Summoning Pool in Nagasaki 1
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Harry Leferts
Stretching some, Harry gave a small sigh before looking over his shoulder at Natsumi and the others as he ignored the early morning chill, "You all ready for today?"
Head cocked to the side, Usagi gave him a small smile, "Hai, I think we are." Looking at a yawning Rika, she snickered, "Some of us more than others though."
All the Nekomata did was snort and give her friend a look, "Its early, alright? I mean, the Sun is barely up."
Tone utterly dry, Kenta smirked some, "Well, it is November..." Moments later, he was punched in the arm by the cat Yokai, "Ow!"
Rolling her eyes, Rika gave a sniff, "Oh come on, that didn't hurt that much."
Despite having hung out with them so often, Asuka was still unsure about how the group of Clan Heirs that she had been pulled into acted towards one another. Though, granted, she had loosened up some since that time. There were times though that she wondered how they got anything done... or got out of the bed in the morning.
Somewhere, Ai sneezed and frowned as she looked around in confusion.
Unknown to Asuka though, Ayaka had noticed her silence and turned to her, "You alright, Asuka-San?"
With a blink and realizing that everyone was now looking at her, the Tengu waved her hands, "I'm okay, just... you know."
Glancing at her, Natsumi smiled a bit, "Let me guess, wondering if this is really worth it?"
Lightly blushing, Asuka gave an unsure shrug, "Maybe? I mean... considering things..."
With a chuckle, Usagi shook her head and gave the other teen a smile, "It is not that bad, after all, this isn't something for the military, not really. It is more a project of the Yokai Clans. About the only bit that the government and military is involved in is helping to smooth things out with the shipgirls from this actually providing help in a different way then is usual."
Confused, the Tengu frowned some, "That is what I don't understand about this whole thing. Why did the Yokai Clans even build a Summoning Pool in Nagasaki? It makes no sense..."
Sharing a look with Harry, Natsumi waited until he nodded before she answered the question, "Well... the answer to that is actually pretty simple." Seeing the confusion of her friend only increase, the Kitsune shook her head, "Being around shipgirls can make someone immune to mind tampering somehow, no one is sure why though. They can also protect politicians and the like from having wizards or witches show up to mess around with things. Especially with the various things that have been happening."
Unbidden, the image of Nameless came floating to the forefront of Asuka's mind and she winced, "That's... true."
A frown on his face, Harry scratched his chin, "As to why in Nagasaki, it has to do with history." Seeing the confusion, he made a gesture with one hand, "The summoning pool is actually located just outside of where Dejima used to be in Nagasaki. Considering what the summoning pool is focused on..."
Eyebrows furrowed, it only took a few moments. Then Asuka's eyes lit up in realization, "Wait, Dejima? As in where the Tokugawa had set up a place for merchants from the outside to trade with Japan?"
Harry gave a nod to that, "Got it in one." Smiling slightly, he tilted his head, "As a matter of fact, we're aiming to summon Red Seal ships at least. Hence why we built it there as Dejima was specifically built for that. Though... there was a bit of a political fight there."
Blinking, that made Ayaka turn to him with a small frown, "I think that Kaa-San mentioned that actually. Though I don't get what the big deal was."
With a sigh, Kenta shook his head in exasperation, "It was actually on both sides of the divide. On the one hand, you had on the Non-magical side an issue where Hirado wanted the Summoning Pool built there, and they did have a point as they have been a center of trade with the outside world for Japan going back to the Nara Period. So it would make sense to build them there for symbolism's sake. There was also some Yokai politics as there was one Miura clan in charge of the Hirado area who wanted it there while the clan in charge of the area where Dejima was, is allied with our clans so they shouted favoritism. Not helping was that the clan from Hirado has had... a problematic relationship with us."
Only rolling her eyes, the Kitsune of the group gave a scoff at that, "Yes, that is putting it rather mildly as we've had actual wars with them."
As Natsumi got nods for that, Asuka frowned and tilted her head, "Wars? And that's still a big deal?"
