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Horror Master (Worm/crossover)

She also did the whole villain song and got rid of all the other villain gangs in the city. She's a full blow villain now.
Surprised, no. Very disappointed at not trying to be more than a successful villain and overindulging in the suckers game of vengeance, yes. She is now the kind of villain you dance on the grave of, or is chased into a bunker and commits self-termination instead of facing the 'embarrassment' of going through a trail.

Also, stuff like Overlord works because they try to be more than a villain, suffer through self-doubt and changing conflict, or at least put together a semi-believable story they tell themselves to paint themselves as a hero or at least a victim of happenstance/fate/higher power. Or just make it clear that they have run out of fucks to give like the guy in Falling Down.

Want a real and believable villain that are relatable and even true anti-heroes, look to stories like;
-Saga of Tanya the Evil, her reasoning and will to fight Being X is legit and very understadable.
-Dracula in Castlevania, how people treated the one person who really tried to understand him was Evil.
-Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, we all wanted to be Dr Horrible at some point. "The world will be fixed if I could just rule it!"
-Demona and Xanatos, two of the most developed and deepest villain's I've ever heard of.

And most of all, Forging Hephaesus. An entire super-hero world was built in this book, with very believable and well-developed villain's guild. It is one of my favorite books! Here's just a few quotes that got me loving the series

"All of us, together, are the unlovable, the unreformable. We, the people, who are deemed incapable of existing alongside society. But, we did just that in the forming of this guild. We have done more than simply build a place to sleep and eat and plan elaborate heists. We have found a place that we, at long last, belong. All of you remember how important that feeling was the first time you truly experienced it here… This guild is more than just an organization and a council and various members. To me, from the beginning, this guild has been a family. It is a place for people like us, the ones who had no place of their own. We made it ourselves, carved out a space in the world that we could call home." -Dr. Mechanical, leader of the villain's guild.

"Does anyone ever take the other option?"
"More than you might think, our kind is a stubborn prideful lot, and many don't take well to being threatened."
"Our kind?"
"Villains miss Tory, we are Villains."

"I can really feel the love in this apprenticeship already," Tory said.
"You're not dead yet. That's about as loving as the Guild can get." Ivan replied.

"Try not to let them scare you too much. But, don't forget, that they are scary people."

"But, and please don't hate me for saying this, that was a different organization than the AHC (Alliance of Heroic Champions). I've got no love for capes in my heart, either, but it's not like it was when they did that to your grandfather."
"You know you're talking about the same organization that has a member who flies around in a robotic Klansman's outfit, right?"

"And that's why they call me Johnny Three Dicks, doll. No matter which way you try to come, you're still fucked." -This character has a 'try three times and get best result' power, and he named himself that.

"War, the only way to win is not to play." said Tory.
"Exactly. Which is why we stay out of their business, they stay out of ours as long as we don't flaunt it. And everyone wins. The people get peace, the capes get a claim, as we are about to get cheesecake."
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.... I think I rambled way too much and spent way to long on that reply. :p
.... I think I rambled way too much and spent way to long on that reply. :p

The whole getting revenges on her bullies is just a stress ball thing, where she relieves her stress by making them cry. she is in charge of a army of monsters and killers who only listening to her because of her power. So she's under a lot of stress and needs a way to release it. And I don't like how in cannon they never really had to pay for what they did.
Also you're thinking along the lines of supervillain when she's a horror villain. And horror villains getting revenge on the people who hurt them is a genre staple
Besides what you really expect? Taylor just forgiving her bullies or trying to make friends with them? You should just stop caring about characters in fiction who are only there to make the main star suffer and laugh at their pain.
Um, wow dude. You the author telling us to not care about characters in your story, and even the MC is being demonic levels of sadism just as a stress ball thing. Really?

Well, that bias is definitely coming out in the story. So... good job?
The bullies are just a plot device to cause something horrible to happen to cause Taylor to trigger. It's the bullies you shouldn't care about. Seeing that they're more or less flat characters who are only there to make Taylor suffer. And You should not care about them at all. As the bullies are only there as a plot device to cause bad things to happen.

In horror fiction the jerks like the bullies are the ones who are usually killed off. Which this story being a horror story of Taylor becoming a horror villain because of mistreatment is what would happen in most horror fictions where the horror villain gets revenge.

Don't care about the bullies who are only there to make the main star suffer. Who almost died in cannon because of them and they get away with it.
You shouldn't care about the bullies as in thinking that they're innocent victims, they're getting brutal payback done to them by their victim. Like how in the bully who messed with the young soon to be killer Michael Myers in the remake, is shown to like causing pain to the young killer who beats him with a large branch till he died. Yeah he's a kid but he's the one who cause it to happen to himself by being a jerk.

Or the bitch in Carrier who cause said girl to go on a rampage.
Also I hate the whole of the victim fights back they're in the wrong no matter what logic.

