A Dove and Her Poignard (Part 8)
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A Dove and Her Poignard (Part VIII)
March 7th, 2013, Castle Moulbaix, Belgium
"En garde!"
"En garde yerself, ye French popinjay!"
Spoiler: Colombe and Jacklyn
Ehren leaned against Claire's side as the piano played a fast paced rolling melody in time with the clash of Muramasa steel in the ballroom.
Aunt Jacklyn had... not been what she expected.
The older tsukumogami had in the space of five minutes offered her hard liquor of dubious quality and even more dubious provenance, inquired if she wished to come with 'Aunt Jackie' to visit a "first rate brothel to get the rapier removed from her arse", told a visibly fuming Mother "Oh it was your rapier that ye had stuffed up the wee lass's arsehole", and then told Mother that if she didn't want Jacklyn to take Claire and Ehren on a "wee sea cruise to make women out o' them" to fight her.
Colombe had promptly jumped on the invitation to a little sibling bloodletting with both feet.
Claire was still giggling and blushing over something 'Aunt Jackie' had whispered to her before starting her piano melody as Jacklyn drew her cutlass and saluted her sister.
The fight was very interesting. Colombe was faster and had longer reach but Jacklyn behind the flamboyance and apparent eccentricity was proving a match for her sister's steel as they dueled back and forth.
Ehren's steel blue eyes narrowed thoughtfully as Jacklyn parried a riposte and gave Colombe a saucy wink and a blown kiss as she skipped backward. Behind that foolish facade lurked some real competence.
A movement in the corner of her eye arrested her notice as the drapes rippled in a unseen draft from the open door. A shadow crossed the floor toward Claire and Ehren promptly flash-stepped to intercept its path, her dagger held in readiness.
A soft American voice spoke. "No need for that. I'll drop the concealment charm."
A woman Mother's age with red-brown hair up in a bun and green eyes materialized in front of her. "Let's get out of their way before Sis or Jackie grabs us to take part in their fun."
Ehren nodded and followed the woman to the safe zone around the Piano.
Claire glanced over and smiled happily. "Aunt Del!"
The woman ruffled Claire's hair gently. "In the flesh, Moonbeam. Mind if I talk to your sister first?"
Ehren relaxed and slid the dagger away before clicking her heels and extending her hand. "Ehren du Chasteler."
Delilah curtsied and shook the offered hand, giving a cool green-eyed stare. "Delilah de Breuil. Colombe and Jacklyn's youngest half-sister."
Ehren frowned at the memory of the calluses on Delilah's hand. They were different than Mother, Jacklyn's or Kasuyu's calluses and most definitely different than Claire's ones on her fingertips alone.
What kind of activity gave that...? Wait.
She remembered the feel of Father's hands.
"Firearms, ja?" she asked in a quiet voice.
Delilah's eyes grew sharp and her voice lowered. "Among other things, yes. What gave it away?"
Ehren touched her calluses. "The pattern of your calluses on your hands. They are closer to mine than mother's, Kasuyu's or Jacklyn's. But not the same, built up on the first two knuckles of your forefinger. Your trigger finger."
Spoiler: Ehren and Delilah
Delilah nodded slowly, her eyes locked on Ehren's steel blue. "Impressive. Colombe told me that she was rather proud of you. I can see why. You don't miss much and there is a first rate brain behind those baby blues."
The revolver spirit turned, a wand appearing in her hand like magic. She gestured with it and two chairs slid across the floor to the corner where they stood. Delilah sat down in one and gestured to the other.
Ehren sat and surveyed Delilah with the undivided attention that a military school student gave his instructor. Delilah looked back for long moments, and then nodded to herself.
"Very well. How would you like for me to teach you some tips for close combat and cloak and dagger work?" The elder spirit's voice was very calm and conversational.
Ehren opened her mouth, then paused, thinking over the offer.
"Why are you offering this to me, Aunt Delilah?" Ehren asked, her own voice cool and controlled.
Delilah smiled slightly as if Ehren had passed a test.