Lightly laughing, Ayaka grinned while showing her teeth, "Yes, because a number were alive at the time in the 1590s and the like when our groups fought." Then she shrugged some and shook her head, "Some clans though have dropped it, such as mine and Natsumi-San's. We used to fight each other all the damn time."
Thoughtful, Natsumi gave a small nod, "I think that Haha-ue actually nearly killed your Chichi-ue once in a battle now that I think about it..."
While the Inugami made a sound of agreement, the Tengu stared at the two in some shock and amazement before shaking it off. It was then that she spotted someone waiting nearby, "Shiromizu-San!"
Said Mizuchi turned and gave them all a smile and a wave, "Hey!" Once they reached her, Shiromizu fell in with them as they started to walk, with her looking fully human. Noticing the expressions, she cocked her head to the side, "So... what are you all talking about?"
Making a motion with one hand, Natsumi shook her head, "About how the Summoning Pool was built outside of what was Dejima instead of Hirado."
That brought a wince to Shiromizu's face as she remembered, "And that was why we didn't do this in August, as the construction was halted until it was all settled, right?" When they gave her curious glances, she snickered, "Well, that was what I remembered as I overheard talking about it."
Kenta grimaced at that, but nodded, "Hai, that is what happened, though the building itself was all but complete. But there was a benefit to it..." At the looks, he continued, "It gave the chance to set up carvings in the beams and the like to boost the ability to summon as well, with what said carvings dealing with the sea and the like."
After a few moments the others made sounds of agreement. Asuka meanwhile glanced around in curiosity as they got closer and closer to the docks, "How are we getting there anyways? Even if we leave now or get on a train, it will take hours to get there and back."
Lips twitching, Harry jerked his thumb as they came into sight of the docks, "We're going to be flying there." Part of him was amused as the teenaged Tengu's eyes widened at the sight of the seaplane there, though he also noted a number of adults from the various families also getting onboard, "It's both the quickest and easiest way to get all of us there without the Magical Diet realizing it."
Placing her hands behind her head, Natsumi frowned some, "Sort of wish that we could have taken one of the AW609s..."
However, the wizard of the group shook her head, "Those are still in testing, besides which one would not have enough room for all of us. Besides, the one that we're talking about has been modified for passengers, so its pretty comfy." The others gave him unsure glances until they were inside the aircraft, at which their eyes widened as rather then what they were expecting, the inside was not unlike a civilian transport. Harry then gestured for them to follow him, "We should be getting to our seats..."
With a wave towards her mother, who had been sitting down the twins, Natsumi nodded, "Hai." A snicker then escaped her and when the others turned to her, she tilted her head some, "Look over there."
Following the same direction, all the teens had grins on their faces at the sight of Taichi in a seat with Kaga and Akagi on either side of him. Said young adult had a confused expression on his face as he looked from one Carrier to the other. Meanwhile, both members of CarDiv1 had either a smile (Akagi) or a smirk (Kaga) which seemed satisfied about something.
Once they were in the air though, the various people started to do their own thing. For example, Natsumi's mother was smiling as the twins fell asleep, still tired as it was rather early. Asuka, meanwhile, was glancing around in curiosity before she noticed that Harry and Natsumi were reading a magazine. Something that she was not the only one to notice either as Usagi looked over the top of the seat and over their shoulders, "What are you reading about?"
Simply glancing at her, Harry gave a small shrug, "Mostly stuff about new ships that the JMSDF might be putting into service." Finger on the page, he tapped one picture, "Such as the Kanmusu Command and Support Ships that they're considering that are based on a variant of the American's own San Antonio class, but possibly with fusion reactors to power better weapons. Though, uh, it has kind of gotten political..."
Tone dry, Usagi snorted, "When isn't it?" Then she frowned a bit, "But how in this case?"
Natsumi gave a snort and looked up at her, "Several reasons, one is that some politicians have suggested that the name of the first of the class should be Yamato, or possibly Nagato. Names which are, well... rather loaded, to say the least."