By that logic with Taylor being the bully to her bullies now, if they attack her they would be in the wrong and actually be punish this time as it was perfectly ok for them to make her snap by their bullying. But when Taylor becomes their bully and they fight back they be quickly arrested for fighting back.
Also my stories are the ones that bash the ones who in cannon get away with so much and face little or no punishment,

it's the reason why in Fullmetal brotherhood unlike how Envy never really had to pay for all the harm he did, envy had that pitiful death as the fans of the series didn't like how envy got away with so much.
I don't see why people always seem to take the side of the bullies and the ones who cause trouble. Like if someone at your work punches you and tries to kill you and you only defended yourself. It's you who will be arrested and lose your job while the one who attack you gets away with it as no one cares about you at all.

Because of the logic of you the one who has been harmed is always in the wrong no matter what if you defend yourself or try to get any sort of payback.
Um, bit of life advise. When your taking 2+ hours out of your life to argue with a random guy on the internet, and start spamming multiple replies to that one person multiple times during the day, over something they themselves only took 15 min reply to, you might have a problem. The personal, even obsessive mental kind of problem. It is also frustrating to debate with someone who 'wins' by number of words and posts and even destroying the forum rather then actually debating ideas.

I am speaking as someone who got too caught up with arguing with people on internet forums in the past. I didn't even read 75% of your last posts when I realized what you were doing.

This is going to be my last reply to this forum for the foreseeable future. I really advise you take a break yourself and go out for pizza or a bike ride or celebrate the new year IRL. Though I have no power to stop you from spam flooding your own story forum.
yeah I just tried of people complaining that I because I'm having Taylor getting payback on her bullies that it's completely unjustified and that they don't deserve it
Horror Master 11

The Endbringer alarm was sounded off, signaling to all that the truce is on and for all hostilities to be called off. Leviathan is heading for Brockton Bay, all the caps hero or villain are needed to fight the water controlling endbringer. That meant even Horror Master and her minions showed up as well, that is causing lots of tension as they all waited.

Horror Master stood with all of her most powerful minions. The sisters, Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker's daughters Daydream and Daymare. The Fright Knight and Desiree, leading the ghosts. Marceline and Princess Bubblegum leading the vampires and other creatures of the night.

The gods, Gwynevere, Kedesh-Nanaya, Lunatine Sakiess, Shiva Revilis, amd Bes.

The demon lords, Hunson Abadeer, Lucifer, Charlotte "Charlie" Morningstar, Morrigan Aensland who has fused with her sister Lilith, Lady Death, Aku, Gogandantess, Edward "Eddie" Riggs, Satan, Osamu Yureimoto, Loki, and The Red Guy.

Ridley brought with her a giant ray cannon and is plugging it into the city's power grid and having a bunch of her fellow minions and the heroes and villains with electrical power to help power it. She watch Neon Genesis Evangelion and figure that having a energy cannon powered by the entire eastern half of the USA would do something to the endbringer.

Legend walks up to Horror Master, being watched by her bodyguard Huntress.

"Hello, Horror Master," Legend greeted her.

"Legend what can, I do for you?" Horror Master asked.

"We like you to come to the tent so we can plan for the defense," Legend said.

"Don't worry, I have it all planned out I just need you and the others for crowd control," Horror Master said.

"What are you planning?" Legend ask.

"Kill the endbringer. I didn't bring all of my heavy hitters out for nothing," Horror Master said.

"No I mean afterwards? You have all taken over the city, but the robots you have patrolling are keeping crime down," Legend said he and the others are worried about what Horror Master has been doing but have little idea in how to handle her. If she is killed the minions under her control will no longer have anyone keeping them from doing what they like. And no one want to deal with horror villains and monsters running around doing what they want.

"Just making the city better as I'm living in it and I'm tried of it. Of no one doing anything about it, like the reason why there is no shipping anymore. When the local industry had collapsed, the Boat Graveyard was a staging ground for the irate dock workers. Shipping companies based in Brockton Bay trapped other boats in the harbor as a form of protest, to ensure they weren't walking away empty-handed. Police made arrests, but actually moving the ships out of the way required sailors, and the move had mobilized enough of them that clearing the upper areas of the docks of the ships became all but impossible. Things capped off with fights, gunfire and a deliberate sinking of a container ship by one of the protesters. Now the bay is clean of those wrecks and the metal and other useable items are being used to make more robots. Shipping has already restarted," Horror Master said.

"You're putting everyone on edge you're not like the other supervillains," Legend said.

"Who said anything of me being a supervillain?" Horror Master asked.

"You're not a supervillain? You did the whole villain song and then took out all the other gangs," Legend said.

