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Getting sticky.
Jul 3, 2020
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  1. Harry is rescued from the Dursleys before he attends Hogwarts, preferably while still on their doorstep or at Godric's Hollow.
  2. Harry is adopted by one or more anime characters who treat him as family.
The following is a very incomplete list of what I've personally come across. If you, the reader, have additional recommendations, please let me know.
  • Fate's Gamble - Multiverse. A bout of intervention by Fate herself sends Harry to an iteration of the Nasuverse, where his family initially consists of Stheno, Euryale, Zelretch, and Waver.
  • Harry and the Shipgirls - Potterverse + Kancolle. A social dinner at the Dursleys results in Nagato adopting Harry when he is found locked in the cupboard under the stairs, taking him back to a naval base where she and other shipgirls are stationed.
  • Raised on the Moon - Potterverse + Fate/Extra. Following its own Holy Grail War, the Moon Cell is transported to an alternate Earth populated by wizards and witches instead of magi, whereupon BB and her Sakura Five discover an infant Harry on their premises.
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