Winces came from the teenaged Yokai as they could guess why that would be. Rika grimaced some and shook her head, "Sort of like how it was with the Kaga then?"
Only nodding, Harry glanced towards the shipgirl who shared that name before turning back, "Kind of, yeah. I can sort of see the reasoning behind it, to be honest. I mean, we are talking about ships designed to serve as flagships and to support and command groups of Shipgirls. So the names are suitable... but at the same time, it is likely to cause people to have problems." Turning back to the page, the teen frowned in thought, "Though what I'm reading mentioned the Ryuujou who is going to be the first of her Submarine class."
Chuckling, Natsumi shook her head at the confusion she could see on her friends' faces, "Its the first of a group of UAV carrying Submarines. The second one is going to be launched in a few months."
With a slight nod, Harry turned the page and pointed at another ship design, "Another thing being mentioned is how someone came up with another modification to fishing trawlers, sort of like how they did with the fishing vessels. But this one is to provide food and the like to shipgirls out at sea complete with kitchens and the like. They just come onboard and get fed with some baths to provide a bit of a boost. Like with the Ambulance ships, normal people can help fund them... and I am kind of thinking of doing so."
Head tilted to the side, Usagi blinked some, "Wait, is it possible that you could name it?" At his nod, she tapped her chin in thought before frowning, "In which case, what would you call it if you funded enough for that?"
Smiling, the wizard glanced around, "Actually? If I got to name one then I was going to name it Taigei." As they nodded some, Harry then brightened, "But putting aside ships not built yet, since we're going to be landing in Sasebo we might get to see the Fusou since she's homeported there."
Eyebrows furrowing, Kenta frowned for a moment before snapping his fingers, "The Fusou? That's the third of the Hyuuga class, right?"
At that, Harry hummed, "Hai, she was ordered alongside her sister, Yamashiro as the third and fourth of the Hyuuga class. Because of the war, the government decided to build four instead of the original two of the class." A frown crossed his face, "Though from what I heard Fusou-Oba and Yamashiro-Oba are pretty protective of them."
While the plane continued on, the group of teens continued to chat among themselves.
Stretching some, Harry gave a small sigh before looking over his shoulder at Natsumi and the others as he ignored the early morning chill, "You all ready for today?"
Head cocked to the side, Usagi gave him a small smile, "Hai, I think we are." Looking at a yawning Rika, she snickered, "Some of us more than others though."
All the Nekomata did was snort and give her friend a look, "Its early, alright? I mean, the Sun is barely up."
Tone utterly dry, Kenta smirked some, "Well, it is November..." Moments later, he was punched in the arm by the cat Yokai, "Ow!"
Rolling her eyes, Rika gave a sniff, "Oh come on, that didn't hurt that much."
Despite having hung out with them so often, Asuka was still unsure about how the group of Clan Heirs that she had been pulled into acted towards one another. Though, granted, she had loosened up some since that time. There were times though that she wondered how they got anything done... or got out of the bed in the morning.
Somewhere, Ai sneezed and frowned as she looked around in confusion.
Unknown to Asuka though, Ayaka had noticed her silence and turned to her, "You alright, Asuka-San?"
With a blink and realizing that everyone was now looking at her, the Tengu waved her hands, "I'm okay, just... you know."
Glancing at her, Natsumi smiled a bit, "Let me guess, wondering if this is really worth it?"
Lightly blushing, Asuka gave an unsure shrug, "Maybe? I mean... considering things..."
With a chuckle, Usagi shook her head and gave the other teen a smile, "It is not that bad, after all, this isn't something for the military, not really. It is more a project of the Yokai Clans. About the only bit that the government and military is involved in is helping to smooth things out with the shipgirls from this actually providing help in a different way then is usual."
Confused, the Tengu frowned some, "That is what I don't understand about this whole thing. Why did the Yokai Clans even build a Summoning Pool in Nagasaki? It makes no sense..."