"Let me make it clear, I'm not a supervillain who gets into fights with you superheroes. I'm a horror villain, completely different in how a horror villain acts. It's the reason why the 3 who caused me to trigger suffered such a horrific fate. After all when is it the last time the ones who cause a horror villain, to become a horror villain actually live?" Horror Master said. (1)

"You went too far," Legend said.

"Oh yes because it's fine for them to bully me for 3 years but when I do it to them. Suddenly people can't move fast enough to stop what I'm doing while completely ignoring the reason why I did it to them. Why is it people like you always side with the bullies? Why care about people who enjoy making others suffer?" Horror Master asked.

"Shadow Stalker would have been punished for her actions," Legend said.

"If someone at your work punches you and tries to kill you and you only defended yourself. It's you who will be arrested and lose your job while the one who attack you gets away with it as no one in power at your work cares about you. That's what it was for me for 3 years. So I made sure they suffered and died for what they did like any good horror villain. They became nothing more then useless meat sacks that just screamed, it's the reason why they were committed and died. Not to mention the school staff and the agents who allowed it to happen. I took the pound of flesh from all of them for letting it happen. Crippled and scarred for the rest of their lives, seeing how when Panacea healed that agent, I just sent Pennywise to cripple her even worst, took 3 times before they understood that if they're healed, they would get it even worst," Horror Master explains. (2)

"Lots of mistakes were made, we're more than willing to make it up to you," Legend said.

"It's 3 years too late, for me to trust people, in power or heroes. You either do the right thing or watch me handle it my way," Horror Master said.

"Your way isn't the right way," Legend said.

The warning siren sounded as Leviathan came into view.

"My way is wrong? Well let me show you, all of you that my way works," Horror Master said as she made a screen appear in the sky above the heroes and villains.

Horror Master teleported from where she was and teleported right in front of Leviathan. The ocean surface burst as Leviathan came out of the water…. being held in giant green arm like a plastic toy soldier in the hand of a adult. The arm lifted the struggling form of Leviathan into the air where a gigantic humanoid form with a squid-like head and dragon wings stood, towering above the ocean. The thing brought the endbringer to its mouth, stuffing the endbringer into its massive maw. And just like that, Leviathan was gone. (3)

The thing that ate a endbringer just vanish from sight. Leaving only Horror Master floating above the sea, all of which was shown on the screen she had created for all to watch. No one cheered, as they were all too horrified and stun, seeing what had done the deed. The screen focused on Horror Master who has a smug look on her face.

"My way works, it got the job done, deal with it," Horror Master said to everyone watching and puts on sunglasses as she did so.


Author's Notes -

1 - Taylor as Horror Master isn't a supervillain, she's a horror villain. So stop thinking of her as a supervillain who is after money or revenge and more like a horror villain who goes after the ones who wrong them and kills them or make them want to die.

2 - I hate it when it's the bully who is treated as the victim and everyone ignores that they're the ones who caused it to happen to them. Especially when the message given is to always tell someone about it, when the ones who could do something just lets it happens and only acts when it's the other way around.

And really why care for the bullies who caused Taylor in cannon to trigger and never had to face any real punishment for it? They're really just flat characters who are only there to cause things to happen and make Taylor suffer. Which in horror fiction which this story is, puts 'kill them' label on them.

3 - Taylor power lets her summon anything from any horror fiction which she can controls. That means she can summon cosmic level horrors and above, that she can order to take care of anyone she wants. Yes that means it's a story breaking power and she's using it to its full level with nothing holding her back from doing so.

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I think more than a few people need a change of clean underwear after that.

"Too little, too late" seems to be it from PRT, they're mostly sorry for getting caught pants down, not that it was allowed to happen in the first place. If Taylor had not triggered with the power she wields now, they might have slapped Shadow Stalker's wrists on making them look bad if it got out, but they kept it suppressed, and even if it was a small group conspiring for their own benefit, the effects were long-ranging.

I wonder if there isn't at least some people who are silently cursing the name of those three for causing the Horror Villain to rise in the first place, even if technically they need to present a front of the bullies having been victims that didn't deserve all they got.

... what's that saying? Mercy for the Guilty is Treason to the Innocent?

Going to be interesting to see the aftermath and reactions.
A picture made by an AI of Taylor Hebert as Horror Master

Horror Master 12

Clockblocker once again rewatched the footage of the death of Leviathan, who was eaten by a even bigger monster. Horror Master simply summon Cthulhu to take care of the endbringer, by eating it. Doing something that many have wished and prayed to happen since the endbringers showed up, for one of them to die. Only for the one who did so, being a even bigger monster. Cthulhu ate Leviathan but the sheer sight of it, terrified everyone who saw it, from the stories the mere sight of it would drive people to madness. But it seems because of everyone having to deal with Endbringers and all the other parahuman stuff for years, people had gotten use to it. (1)

"Horror Master can just summon even bigger monsters to handle the ones here. We just reached a new level of cosmic insignificance," Clockblocker said, causing the other Wards to look at him.