"Two reasons. First off, you are family, and our family has enemies. Some that your mother has accumulated in her long life, more that see sentients like what we are, the sentient spirits of swords, daggers, revolvers," Delilah's voice lowered and her eyes flickered to the oblivious Claire, "and pianos as a threat to humans that should be locked up 'for our own good'. The good news is that the people who feel that way are losing power and are on the way out, but they have enough to be a real threat to our family right now. Having another someone who can deal with them if they threaten those who need protecting is all to the good."
Ehren slowly nodded, "I see, I will have to ask Mother about this of course and do my own research." Her lips twisted briefly. "I am...disinclined to take statements on faith. Not any more."
"Good." Delilah's voice was calmly approving. "The Truth will set you Free, Ehren. Which leads me to my second reason. Those who have the narrowest escapes from Evil tend to be its fiercest foes because they know what horrors will come about if they fail to fight the good fight. If you have taken anything more than looks from Colombe, you will have her passion for fighting the good fight. Sis has often driven me to distraction and I cannot count the number of times I have thought that my life would be simpler if I blew her brains out, but I have never doubted for an instant that she will do what she thinks is right in the defense of those needing her aid. And damn the consequences, damn the International Confederation of Wizards, damn the Statute of Secrecy... and damn those of us who try to keep the disasters she gets into under control."
Ehren listened impassively as Delilah's voice shifted into a passable Mother-voice to finish. "Even if it's 'not my fault' that I have another stack of arrest warrants on my record."
Ehren's voice was cool and clinical. "I see. My research into the history of the War did not reveal the existence of the supernatural, which appears to be no accident."
Delilah sighed, "Indeed not. To give you the executive summary, before any of us here were born, the decision was made to hide the existence of the supernatural world from the nomajs, what are called over in Europe muggles. Humans without magic. Since humans without magic greatly outnumber those with magic, never mind nonhumans like us, they are a threat to us, the more so since technology evens the odds greatly. Colombe is one of the more powerful combat mages I have known, but she nearly got killed when she picked a fight with a platoon of Orpo troops in France during 1941. We are as vulnerable as anyone else if a bullet punches through our shield spells or someone gets the drop on one of us."
Delilah leaned forward "Regardless, wizards organized and created a series of laws that collectively are known as the Statute of Secrecy. Basically preventing the knowledge of magic spreading to the nomajs to avoid lynch mobs and worse. Unfortunately," The elder Muramasa's voice was coldly bitter, "the cure was worse than the disease. Certain wizards viewed themselves as a 'master race' superior to nomajs and nonhumans. Also the wizardly governing bodies had some ties to the corresponding non-magical governments to help keep the conspiracy going. The Ministry of Magic in Britain, the Magical Congress of the USA, the Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France... and most relevantly to recent events the Reichszauberministerium in Berlin."
Ehren's eyes hardened and her voice was very cold, "That was in existence when the Nazis came to power, ja?"
Delilah nodded, "Ja, it was. At that point in time, it was taken over by a very powerful and very ambitious Dark Wizard named Gelbert Grindlewald whose philosophies of magical supremacy 'for the Greater Good' matched events taking place in mundane Germany. Grindlewald had ties with Hitler, mainly through some of the more occult-oriented branches of the SS, such as the Ahnenerbe. So just as World War II was fought by armies and navies in the history books, there was an equally bitter and deadly secret war in the shadows between wizards, witches, and those nonhumans that supported one side or the other. Non-humans like myself, Colombe and Jacklyn. While we were victorious and Grindlewald was locked in his own prison that he had crafted as an escape-proof fortress to keep his enemies, not all of his followers met their ends on the battlefield or in courts."
Ehren leaned forward and her voice was a hiss of controlled fury, "Enemies of our family then."
"Yes. Some of which we knew, but others were more... passive supporters, collaborators who hid in plain sight in the various Wizarding governments. Then just over twenty years ago one of Grindlewald's followers emerged in Europe. Calling himself Lord Voldemort, he recruited an army of disaffected wizards and witches, especially those who viewed themselves as a magical aristocracy along with some of the non-human races who were enraged at how the wizards treated them like near slaves on 'Magical reservations.' Or if you prefer the classical term, ghettos." Delilah's voice was icy with a banked fury as she continued. "Voldemort did major damage before he vanished for a decade after nearly wiping out the family of one of our staunchest allies in the British Potters. Only to recently reemerge two years ago by attacking the British Wizarding school of Hogwarts."
