

[ ] Central City Station. The former transportation hub of Republic City, it's now one of the main gathering areas for the Hammertime street gang. Composed of the grandkids of former Earth Kingdom military, this gang still believes that Republic City should belong to Them. Them of course, meaning the Earth Kingdom. The gang is aptly named for their tendency carry duel war hammers, which they use to stop civilians and shake them down for cash.

[ ] Downtown's Taberu Street. Filled with restaurants, and offering a magnificent view of the San river flowing into Yue bay, it's one of the tourist hotspots of Republic City. At least during the day. At night, the streets overrun with the Red Monsoons, a Water Tribe street gang that likes to prey on unsuspecting tourists wandering around at night. Filled with pickpockets and cutpurses, Red Monsoons subsist on petty theft, rarely making use of their traditional bone weaponry. On the other hand, when they do use it, they use it well, well enough to earn their name.

[ ] Central Park. While not the only park in the city, it's the largest and most visited. Within spitting distance of both City Hall and the Police Headquarters, most criminals don't bother with it. But the brightest lights, ofter cast the greatest shadows, despite the nearness, many independent criminals take their chances mugging and assaulting wandering patrons of the park.
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