"What you mean by that?" Vista asked.

"That we're not needed anymore to fight the Endbringers as she can simply summon something bigger. And it also means that she's in charge, as what can we actually do against someone who can summon the elder gods and great old ones and who knows what else," Clockblocker explains.

"Any fiction that has horror elements in it," Browbeat said.

"I thought that she couldn't summon aliens," Gallant said.

"Where did you hear that?" Kid Win asked.

"Heard it from Slappy," Gallant said.

"Well anyway, the elder gods and great old ones, aren't aliens they're cosmic monsters," Aegis pointed out. (2)

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that we have a snowball chance in Hell in ever beating her. And even if we did, what you think happens if someone were to kill her? The only one who is controlling the cast members from just about every horror fiction ever, who will go on a horror rampage without her. And seeing how Cthulhu was summon, how many of his fellow cast members she has summoned as well and be free to do what they wants without her. There is no way we be able to take all of that on," Clockblocker pointed out.

The room got really quite as the young heroes all knew that's true. They have no way to actually deal with Horror Master or with her minions. And there is no one who can get close to her to talk her down.


Horror Master's Lair -

Horror Master stared at the bodies the minion factions have created for her. The bodies are all different but have the same standard body shape and build, seeing how she didn't want to have a super busty body that the sex demon faction had come up with. While she didn't mind having a more adult body, she didn't want to have breasts bigger than her head or be like beach balls or have a butt like it either. So she laid down some grown rules, like not having a bust size bigger than a D cup or having a butt that sticks out. Or give her an outfit that doesn't cover her entire body and is little more than underwear.

The standard body that all the factions have to work with is one that, does have a large chest but not enough to get in the way, the same went with her butt. Long legs and arms, her height being 6'6" and having a tone and powerful built. And her face being beautiful as she does have some pride in her looks.

The celestial faction body has become a goddess, with the complete package, immortal, god level strength durability, stamina, speed, agility, reflex, regeneration. She also has holy magic and celestial energy that she can use, as all the spells and the skills to use them are already in the body. The body also has large angle wings that not only lets her fly but also can be used as weapons. The can be soft or be like razor wire, that she can shoot out Ike bullets. She can also use her wings like shields, or use them like blades thanks to the feathers.

The demon faction created a demon queen that is a prefect mirror or the celestial one. Matching both in strength and powers but has demonic powers instead. The body has large bat wings on the back that are able to change shape into just about anything she wants.

"This is what they came up with?" Horror Master asked Daymare and Daydream who are in the room with her staring at the two new bodies that the two factions have created for her to use. Which are both naked, which is why only Daymare and Daydream are with her.

"Yes both factions put lots of work into both bodies," Daymare said who was Demon Sunset before she decided to rename herself into Daymare.

"Both bodies are immortal and have great power," Daydream adds.

"So does this body, after Ridley and her team improved on it," Horror Master said as she raised her hand which Tron lines appeared as it broke apart and rearranged to form a hand cannon. "The cybernetic enhancements, and being able to not be able to feel pain whenever I want, with a auto repair system of nanobots to fix any damage. Plus, I have free roaming wifi connected to my head."

"Nice," Daymare said.

"The other factions are also making bodies for you too," Daydream said.

"How are they coming?" Horror Master asks.

"The water faction of water types, created a siren. The vampires created a vampire queen, with all the powers of every vampire type. The werewolves created a wolf queen, able to transform into any type of werewolf, a full wolf, hybrid, even a wolfwalker. They also been cyber enhanced," Daymare listed off what she remembers of the ones that are ready.

"What kind?" Horror Master asks.

"Let's see, heavy bone, muscle, and skin weave as the standard upgrade for all of your new bodies," Daydream said handing her boss her ipad that have the list of upgrades.

Heavy Bone, by reinforcing the skeleton with a synthetic weave, bones can be made almost unbreakable. In the event of bone trauma, medi-gel conduits allow for bone regenerations in a matter of seconds.

Heavy Muscle, perforating the muscles with micro-fibers increases overall strength and decreases the potential for muscle damage from exertion.

Heavy Skin, strong synthetic fibers can be woven through the skin, dramatically reducing damage taken from most attacks. These fibers also act as a medi-gel conduit, improving healing.

"There are also redundant secondary organs for all of your major organs. A second heart, smaller pair of lungs, a second stomach," Daydream adds.

"And of my real body. It's safe in the tank right? All the upgrades and safety measures are in place?" Horror Master asked.

"Yes all the redundant and contingency systems are in place. And the tank can be open or break into to get your real body out, in case there is a failure. There is always the Silent Hill nurses around watching and caring for your body," Daymare said.

"Good, with the display of power that, I command. Plenty of people and groups will be worried about what, I'm planning on doing," Horror Master said.