Ehren listened in stony silence as Delilah finished, "Regardless the damage Voldemort and his followers did to the Statute of Secrecy was immense. Then the Abyssals came, followed by Shipgirls, both of which are blatantly magical and the cat is coming out of the bag. Soon, very soon, it is probable that the Statute of Secrecy will give up the ghost. I don't know how or what will break it, be it a dragon flying over Paris in plain sight of everyone, or a magical duel in Los Angeles that goes viral on Youtube, or Amaterasu coming down from the Shinto Heaven to Ise Grand Shrine. But it will be broken and soon. That is what I and others that I call friends and allies have been laboring for decades as our goal. Preparing for that day so that the crash is as soft as possible."
Delilah looked into her niece's eyes, leaf green meeting steel-blue and spoke quietly. "All I ask of you is to do your research on the history I just related in Sis', Jacklyn's, and my libraries because we will be called upon to act on that day. And when that day comes, whether it is the Statute of Secrecy collapsing resulting in riots against mages, or Voldemort and his Death Eaters looking to destroy the du Chastelers, I want you to be ready so you can do what you know is right then."
Ehren gave a sharp nod. "I will consider your words and if they are true, take your advice."
Delilah smiled smugly. "One last piece of advice, Ehren. Don't drink Jackie's booze unless you want to wake up with a killer headache and don't play cards for money or clothing with the rogue. She deals seconds like a pro."
"Oi! Del! Hands off the blonde girl, I called dibs on her first! Find some other cutie to enlist in your crusade of freedom."
Delilah turned to see the fox eared and tailed form of Jacklyn heading her way with her cutlass resting on her shoulder and one arm around Colombe's hip as the taller rapier laughed in delight.
Delilah grinned broadly as Ehren blushed and facepalmed. "As opposed to your crusade to make a pass on every member of the family, Jackie? My mother, our sister, and now my niece? I won't count that love potion on Lesbos with the Mayor's daughters against you because...."
Revolver and cutlass joined their voices in unholy glee and high-fived each other as the rapier sighed and muttered fervent wishes that she was an only child. "TWINS THEY WERE!"
A Dove and Her Poignard (Part VIII)
March 7th, 2013, Castle Moulbaix, Belgium
"En garde!"
"En garde yerself, ye French popinjay!"
Spoiler: Colombe and Jacklyn
Ehren leaned against Claire's side as the piano played a fast paced rolling melody in time with the clash of Muramasa steel in the ballroom.
Aunt Jacklyn had... not been what she expected.
The older tsukumogami had in the space of five minutes offered her hard liquor of dubious quality and even more dubious provenance, inquired if she wished to come with 'Aunt Jackie' to visit a "first rate brothel to get the rapier removed from her arse", told a visibly fuming Mother "Oh it was your rapier that ye had stuffed up the wee lass's arsehole", and then told Mother that if she didn't want Jacklyn to take Claire and Ehren on a "wee sea cruise to make women out o' them" to fight her.
Colombe had promptly jumped on the invitation to a little sibling bloodletting with both feet.
Claire was still giggling and blushing over something 'Aunt Jackie' had whispered to her before starting her piano melody as Jacklyn drew her cutlass and saluted her sister.
The fight was very interesting. Colombe was faster and had longer reach but Jacklyn behind the flamboyance and apparent eccentricity was proving a match for her sister's steel as they dueled back and forth.
Ehren's steel blue eyes narrowed thoughtfully as Jacklyn parried a riposte and gave Colombe a saucy wink and a blown kiss as she skipped backward. Behind that foolish facade lurked some real competence.
A movement in the corner of her eye arrested her notice as the drapes rippled in a unseen draft from the open door. A shadow crossed the floor toward Claire and Ehren promptly flash-stepped to intercept its path, her dagger held in readiness.
A soft American voice spoke. "No need for that. I'll drop the concealment charm."
A woman Mother's age with red-brown hair up in a bun and green eyes materialized in front of her. "Let's get out of their way before Sis or Jackie grabs us to take part in their fun."
Ehren nodded and followed the woman to the safe zone around the Piano.
Claire glanced over and smiled happily. "Aunt Del!"
