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This is just something I thought up to get my mind... Happier today. It is sleepy and maybe...


It's sucking out your insides, don't make it weird
Dec 10, 2020
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This is just something I thought up to get my mind... Happier today. It is sleepy and maybe dull, and is not a part of my other story, but it isn't out of place either. I hope you enjoy, but it isn't designed to be a story...

The steady rhythmic ticking of a clock fades into my hearing as the sway of consciousness interrupts my dreamless sleep. The cold hard realization of wood on my face is nice as my hand run over a familiar surface, tracing my fingertips across the cool surface of the kitchen table. Less nice is the ache of my back as I feel asleep folded over the reassuring piece of furniture.

I groan quietly as to not disturb her as I unfold back into the seat. The sleepy haze leaving me cold here in the kitchen...

I look around to see the small but lovely kitchen which is much like the rest of her. A tall thin orange refrigerator hums steadily in the corner, next to a stove and oven. A couple counters rest in between before a tiny sink where we planted some herbs in front of a good sized window. Her tiles were not the best in condition as they frequently gained cracks easily, but a little love and attention fixes them right up.

I noiselessly stand, leaving the warm spot under my feet and subjecting the bottoms of my feet to the cold of the tiles. I smile as I feel the slight sinking, but quickly move on. I have... well not "work". Employment would require, well a job to go to and considering our situation, it isn't a problem anymore.

I move from the kitchen to the living room, the vibration from my steps as I transition to her wood floors are responded as we walk in step. My "roommate" is not the most usual person. I step into the living room's center and sit on the thread-worn couch as I stare at the blank screen of the TV. The sound of her blank footsteps follow me and as I turn to sit, she sits too.

I'm not complaining, my roommate is perfect. Lovely even, I do really like her and despite the rough introductions we had when we first met, I think she really likes me too. I look around the room, as I take it all in. It is dark as it feels like early morning, the sun not fully up or maybe it is cloudy today? I hope it rains, we both like to watch the rain...

I lie back until I feel something cool, before falling through it like it isn't really there. Her lap I assume, or I guess one of her laps? She is strange like that; you think you've seen all there is to her and then suddenly it feels like there is more. I snuggle close to the couch as it hugs back up into me.

We haven't talked much... I'm not sure that she really like to. It may have something to do with what she is, but it doesn't feel like she is one for conversation. In fact, this right now, her "holding me" lulling me back into a sleeping state, is as about as close to communication we normally have. Still, we sometimes giggle and "talk" through the writings on the mirror or when she needs something, usually maintenance, she lets me know.

I feel the alure of sleep taunting me as she encourages me to let my thoughts drift. She likes me when I'm unconscious, says it fills her with joy that I can do so around her. I flick my eyes open, before the hold of sleep can take me. It will be better to fall asleep in the bed, her bed.

I pull myself up out of the couch, extracting myself from its centerfolds that had been slipping around me. I stretch feeling my back pop as I silently yawn, she stands behind... in front? Between... I blush as she stands around me, she is excited and knows where I plan on going back to sleep. I make my way up a gentle flight of stairs but pass by the bedroom and head for the bathroom.

She is thick in the air of her halls as I pass by where she wants me, but I smell from sleeping in her kitchen and I don't want to get into her bed dirty. I strip and hear her start the shower as she watches me get naked. It was embarrassing at one point in my life for her to take such interest in me and that she is incapable of privacy, but I've done this often and get a bit excited too every now and again.

The water is warm and hot as it flows over my body, and I luxuriate in it for a bit. I stop though because she is getting impatient, a groan from the pipes and my shampoo bottle being knocked from its shelf makes me giggle. She wanted me sleeping in her bed yesterday, I smile quickly grabbing the bottle and got to work...

As I step out of my shower, fresh and clean, my towel wrapped around me, I hold back a yelp as she presses her cold presence against me. Thankfully I hold back the noise, I don't want another splinter just because I tickle one of her instincts. Her insides are a home, but her inner walls are not as fun. A frown forms across the foggy glass, with a quick sorry below it. I nod at the apology, even if I know for her it is less about her inner walls and more about her startling me. She wants me in the walls, to her it is where I fit inside her. She is being romantic or maybe just sexual with me, but her true self still scares me and I'm not ready to be her... resident. Just guest is good for now...

I walk away from the bathroom and the unpleasant thoughts. I can feel her upset in the air, a sort of arid musk of drying paper, she doesn't like that she messed with my happy mood. I just smile and drop my towel on the ground, that gets a reaction.

I stride through the bedroom door and look at her bed, already made with the covers pealed back invitingly. The air is heavy and thick around me as I wade forward, crawling up onto the bed even as my arms feel heavy and my body strains under her incredible weight. I fall into though open arms my nude body squeezed to the mattress as I'm manipulated by the springs in the bed until I am unreasonably comfortable. Looks like a long nap, must be feeling needy. I just relax moving what little I could as that covers roll up my body, I'm going to be asleep for as long as she likes me to be. A scary thought if I didn't happen to enjoy her taking control like this.

The house creaks as it relaxes with me in her hold, my body unable to move until she moves me. Another piece of her furniture to arrange and to love and care for. I relax too, as I feel the sheets squeeze in just the right way. A humming from behind the walls is the last thing I hear before she makes me sleep in her arms. I love my house...…

I couldn't think of anything for Rot, so I wrote this instead just to write you know... If your reading this and still wondering what this is, well one I failed to get it across, and two it is a snapshot of life of a relationship between a haunted house and a living human. I tried to make it genderless for the human, but the presence in the house is female, because of coin toss. Technically it is a story in Rot's universe, but since it has nothing about Worm, it can stand on its own...
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This is a tad disturbing... but mostly sweet.

i might need and insulin shot, well done.

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