"And what's the plan?" Daydream asked.

"Kill the last two endbringers, and handle the other problem. After that, it all depends on how I'm and you my minions are treated," Horror Master said.

"Also our aunt Nightmare Moon has a project she wants to do," Daymare said.

"What does she want?" Horror Master asked.

"She wants to make a modified new body for you but using her own DNA so that your new body will be an alicorn," Daymare said.

"A alicorn body," Horror Master said thinking it over. "Tell her to go ahead and for everyone else who have an idea to do so as well. It be good to be able to just upload myself into a new body when my current body is destroyed." (3)


Author's Notes -

1 - Seeing how most of the people of Lovecraft's time would be really easy to shock by our modern standards of normal things. The people of Worm are on the most part immune to most of Lovecraft's go mad from seeing one of his creations. Seeing how they have to live in a world with endbringers, they have to deal with horror on Lovecraft level every 4 months or so.

2 - The creatures of Lovecraft while are from space, they're more cosmic monsters than aliens races. Seeing how most are just are just one know member making it more of a monster that only has one member that is ever seen. Like how in Godzilla the old films only has one mutant giant monster, making them not a specie or a race because there is only one of them. And once the monster dies, there is no more of that monster, as they're just one monster and not just one of a entire specie of said monster.

There are alien races but I'm not using them and using the cosmic monsters.

3 - Being able to heal or be immortal is nice, but being able to just upload your mind into a new body. Means that no matter what happens, you can't be trap as the body you're using can easily be replaced. And if the body is cut off somehow from being able to upload into another body. If you're smart enough to have a backup if that happens, you have a copy of your mind ready to take over.

Horror Master 13

Inside his laboratory, the wizard known as Gargamel was busy at work, with the alchemical methods in his magic he quickly got use to all of the advance technology used by a chemist. Not to mention learning how to be a chemist from Miss J, which a number of other minions used to learn how to use new technology.

Horror Master had watched the show and knows that he's a very capable wizard as many of his schemes seem to involve complex magic, such as turning a simple bell into a tracking device, creating another dimension within a mirror and even creating living beings out of clay. Apart from his magical skills, he also displays some inventive skills, as he easily creates a flying machine amongst other things. If he wasn't so fixated on defeating the Smurfs, he might be able to make serious money selling his magic and inventions to other people in his show. Horror Master had his single minded drive to get the Smurfs erased from his mind and now he thinks much clearer then he did before.

Now he's working for Horror Master who has given him his own lab working on a potion that she wants him to make. The lab table is covered in volumetric flasks, reagent bottles, retort bottle, graduated cylinder, beaker, wash bottle, and all have chemicals and ingredients in them. Gargamel would use the knowledge he gain from the lessons from Miss J to show his worth to Horror Master.

Who also gave him a gift, the Smurfs who are all been turned to gold statues which he did the deed himself, seeing how Horror Master never liked the Smurfs, seeing why Gargamel hated them. Seeing how they saw nothing wrong with singing loudly right outside his window, to troll him. At least from the cartoon which he's from. (1)

"This is so wonderful, Azrael," Gargamel said to his cat. "Horror Master has given me everything, I ever wanted."

"Meow?" Azrael asked.

"Oh what, I'm working on?" Gargamel asked as he walks over to a fish tank.

Inside the fish tank are sea slugs with multiple eyes that are red.

"Horror Master wants me to research on the special fluid called Adam that these sea slugs make. There are others also working on it. Adam can make people stronger, make them better, give them powers, but has very bad side effects. That Sinclair fellow showed me pictures of some of the splicers before Horror Master fixed them up. They not only became deformed but also lost their minds as well. She wants me and the others working on Adam to figure out a way to make it safe. We each do our own research and come together to compare notes," Gargamel explains. (2)

The door burst open as Ridley stuck her head inside the four robot arms coming out of her backpack gripping the sides of the door.

"BRIGHT!" Ridley growls looking around the room.

"He's not here," Gargamel said.

"You better not be hiding him here," Ridley said as she march off looking for the good doctor.

"Oh what has he done now?" Gargamel ask walking out of his laboratory to a multiple level room.

Outside from the 5th floor balcony where he's at, Gargamel could look down at the courtyard. Former SCP-085 Cassy is using her paper powers to create a fence around a flock of chickens, Sarah Bright is grabbing the still free chickens and placing them into the fence with the help of guards. Princess Bubblegum running around as chickens peck at her, and Doctor Clef using his shotgun as a club fending off a bunch of chickens attacking him. Molly is fending off a flock of chickens with a broom, Agent Lawrence and Carson are using clubs to kill the chickens attacking them.

"Did Bright do this?" Gargamel ask.

"Yup he did," Doctor Buck said fending off a chicken that's trying to peck at her with her foot.

"Is this normal?" Gargamel ask.