The woman ruffled Claire's hair gently. "In the flesh, Moonbeam. Mind if I talk to your sister first?"
Ehren relaxed and slid the dagger away before clicking her heels and extending her hand. "Ehren du Chasteler."
Delilah curtsied and shook the offered hand, giving a cool green-eyed stare. "Delilah de Breuil. Colombe and Jacklyn's youngest half-sister."
Ehren frowned at the memory of the calluses on Delilah's hand. They were different than Mother, Jacklyn's or Kasuyu's calluses and most definitely different than Claire's ones on her fingertips alone.
What kind of activity gave that...? Wait.
She remembered the feel of Father's hands.
"Firearms, ja?" she asked in a quiet voice.
Delilah's eyes grew sharp and her voice lowered. "Among other things, yes. What gave it away?"
Ehren touched her calluses. "The pattern of your calluses on your hands. They are closer to mine than mother's, Kasuyu's or Jacklyn's. But not the same, built up on the first two knuckles of your forefinger. Your trigger finger."
Spoiler: Ehren and Delilah
Delilah nodded slowly, her eyes locked on Ehren's steel blue. "Impressive. Colombe told me that she was rather proud of you. I can see why. You don't miss much and there is a first rate brain behind those baby blues."
The revolver spirit turned, a wand appearing in her hand like magic. She gestured with it and two chairs slid across the floor to the corner where they stood. Delilah sat down in one and gestured to the other.
Ehren sat and surveyed Delilah with the undivided attention that a military school student gave his instructor. Delilah looked back for long moments, and then nodded to herself.
"Very well. How would you like for me to teach you some tips for close combat and cloak and dagger work?" The elder spirit's voice was very calm and conversational.
Ehren opened her mouth, then paused, thinking over the offer.
"Why are you offering this to me, Aunt Delilah?" Ehren asked, her own voice cool and controlled.
Delilah smiled slightly as if Ehren had passed a test.
"Two reasons. First off, you are family, and our family has enemies. Some that your mother has accumulated in her long life, more that see sentients like what we are, the sentient spirits of swords, daggers, revolvers," Delilah's voice lowered and her eyes flickered to the oblivious Claire, "and pianos as a threat to humans that should be locked up 'for our own good'. The good news is that the people who feel that way are losing power and are on the way out, but they have enough to be a real threat to our family right now. Having another someone who can deal with them if they threaten those who need protecting is all to the good."
Ehren slowly nodded, "I see, I will have to ask Mother about this of course and do my own research." Her lips twisted briefly. "I am...disinclined to take statements on faith. Not any more."
"Good." Delilah's voice was calmly approving. "The Truth will set you Free, Ehren. Which leads me to my second reason. Those who have the narrowest escapes from Evil tend to be its fiercest foes because they know what horrors will come about if they fail to fight the good fight. If you have taken anything more than looks from Colombe, you will have her passion for fighting the good fight. Sis has often driven me to distraction and I cannot count the number of times I have thought that my life would be simpler if I blew her brains out, but I have never doubted for an instant that she will do what she thinks is right in the defense of those needing her aid. And damn the consequences, damn the International Confederation of Wizards, damn the Statute of Secrecy... and damn those of us who try to keep the disasters she gets into under control."
Ehren listened impassively as Delilah's voice shifted into a passable Mother-voice to finish. "Even if it's 'not my fault' that I have another stack of arrest warrants on my record."
Ehren's voice was cool and clinical. "I see. My research into the history of the War did not reveal the existence of the supernatural, which appears to be no accident."
Delilah sighed, "Indeed not. To give you the executive summary, before any of us here were born, the decision was made to hide the existence of the supernatural world from the nomajs, what are called over in Europe muggles. Humans without magic. Since humans without magic greatly outnumber those with magic, never mind nonhumans like us, they are a threat to us, the more so since technology evens the odds greatly. Colombe is one of the more powerful combat mages I have known, but she nearly got killed when she picked a fight with a platoon of Orpo troops in France during 1941. We are as vulnerable as anyone else if a bullet punches through our shield spells or someone gets the drop on one of us."
