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Hora! A Hallway to a Hammer Horror Halloween Hysteria

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No one remembers who I am anymore.
Mar 10, 2013
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"Hora! A Hallway to a Hammer Horror Halloween Hysteria, Helped by the Husky Head Herald of Heresy, the Hideously Hateful Hastur!"

Hello, boys and ghouls, you're cordially invited to 1313 Ghoul Ave, for the annual Halloween Monster Mash, Maskerade and Murder Mystery. We hope this finds you in good health and flavor. We have quite a few tasty surprises for our guests. A roast, events like the zombie run, ghoul dance and all sorts of your favorite concoctions from our resident mad genius. Drink a Bloody Mary, down a Virgin Margarita if that's what you prefer, a shot of werewolf blood if you're feeling hairy~ Hahahahaha.

Do remember to dress your best. It's your last night out after all. It's going to be the best night of your unlife. Don't be too late. Or do, who are we to argue fashion? But don't be too late or you'll be locked out. Can't have people wandering out drunk. We don't want the cops called to the party after all~

Now, be good and pass the news to your mummies and daddies, Be sure to bring all of your family you can. We wouldn't want anyone going hungry now would we? We don't want anyone to miss this. After all we don't want anyone to go missing~ We'll need all the eyes we can get.

Pass the news along my fiends and bring as many of the little demons you can find. It'll be a satisfying night for everyone involved. We promise that not too many will be eaten. Just the ones that don't leave~ Heheheheh. They'll be stuffed, with food that is.
Ah but this is getting a bit too long. Let's wrap it up before it rots.

Cordially yours,
The Master.


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Re: Hammer Horror Hallowen Hysteria

Okay Now let's actually get started here. Now you may be wondering what in the world is this? It's an extremely hammy and cliche horror survival game where I try to kill you in the most cliche and hammy ways possible. Not to say that I'm going to play hammy straight or that I won't be serious sometimes but in general you'll be dealing with hammy death and not Final Destination.

So for the interested parties I'm made it slightly easier on you. I've given you an archetype to work from to make your character. I'll say that each archetype has it's own interesting little quirks that we'll find out after they've been chosen.

Now there are a few other things, but until I have some actual players I'll keep it to myself.

So here are your archetypes.

The Jock

The most physical Archetype, one filled with vim and vigor. He's happy when he doesn't need to think. Preferring quick action over slow thought he's most likely to survive a one on one with any of the monsters in the mansion. But then most of the monsters need more then a bat to the head or a fist to the face to stop.

Against your average zombie? He's having a blast. Quite capable of knocking blocks off while whistling Dixie. He's the tank of the group. Having the most Vigor and Machismo of the entire group he's capable of taking a few knocks to the noggin without having too much issue.

On the other hand he's not quite the brightest. Not to say that he's dumb. He just doesn't like puzzles and would rather get to the point instead this bullshit find the heart key that's hidden behind this painting that you have to set on fire with this lighter you found in another room locked behind a spade lock. More then likely to try kicking the door down then figuring out the lock or picking it.

His skills are based on the sport he plays and so do his main stats so chose wisely.

I'd not pick golf.

The Nerd

The smartest Archetype, trying to be the best detective he can be. He's the one trying to solve all the stupid little puzzles for all the hidden rewards. He's not going to turn down free stuff because it's hidden behind a coded lock or some stupid block pushing puzzle. Even if the puzzle is heavy. He's not very strong but knows that he should be hiding behind the wall of muscle that's walking around.

Against your average zombie? He's running away. Looking for something to get himself out of the situation. Whether it's using the stupid mansions traps against it or finding something else to grab it's attention away from him. He's pretty fragile and would rather not take any blows to the noggin. If he can help it anyways.

He's a bit of a skeptic and doesn't quite believe in this magic stuff. He's unsure of it's reliability and oh now what if it fails oh god. He does know a lot of common movie monsters weaknesses.

His skills are based on the type of nerd he is.

The Loner

He's not really much to talk about, He wants to be left alone and that's about it. He's smart enough to know that being a loner right now isn't the best idea. He's sneaky and a delinquent and more then likely can pick locks. He starts with a knife because this isn't the nice part of town and didn't feel like being mugged. Or just likes having a knife, who knows?

Against a zombie his knife isn't the best weapon. With a bit of sneaking around, he's able to snicker snak from back and off with it's head. But if it's paying attention to him. He's probably running away instead. He can take a few hits but more then that is a bad idea.

He's not really enjoying the mansion with all of is shiny stuff that seems to be booby trapped. It's hard to resist taking the stuff to begin with and now if he takes it, he has to deal with some strange trap? It's bullshit.

His skills are based around Dirty tricks and his starting equipment.

The Goth

A monster fanatic who is secretly enjoying this. Reads a lot of horror novels in his free time. Finds the mansion charming and the monsters the coolest thing he's seen. On the other hand they are trying to murder him puts him off just a little. A sideline oculist that knows pretty much every monster in the book.

Against a zombie? He might be zombie chow. More then likely he'll knock something over or find something sharp to swing at it. Not that it helps much. On the other hand he can read some of the strange books lying around and who knows what those bring?

A lot of monsters don't seem to like him very much. Almost as if all the strange symbols he wears is saying monster bait, please eat me now. Fears that he'll be the first one eaten or whatever.

His skills are based around books he's read. And whatever shiny things he's wearing.

The Waif

A shy thing that really shouldn't have been here. Doesn't really have anything going for them. Has a can do attitude about it though. Who knows what happens when the party was going on? Sometimes it's better to be lucky then good. But then again luck can run both ways.

Against a zombie? Fucked. Scream for help and run away. Who knows what will come when you call. Heh. Be it some other monster or something different.

Sometimes their luck is really hit or miss. Good things can happen but bad things happen just as much. On one hand their is the subtle jinx feeling. On the other A lucky charm.

Her skills are based on what's around the area. Basically who can hear the screams. But sometimes it's in your favor.

The Prep

Daddy's little future doctor in training. So much of a good child you can't go against your father's wishes. You'd rather going out and having fun while he's having you stay in and learn to be a doctor. And then he forced you to come to this party. You need to socialize with your peers more. Make connections. Learn how to mingle. We can see how that's turning out now can't we?

Against a zombie? You aren't really all that bad off considering. A good hammer to the face stops them cold. You've got a bit of anger issues that need to be resolved and these zombies seem so agreeable to be smashed.

You can fix up a lot of issues that might occur. Like cuts and swelling. Your training was really thorough and you really wish it wasn't.

Other then picking an archetype I'll allow you to have your character be whatever.

Do know that picking traits happens after character selection. Wouldn't want to have too much derping about :p

But yeah, I'll admit that being hammy will generally get you further. Just a hint.
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Re: Hammer Horror Hallowen Hysteria

Re: Hammer Horror Hallowen Hysteria

Re: Hammer Horror Hallowen Hysteria

And Finally Reserved.

Will actually do something with this tomorrow ish?
People can now post if interested. :p

They can also post if not interested but willing to muck about.
So, what, we just make a character, like

Name: Lion Forest
Archtype: Jock (Golf)
Short Description: A charming golfer who is able to make the swings that leave ladies sighing in excitement. He always make his hair look perfect and teeth so white so that he's always picture pefect.
Yes, I wouldn't recommend golf though. Of course if you do pick it. Don't say I didn't warn ya~
But who doesn't love Lion Forest? (I suspect I'll be killed first, but hey!)
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