"Sadly yes, he decided to try out the idea Horror Master made of mutant chickens. So he created a flock of chickens that can breed fast and grow fat. But instead he created a flock of chickens who do all that but are very aggressive," Doctor Buck sighed.

"So what are you going to do with all of them? Fried chicken?" Gargamel ask.

"At least we eat like kings tonight," Doctor Buck said grabbing the chicken that's been attacking her and breaking its neck.


Dunwall Tower -

The fortress that protected the bridge that leads to Castle Chaythe, is as far as anyone in the city of Brockton Bay can get to the castle. Many of the human guards who came with the tower stayed on as guards, with them helping the new guards to learn how to use the auto defenses of the tower. The bridge is protected by a massive gate and a wall of light, walls lined with auto turrets. Most of the guards are made up of robots who are able to stay on watch longer than blood and flesh guards.

Horror Master place a powerful minion in charge of the tower and keeping uninvited guests from trying to cross the bridge to the castle. The minion is SCP-082, who goes by Fernand, is a massive, overweight, and immensely strong entity whose mind isn't quite in the right place, usually deluding himself into thinking that he may be one of many completely different identities. Fernand's DNA shows that he is genetically human, but most of his X-rays are rather difficult to make out due to the sheer density of his muscle tissue. Despite his massive appearance, Fernand generally acts friendly with Foundation personnel, and enjoys singing, joking, and playing dress up. However, he's also known to randomly attack and eat people for no reason.

Fernand is genetically human; however, through some process (either chemical, hormonal, cancerous, or supernatural), Fernand has grown to giant proportions. Approximately 2.4 meters tall (around 8 ft) and weighing over 310 kg (about 700 lb), Fernand's physical characteristics are grossly disproportional. It has a slightly pointed balding head, a large rounded chin and jaw, a bulbous nose, and dark sunken eyes. Subject is both overweight and possesses a great amount of muscle mass. Forearms are muscular and dangerous, with a circumference of about 71 cm (about 28 in). The breadth of the subject's fist is nearly 30 cm along the knuckles (almost 12 in). Though feet are large, they are small in proportion to subject's body (men's size 14 US). Subject's skin is tanned dark and overall physical appearance is compounded by numerous scars (the results of years of attempts at suppression and containment). Most X-rays have been difficult to interpret because of the high density of its muscle tissue, but scans have revealed countless bullets and even several knife and sword blades lodged in Fernand's flesh.

Fernand speaks fluent French and heavily accented English. When it speaks, it does so through enormous, clenched teeth. Fernand only parts teeth to eat food and to sing. He will sing songs of its own pleasing, ranging from forgotten Victorian Era bar songs to modern classical, typically while cooking and eating. Fernand does not comb the hair on the sides of its head, but does cut it, and shaves with a large butcher knife originally provided for food preparation. It should be noted that even facial hair is exaggerated, a single strand being as thick as a millimeter (similar in thickness and appearance to graphite of a mechanical pencil). Occasionally, Fernand will clench its teeth so hard that the gums bleed, but it is not known why.

Horror Master place Fernand in charge of the castle and got him to control himself so that he doesn't go around eating people. Fernand on his part sees himself as a lord serving under the rule of a more powerful lord. She treats him very well and he gets to lord around his new castle as he pleases, with robot servants from the Fallout world serving his every need.

Currently he's having a feast with the table having dozens of courses with some of his fellow minions, who share his taste in fine dining. There are the Madaraki sisters, Fran, Veronica and Gavrill, a trio of Frankenstein like young women. Fran is the one who operated on him, pulling out the bullets, blades, and a paperclip that were in his body. Her sisters help in defending the tower.

The Hag, who was a young woman who offered her mastery of alchemy and medicine to a lord. However, the woman was prone to experimenting on herself, and said experiments twisted her into a cannibalistic monster. Disgusted, the lord exiled her into a swamp, where she continues her experiments. Now in this world she's back to her normal self before she transformed herself into a monster.

Death, a huge skull-faced mutant dressed as a security guard and armed with a club. He's works as one of the guards of the tower, working with Gavrill and Veronica who orders him around.

Marta, a very tall, lanky middle-aged woman with light blue eyes, a gaunt inflection, pasty skin, black stringy hair, and black robes draped on her like rags and is barefoot. She wields a crudely made pickaxe shaped like a crucifix with a spiked pommel with a rosary wrapped around it and a glowing, fiery orange incense burner at the top of the weapon. Despite being inhumanly lanky, she is very strong and stands over 7 feet tall.

Laird Byron a deformed midget who after some work by the doctors, now has robot legs to replace his old ones that had to be cut off. With his friend Nick Tremblay who is a giant at over 7 feet. Both of them were sick from sexually transmitted diseases till, they were cured by Horror Master. They came from the same world as Marta and are devoted to Horror Master, seeing how the cult they were apart of never had anything that could be called a miracle happen. Which turned out that they were all apart of an experiment by a company.

