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How did you find QQ?

First encounter of the glorious name of Questionable Questing?

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The stern gaze of justice.
Feb 12, 2013
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I'm curious to see where all our users came here from, hence this thread and its handy poll.

Where did you first hear about QQ? If it was Other, would you mind saying where?

Furthermore, if you feel up to making a post, what actually brought you here? Was it a quest or a story? Which one was it?
Heard about it on spacebattles like 3, 4 years ago read through some of the sfw quests, but I only made an account after I joined SV last year.

Edit. Besides not really being into social media back then the staff would have banned me for being too young if I joined when I first heard of qq.
It was the time SB was dying and someone had the idea of a Hagrid in the Foreign Legion Quest. It was decided to host it here and after I read some talk about some interesting NSFW Quests I decided to register here.
I found Squirrel's Proto QQ via an Old TFF thread. Then I was asked by tehelgee over Steam if I'd be willing to do some Logo's and Favicons for this QQ. That's basically it.
I found QQ when the Research and Development Board Quest on SB/SV got a mirror here too. Curious on what happens in the NSFW section, I signed up and I didn't regret it.
Heard about it on SB at numerous points and took a look a couple of times.

Then joined with a friend so we could talk while she was taking a break from SB.
The first time I heard about it, I think, was in CrossyCross' Price of Power quest, which was a little too much for either SB or SV's mods' tastes. Though I made an account then, I didn't actually come here until some six months after that, when I realized Chibi-Reaper hadn't, in fact, dropped off the face of the earth when he left SB.

At least, that's how I recall it. The dates don't line up quite right - I joined November 2013, and PoP was started December 2013, so I'm not sure how true that is. Maybe it has something to do with Chibi's original Mon of the Dead quest, I vaguely recall something about that.

Mu-Sensei had a quest on fanfiction.net about an alcoholic Shirou.

I googled him and found here.
Mu wrote one, too? Awesome! Can I get a link?
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Aww. Now I'm sad; most of what I write, I do in the hopes that someone better at writing than me (and with a better attention span) will pick up. Mu's a good writer, so I hoped he'd given it a shot himself.
Googling a Queen Beryl quest after having heard mumbles of QQ over SV. I found on in the Interest Check threads, stuck around.
I followed Amelia over, and while that ended up disappointing, QQ has not.
I'm not that old as a writer. I had a help desk job that required me to stay in one place a lot of time, and many operations were the point, click and let the slowly filling bar do its job. So, fanfiction helped me fill the time. At one point or another I found The Hill of Swords, and In Flight (pity the latter ended up poorly), and discovered the Nasuverse (yes, in that order, I read HoS before watching Fate!) Then I found The Mechanics of In Flight Forum, and someone pointed me here...

I came here, I think, to play on Alexander's Harem King. Then I wanted to post H-Ero somewhere, and I think it was either Touhou Ranfuku or Heaven's Canceller? Reminded me I had a QQ account. I barely frequent other forums nowadays.

Oh, wait. It was your quest.

I'd feel like an idiot, but it was years ago.

Still, I know it was mu I followed onto the sight. The drunk quest must have just happened around the same time, and blurred in my memory.

Hahaha! Nope. It was around the same time. IIRC, my earliest piece here was H-Ero.

Aww. Now I'm sad; most of what I write, I do in the hopes that someone better at writing than me (and with a better attention span) will pick up. Mu's a good writer, so I hoped he'd given it a shot himself.

I wish I could, but I have never drunk enough alcohol to get a hangover, much less getting drunk. I think the most I've ever drunk was around 400ml of 11% wine.
Heard about it back in 2013 (possibly before the Squishy Incident? Certainly no later). Joined in 2016 after getting tempbanned from SV and threatened with a perma.
The earliest I remember hearing QQ was on TVTropes, idly browisng the fanfic recs on their SpaceBattles page, if I remember right(for all I know, it might be gone now). It mentioned a WORM Quest that tried—and failed—to work over on SpaceBattles and had to be moved towards QQ due to its risque nature. Curious as to what more QQ had to show, I went to Google, got here, glanced around (at least as much as you can glance without having an account) and decided I liked what I saw. The rest is history.

I profess to not remembering the name of the quest that inadvertently brought me here (I don't really care for WORM nor do I have any urge or care to change that), but if I ever do remember the name, I'll have to thank the author for laying the foundation that brought me here.
I think it was Ack getting smacked over Hope Comes to Brockton Bay. I had heard of QQ before, but Questing generally isn't my thing so I had ignored it. When he mentioned he was going to host alternate chapters there, I got curious and checked it out. I've not regretted it, though the fact that QQ often becomes the lair of people booted from SB/SV is rather grating.
I heard about it when reading some PMMM quest over on SV. Came over and made an account when one of the quests I was reading got a warning for being "creepy" for stuff I didn't find to be creepy at all. Find the community to be much better over here as well.
I heard of QQ sometime after Chibi-Reaper Ranma and Oni quest got kicked off SB.

It took me a while to come over, something like a year, and I don't remember the exact trigger.
Heard about it somewhere on SB a couple months ago spent about a hour looking through what I could without an account and decided to join.

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