Sharing a look with Harry, Natsumi waited until he nodded before she answered the question, "Well... the answer to that is actually pretty simple." Seeing the confusion of her friend only increase, the Kitsune shook her head, "Being around shipgirls can make someone immune to mind tampering somehow, no one is sure why though. They can also protect politicians and the like from having wizards or witches show up to mess around with things. Especially with the various things that have been happening."
Unbidden, the image of Nameless came floating to the forefront of Asuka's mind and she winced, "That's... true."
A frown on his face, Harry scratched his chin, "As to why in Nagasaki, it has to do with history." Seeing the confusion, he made a gesture with one hand, "The summoning pool is actually located just outside of where Dejima used to be in Nagasaki. Considering what the summoning pool is focused on..."
Eyebrows furrowed, it only took a few moments. Then Asuka's eyes lit up in realization, "Wait, Dejima? As in where the Tokugawa had set up a place for merchants from the outside to trade with Japan?"
Harry gave a nod to that, "Got it in one." Smiling slightly, he tilted his head, "As a matter of fact, we're aiming to summon Red Seal ships at least. Hence why we built it there as Dejima was specifically built for that. Though... there was a bit of a political fight there."
Blinking, that made Ayaka turn to him with a small frown, "I think that Kaa-San mentioned that actually. Though I don't get what the big deal was."
With a sigh, Kenta shook his head in exasperation, "It was actually on both sides of the divide. On the one hand, you had on the Non-magical side an issue where Hirado wanted the Summoning Pool built there, and they did have a point as they have been a center of trade with the outside world for Japan going back to the Nara Period. So it would make sense to build them there for symbolism's sake. There was also some Yokai politics as there was one Miura clan in charge of the Hirado area who wanted it there while the clan in charge of the area where Dejima was, is allied with our clans so they shouted favoritism. Not helping was that the clan from Hirado has had... a problematic relationship with us."
Only rolling her eyes, the Kitsune of the group gave a scoff at that, "Yes, that is putting it rather mildly as we've had actual wars with them."
As Natsumi got nods for that, Asuka frowned and tilted her head, "Wars? And that's still a big deal?"
Lightly laughing, Ayaka grinned while showing her teeth, "Yes, because a number were alive at the time in the 1590s and the like when our groups fought." Then she shrugged some and shook her head, "Some clans though have dropped it, such as mine and Natsumi-San's. We used to fight each other all the damn time."
Thoughtful, Natsumi gave a small nod, "I think that Haha-ue actually nearly killed your Chichi-ue once in a battle now that I think about it..."
While the Inugami made a sound of agreement, the Tengu stared at the two in some shock and amazement before shaking it off. It was then that she spotted someone waiting nearby, "Shiromizu-San!"
Said Mizuchi turned and gave them all a smile and a wave, "Hey!" Once they reached her, Shiromizu fell in with them as they started to walk, with her looking fully human. Noticing the expressions, she cocked her head to the side, "So... what are you all talking about?"
Making a motion with one hand, Natsumi shook her head, "About how the Summoning Pool was built outside of what was Dejima instead of Hirado."
That brought a wince to Shiromizu's face as she remembered, "And that was why we didn't do this in August, as the construction was halted until it was all settled, right?" When they gave her curious glances, she snickered, "Well, that was what I remembered as I overheard talking about it."
Kenta grimaced at that, but nodded, "Hai, that is what happened, though the building itself was all but complete. But there was a benefit to it..." At the looks, he continued, "It gave the chance to set up carvings in the beams and the like to boost the ability to summon as well, with what said carvings dealing with the sea and the like."
After a few moments the others made sounds of agreement. Asuka meanwhile glanced around in curiosity as they got closer and closer to the docks, "How are we getting there anyways? Even if we leave now or get on a train, it will take hours to get there and back."
Lips twitching, Harry jerked his thumb as they came into sight of the docks, "We're going to be flying there." Part of him was amused as the teenaged Tengu's eyes widened at the sight of the seaplane there, though he also noted a number of adults from the various families also getting onboard, "It's both the quickest and easiest way to get all of us there without the Magical Diet realizing it."
Placing her hands behind her head, Natsumi frowned some, "Sort of wish that we could have taken one of the AW609s..."