Three of the four Skeksis, skekTek the Scientist, skekVar The General, and skekLach the Collector join the feast. The last skekMal the Hunter has left to hunt down the capes with a prince on their heads, seeing them as a worthy prey for him. He stayed only long enough to learn about this world and to learn to use the advance technology and weapons. He left with several other hunters to hunt down the members of Slaughterhouse 9.

Da Ji a famous Fox Demoness and Enchantress from Chinese legends. Himiko the Shaman Queen and the first legendary Empress of Japan. Tamamo the legendary Japanese monster who was sealed away in a rock due to her crimes. All three came from a world where warriors from both Japan and China are brought to a world where a demon lord name Orochi rules.

Trixie Lulumoon the great and powerful, a stage magician who uses real magic in her shows. She is the tower's court magician which Fernand enjoys her shows. She can switch from being a blue pony to a blue skin human woman, like the other Equestrians.

And the guest of honor, Dr. Hannibal Lecter from the film series. He's kept around like some other horror villains, to be the ones to handle people that Horror Master wants to make an example of.

"Looks like the others are late," Fernand said to his guests. There are several empty chairs at the table.

"Oh who are the other guests?" Fran ask.

"I invited Goliath and his family," Fernand said.

"He's too busy dealing with Demona and Elisa fighting. Ever since Sunset went and transform Elisa into the winged demon form, she and Demona have been fighting with each other," Gavrill said eating some an entire roast.

The gargoyles use to turn to stone during the day till Horror Master fix it so that they don't turn to stone anymore. They can still turn to stone to heal themselves or sleep but they can choose when they do. They gargoyles are very loyal to Horror Master after she brought back all the dead gargoyles back to life and got rid of their weaknesses, they're now strong enough to fly instead of just gliding on the wind.

"The females are just entering into heat and Demona is just fighting over Goliath," Thailog said entering the room. He's a clone of Goliath which he and his clone clan have been cured of their stone sleep.

"The female gargoyles have breeding seasons?" skekTek asked interested.

"They do, even having a rookery made for them to store their eggs," Thailog said taking a seat at the table.

"Gargoyles are like monotremes, laying eggs but the females also breast feed the young," Fernand said.

"And they only do it every 20 years and it takes 10 years for the egg to hatch," Fran spoke up.

"Really? No wonder gargoyles of that world are rare," Tamamo said. (3)

"Remind me of the Earad, they only bred once in their life but they lay thousands of eggs before they die," skekVar said.

"There are also the Yueawee taking over 50 years before the the young is ready, but they're plants," skekLach adds.

"If Trixie remembers right that's how dragons in Equestria also breed. But most dragons do lay more than one egg," Trixie said.

"But then again many of us are from works of fictions, or maybe come from worlds that are fiction here. It's all confusing to me," Laird said.

"Best not think about it," Lecter said.

"By the way how are the Garthim project going? They would make fine guards," Fernand ask skekTek.

"I managed to create a new type of Garthims using mirelurks. Horror Master wants to use them and other animals like them to live in the moat around the castle," skekTek said.

"So the dry moat will become home to a bunch of crabs?" The Hag asked.

"Horror Master is still deciding," skekTek said.


Elsewhere -

Walking above the pens that held the non-sapient creatures that weren't desummon by Horror Master. She wants minions who can control themselves and not just go on a rampage, or for the non-sapient ones be controllable. Doctor Borous of the Think Tank of the Animology, Beastology and DNA-Scrambling Technology department, using his new Synth body he designed himself. Which he rather likes having a human shape body again, which if it's destroyed he can just make a new one as his brain is safe as he's controlling this body remotely.

Horror Master is planning on turning the dry moat around Castle Chaythe into an animal pit to keep people from trying to sneak into the castle. She doesn't want the animals to be able to escape and wreck havoc but stay in the moat. Borous came up with the idea to turn it into a swamp so that only creatures that need to keep wet can survive and stay in the moat.

Which the pens have animals that are prefect for that swampy environment.

Mutated crustaceans from the world of Metro called Shrimps. They are often found in or near bodies of water. Female shrimps look like regular non-mutated shrimp, except with no eyes and a giant sucker mouth, while male shrimp look a lot like plate-armored creatures with toothed mouths.

From the world of Fallout, the mutated, giant, and ravenous salamanders, Gulpers lurk around marshes and in trees waiting for potential prey. Using their giant maws, they'll swallow almost anything whole without regard for what's edible and what's not. Gulpers grow larger and stronger with age, with the eldest ones being far more deadly than the much more common young gulpers.