Delilah leaned forward "Regardless, wizards organized and created a series of laws that collectively are known as the Statute of Secrecy. Basically preventing the knowledge of magic spreading to the nomajs to avoid lynch mobs and worse. Unfortunately," The elder Muramasa's voice was coldly bitter, "the cure was worse than the disease. Certain wizards viewed themselves as a 'master race' superior to nomajs and nonhumans. Also the wizardly governing bodies had some ties to the corresponding non-magical governments to help keep the conspiracy going. The Ministry of Magic in Britain, the Magical Congress of the USA, the Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France... and most relevantly to recent events the Reichszauberministerium in Berlin."
Ehren's eyes hardened and her voice was very cold, "That was in existence when the Nazis came to power, ja?"
Delilah nodded, "Ja, it was. At that point in time, it was taken over by a very powerful and very ambitious Dark Wizard named Gelbert Grindlewald whose philosophies of magical supremacy 'for the Greater Good' matched events taking place in mundane Germany. Grindlewald had ties with Hitler, mainly through some of the more occult-oriented branches of the SS, such as the Ahnenerbe. So just as World War II was fought by armies and navies in the history books, there was an equally bitter and deadly secret war in the shadows between wizards, witches, and those nonhumans that supported one side or the other. Non-humans like myself, Colombe and Jacklyn. While we were victorious and Grindlewald was locked in his own prison that he had crafted as an escape-proof fortress to keep his enemies, not all of his followers met their ends on the battlefield or in courts."
Ehren leaned forward and her voice was a hiss of controlled fury, "Enemies of our family then."
"Yes. Some of which we knew, but others were more... passive supporters, collaborators who hid in plain sight in the various Wizarding governments. Then just over twenty years ago one of Grindlewald's followers emerged in Europe. Calling himself Lord Voldemort, he recruited an army of disaffected wizards and witches, especially those who viewed themselves as a magical aristocracy along with some of the non-human races who were enraged at how the wizards treated them like near slaves on 'Magical reservations.' Or if you prefer the classical term, ghettos." Delilah's voice was icy with a banked fury as she continued. "Voldemort did major damage before he vanished for a decade after nearly wiping out the family of one of our staunchest allies in the British Potters. Only to recently reemerge two years ago by attacking the British Wizarding school of Hogwarts."
Ehren listened in stony silence as Delilah finished, "Regardless the damage Voldemort and his followers did to the Statute of Secrecy was immense. Then the Abyssals came, followed by Shipgirls, both of which are blatantly magical and the cat is coming out of the bag. Soon, very soon, it is probable that the Statute of Secrecy will give up the ghost. I don't know how or what will break it, be it a dragon flying over Paris in plain sight of everyone, or a magical duel in Los Angeles that goes viral on Youtube, or Amaterasu coming down from the Shinto Heaven to Ise Grand Shrine. But it will be broken and soon. That is what I and others that I call friends and allies have been laboring for decades as our goal. Preparing for that day so that the crash is as soft as possible."
Delilah looked into her niece's eyes, leaf green meeting steel-blue and spoke quietly. "All I ask of you is to do your research on the history I just related in Sis', Jacklyn's, and my libraries because we will be called upon to act on that day. And when that day comes, whether it is the Statute of Secrecy collapsing resulting in riots against mages, or Voldemort and his Death Eaters looking to destroy the du Chastelers, I want you to be ready so you can do what you know is right then."
Ehren gave a sharp nod. "I will consider your words and if they are true, take your advice."
Delilah smiled smugly. "One last piece of advice, Ehren. Don't drink Jackie's booze unless you want to wake up with a killer headache and don't play cards for money or clothing with the rogue. She deals seconds like a pro."
"Oi! Del! Hands off the blonde girl, I called dibs on her first! Find some other cutie to enlist in your crusade of freedom."
Delilah turned to see the fox eared and tailed form of Jacklyn heading her way with her cutlass resting on her shoulder and one arm around Colombe's hip as the taller rapier laughed in delight.
Delilah grinned broadly as Ehren blushed and facepalmed. "As opposed to your crusade to make a pass on every member of the family, Jackie? My mother, our sister, and now my niece? I won't count that love potion on Lesbos with the Mayor's daughters against you because...."
Revolver and cutlass joined their voices in unholy glee and high-fived each other as the rapier sighed and muttered fervent wishes that she was an only child. "TWINS THEY WERE!"