However, the wizard of the group shook her head, "Those are still in testing, besides which one would not have enough room for all of us. Besides, the one that we're talking about has been modified for passengers, so its pretty comfy." The others gave him unsure glances until they were inside the aircraft, at which their eyes widened as rather then what they were expecting, the inside was not unlike a civilian transport. Harry then gestured for them to follow him, "We should be getting to our seats..."
With a wave towards her mother, who had been sitting down the twins, Natsumi nodded, "Hai." A snicker then escaped her and when the others turned to her, she tilted her head some, "Look over there."
Following the same direction, all the teens had grins on their faces at the sight of Taichi in a seat with Kaga and Akagi on either side of him. Said young adult had a confused expression on his face as he looked from one Carrier to the other. Meanwhile, both members of CarDiv1 had either a smile (Akagi) or a smirk (Kaga) which seemed satisfied about something.
Once they were in the air though, the various people started to do their own thing. For example, Natsumi's mother was smiling as the twins fell asleep, still tired as it was rather early. Asuka, meanwhile, was glancing around in curiosity before she noticed that Harry and Natsumi were reading a magazine. Something that she was not the only one to notice either as Usagi looked over the top of the seat and over their shoulders, "What are you reading about?"
Simply glancing at her, Harry gave a small shrug, "Mostly stuff about new ships that the JMSDF might be putting into service." Finger on the page, he tapped one picture, "Such as the Kanmusu Command and Support Ships that they're considering that are based on a variant of the American's own San Antonio class, but possibly with fusion reactors to power better weapons. Though, uh, it has kind of gotten political..."
Tone dry, Usagi snorted, "When isn't it?" Then she frowned a bit, "But how in this case?"
Natsumi gave a snort and looked up at her, "Several reasons, one is that some politicians have suggested that the name of the first of the class should be Yamato, or possibly Nagato. Names which are, well... rather loaded, to say the least."
Winces came from the teenaged Yokai as they could guess why that would be. Rika grimaced some and shook her head, "Sort of like how it was with the Kaga then?"
Only nodding, Harry glanced towards the shipgirl who shared that name before turning back, "Kind of, yeah. I can sort of see the reasoning behind it, to be honest. I mean, we are talking about ships designed to serve as flagships and to support and command groups of Shipgirls. So the names are suitable... but at the same time, it is likely to cause people to have problems." Turning back to the page, the teen frowned in thought, "Though what I'm reading mentioned the Ryuujou who is going to be the first of her Submarine class."
Chuckling, Natsumi shook her head at the confusion she could see on her friends' faces, "Its the first of a group of UAV carrying Submarines. The second one is going to be launched in a few months."
With a slight nod, Harry turned the page and pointed at another ship design, "Another thing being mentioned is how someone came up with another modification to fishing trawlers, sort of like how they did with the fishing vessels. But this one is to provide food and the like to shipgirls out at sea complete with kitchens and the like. They just come onboard and get fed with some baths to provide a bit of a boost. Like with the Ambulance ships, normal people can help fund them... and I am kind of thinking of doing so."
Head tilted to the side, Usagi blinked some, "Wait, is it possible that you could name it?" At his nod, she tapped her chin in thought before frowning, "In which case, what would you call it if you funded enough for that?"
Smiling, the wizard glanced around, "Actually? If I got to name one then I was going to name it Taigei." As they nodded some, Harry then brightened, "But putting aside ships not built yet, since we're going to be landing in Sasebo we might get to see the Fusou since she's homeported there."
Eyebrows furrowing, Kenta frowned for a moment before snapping his fingers, "The Fusou? That's the third of the Hyuuga class, right?"
At that, Harry hummed, "Hai, she was ordered alongside her sister, Yamashiro as the third and fourth of the Hyuuga class. Because of the war, the government decided to build four instead of the original two of the class." A frown crossed his face, "Though from what I heard Fusou-Oba and Yamashiro-Oba are pretty protective of them."
While the plane continued on, the group of teens continued to chat among themselves.