Fog Crawler, the giant mutated shrimp who lurk the foggy shores of Far Harbor, fog crawlers are irritable and highly territorial predators who respond to anything in their path with an unrelenting charge and claw swipes that can rip men apart, using their tough shells to shrug off gunfire and barrel right over their targets.

Angler, they have developed humanoid bodies in addition to their much larger sizes, with long arms and bowed legs, but otherwise retain the scales, fins and heads of their fully piscine ancestors.

Rather than being a single type of creatures, the Mirelurks are a complex of multiple mutated animal species chiefly horseshoe crabs, Atlantic blue crabs, lobsters and snapping turtles, living in a complex symbiotic lifestyle.

Crab - Their most noticeable feature is the large, chitinous shell that provides excellent resistance to firearms, melee weapons, and even ray guns. Soft body parts, such as their faces and sections of their abdomen, are much less resistant.

Horseshoe crabs - Are more humanoid in shape, with usually having clawed arms and two pairs of legs, some do have two pairs of small, segmented appendages growing out of their chest.

Lobster - This type of mirelurk has mutated from the local lobster population. They are significantly more resilient than regular mirelurks and gain the ability to spit acid at its enemies, as well as more powerful attacks.

Queen - The mirelurk queen is a rarely seen mirelurk variant, considerably larger and more dangerous than her offspring.

Then there are the non-arthropods mirelurks that have a symbiotic relationship with the arthropod ones.

Frog - Mirelurk kings do not resemble the crab-like mirelurks, instead appearing to be heavily mutated frogs based on sounds they make and the webbing between their fingers and toes. They also uniquely possess both gills and lungs that were developed independently, allowing kings to survive on both land or water easily.

Turtle - The reptilian mirelurk kings, standing upright on two feet, they are the most human-like of the mirelurks. They have a symbiotic relationship with the other mirelurk types and commonly employ ranged attacks. The mirelurk king lacks the characteristic shell of other mirelurk variants but makes up for it with their thick, leathery skin, powerful arms and legs, and the ability to shriek at their attackers.

From the world of Resident Evil, the most distinct of the Hunter series, Hunter Gamma was developed as a result of Umbrella's renewed interest in amphibian B.O.W.s after finding notes on the Lurker from Dr. Marcus' stolen research. Due to their design flaws, such as weakness to heat and inability to survive for long outside of aquatic environments, they were deemed useless and set for termination. There are two pens one containing the frog like hunters and the other the salamander type.

An experiment in creating amphibious B.O.Ws by applying the T-Virus to salamanders. Albinoids possess the ability to disperse deadly electrical voltage and are sizable, growing to a size of approximately 7 feet long in a mere 10 hours.

Del Lago a massive Plaga-infected amphibian monster.

From his vantage point Borous, he could see Salvatore Moreau in the frog mirelurk pen. He is now able to control his transformation, but he's now more like a toad. He's able to leap around and stick to walls, spit out gunk that eats away at objects. He's able to control the mirelurks thanks to both magic and pheromones, so that the swamp creatures can be controlled.

In the turtle mirelurk pen are the Gillman the classic monster from the Black Lagoon, Rikuo a merman with his wife Aqueria and their son Ricky. The turtle mirelurks are the smartest of the mirelurks and are as intelligent as monkeys and apes. They're being trained to be the leaders of the other creatures.

"So how are things going?" ask Abe Sapien the fishman who comes from the world of Hellboy walking up to the good doctor.

"Going good, the turtles are learning to control the other swamp creatures. They listen and follow the commands of Gillman and the others quite well. Once Horror Master signs off on this project, we can start flooding the valley and make it into a swamp," Borous said.

"What about the mosquitoes?" Abe Sapien asked.

"Mosquitofish, we just put lots of them in with other fishes and other aquatic wildlife that eat them," Borous said. "Where is Horror Master anyways?" (4)

"She's been hold up in her room talking with Bill and others. She's still planning on what to do next," Abe Sapien said.

"The government have been making a fuss over the fact she can summon things that can kill endbringers," Borous said.

"Which is why she's planning on what to do next," Abe Sapien said.


Author's Notes -

1 - Gargamel is the villain but the Smurfs in some episodes of the cartoon are the ones who sets him off to go villain on them.

2 - I'm going with the reason why Adam in Bioshock deformed and drove people insane was because of profit over making sure it's safe first mindset. There is a reason why drugs and medicine have to pass many tests before they're put out into the market in real life.

3 - The race that breeds slow and have only one offspring at a time, really doesn't make sense. Animals in real life who only breed once usually have lots of offsprings so that some will survive like salmon laying hundreds of eggs at once before they die.

4 - The western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis is a North American freshwater fish, also known commonly, if ambiguously, as simply mosquitofish or by its generic name, Gambusia, or by the common name gambezi. Its sister species, the eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki is also referred to by these names. Good in controlling mosquitos in man made ponds.

Wow this is a great story watched. Thanks for the chapters.

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